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Welcome to this module on the National Security Strategy of the US. The goal of this module is to further NATO’s Education for Reform agenda, particularly the Partnership Action Plan on Defense Institution Building, and support the mission of the PfP Information Management System to strengthen security cooperation and interoperability among Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC) countries. The development of national security strategies by EAPC governments is a challenging and important part of good governance. As such, the processes used by the U.S. are of interest to all involved in defense reform and transformation.
This module introduces you to the fundamentals of the US national security strategy, and the process for its formulation. You are asked to compare key aspects of U.S national security strategy with their counterparts in another country to give you a broader context for understanding the role of security strategy within defense policy-making in democratic governments.
I have attempted to provide an objective view of the topic, and to make the information interesting, current and relevant. Feedback from any and all participants is welcome, to improve this course and keep it accurate. I can be contacted at rdoyle@nps.edu (831-656-3302).
Thank you,
Professor Richard Doyle
Naval Postgraduate School