********************************************************************** This paper appeared in the Journal of Criminal Justice Education, Vol. 6, No. 2, Fall 1995, pp 323-336. Copyright 1995. This paper may not be republished or posted without permission of the author and JCJE. ********************************************************************** Crime and Crypto on the Information Superhighway Dorothy E. Denning Georgetown University December 13, 1994 Although the information superhighway offers many benefits to individuals and to society, it also can be exploited to further crimes such as theft and sabotage of data, embezzlement, fraud, child pornography, and defamation. Thus, a challenge in designing and using the information superhighway is to maximize its benefits while minimizing the harm associated with criminal activity. Three types of mechanisms that help meet this challenge are information security tools, ethics, and laws. One information security tool that is particularly useful against crime is encryption, the scrambling of data in such manner that it can be unscrambled only with knowledge of a secret key. Encryption can protect against espionage, sabotage, and fraud. But it is a dual edged sword in that it also can enable criminal activity and interfere with foreign intelligence operations. Thus, the role of encryption on the information superhighway poses a major dilemma. This dilemma has been the topic of considerable dialogue and debate ever since the Clinton Administration announced the Clipper Chip, a special purpose encryption chip designed to meet the needs of individuals and society both for communications security and privacy protection and for law enforcement and national security. The outcome of the debate is likely to have considerable implications for criminal justice. In order to put the debate in context, we will first describe some of the criminal activities made possible by computer networks and how cryptography fits into a range of information security tools. We will then review the encryption dilemma and Clipper controversy. Criminal Activities Eavesdropping, espionage, and theft of information. In the best selling book The Cuckoo's Egg, Cliff Stoll tells the fascinating story of how he traced a 75 cent accounting error on the Lawrence Berkeley Labs computer system to a espionage ring in Germany selling information to the KGB. The German "hackers" were after military secrets, and they had penetrated dozens of computer systems by exploiting common system vulnerabilities, including default or poorly chosen passwords, and security holes in system software. None of the systems held classified information, but the case heightened concerns about the threat of government and corporate espionage to sensitive information stored on computer systems. System break-ins are a common and serious threat. Once on a system, intruders are often able to exploit additional vulnerabilities in order to attain privileged status, with access to all files stored on the machine. They then can browse through the files or download them to their own computer, and they can modify system files to ensure future entry and to cover up their tracks. If the computer is on a local area network, they might install a "password sniffer" program that intercepts network traffic and extracts passwords. If the computer is a workstation with a built- in-microphone, they might listen in on conversations taking place in the room. Information transmitted over computer networks is also vulnerable to interception while it passes through physically unprotected connections, particularly wireless, or is routed through untrustworthy hosts. Credit card numbers and telephone calling card numbers are the target of many intrusions. In one case, up to $140 million in unauthorized long-distance calls could have resulted from the theft and sale of thousands of telephone calling card numbers by an international ring of computer hackers, who obtained the numbers from suppliers in the United States, some of whom worked for the telephone companies. Many hackers ride the information superhighway for free, stealing long distance codes and services on computers and networks. It is like using turnpikes, tunnels, or bridges without paying the toll; or riding buses, subways, trains, and airplanes without paying the fare. Cellular "bandits" use scanners to intercept the phone and serial numbers which identify cellular phones and are transmitted with each call. The numbers are used to make and sell "cloned" phones, which bear the same numbers as the legitimate phones. Cellular phone fraud costs the cellular industry an estimated $1 million per day. The problem is so serious in the New York City area that Cellular One temporarily suspended their roaming service in that area in December, 1994. Because it is so easy to copy and distribute information electronically, computer networks present a serious risk to intellectual property. Commercial software is frequently uploaded onto bulletin boards and made available for free downloading in violation of copyrights and software licensing agreements. In October, 1994, hackers broke into a University of Florida computer and set up an invisible directory with test versions of OS/2 and Windows 95. The Software Publishers Association has identified 1600 bulletin boards carrying bootleg software and estimated that $7.4 billion worth of software was lost to piracy in 1993; by some industry estimates, $2 billion of that was stolen over the Internet. Documents, music, and images are similarly distributed over computer networks. Playboy Enterprises won a suit against the owner of a bulletin board for allowing postings of copyrighted images taken from Playboy magazine on the board. In that case the images were not already on-line, but had to be scanned into a computer. Many organizations are struggling