DIS Data Dictionary - PDU Data

Created by JDBE at Ft. Huachuca, Arizona

Current standard: IEEE 1278.1

Detonation Result Field

Size: 8
Data Type: Enumerated
Description: This field shall specify the result of the detonation. This field shall be represented by an 8-bit enumberation (see Section 5 in EBV-DOC).


Value Description
0 Other
1 Entity Impact
10 Armor-piercing hit
11 Dirt blast, small
12 Dirt blast, medium
13 Dirt blast, large
14 Water blast, small
15 Water blast, medium
16 Water blast, large
17 Air hit
18 Building hit, small
19 Building hit, medium
2 Entity Proximate Detonation
20 Building hit, large
21 Mine-clearing line charge
22 Environment object impact
23 Environment object proximate detonation
24 Water Impact
25 Air Burst
3 Ground Impact
4 Ground Proximate Detonation
5 Detonation
6 None
7 HE hit, small
8 HE hit, medium
9 HE hit, large

For questions regarding the content of the DIS Data Dictionary,
please contact Jeff Wicks, jwicks@ist.ucf.edu

Other problems may be reported to the WebMaster,www@sc.ist.ucf.edu

Generated by the DIS Data Dictionary