/* File: RadioCommunicationsPduScriptNode.java CVS Info: $Id: RadioCommunicationsPduScriptNode.java,v 1.3 1998/02/15 15:29:20 brutzman Exp $ Compiler: jdk 1.3 */ // keep out of mil.navy.nps.dis package, keep duplicate copy of .class file at top of jar, keep source in mil/navy/nps/dis // package mil.navy.nps.dis; import mil.navy.nps.dis.*; // NPS DIS library classes import mil.navy.nps.disEnumerations.*; import mil.navy.nps.math.*; import mil.navy.nps.util.*; import org.web3d.vrtp.security.*; // Java classes of interest import java.util.*; import java.io.*; // Java JSAI classes for VRML import vrml.*; import vrml.field.*; import vrml.node.*; /** * This Java class provides the communications interface between the radio-communications Script node * (in the VRML scene) and the DIS ReceiverPdu, SignalPdu and TransmitterPdu class libraries. * *@version 1.0 *@author Don Brutzman (http://web.nps.navy.mil/~brutzman) *@author David W. Laflam (http://www.web3d.org/WorkingGroups/vrtp/dis-java-vrml/) * *
Location: *
RadioCommunicationsPduScriptNode.java *
web.nps.navy.mil/~brutzman/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/RadioCommunicationsPduScriptNode.java *
www.web3D.org/WorkingGroups/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransform.java * *
Hierarchy Diagram: *
* *
History: * * * *
30 September * Don Brutzman and Duane Davis * Final changes to comply with X3D 3.0 specification changes *
14 September 2000 * Don Brutzman, Dave Laflam * New, patterned after EspduTransform *

* *

Associated VRML/X3D files: *
RAUAntennaPROTO.xml, * RAUAntennaPROTO.wrl *(PROTO definition) *
SHFAntennaPROTO.xml, * SHFAntennaPROTO.wrl *(PROTO definition) *
UHFAntennaPROTO.xml, * UHFAntennaPROTO.wrl *(PROTO definition) *
AntennaWorldFortIrwin.xml, * AntennaWorldFortIrwin.wrl *(Example use) * *