with the question of how to make their publications available electronically without suffering financial loss. In the future, as the information superhighway looks more like an electronic marketplace, "digital cash" might be vulnerable to theft. "Burglars" might be able to break into a computer and download cash, and "muggers" might be able to rob intelligent agents that have been sent out on the network with cash to purchase information goods. Sabotage of data. System penetrators often damage files and records. Recently, a colleague reported that an intruder broke into their system and trashed a partition on one of their disks. Although they eventually recovered most of the lost data from backups, the restoration did not run smoothly and the disruption was considerable. Their experience was not uncommon. Even when an intruder does not overtly damage user data files, recovery from a break-in is disruptive since the system administrators must check for corrupted files and restore system files that were altered in order to allow for re-entry. System penetrators have damaged sensitive and sometimes life critical information. In one case, a nurse broke into a hospital computer and altered patient records. He changed prescriptions, "scheduled" an X-ray, and "recommended" discharge of a patient. In another, a prison inmate broke into a computer and altered the date for his release so that he could be home in time for Christmas. There have been several reported cases of students who gained access to school records and altered their grades or the grades of classmates. Employees of banks and other companies have misused their computer privileges to embezzle money from their institutions by creating false accounts, changing accounting records, and inserting payroll records for bogus employees. In June, 1994, a hacker pled guilty to breaking into the computer systems of radio stations in order to rig promotional contests. He "won" two Porsches, two trips to Hawaii, and $20,000 in cash. Malicious code. Malicious code can come in a variety of forms. Computer "viruses" are fragments of code that attach themselves to the boot sector of a disk or to executable files on the disk. They are activated whenever the boot sector or host file is loaded into memory and executed, and spread from one computer to another through floppy disks and computer networks. Some viruses re-format the hard drive, destroying all files in the process. Others print messages, play tunes, or cause congestion that slows down the machine. "Worms" are active programs that spread through computer networks, potentially causing considerable damage. One of the most famous worms was launched on the Internet in 1988 by a graduate student at Cornell. The Internet worm eventually infected and shut down thousands of computers on the Internet. A "logic bomb" is any form of malicious code that "detonates" in response to some event. A "time bomb" goes off at a particular time. Before quitting, one disgruntled employee left behind a time bomb disguised inside a "Cleanup" program. Had it not been caught in time, it would have destroyed a computer program used to build missiles. Some viruses behave as time bombs, hiding their presence and destructive nature until they have had a chance to spread. The Michelangelo virus is triggered on the artist's birthday, March 6. A "letter bomb" is an electronic mail message which causes unexpected and harmful effects when the message arrives, is read, or is loaded into memory and executed. Joshua Quittner, journalist and co-author of a forthcoming book on computer hackers, reported that he was mail bombed with thousands of pieces of unwanted mail that jammed his mailbox and eventually shut down his Internet access on Thanksgiving weekend, 1994. In an unrelated incident occurring a few weeks later, a virus alert spread throughout the Internet warning of an e-mail message labelled "Good Times," which purportedly carried a virus that would wipe out the hard drive. Although the act of reading an e-mail message cannot cause code contained within the message to execute unless the system supports self-executing messages (most do not), an unsuspecting user might follow directions to store the message in a file and then execute it explicitly. The alert turned out to be hoax. A "Trojan horse" is a program containing hidden malicious code, for example, a time bomb such as in the aforementioned Cleanup program. One of the ways that hackers acquire passwords is by replacing the login program on a computer with one that surreptitiously captures the passwords typed by users. Electronic Mail Fraud and Anonymity. On many systems, it is easy to send an e-mail message that appears to come from someone other than the actual sender. Several years ago when I was interviewing hackers, I frequently received messages from them that appeared to be from myself. They did this to conceal their actual identity and location. More recently, while I was teaching my class how to send electronic mail, a student asked me how he could spoof a message from his roommate. He wanted to play a joke! E-mail forgery is quite common. At Dartmouth, a student spoofed an e-mail message from the department secretary cancelling an exam. Half the students did not show up. At the University of Wisconsin, someone forged a letter of resignation from the Director of Housing to the Chancellor. In another case, a New Jersey housewife discovered that a Chicago man was sending obscene messages in her name. E-mail fraud could become a serious problem as the information superhighway evolves into a major system of electronic commerce, with million dollar contracts being negotiated and transacted through electronic mail. On the Internet, it is possible to send or post an anonymous message by directing the message through an anonymous re-mailer that strips off the message headers, thereby hiding the true origin. While sending anonymous messages is not a crime and indeed has many benefits for privacy, it can be used in the furtherance of other crimes, for example, defamation and child pornography. Anonymous re-mailers have been used to send death threats to the President. Sex crimes and sexual harassment. One of the dark sides of the computer revolution has been the use of bulletin boards and networks to distribute child pornography and find victims for child molestation. Many people are drawn into intimate relationships over computer networks, and pedophiles have taken advantage of this to befriend juveniles. In one case, a fourteen-year-old Boston boy disappeared after running away to meet a man in Texas who had sent him on-line love letters and airline tickets. Networks also provide a tool for sexual harassment. A fourteen-year-old New Jersey girl reported that she was forced off the network after continuing to receive unwanted computer- generated sexual images of young boys. One woman joined an on-line service to discuss the joys and pitfalls of raising children, but found herself the target of an elusive "cyberstalker" who threatened her life, sent her pornographic e-mail, and may be following her around the country. Defamation. A former Australian professor won $40,000 in a defamation suit against an anthropologist who defamed him on a computer bulletin board distributed worldwide. The message had said that his career and reputation were based on "his ability to berate and bully all and sundry," and suggested that he had engaged in sexual misconduct with a local boy. The suit did not implicate any operators of the bulletin board or network. In another case, Cubby, Inc. sued CompuServe, an on-line information service, for defamatory statements that appeared in one of their forums. The court dismissed the case on the grounds that management of the forum had been contracted out to an independent firm, Cameron Communications, and that CompuServe was serving as a distributor rather than publisher, with little or no editorial control over content. Information Security Tools In order to better understand the role of encryption in protecting against some of the activities described above, we will first give a brief overview of three equally important types of security tools: access controls and monitoring, user authentication, and trusted systems and operational controls. Access controls and monitoring. Access controls are used to prevent outsiders from gaining access to a system through dial-up or network connections. They also can enable limited outside access to public files on a system, while prohibiting access to private files. For example, a site could make part of its file system available on the world wide web, using access controls to allow outsiders to retrieve web files, but not perform other functions on the system. By limiting the information that users can view or modify and the software and transactions they can run, access controls also protect against theft and sabotage of data by insiders who are authorized to access a system, but not everything on it. Access controls are implemented with file system monitors, "firewalls," and other types of security monitors that control what operations can be performed and what information can be accessed. Some security monitors use artificial intelligence techniques and statistical profiling to determine whether a particular activity is likely to be indicative of an intrusion or other violation of security policy. Firewalls are computer gateways that monitor the flow of all traffic between a single computer or internal network and an outside network. They can be used to limit connections and the contents of traffic going in or out of the protected system. While not a panacea, they can be effective in protecting against network threats, including system penetrations. Anti-viral tools are monitors that check for and assist the user recover from computer viruses. Although they are not usually classified as access controls, their effect is to prevent malicious code from accessing and potentially damaging information. Access controls are the primary mechanism for implementing a security policy on a system. However, they have several limitations. First, they cannot prevent an eavesdropper from intercepting traffic on an unprotected medium. Encryption is the only mechanism that addresses this threat. Second, they are ineffective without mechanisms that authenticate the identity of users and ensure the authenticity of software and data. Third, they can be subverted if the operating system or applications software has security holes, or if a system is not configured securely. Trusted systems and operational controls help mitigate this threat, but are not usually foolproof. Finally, they cannot prevent authorized users from misusing their privileges, for example, to commit fraud or to leak company secrets. Indeed, no security tool can prevent this. Worse, encryption can be used to conceal such activity as well as activity resulting from security breaches. User Authentication. The most common method of user authentication is passwords that remain fixed for a period of time, sometimes indefinitely. Although passwords can provide an adequate level of security in many environments, systems that rely on fixed passwords are vulnerable to poorly chosen passwords that can be guessed or determined by systematic attack with "password crackers," and to capture by Trojan horse programs and password sniffers. Frequent changes of passwords help protect against these threats, but a higher level of security can be obtained with "one-time passwords" and "challenge-response protocols" that use a different authentication value each time the user logs into the system. The authentication value may be generated by a special device (e.g., smart