Simulations with NUMA


This is a simulation of NUMA run in mesoscale (limited-area model) mode. The domain is a three-dimensional box with no-flux boundary conditions at the top and bottom and periodic boundary conditions on all four lateral faces.


Mesoscale Mode: 2D Inertia-Gravity Wave

This is a simulation of NUMA run in mesoscale mode. The domain is a three-dimensional box with solid walls everywhere. This test case is similar to the Robert Rising Thermal Bubble except that in our case the bubble is three-dimensional. This figure shows iso-contours of the boundary of the bubble

Mesoscale Mode: 3D Rising Thermal Bubble

This is a simulation of NUMA run in global (using the entire planet with reduced radius) mode. The domain is a three-dimensional sphere (spherical domain with a model top at 1 kilometer).

Global Mode: Rising Thermal Bubble

This is a simulation of NUMA run in global (using the entire planet) mode. The domain is a three-dimensional sphere (spherical domain with a model top at 20 kilometers).

Global Mode: Propagation of an Acoustic Wave around the Globe

Global Mode: Rossby-Haurwitz Wave Number 4

This is a simulation of NUMA run in global (using the entire planet) mode. The domain is a three-dimensional sphere (spherical domain with a model top at 32 kilometers) The panels are: surface pressure (left), zonal velocity (center), and meridional velocity (right). The simulation is run at H36 (N=6th order polynomials) and L18 for 5 days with output every 6 hours.

This is a simulation of NUMA run in mesoscale mode in 2D with a the following domain size: 240 km in the horizontal and 24 km in the vertical. The panel shows the condensation (cloud formation, shaded contour) and precipitation (rain, color line contour) caused by a warm thermal bubble rising.  The simulation is run for 6 hours using 8th order polynomials. 

Mesoscale Mode: Rising Moist Thermal Bubble

Mesoscale Mode: Density Current (Initial Condition is an Elliptical Cylinder)

This is a simulation of NUMA run in mesoscale mode in 3D with a the following domain size: 25.6x25.6 km in the horizontal and 6.4 km in the vertical. The panel shows the potential temperature with an initial minimum of -15 Celsius. The simulation is run for 1000 seconds with output every 20 seconds at a coarse resolution of 16x16x4 elements each with  8th order polynomials. 

Mesoscale Mode: Density Current (Initial Condition is an Ellipsoid)

This is a simulation of NUMA run in mesoscale mode in 3D with a the following domain size: 25.6x25.6 km in the horizontal and 6.4 km in the vertical. The panel shows the potential temperature with an initial minimum of -15 Celsius. The simulation is run for 1000 seconds with output every 20 seconds at a coarse resolution of 16x16x4 elements each with  8th order polynomials. 

Side View

Front View