DIS Data Dictionary - PDU Data

Created by JDBE at Ft. Huachuca, Arizona

Current standard: IEEE 1278.1

Warhead Field

Size: 16
Data Type: Enumerated
Description: The warhead shall be specified by a 16-bit enumeration(see Section 5 in EBV-DOC)


Value Description
0000 Other
0010 Cargo (Variable Submunitions)
0020 Fuel/Air Explosive
0030 Glass Blads
0031 1 um
0032 5 um
0033 10 um
1000 High Explosive(HE)
1100 HE, Plastic
1200 HE, Incendiary
1300 HE, Fragmentation
1400 HE, Antitank
1500 HE, Bomblets
1600 HE, Shaped Charge
1610 HE, Continuous Rod
1615 HE, Tungsten Ball
1620 HE, Blast Fragmentation
1625 HE, Steerable Darts with HE
1630 HE, Darts
1635 HE, Flechettes
1640 HE, Directed Fragmentation
1645 HE, Semi-Armor Piercing (SAP)
1650 HE, Shaped Charge Fragmentation
1655 HE, Semi-Armor Piercing, Fragmentation
1660 HE, Hallow Charge
1665 HE, Double Hallow Charge
1670 HE, General Purpose
1675 HE, Blast Penetrator
1680 HE, Rod Penetrator
1685 HE, Antipersonnel
2000 Smoke
3000 Illumination
4000 Practice
5000 Kinetic
6000 Mines
7000 Nuclear
7010 Nuclear, IMT
8000 Chemical, General
8100 Chemical, Blister Agent
8110 HD (Mustard)
8115 Thickened HD (Mustard)
8120 Dusty HD (Mustard)
8200 Chemical, Blood Agent
8210 AC (HCN)
8215 CK (CNCI)
8220 CG (Phosgene)
8300 Chemical, Nerve Agent
8310 VX
8315 Thickened VX
8320 Dusty VX
8325 GA (Tabun)
8330 Thickened GA (Tabun)
8335 Dusty GA (Tabun)
8340 GB (Sarin)
8345 Thickened GB (Sarin)
8350 Dusty GB (Sarin)
8355 GD (Soman)
8360 Thickened GD (Soman)
8365 Dusty GD (Soman)
8370 GF
8375 Thickened GF
8380 Dusty GF
9000 Biological
9100 Biological, Virus
9200 Biological, Bacteria
9300 Biological, Rickettsia
9400 Biological, Genetically Modified Micro-organisms
9500 Biological, Toxin

For questions regarding the content of the DIS Data Dictionary,
please contact Jeff Wicks, jwicks@ist.ucf.edu

Other problems may be reported to the WebMaster,www@sc.ist.ucf.edu

Generated by the DIS Data Dictionary