vrtp: RTP Monitor using JMF


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Table of Contents

PPT Slide

Thesis Motivation

Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP)

MBone Videoconference Example (using vic)

RTP Monitor Application

Java Media Framework (JMF)

Virtual Reality Transfer Protocol (vrtp)

vrtp Streaming Stack

Thesis Work

Thesis product : rtpMonitor

rtpMonitor Features

rtpMonitor Session Bookmarks

rtpMonitor Preferences

rtpMonitor Output Files

JMF / RTPMonitor Media Presentation

Lessons Learned

Future Work

Future work: example XML output file

Some Web References

Contact Information

Author: Francisco Afonso

Email: brutzman@nps.navy.mil

Home Page: http://www.web3D.org/WorkingGroups/vrtp/rtpMonitor

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