OR Faculty

Curriculum Vitae
Theses Advised

Office: Glasgow-West 3008

1411 Cunningham Road, Glasgow-West, Rm 3008 Monterey, CA  93943
(831) 656-1005 (office) djmackin@nps.edu


Articles in Refereed Proceedings

  • "Big Data and Deep Learning for Understanding DoD Data," accepted by CrossTalk, the Journal of Defense Software Engineering, Special Issue "Data Mining and Metrics," with Zhao, Y. and Gallup, S, (August, 2015), http://www.crosstalkonline.org/issues/julyaugust-2015.html.
  • "Lexical Link Analysis Application: Improving Web Service to Acquisition Visibility Portal, Phase II" Zhao, Y., Gallup, S.P., and MacKinnon, D.J., published proceedings for the 11th Annual Acquisition Research Symposium for Acquisition Management, Monterey, California, May 2014.
  • (submitted for review) "Lexical Link Analysis and System Self-awareness: Theory and Practice," Zhao, Y., Gallup, S.P., MacKinnon, D. J. & Zhou, C. ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS), Volume x, Issue x, 2013.
  • "Improving DoD Energy Efficiency: Combining MMOWGLI Social Media Brainstorming with Lexical Link Analysis to Strengthen the Acquisition Process," Zhao, Y., Brutzman, D, and MacKinnon, D.J., 10th Annual Acquisition Research Symposium, Monterey, California, 15-16 May, 2013.
  • "Lexical Link Analysis Application: Improving Web Service to Acquisition Visibility Portal," Zhao, Y., Gallup, S.P., and MacKinnon, D.J., published proceedings for the 10th Annual Acquisition Research Symposium for Acquisition Management, Monterey, California, Apr 2013.
  • "Semantic and Social Networks Comparison for the Haiti Earthquake Relief Operations from APAN Data Sources Using Lexical Link Analysis (LLA)'" Zhao, Y., Gallup, S.P., and MacKinnon, D.J., In Proceedings of the 17th ICCRTS, International Command and Control, Research and Technology Symposium (ICCRTS),  George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, 20 June  2012.
  •  "Applications of Lexical Link Analysis Web Service for Large-scale Automation, Validation, Discovery, Visualization and Real-time Program-awareness," with Zhao, Y. at 9th Annual Acquisition Research Symposium, Monterey, California, 16-17 May, 2012.
  • "System Self-awareness and Related Methods for Improving the Use and Understanding of Data within DoD,"Zhao, Y., MacKinnon, D.J, and Gallup, S.P., American Society for Data Quality (ASQ), Volume 13, Issue 4, pp 19-31, Sep 2011.
  • "Lexical Link Analysis for the Haiti Earthquake Relief Operation Using Open Data Source," Zhao, Y., Gallup, S.P., and MacKinnon, D.J., In Proceedings of the 6th ICCRTS, International Command and Control, Research and Technology Symposium (ICCRTS), Québec City, Canada, 21 June  2011.
  • "A Web Service Implementation for Large-scale Automation, Visualization, and Real-time Program-Awareness," Zhao, Y., Gallup, S. P., MacKinnon, D. J., 8th Annual Acquisition Research Symposium, Monterey, California, May 11-12, 2011.
  • “Facilitating Decision Making, Re-use and Collaboration: A Knowledge Management Approach for System Self-Awareness” Gallup, S. P., MacKinnon, D. J., Zhao, Y. Robey, J. Odell, C., International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering, and Knowledge Management (IC3K), Madeira Portugal, 6-8 October, 2009.
  • Gallup, S. P., MacKinnon, D. J., Zhao, Y. Robey, J. Odell, C. Facilitating Decision Making, Re-use and Collaboration: A Knowledge Management Approach for System Self-Awareness. International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering, and Knowledge Management (IC3K), Madeira Portugal, 6-8 October, 2009.
  • Freeman, J., Gallup, S.P., and MacKinnon, D.J. (2009), “Human Interoperability: Initial Theory and Research,” Proceedings of the Human Behavior-Computational Intelligence Modeling Conference, Oak Ridge, TN, 23-24 June 2009.
  • Hutchins, S., MacKinnon, D., Freeman, J., Gallup, S.  (2009), “Maritime Domain Awareness: Assessment of Current Status,” 14th International Command and Control Research & Technology Symposium (ICCRTS), June 2009.
  • Hutchins, S. G., Gallup, S. P., MacKinnon, D., Miller, S., Freeman, J., Grande, D., Dunaway, D., and Poeltler, B.  (2008), “Enhancing Maritime Domain Awareness,” 13th International Command and Control Research & Technology Symposium (ICCRTS).  Bellevue, Washington, (17-19 June 2008).
  • Hutchins, S, Gallup, S., MacKinnon, D., Miller, S., and Freeman, F., “Maritime Domain Awareness: Process Reengineering,” 76th MORS Symposium, June 2008.
  • “Hypothesis Testing of Edge Organizations: Empirically Calibrating an Organizational Model for Experimentation,” with Levitt, R. E., Ramsey, M., and Nissen, M. E., 12th ICCRTS conference proceedings, Newport, RI (2007).
  • “A Semantic Data Model for Simulating Information Flow in Edge Organizations,“ with Ramsey, M. and Levitt, R., 11th ICCRTS conference proceedings, London, U.K. (September, 2006). 
  • “Modeling Skill Growth and Decay in Edge Organizations:  Near-Optimizing Knowledge & Power Flows (Phase Two),” CCRTS conference proceedings, San Diego, CA (June 2006).
  • “Knowledge as Inventory: Near-Optimizing Knowledge and Power Flows in Edge Organizations (Phase One),” ICCRTS conference proceedings, McLean, VA (2005).

