A. Hardware:
Since this software is a Java application. You can run it on virtually any hardware platform. I have tested the software for the following platforms: SGI O2, SUN ULTRA, PC - Pentium 200Mhz.
B. Software:
In order to run this application you need
to have the following installed on your machine:
VAT - Visual Audio Tool.
Try these links Index
of Mbone Software or Mbone
Tools for Windows
JDK - Java Development Kit
version 1.1.5. Try this link JAVA
If you want to be able to
record audio originating from outside of your subnet. Your machine
must also be able to accept IP multicast packets. Here are some good
links for informatin on joining the MBONE the
MBONE faq and Dan's
Quick and Dirty Guide to Getting Connected to the MBONE .
You can run the program without MBONE connectivity. But, you can only send multicast packets inside your local subnet.
II. Instructions
A. Setup
First create a subdirectory. Place the logger.zip file in that subdirectory. Unzip the logger.zip file. This will create two subdirectories -- ver1 and ver2 along with the documentation files.
B. Starting the Application
To start the application go to the following subdirectory
Enter "java AudioPlayer"
You will get the following user interface.
C. Recording Audio
First choose the "File" menu. Then choose "New". This will give will give you an empty linked list to store the audio packets.
Next, in the filename field type the name of the file (ie audio.vat). Next, type in the IP address, the port number. At this stage, don't worry about the TTL field. Next, type in the number minutes you want to record. If you want to record until you press the stop button, type in "0". Lastly, press the "RECORD" button.
To stop the recording press the "STOP" button.
To save the file. You need to choose the "File" menu and choose "Save".
To save the file with another file name. Choose the "File" menu and choose the "SaveAs" button. This will allow you to choose the subdirectory and type in the new file name.
To play audio. Start your "vat" application. Note the IP address and port number you have chosen.
Choose the "File" menu. Then, choose "Open". You will get a chance to pick the file you want to play.
Next fill in the following fields: IP address, port number and TTL. The IP address and the port number should be the same as the one you used for the "vat" application. The time to live (TTL) field determines the number of hops the packet will travel. Use TTL of "1" to keep the audio packets inside your subnet.
Press the "PLAY" button to start the audio. Press the "STOP" button to stop the audio.
E. Fast Forward
If the file has already been opened, press the "FAST FWD" button. If the file has not yet been opened, choose the "File" menu and choose "Open". Then select the file you want.
To stop the fast forward, press the "STOP" button.
F. Rewind
If the file has already been opened, press the "REWIND" button. If the file has not yet been opened, choose the "File" menu and choose "Open". Then select the file you want.
To stop the fast forward, press the "STOP" button.
To exit the application press the "QUIT" button.
Documentation for
the Java application was created using the javadoc utility. The documentation
can be found at
AudioPlayer Version 2 Code Documentation
The source code is included as part of the zip file. It can be found in the following subdirectory: