OR Faculty

Major Chad Seagren, USMC, Assistant Professor & OAD Liaison Officer

Publications & Presentations
Works in Progress
Theses Supervised

Operations Research Department
Naval Postgraduate School
Monterey, California 93943

Office: GL-257
(831) 656-2686
DSN: 756-2686
Email: cwseagre <at> nps.edu



Curriculum Vitae

Major Chad Seagren, USMC, Assistant Professor & OAD Liaison Officer


Ph.D. Economics, George Mason, University, 2010.
Dissertation Title: "Emergent Order, Agent-Based Modeling, and Economic Analysis of Accident Law"

M.S. Operations Research, Naval Postgraduate School, 2003.

B.S. Systems Engineering, United States Naval Academy, 1998.

Employment History

Assistant Professor / Military Faculty, Operations Research Department, Naval Postgraduate School, 2010 – pres.
United States Marine Corps Officer, 1998 – pres.

Research Statement

My research applies microeconomic theory to matters of politics, public policy, law, labor markets, and the macroeconomy.  Most broadly, my research agenda focuses on issues at the intersection of the domains of Philosophy, Politics, and Economics.

Teaching Experience

Defense Resource Allocation and Cost Benefit Analysis (1 section) – Upper level graduate course in microeconomic theory applied to public economics, defense economics, and cost-benefit analysis. Target students include nearly every curriculum within the Graduate School of Business and Public Policy.

Business Modeling and Analysis (1 section) – An upper level graduate course in mathematical and statistical modeling techniques specifically designed for MBA students. This was a distance learning course that met via Video-Teleconference.

Manpower and Personnel Models (11 sections over 3 years) – Upper level graduate course in mathematical and statistical modeling techniques as applied to manpower management and analysis.  Target students include those in the Manpower Management, Human Systems Integration, and Operations Research curricula.

Probability & Statistics for Engineers (1 section) – A synchronous non-resident online learning class that is the first of a two-course core track in calculus-based statistics.  Target students are those in the Systems Engineering curriculum.

Technical Writing (3 sections over 3 years) – A resident course on technical writing aimed at providing students with the practical writing skills required to write a thesis, as well as effectively communicate the results of their analysis in general.


2010 William F. Snavely Award for Outstanding Economics Graduate Student at George Mason University
2009 Don Lavoie Memorial Essay Competition Award Winner

Professional Training and Education

Technology and Pedagogy Integration, Faculty Development Practicum, Spring 2012
Foundations of Teaching and Learning, Faculty Development Seminar, Spring 2011
SAS Statistics II, SAS Institute, February 2006.
SAS Programming II, SAS Institute, February 2004.
Simulation Modeling for System Design and Analysis, Averill M. Law and Associates, November 2004.

Programming and Statistical Languages

Java, R, SAS (proficient); C++, Visual Basic, GAMS (working knowledge)

Professional Associations

American Economic Association, Southern Economic Association, Public Choice Society, Association for Private Enterprise Education, Society for the Development of Austrian Economics, Military Operations Research Society


Richard E. Wagner
Harris Professor of Economics
Department of Economics
George Mason University
Fairfax, VA 22030
Phone: (703)993-1132
Email: rwagner@gmu.edu

Robert F. Dell
Chairman and Professor
Operations Research Department
Naval Postgraduate School
Monterey, CA 93943
Phone: (831)656-2853
Email: dell@nps.edu

David R. Henderson
Associate Professor
Graduate School of Business and Public Policy
Naval Postgraduate School
Monterey, CA 93943
Phone: (831)656-2524
Email: drhender@nps.edu