/*----------------------------------------------------------------------- Class: FishPduGenerator Author: Mike McCarthy Last Update: 6 Jan. 1998 Program Invocation: command line "java mil.navy.nps.testing.FishPduGenerator" This class generates a simulated "Fish" entity state PDU in the DIS protocol. It creates an instance of the MulticastPduSender class and uses the instance method sendMPDU to output the simulated DIS entity on the multicast group address specified in the MulticastPduSender Class code --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ package mil.navy.nps.testing; import mil.navy.nps.dis.*; import java.io.*; import java.lang.*; import java.net.*; import java.util.*; public class FishPduGenerator { MulticastPduSender mcast; EntityStatePdu espdu; String fishname; String check; static final float initPos[] = {4000f, -5f, -4000f}; // x, y, z static final float initPosDt[] = {0f, 5f, 0f}; // aka: velocity static final float initAng[] = {0f, 0f, 0f}; // heading, pitch, roll static final float initAngDt[] = {0f, 0f, 0f}; // aka: angular rate float speed = 0; float rot[] = null; // axis, angle (radians) float pos[] = null; // x, y, z float posDt[] = null; // aka: velocity float ang[] = null; // heading, pitch, roll float angDt[] = null; // aka: angular rates float drPos[] = null; // x, y, z float drPosDt[] = null; // aka: velocity float drAng[] = null; // heading, pitch, roll float drAngDt[] = null; // aka: angular rates float pduTimer = 0.0f; //************************************************ // main call //************************************************ public static void main(String argv[]) { FishPduGenerator myfish = new FishPduGenerator(); myfish.cycle(); //call for fish movement }//endmain //*********************************************** // constructor //*********************************************** public FishPduGenerator() { espdu = new EntityStatePdu(); mcast = new MulticastPduSender(); fishname = new String("FishPdu"); espdu.setMarking(fishname); System.out.println(check = espdu.getMarking()); short[] entityID = new short[3]; entityID[0] = 0; entityID[1] = 1; entityID[2] = 0; System.out.println("entity ID is set to [" + entityID[0] + ", " + entityID[1] + ", " + entityID[2] + "]"); espdu.setEntityID(entityID[0], entityID[1], entityID[2]); // hi-fi vars pos = new float[3]; // x, y, z posDt = new float[3]; // aka: velocity ang = new float[3]; // heading, pitch, roll angDt = new float[3]; // aka: angular rates // lo-fi vars drPos = new float[3]; // x, y, z drPosDt = new float[3]; // aka: velocity drAng = new float[3]; // heading, pitch, roll drAngDt = new float[3]; // aka: angular rates // now set init vars System.arraycopy(initPos, 0, pos, 0, 3); System.arraycopy(initPosDt, 0, posDt, 0, 3); System.arraycopy(initAng, 0, ang, 0, 3); System.arraycopy(initAngDt, 0, angDt, 0, 3); { sendmcast(); //spit out new fish on mbone } }//end MyFish construct //***************************************************** // fish movement dynamics //***************************************************** public void cycle() { float dt = 10.0f; while(true){ for(int i = 1; i <= 128; i++){ if(i <= 8){ posDt[0] = 0f; //set X positional speed posDt[1] = 5f; //set Y positional speed ang[0] = 4.712f; //set psi (heading) pos[1] = pos[1] + dt*posDt[1]; //dr position Y if((i%2) == 0){ ang[0] = ang[0] - 0.05f;} else {ang[0] = ang[0] + 0.10f;}//fi heading ocillation System.out.println("rotation=" + ang[0]); }//end if else if(i <= 64){ posDt[0] = 5f; posDt[1] = 0f; ang[0] = 0f; pos[0] = pos[0] + dt*posDt[0]; if((i%2) == 0){ ang[0] = ang[0] - 0.05f;} else {ang[0] = ang[0] + 0.10f;}//fi heading ocillation System.out.println("rotation=" + ang[0]); }//end elseif else if(i <= 96){ posDt[0] = 5f; posDt[1] = 0f; ang[0] = 1.571f; if((i%2) == 0){ ang[0] = ang[0] - 0.05f;} else {ang[0] = ang[0] + 0.10f;}//fi heading ocillation System.out.println("rotation=" + ang[0]); pos[1] = pos[1] - dt*posDt[1]; }//end elseif else if(i <= 128f){ posDt[0] = 0f; posDt[1] = 5f; ang[0] = 3.142f; if((i%2) == 0){ ang[0] = ang[0] - 0.05f;} else {ang[0] = ang[0] + 0.10f;}//fi heading oscillation System.out.println("rotation=" + ang[0]); pos[0] = pos[0] - dt*posDt[0]; }//end elseif //sleep for 1 second, gives an approx. 1 Hz output try { Thread.sleep(10000); // go to sleep } catch(InterruptedException interruptedException) { throw new RuntimeException("FishPduGenerator: Exceptional sleep "); } sendmcast(); System.out.println(check = espdu.getMarking() + ""); // hard coded :( }//endfor }//endwhile }//end cycle() //********************************************************* // send multicast call method //********************************************************* public void sendmcast() { espdu.setEntityLocationX(pos[0]); espdu.setEntityLocationY(pos[1]); espdu.setEntityLocationZ(pos[2]); espdu.setEntityLinearVelocityX(posDt[0]); espdu.setEntityLinearVelocityY(posDt[1]); espdu.setEntityLinearVelocityZ(posDt[2]); espdu.setEntityOrientationPsi(ang[0]); // h espdu.setEntityOrientationTheta(ang[1]); // p espdu.setEntityOrientationPhi(ang[2]); // r espdu.setEntityAngularVelocityY(angDt[0]); // h espdu.setEntityAngularVelocityX(angDt[1]); // p espdu.setEntityAngularVelocityZ(angDt[2]); // r espdu.setMarking(fishname); mcast.SendMPDU(espdu); }//end sendmcast() }// end FishPduGenerator.class