Published Theses

  • “How Individual Skill Growth and Decay Affect the Performance of Project Organizations,” Ph.D. dissertation for Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University (2007).
  • “Modeling Skill Growth and Decay in Edge Organizations: Near-Optimizing Knowledge & Power Flows,” Engineer dissertation for Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University (2006).
  • “A Communication Link Software Model for Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center” M.S. thesis for Information Technology Management, Naval Postgraduate School (2000).
  • “Predicting P.A.L.T. (Procurement Administrative Lead Time) for Contracts from China Lake, CA,” M.S. thesis for Operations Research, Naval Postgraduate School (1992).

Works in Progress

  • “How Individual Skill Growth and Decay Affects the Performance of Project Organizations (Phase I),” with Ramscar, M., doctoral dissertation journal article to be submitted to Organizational Science (TBD).
  • “How Individual Skill Growth and Decay Affect the Performance of Project Organizations (Phase II),” with Levitt, R., doctoral dissertation journal article to be submitted to Computational & Mathematical Organizational Theory (TBD).

Technical Reports

  • "Lexical Link Analysis Application: Improving Web Service to Acquisition Visibility Portal," submitted Technical Report, Zhao, Y., Gallup, S., MacKinnon, D, Final Report,  September 30, 2013
  • "Combining MMOWGLI Social Media Brainstorming with Lexical Link Analysis (LLA) to Strengthen the DoD Acquisition Process," Zhao, Y., Brutzman, D., MacKinnon, D, Final Report,  September 30, 2013
  • "Applications of Lexical Link Analysis Web Service for Large-Scale Automation, Validation, Discovery, Visualization and Real-time Program-awareness," Zhao, Y., Gallup, S., MacKinnon, D, Final Report,  September 30, 2012
  • "A Web Service Implementation for Large-scale Automation, Visualization and Real-time Program-awareness via Lexical Link Analysis," Zhao, Y., Gallup, S.P. & MacKinnon, D.J.,  Acquisition Research Sponsored Report Series as supported by the Acquisition Chair of the Graduate School of Business & Public Policy, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, Sep 2011.
  • "Towards Real-time program awareness via lexical link analysis," Zhao, Y., Gallup, S.P. & MacKinnon, D.J., Acquisition Research Sponsored Report Series, NPS-AM-10-174, Naval Postgraduate School. Monterey, CA, 2011, Sep 2011.
  •  "Matching Navy Recruiting Needs Using Social Networking and Lexical Link Analysis (LLA)," Zhao, Y., MacKinnon, D. J., and Gallup, S. P., Research report to MPTE, September, 2010.
  •  "PACOM JIOC – Business Process Model," with Schacher, S., and Kimmel, R., prepared for Joint Staff, J262, Pentagon, Washington DC, Naval Postgraduate School, Technical Report, NPS-IS-10-001, Monterey, CA, (December 2009).
  • "TPED Management Findings and Lessons Learned in EMPIRE CHALLENGE 2009," with Hutchins, S., MacKinnon, D., and Roeting, W., prepared for U.S. Joint Forces Command (J28), Pentagon Washington, D.C., Naval Postgraduate School, Technical Report, NPS-IS-09-001, Monterey, CA, (September 2009).
  • Maritime Domain Awareness FY08 Assessment Report,” with Hutchins, S., Schacher, G., and Freeman, J., Naval Postgraduate School, Technical Report, NPS-IS-08-004, Monterey, CA (October 2008). also http://handle.dtic.mil/100.2/ADA491952
  • Maritime Domain Awareness Risk Reduction Limited Objective Experiment,” with Schacher, G., Hutchins, S., Gallup, S., and Rousseau, D., Naval Postgraduate School, Technical Report, NPS-IS-08-003, Monterey, CA (July 2008). also at http://handle.dtic.mil/100.2/ADA490002
  • Maritime Domain Awareness Workflow Model Status Report,” with Freeman, J., Gallup, S.P., and Hutchins, S., Naval Postgraduate School Technical Report, NPS-IS-08-002, Monterey, CA (March 2008)
  • Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) Process Engineering Workshop (PEW),” with Freeman, J., and Heacox, N., Naval Postgraduate School Technical Report, NPS-IS-08-007, Monterey, CA (January 2008).


