Swarm UAV Simulation

Creator: Scotty Black


The basic concept of swarm UAV tactics involves utilizing small, low-cost, expendable UAVs in order to overwhelm and confuse the enemy. Swarms are generally characterized by many agents that each only possess a few simple behaviors from which, through interactions with each other, yields a more complex group behavior. Unlike a missile, rocket, or bomb which, once launched, can only proceed directly to the target with at most a list of preplanned waypoints, a UAV would have the ability to loiter, find, fix, track, target, and engage an enemy asset on its own timeline.

This simulation is based on the concept of UAV swarming on a Surface Action Group (SAG), represented in this simulation as a single frigate. The UAVs are assumed to be semi-autonomous, small, low-cost, expendable systems that would be equipped with limited sensors and a small warhead. Attacking UAVs execute "kamikaze" attacks on the enemy warship. The Defending UAVs execute kinetic attacks against the attacking UAVs, i.e. defenders attempt to run into attackers.

Basic Scenario Overview

This scenario consists of a friendly carrier (a Russian model is all I could find) with the friendly UAVs loitering overhead awaiting orders. The enemy frigate is located to the North (rotate to the right on scene load) with the enemy UAVs loitering over the frigate. this warship also has a radar-directed, auto-targeting, self-defense gun with a max range of 3,000 ft. The Figure below shows a general overview.


The camera is controlled with the mouse:

You will be able to give commands to each of the swarms and change some of the parameters. To change the number of UAVs, user the slider to set the desired number and hit "Reset Simulation". Due to performance issues, only up to 75 UAVs per side are allowed.

Options and command can be given/input via the user interface. Keyboard input is also allowed with the following inputs supported:

Action Key
Standard Attack 0
Single-Axis Attack 1
Two-Axis Attack 2
Three-Axis Attack 3
Four-Axis Attack 4
Grinder Deception 5
Begin Defense D
Shoot Gun G
Change Gun's Target C
Reset Camera R
Follow Attacker Camera Q
Follow Defender Camera W
Gun Camera E
Reset Camera R
Kill All UAVs K
Toggle Deconfliction Line U
Toggle Reaction Line I
Toggle Gun Target Line O
Toggle Defense Target Line P


"Target Acquired, Bearing 360, 4,000"

"Unicorns Standing By"

"Zephyrs Airborne"

"Zephyr, threat group over carrier"

"Zephyr, target group"

"Zephyr-2, Status, High/Low"

"Unicorn-4, Break Right!"

"Zephyr-1, Kill Single Unicorn, Right Hand Turn, 500 ft"

"Gun-1 Target Leakers"

"Gun-1 Unable"

"Unicorn 1, Target Locked"

"Unicorn, Good Hit! Good Hit!"

Project Features