card or PCMCIA card) or software program that computes the next password in sequence or the response to the challenge. Cryptographic techniques are used in the process. Biometrics, for example, thumb prints, voice prints, and retinal patterns, offer another method of user authentication. However, these approaches require special scanning equipment and are subject to false positives and negatives. But when combined with another form of authentication, they can provide a very high level of security. Trusted systems and operational controls. A system may have reasonable access controls and authentication mechanisms, but use default passwords or security settings that are readily exploited, or have security weaknesses that allow an insider or outsider to circumvent the access controls. "Trusted systems," which are designed under strict criteria in order to provide a high level of protection against security breaches, are one line of defense. Operational controls, which include security checks, management of access privileges, system configuration, auditing, use of anti-viral tools, backups, and security awareness training, are another. Operational controls can help ensure that technical safeguards are used correctly and effectively, that the opportunities for users to misuse their privileges are minimized, that backup mechanisms are in place to protect against accidents or acts of sabotage, that audit mechanisms are turned on, and that any discovered security weaknesses are appropriately handled. Separation of duties and two person control can minimize the possibility of a single user compromising information or engaging in fraudulent or destructive activity. Most commercial systems are not "trusted," and it is not uncommon for security holes and weaknesses to be discovered after they have been on the market for several months or years. Often, the discovery is made only after some security incident in which the vulnerability is exploited. In order to facilitate and coordinate responses to such incidents, a Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) was established in 1988 to serve the Internet community. CERT reported that in 1993, there were 111 new incidents a month involving 1 to over 65,000 sites, and that in1994, the number of incidents increased by 77% and the number of sites affected by 51%. The incidents involved malicious code, intrusions resulting from bypass of authentication mechanisms, exploitation of security holes in network services, password sniffers, insider attacks, and espionage. Cryptography. A cryptographic system is a set of functions that are parameterized by keys and used for the purpose of secrecy or authenticity. An encryption system is a special type of cryptosystem consisting of an encrypt function which scrambles (encrypts) data and an inverse decrypt function which restores the data to its original form. Encryption conceals data from anyone not knowing the secret key needed for decryption. It provides security and privacy protection for information that is vulnerable to eavesdropping or unauthorized access, for example, information transmitted over unprotected communication channels or stored on unprotected media. Cryptographic authentication mechanisms are used to protect against modifications to data, for example, insertion of malicious code into a standard program, and masquerading of users and host computers. Historically, encryption has been used primarily by governments to protect classified communications. It has only been within the past decade or two that encryption has come into much use elsewhere, most notably in the banking industry to protect electronic transactions. Today, it is widely recognized as an essential tool for the information superhighway, although its use is still relatively low. There are two types of cryptosystems: single key and public key. With single key cryptography, a common secret key is used both for encryption and decryption. The Data Encryption Standard (DES), which was adopted as a federal standard in 1977, is a single key system. Normally, a different "session key" is used with each communication, and each party to the communication must acquire a copy of the session key. In addition, each user may have a long-term key that is shared with a trusted server and employed by the server to authenticate the user and to distribute session keys. The Kerberos system, developed at MIT to protect their network from intrusions and unauthorized use, employs DES and a trusted server in this way to implement authentication and secrecy services on UNIX TCP/IP networks. Single key cryptography also can be used to compute "message authentication codes" for the purpose of authenticating information. Public key cryptography uses a pair of keys, one public and one private. Typically, each user has a personal key pair, and the user's public key is used by other persons to send encrypted messages to the user, while the private key is employed by the user to decrypt messages received. Some public key cryptosystems implement "digital signatures" instead of or in addition to encryption. In that case, the private key is employed by the user to "sign" documents, while the public key is used by the recipients to verify the signature. The RSA cryptosystem is a public key system with both encryption and signature capabilities. The Digital Signature Standard (DSS) is a public key signature-only system. Digital signatures provide strong authentication with non-repudiation, protecting against forgeries of documents and messages. Because of their mathematical structure, public key systems are several orders of magnitude slower than most single key systems, making them less attractive for encrypting real-time communications or large files. However, they can provide a convenient method for establishing a session key for single key encryption. Thus, they