Conference Presentations (with proceedings)

  • "Lexical Link Analysis (LLA) and System Self-awareness (SSA): Theory and Practice," with Zhao, Y, MacKinnon, D.J., and Gallup, S., Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD) Conference 2014, New York, New York, Aug 2014
  • "Leveraging Lexical Link Analysis (LLA): Discovering New Knowledge Using Open Source Social Media Data," with Zhao, Y, MacKinnon, D.J., and Gallup, S., Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD) Conference 2014, New York, New York, Aug 2014
  • "Semantic and Social Networks Comparison for the Haiti Earthquake Relief Operations from APAN Data Sources using Lexical Link Analysis (LLA)," Zhao, Y, MacKinnon, D.J., and Gallup, S., presented at the 17th ICCRTS conference, Fairfax VA, June 2012.
  • "Applications of Lexical Link Analysis Web Service for Large-scale Automation, Validation, Discovery, Visualization and Real-time Program-awareness," with Zhao, Y. at 9th Annual Acquisition Research Symposium, Monterey, California, 16-17 May, 2012.
  • "Lexical Analysis of the Haiti Earthquake Relief Operation Using Open Data Sources," Zhao, Y., MacKinnon, D.J., and Gallup, S.P., 16th International Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium (ICCRTS), Quebec City, Canada, 21-23 June, 2011.
  • "A Web Service Implementation for Large-Scale Automation, Visualization and Real-time Program Awareness via Lexical Link Analysis, Zhao, Y., Gallup, S.P., and MacKinnon, D.J., invited presentation and panel for the 8th Annual Acquisition Research Symposium, Monterey, California, 11-12 May, 2011.
  • "Lexical Link Analysis for Navy Recruiting," Zhao, Y. and MacKinnon, D.J., invited presentation at the Navy Workforce Conference, Arlington, VA, 11-13 May 2011.
  • "Issues and Opportunities for Improving the Quality and Use of Data within DoD," Zhao, Y., Gallup, S.P. and MacKinnon, D.J., invited presentation at the Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute, Arlington, VA, 27 October 2010.
  • "Program-Awareness via Lexical Link Analysis (LLA),"  Zhao, Y., Gallup, S.P. and MacKinnon, D.J., given at the 7th Annual Acquisition Research Symposium, Monterey, CA, May 13, 2010.
  • "Towards Real-time MDA System-awareness via Lexical Link Analysis (LLA): Learning Agent Technology for Visualization of Unstructured Data," invited presentation given to MDSRP participants at the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, 20 January 2010.
  • Facilitating Decision Making, Re-use and Collaboration: A Knowledge Management Approach for System Self-Awareness,” Gallup, S. P., MacKinnon, D. J., Zhao, Y. Robey, J. Odell, C., International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering, and Knowledge Management (IC3K), Madeira Portugal, 6-8 October, 2009.
  • “The Collaborative Learning Agent (CLA) in Trident Warrior 08 Exercise,” poster session, authors include: Zhou, C., Zhao, Y, and Kotak, C., International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering, and Knowledge Management (IC3K), Madeira Portugal, 6-8 October, 2009.
  • “Maritime Domain Awareness: Process Reengineering,” with Hutchins, S. G., Gallup, S. P., Schacher, G., Miller, S., Freeman, J., Dunaway, D., and Poeltler, B., presented at the Military Operations Research Society (MORS) Symposium, US Coast Guard Academy, New London, CT (June 2008).
  • “Hypothesis Testing of Edge Organizations: Empirically Calibrating an Organizational Model for Experimentation,” (with Levitt, R. E., Ramsey, M., and Nissen, M. E.), presented at 12th ICCRTS conference, Newport, RI (June 2007).
  • “Modeling Skill Growth and Decay in Edge Organizations:  Near-Optimizing Knowledge & Power Flows (Phase Two),” (with Levitt, R. E. and Nissen, M. E.) presented at 11th ICCRTS conference, San Diego, CA (June 2006).
  • “Knowledge as Inventory: Near-Optimizing Knowledge and Power Flows in Edge Organizations,” (with Levitt, R.E and Nissen, M. E), presented at 10th International Command and Control Research and technology Symposium (ICCRTS), McLean, VA (June 2005), (Awarded: Best Student Paper).