* *

Debugging notes: *
System.out.println text appears in the Netscape Java console when using CosmoPlayer * *@see EspduTransform *@see EntityDispatcher *@see RadioCommunicationsFamily *@see ReceiverPdu *@see SignalPdu *@see TransmitterPdu */ public class RadioCommunicationsPduScriptNode extends Script implements PduSubscriber, NetworkCommBadge // --------------- { /** * Declare eventIns, fields and eventOuts from VRML scene */ /** * eventOut: timestamp */ protected SFTime timestamp; /** * field, how often to look for DIS PDUs. Units are seconds in VRML, converted to msec in Java in initialize (). * readInterval=0 means no reading. Longs are used because VRML SFFloat units are seconds. */ protected long readInterval; /** * field, how often to write DIS PDUs. Units are seconds in VRML, converted to msec in Java in initialize (). * writeInterval=0 means no writing (which is the default). Longs are used because VRML SFFloat units are seconds. */ protected long writeInterval; /** * field, multicast address, or "unicast" */ protected SFString address; /** * field, port to listen on */ protected SFInt32 port; /** * field, relay host name or IP address (used only if no multicast heard) */ protected SFString multicastRelayHost; /** * field, relay host port to connect to (used only if no multicast heard) */ protected SFInt32 multicastRelayPort; /** * field, are RTP headers expected? Only set by VRML scene at initialization (because it is a field) * but can be reset at runtime if the opposite situation is encountered. */ protected SFBool rtpHeaderExpected; /** * eventOut, are RTP headers being heard on the wire? */ protected SFBool isRtpHeaderHeard = new SFBool (false); /** * field, entityID triplet: site ID */ protected SFInt32 siteID; /** * field, entityID triplet: unique application ID at that site */ protected SFInt32 applicationID; /** * field, entity ID triplet: ID within that app */ protected SFInt32 entityID; /** * VRML scene field to specify which RadioCommunicationsFamily PDU is being utilized: ReceiverPdu, SignalPdu or TransmitterPdu. */ protected SFString radioPduType; private boolean radioPduTypeValid; // checked at instantiation /** * VRML scene eventOut for {@link RadioCommunicationsFamily#radioID} */ protected SFInt32 radioID; /** * VRML scene eventOut for {@link SignalPdu#encodingScheme} */ protected SFInt32 encodingScheme; /** * VRML scene eventOut for {@link SignalPdu#tdlType} */ protected SFInt32 tdlType; /** * VRML scene eventOut for {@link SignalPdu#sampleRate} */ protected SFInt32 sampleRate; /** * VRML scene eventOut for {@link SignalPdu#samples} */ protected SFInt32 samples; /** * VRML scene eventOut for {@link SignalPdu#dataLength} */ protected SFInt32 dataLength; /** * VRML scene eventOut for {@link SignalPdu#data00} */ protected SFInt32 data00; /** * VRML scene eventOut for {@link SignalPdu#data01} */ protected SFInt32 data01; /** * VRML scene eventOut for {@link SignalPdu#data02} */ protected SFInt32 data02; /** * VRML scene eventOut for {@link SignalPdu#data03} */ protected SFInt32 data03; /** * VRML scene eventOut for {@link SignalPdu#data04} */ protected SFInt32 data04; /** * VRML scene eventOut for {@link SignalPdu#data05} */ protected SFInt32 data05; /** * VRML scene eventOut for {@link SignalPdu#data06} */ protected SFInt32 data06; /** * VRML scene eventOut for {@link SignalPdu#data07} */ protected SFInt32 data07; /** * VRML scene eventOut for {@link SignalPdu#data08} */ protected SFInt32 data08; /** * VRML scene eventOut for {@link SignalPdu#data09} */ protected SFInt32 data09; /** * VRML scene eventOut for {@link SignalPdu#data10} */ protected SFInt32 data10; /** * VRML scene eventOut for {@link ReceiverPdu#receiverPower} */ protected SFFloat receiverPower; /** * VRML scene eventOut for {@link ReceiverPdu#receiverState} */ protected SFInt32 receiverState; /** * field, entityID triplet: transmitterSiteID * (as part of {@link ReceiverPdu#transmitterEntityID transmitterEntityID} member object for {@link ReceiverPdu}) */ protected SFInt32 transmitterSiteID; /** * field, entityID triplet: transmitterApplicationID * (as part of {@link ReceiverPdu#transmitterEntityID transmitterEntityID} member object for {@link ReceiverPdu}) */ protected SFInt32 transmitterApplicationID; /** * field, entity ID triplet: transmitterEntityID * (as part of {@link ReceiverPdu#transmitterEntityID transmitterEntityID} member object for {@link ReceiverPdu}) */ protected SFInt32 transmitterEntityID; /** * VRML scene eventOut for {@link ReceiverPdu#transmitterRadioID} */ protected SFInt32 transmitterRadioID; /** * VRML scene eventOut for {@link TransmitterPdu#antennaLocation} */ protected SFVec3f antennaLocation; /** * VRML scene eventOut for {@link TransmitterPdu#antennaPatternLength} */ protected SFInt32 antennaPatternLength; /** * VRML scene eventOut for {@link TransmitterPdu#antennaPatternType} */ protected SFInt32 antennaPatternType; /** * VRML scene eventOut for {@link TransmitterPdu#cryptoKeyId} */ protected SFInt32 cryptoKeyId; /** * VRML scene eventOut for {@link TransmitterPdu#cryptoSytem} */ protected SFInt32 cryptoSytem; /** * VRML scene eventOut for {@link TransmitterPdu#frequency} */ protected SFInt32 frequency; /** * VRML scene eventOut for {@link TransmitterPdu#inputSource} */ protected SFInt32 inputSource; /** * VRML scene eventOut for {@link TransmitterPdu#lengthOfModulationParameters} */ protected SFInt32 