are typically used only for key establishment and digital signatures. Current implementations of Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM), an Internet standard for protecting electronic mail, use DES for data encryption and RSA for key establishment and digital signatures. Pretty Good Privacy (PGP), which is also used on the Internet, uses the single key algorithm IDEA with RSA. Cryptographic techniques can be used to implement digital cash that is protected from duplication, alteration, and counterfeiting. They can be used to implement untraceable cash and anonymous, untraceable transactions. While such services can offer many privacy benefits, they also could facilitate money laundering and fraud. Cryptography supplements and helps enforce access controls, authentication mechanisms, and operational controls. However, it is not a complete "security solution." If a system has security holes, an intruder might be able to penetrate the system, circumventing encryption and authentication mechanisms. They might then be able to obtain access to cryptographic keys or put a Trojan horse in encryption software. Encryption also cannot prevent insiders from misusing their access privileges. The Encryption Debate The Dilemma. By providing a mechanism for secrecy and authentication, cryptography can help protect against many of the criminal activities described earlier, including eavesdropping and espionage, system penetrations leading to sabotage, malicious software, and fraud. It can also be used to conceal crimes and malicious code. Employees can use encryption to leak company secrets, hide an embezzlement scheme, cover up a fraud, or hold information for ransom. Organized crime and terrorist groups can use it to protect their communications and computer files from lawful interception and search by the government. By rendering communications and stored records immune from government access, encryption thus threatens investigations that depend on wiretaps or computer records for evidence. Already, investigations of child pornography cases have been hindered because seized computer files were encrypted with PGP and could not be broken. If encryption comes into widespread use on the information superhighway, this could seriously jeopardize law enforcement and the public safety. Encryption is also a threat to foreign intelligence operations, and thus can affect national security. In considering the societal threat posed by cryptography, it is important to recognize that it is only encryption's role in providing secrecy that presents a problem. The use of cryptography for authentication does not threaten law enforcement and national security. Indeed, by strengthening the integrity of evidence and sources, cryptographic tools for authentication aid criminal investigations. Because different cryptographic methods are employed for secrecy and authentication, it is, therefore, possible to place safeguards on the former but not the latter. Indeed, this is the approach taken in the key escrow encryption initiative. Key escrow ties into encryption's role in providing communications secrecy on the information superhighway, but not its role in providing digital signatures and other authentication services, which help protect against system penetrations, malicious code, and forgeries. Key escrow encryption and the Clipper Chip. In order to maximize the benefits of encryption to individuals and organizations, while minimizing its threat to public safety and law enforcement, the Clinton Administration developed and announced a key escrow approach to encryption designed to promote security and privacy on the information superhighway, while allowing government decryption of lawfully intercepted communications. The approach was first realized in the Clipper Chip, a tiny microelectronic chip that encrypts data using the SKIPJACK encryption algorithm, a classified single key algorithm designed by the National Security Agency. Prior to transmitting any encrypted data, the Clipper Chip transmits a Law Enforcement Access Field (LEAF), which contains the session key used for encryption and decryption. The session key is protected under two layers of encryption, and cannot be determined without a special decrypt processor, a common family key, and the device unique key for that particular chip. To obtain the device unique key, an authorized government official must get two key components, each of which is held by a separate key escrow agent (currently, these are the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the Automated Systems Division of the Department of Treasury). These components are combined inside the decrypt processor, where they enable decryption of the session key and thus decryption of the data. The chip and associated key escrow system have been designed with extensive safeguards to protect against any unauthorized use of keys. Clipper's general specifications were adopted in February, 1994, as the Escrowed Encryption Standard (EES), a voluntary government standard for encrypting sensitive but unclassified telephone communications, including voice, fax, and data. A standard for high-speed computer networks such as the Internet has not yet been proposed. The first product to use the Clipper Chip is the AT&T 3600 Telephone Security Device, which plugs into an ordinary telephone between the handset and base-set. Both parties to a conversation must have a device, but the party at either end can initiate a secure conversation by pushing a button. Once this is done, the security devices use public key cryptography to establish a one-time secret session key for the conversation, which is then encrypted and decrypted by the Clipper Chips at each end. Criticisms of Clipper. Ever since its announcement, Clipper has been the target of blazing guns. Calling it "Big Brother in a chip," Clipper's