Conference Presentations (without proceedings)

  • "Matching Navy Recruiting Needs with Social Network Profiles Using Lexical Link Analysis (LLA)," MacKinnon, D., Zhao, Y. & Gallup, S. P., presentation to 2011 Navy Workforce Research and Analysis Conference, Washington, DC, 11 May 2011.
  • "Integrated Demonstration System Self-awareness and Lexical Link Analysis (LLA)," Zhao, Y., Gallup, S.P. and MacKinnon, D.J., given at the Office of Naval Research (ONR) Science and Technology Symposium in Crystal City, VA, 10 November 2010.
  • "FY10/11 Plan: Matching Navy Recruiting Needs with Social Network Profiles Using Lexical Link Analysis (LLA)," invited presentation by Navy Recruiting Command, given to the Joint Marketing Research Working Group, at the Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC), Seaside, CA, 17 August 2010.
  • "Matching Navy Recruiting Needs with Social Network Profiles Using Lexical Link Analysis (LLA)," presented at the 2010 Navy Workforce Research and Analysis Conference, Rosslyn, VA, May 2010.
  • “Knowledge as Inventory: Near-Optimizing Knowledge and Power Flows in Edge Organizations,” (with Levitt, R.E and Nissen, M. E), presented at the Center for Edge Power Workshop at the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA (August 2006). 
  • “Near optimizing knowledge and power flows,” (with Levitt, R.E) Presented at the Power to the Edge workshop at Stanford University, Stanford, California (2004).
  • “Modeling and simulation applications for Information Operations and Information Warfare,” (working group paper), (with Kemple, W. et al.), 67th Military Operations Research Society (MORS) symposium, Monterey, CA (1999).
  • "Smart Ship: The Ship's Perspective, USS Yorktown (CG-48)," presented to the Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV), Washington, DC, (1997).

