DIS Data Dictionary - PDU Data

Created by JDBE at Ft. Huachuca, Arizona

Current standard: IEEE 1278.1

Parameter Type Articulated Parts LowBits Field

Size: 16
Data Type: Enumerated
Description: These Enumerations are used to describe a part of the Articulated Parameter Enumeration. They are combined with the Parameter Type Articulated Parts HighBits enumeration to make a complete 32 bit Enumeration. i.e.
Highbits + Lowbits = Complete 32 bit enumeration value
Hightbits Text + Lowbits Text = Complete Enumeration Text


Value Description
1 Position
10 Z rate
11 Azimuth
12 Azimuth rate
13 Elevation
14 Elevation Rate
15 Rotation
16 Rotation Rate
2 Position Rate
3 Extension
4 Extension Rate
5 X
6 X rate
7 Y
8 Y rate
9 Z

For questions regarding the content of the DIS Data Dictionary,
please contact Jeff Wicks, jwicks@ist.ucf.edu

Other problems may be reported to the WebMaster,www@sc.ist.ucf.edu

Generated by the DIS Data Dictionary