strongest opponents have portrayed it as an Orwellian tool of oppression that will cripple privacy. They believe that citizens have the right to use strong encryption that evades government surveillance, and that exercising this capability is one way of protecting against a government that cannot be trusted. While acknowledging the value of wiretaps in certain cases, they argue that society needs to be protected from the government more than the government needs to wiretap its citizens. Clipper also has been criticized for being developed in secrecy without prior public review and for using a classified algorithm that is not open to public scrutiny. Critics argue that encryption standards should be developed by an open process, with input from industry, academia, privacy groups, and other interested parties. They argue further that Clipper products will have a limited foreign market as long as the algorithms are classified and the U.S. holds the keys, and that Clipper will not serve the needs for secure international communications. Some of the criticism has been aimed not at the principle of key escrow encryption, but its particular instantiation with Clipper. Clipper is implemented in special tamper-resistant hardware in order to protect the classified SKIPJACK algorithm and to ensure that it cannot be used without the law enforcement access feature. Some vendors have stated that they would prefer a software approach, mainly because it would be cheaper, but also because it could be integrated readily into software applications. The selection of escrow agents has been criticized, with critics arguing that at least one should be outside the Executive branch, either in the Judiciary or private sector. Some people have criticized Clipper for not going far enough and providing a mechanism whereby individuals and organizations can obtain emergency access to their own encrypted data through some sort of commercial key escrow system which would be managed by the private sector. Encryption poses a threat not only to public safety and law enforcement, but also to information security since encrypted data can become inaccessible if the keys are ever lost, destroyed, or held for ransom. Commercial key escrow could mitigate this threat, while also serving law enforcement needs. Since Clipper is voluntary, many people argue criminals will not use it. They conclude that it will be waste of taxpayer money while needlessly introducing the risks associated with escrowed keys. In fact, cryptography without key escrow is spreading, and the government could very well find itself locked out of many communications and stored files. Response and future directions. In adopting a new encryption standard, the government recognized that if it adopted a strong algorithm that precluded government access, the standard would almost certainly be used by criminals to the detriment of society. This outcome was considered unacceptable, and key escrow was seen as the best solution. Although no system is 100% risk free, Clipper's key escrow system has been designed with extensive safeguards that parallel those used to protect some of the country's most sensitive information. In my assessment, the risks associated with the compromise or misuse of keys will be negligible. Thus, key escrow will not degrade encryption's capability to protect against crime on the information superhighway, only its capability to conceal crime. While maintaining its commitment to key escrow, the Administration has responded to the criticisms by meeting with representative from Congress, industry, academia, and privacy and public interest groups in order to better understand their concerns and to explore alternative approaches to key escrow. Several alternatives have been proposed or implemented in prototype or commercial products, including software-based approaches to key escrow that use unclassified algorithms, and commercial key escrow systems that might serve the needs of both industry and law enforcement. While these proposals are promising, I do not see them as replacements for Clipper, but rather as alternative options that may be better suited for some applications. Clipper offers excellent security, indeed the best security on the market. The SKIPJACK algorithm is considerably stronger than DES, and hardware generally provides greater security for keys and greater protection against sabotage or malicious code than software. Even for computer networks, the Capstone Chip, which is a more advanced version of Clipper that includes algorithms for the Digital Signature Standard and key establishment, is an attractive option for applications such as secure electronic mail and electronic commerce. Capstone has been embedded in a PCMCIA crypto card, called Fortezza, for use in the Defense Messaging System. Although criminals may in fact not use Clipper, it is conceivable that over time, market forces could favor escrowed encryption. Organizations might require key escrow for their own protection, and vendors could favor it for its export advantage. The government will be ordering key escrow products, and demand for interoperability could lead to its proliferation. Criminals could choose key escrow because it is more readily available, to communicate with the rest of the world, or to allow their own emergency access. Nevertheless, despite its benefits to organizations and to society, key escrow is highly controversial and vehemently opposed by some proponents of encryption. Thus, its widespread adoption is by no means assured. If it is rejected, the implications for criminal justice could be profound. As the information superhighway continues to expand into every area of society and commerce, court ordered wiretaps and seizures of records could become tools of the past, and the information superhighway a safe haven for criminal and terrorist activity.