Other Presentations

  • "DISE Research and How to be Successful at NPS," invited presentation at Naval Postgraduate School Information Science Students at the request of Dr. Tom Housel, 28 Apr 2015.
  • "Leveraging Lexical Link Analysis (LLA): Discovering New Knowledge Using Open Source Social Media," to Mr. Steve Solis, Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, Crystal City, 22 Sep 2014.
  • "Application of Lexical Link Analysis Web Service to Defense Acquisition Visibility Environment (DAVE),"  to Dr. Nancy Spruill, Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics, Pentagon, Washington DC, 9 Sep 2014.
  • "Doctoral Completion Tips and Distributed Information Systems Experimentations (DISE) Research Efforts for FY14 and FY15, invited presentation to IS PhD Seminar, 26 Aug 14.
  • "Lexical Link Analysis (LLA) in Analyst Capability Working Group (ACWG) for FY14," ACWG FY14 update for Mr. Ken Johns A2I, USAF, at Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, July 2014
  • Presented DISE (Directed Information Systems Experimentation Research Group) information at Robot in the Roses, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, 11 April 2013.
  • "Comprehensive Approach to Identifying and Sourcing NATO's Future Capability Requirements," Zhao, Y., MacKinnon, D., reported and briefed the USEUCOM study findings to RADM Messerschmidt, J7 EUCOM, 10 and 17 Oct, 2012.
  • "Lexical Link Analysis and System Self-awareness: Theory and Practice,"  Zhao, Y., MacKinnon, D., Gallup, S., poster at  the Cyber and Information Challenges 2012 Conference, Utica, NY  11 to 15 June 2012. 
  • "DISE and Trident Warrior Data Collection Opportunities," invited presentation at Naval Postgraduate School to the Scholarship for Students (SFS) Computer Science Seminar at the request of Professor Cynthia Irvine, 10 April 2012.
  • "Probability and Statistics Refresher for Doctoral Research," invited presentation at Naval Postgraduate School to Information Science PhD Students at the request of LtCol Carl Oros, 30 January 2012.
  • "DISE Research and How to be Successful at NPS," invited presentation at Naval Postgraduate School Information Science Students at the request of LCDR Dave Roberts, 4 August 2011.
  •  "DISE Partnership projects: A Way Forward Using UAV's and LLA," two invited presentations to Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab, Laurel MD, 14 October 2010 and 10 November 2010.
  • "DISE Thesis Topics," invited presentation at Naval Postgraduate School to the Thesis Seminar for Information Science (IS 3333) at the request of Professor Tom Housel, 24 August 2010.
  •  "Towards Real-time News Information Awareness via Lexical Link Analysis (LLA):
    Learning Agent Technology for Visualization of Unstructured Data," invited presentation given to CHINFO (Chief of Naval Information) at the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, 13 April 2010.
  •  "Joint Reconfigurable Vehicle (JRV): Its capabilities and Missions," invited presentation to California State University Monterey Bay (CSUMB) and the Joint Forces Command (JFCOM) Special Operations Symposium, 12 Feb 2010.
  • "DISE Research in FY10 and Thesis Opportunities," invited presentation to C4I symposium for LtCol Karl Pfeiffer at the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, 11 Feb 2010.
  • "Towards Real-time MDA System-awareness via Lexical Link Analysis (LLA):
    Learning Agent Technology for Visualization of Unstructured Data," invited presentation to the Maritime Defense and Security Research Program (MDSRP), Monterey, CA, 20 Jan 2010.
  • “DISE Research in FY10,” invited presentation to the Assistant Chief of Staff for Command and Control, Communications, Computers, and Combat Systems (C5) for Carrier Strike Group Two, CAPT Barrett, hosted by the Cebrowski Institute at the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, 7 Jan 2010.
  • “DISE Research in FY09,” invited presentation, hosted by the Chief of Naval Operations and given at Office of Naval Research and the Army/Navy Country Club in Washington D.C., in support of the NPS Centennial Celebration, 9 and 10 Sep 2009.
  •  “DISE Thesis Topics,” invited presentation at Naval Postgraduate School to the Thesis Seminar for Information Science (IS 3333) at the request of Professor Tom Housel, 20 August 2009.
  • “DISE Research: DHS Relevant Research,” invited presentation at Naval Postgraduate School to the Under Secretary for the Department of Homeland Security, with Professor Shelley Gallup, 9 April 2009.
  • DISE Capabilities and Accomplishments” given at Naval Postgraduate School in support of the Centennial Celebration, with Utschig, J, Garza, R, and McClain, B., 25 May 2009.
  • “MOC Issues: Architecture and Other Issues,” invited presentation at Naval Postgraduate School to the “Policies and Problems in C4I" JC4I Capstone Course (CC 4913) for Information Science at the request of Professor Dan Boger, 8 April 2009.
  • “DISE Thesis Topics,” invited presentation at Naval Postgraduate School to the Thesis Seminar for Information Science (IS 3333) at the request of Professor Tom Housel, 12 February 2009.
  • “How Individual Skill Growth and Decay Affect the Performance of Project Organizations: A PhD level Experience at Stanford University,” invited presented at Naval Postgraduate School Department of Information Sciences Weekly PhD Research Seminar (IS4790), 11 February 2009. 
  • “How Individual Skill Growth and Decay Affect the Performance of Project Organizations: A PhD level Experience at Stanford University,” invited presented at Stanford University to the Research Seminar at the request of Professor Ray Levitt, 06 November 2008. 
  • “MDA Research and the Way Ahead: A DISE (Distributed Information Systems Experimentation) Group Perspective,” invited presentation at Naval Postgraduate School Department of Homeland Security to RADM Nimmich, Commander, Joint Interagency Task Force (South), 28 August 2008.
  • “MDA Research and the Way Ahead: A DISE (Distributed Information Systems Experimentation) Group Perspective,” invited presentation at Naval Postgraduate School Department of Homeland Security to RADM Blore, Assistant Commandant for Acquisition (CG-9), 27 August 2008.
  • “Technical Risk Reduction Limited Objective Experiment (TRRLOE) Findings,” presented to MDA Spiral-1 and 2, Planning Conference in Booz, Allen, and Hamilton, San Diego, CA, 10 June 2008.
  • “MDA Objective Development: Using F.I.R.E. (A relational database for scientific archiving),” presented to the MDA Spiral-1 Development Review Board, SPAWAR, Charleston, VA, 05 Mar 2008.
  • “How Individual Skill Growth and Decay Affect the Performance of Project Organizations: A PhD level Experience at Stanford University,” presented at Stanford University to the Research Seminar at the request of Professor Ray Levitt, 19 February 2008. 
  •  “MDA Spiral-1: Potential Thesis Topics,” presented to the Thesis Seminar for Information Science at the request of Professor Tom Housel, Naval Postgraduate School, 15 February 2008.
  •  “MDA Spiral-1: Business Process Re-Engineering,” presented to the Information Science Seminar at the Naval Postgraduate School, 22 Jan 2008.