
Use the links below for additional background and information.


The Hub
The Hub provides web-based "situation awareness sharing" among volunteers, first responders, government and non-government individuals who may otherwise be unable to collaborate. The Hub uses the same technology powering Wikipedia and has useful links and resources.

General Reference:

List of acronyms taken from the After Action Report and Lessons Learned by the NPS Hurricane Katrina Team.

Annotated Bibliography (Word Doc.)
Credits and references.

Solar Electric Glossary (html)
Web formatted, A-Z list of terms and definitions related to solar electric power and technologies.


DoD Directive 3000.05 (PDF, 108KB)
Subject: Military Support for Stability, Security, Transition, and Reconstruction (SSTR) Operations. November 28, 2005.

Federal Response to Hurricane Katrina, Lessons Learned (PDF, 2.8MB)
Federal Report. February, 2006.

House Select Katrina Report (PDF, 6MB)
A Failure of Initiative: Final Report of the Select Bipartisan Committee to investigate the Preparation for and Response to Hurricane Katrina. U.S. House of Representatives. 2006.

NORTHCOM Disaster Relief Comms Report (Word Doc, 1.8MB)
"Final Report on Utility of Commercial Wireless Study: A Technology Roadmap for Disaster Response" by Arron Budgor and Ozzie Diaz. November, 2006.

NPS Katrina AAR/LL (PDF, 5.4MB)
HFNs for complex humanitarian disasters: After action report and lessons learned from the Naval Postgraduate School's response to hurricane Katrina.

Strong Angel III Executive Committee report (PDF, 1.2MB)
Strong Angel III was an international disaster response demonstration held in San Diego, California from 21-26 August 2006. During the demonstration week there were roughly 800 participants from more than 200 organizations working in an abandoned building on a set of Objectives within a simple Scenario. This report explains the design of the event, our shared perceptions of the results, and our view of the way ahead.


Decision Making in Very Large Networks (PDF, 100KB)
"Decision Making in Very Large Networks: Centralized decision making does not work in large federated networks, of which the Internet itself is an example." by Peter J. Denning. July, 2006.

Disaster Lessons (PDF, 588K)
"Lessons we don't learn: A study of the lessons of disasters, why we repeat them, and how we can learn them." by Amy K. Donahue and Robert V. Tuohy. July, 2006

Hastily Formed Networks (PDF, 224KB)
"Hastily Formed Networks" by Peter J. Denning. April, 2006.

ICT Primer (PDF, 1MB)
"An ICT primer. Information and communication technologies for civil-military coordination in disaster relief and stabilization and reconstruction." by Larry Wentz. June, 2006.

Infoglut (PDF, 92KB)
"Infoglut: Overload of cheap information threatens our ability to function in networks; value-recognizing architectures promise significant help." by Peter J. Denning. July, 2006.