Welcome to the Course (video time: 6 minutes)
Every lesson in this course has the same structure, including this one.
All lessons begin with a short introductory video. Each exercise is followed by a video.
We’ll use a rough estimate that completing each lesson will take 3x as much video time as it contains, not including time spent on the closing assignment. The total video time is noted next to the title at the beginning of the lesson. Each video contains a caption with its runtime.
I hope you’re motivated, because we have a lot of interesting material to learn.
Software Tools
We’re going to use a lot of software tools in this course, but no new ones in this welcome lesson.
Getting Started
We’ll only need a web browser for this lesson (not Internet Explorer, never Internet Explorer).
Please follow any instructions provided to ensure your work meets all requirements and expectations.
Do not skip straight to videos, without working though exercises yourself beforehand, as this will significantly reduce your opportunity to learn and your ability to absorb the material. If you don’t first put effort into attempting to execute each exercise yourself, it’s unlikely you’d be in nearly as strong a position to retain the information. Plus you’d be missing out on the satisfaction that comes from solving problems or just making progress independently.
Carefully read the syllabus.
MN3441 Technology for Managerial Data Analysis