lengthOfModulationParameters; /** * VRML scene eventOut for {@link TransmitterPdu#modulationTypeDetail} */ protected SFInt32 modulationTypeDetail; /** * VRML scene eventOut for {@link TransmitterPdu#modulationTypeMajor} */ protected SFInt32 modulationTypeMajor; /** * VRML scene eventOut for {@link TransmitterPdu#modulationTypeSpreadSpectrum} */ protected SFInt32 modulationTypeSpreadSpectrum; /** * VRML scene eventOut for {@link TransmitterPdu#modulationTypeSystem} */ protected SFInt32 modulationTypeSystem; /** * VRML scene eventOut for {@link TransmitterPdu#power} */ protected SFInt32 power; /** * VRML scene eventOut for {@link TransmitterPdu#radioEntityTypeCategory} */ protected SFInt32 radioEntityTypeCategory; /** * VRML scene eventOut for {@link TransmitterPdu#radioEntityTypeCountry} */ protected SFInt32 radioEntityTypeCountry; /** * VRML scene eventOut for {@link TransmitterPdu#radioEntityTypeDomain} */ protected SFInt32 radioEntityTypeDomain; /** * VRML scene eventOut for {@link TransmitterPdu#radioEntityTypeKind} */ protected SFInt32 radioEntityTypeKind; /** * VRML scene eventOut for {@link TransmitterPdu#radioEntityTypeNomenclature} */ protected SFInt32 radioEntityTypeNomenclature; /** * VRML scene eventOut for {@link TransmitterPdu#radioEntityTypeNomenclatureVersion} */ protected SFInt32 radioEntityTypeNomenclatureVersion; /** * VRML scene eventOut for {@link TransmitterPdu#relativeAntennaLocation} */ protected SFVec3f relativeAntennaLocation; /** * VRML scene eventOut for {@link TransmitterPdu#transmitFrequencyBandwidth} */ protected SFInt32 transmitFrequencyBandwidth; /** * VRML scene eventOut for {@link TransmitterPdu#transmitState} */ protected SFInt32 transmitState; /** * field: enable Java trace statements to console */ protected SFBool traceJava; /** * eventOut: recent active signalPdu's heard */ protected SFBool active = new SFBool (false); /** * ProtocolDataUnit is an abstract class used to inspect each incoming PDU for type information, do not initialize per se. */ protected ProtocolDataUnit nextPdu; /** * Carries receiver information among simulation participants */ protected ReceiverPdu receiverPdu = new ReceiverPdu (); /** * Carries signal information among simulation participants */ protected SignalPdu signalPdu = new SignalPdu (); /** * Carries transmitterPdu information among simulation participants */ protected TransmitterPdu transmitterPdu = new TransmitterPdu (); /** * Report via Java console when a PDU is first heard */ protected boolean pduFirstHeard = true; /* * local variables */ private Class signalPduClass = null; private int pduCount = 0; protected EntityID entityIDObject = null; // unique triplet that identifies entity private Vector receivedPDUsList= new Vector(); // holds PDUs that have come in protected static EntityDispatcher entityDispatcher = null; // sends/receives PDUs protected static Thread entityDispatcherThread; private static Boolean guard = new Boolean(true); // guard for entityDispatcher private boolean registered = false; // true=>has been placed in hash table private boolean entityDispatcherThreadStarted = false; private Browser browser = null; // VRML browser private int pduVectorSize; private ProtocolDataUnit pdu = null; /** * No more than 11 data elements. This is very clumsy and needs to be replaced by an MFFloat array. */ protected final int MAX_DATA_PARAMETERS = 11; /** * Get platform-specific security strategy */ protected SecurityStrategy strategy; // = SecurityStrategy.getSecurityStrategy(); /** * When DEBUG is true, console text messages * trace the internals of script operation. */ protected boolean DEBUG = false; // diagnostic messages on (true) or off (false) /** * Access DEBUG trace variable. */ public boolean getDEBUG () { debug ("getDEBUG " + DEBUG); return DEBUG; } /** * Modify DEBUG trace variable. */ public void setDEBUG (boolean pDEBUG) { DEBUG = pDEBUG; traceJava.setValue (pDEBUG); trace ("setDEBUG " + pDEBUG); // send confirming VRML console trace message } /** * Debugging output routine. Pass in a string, and it gets printed out on the console. * You can pass in strings such as "foo " + bar.getName(). * Text output appears in the Java Console (CosmoPlayer browser) * or in the VRML console (WorldView browser). */ protected void debug (String pDiagnostic) { if (DEBUG) System.out.println("RadioCommunicationsPduScriptNode " + siteID + applicationID + entityID + " " + pDiagnostic); } /** * Guaranteed trace output routine. Pass in a string, and it gets printed out on the console. * You can pass in strings such as "foo " + bar.getName(). * Text output appears in the Java Console (CosmoPlayer browser) * or in the VRML console (WorldView browser). *

* Can't be static or all entities look the same. */ protected void trace (String pDiagnostic) { System.out.println("RadioCommunicationsPduScriptNode " + siteID + applicationID + entityID + " " + pDiagnostic); } /** * Simple identifying name for the signalPdu is entityID */ public String getName () { return "RadioCommunicationsPduScriptNode " + entityID; } /** Constructor that includes setting security permissions since * Internet Explorer will throw a com.ms.security.SecurityExceptionEx * if initialize () is called from an external source (i.e. the IE browser) * and security isn't already set up. * Reference: * Code Signing for Java Applets * by Daniel Griscom, griscom@suitable.com * at * http://www.suitable.com/CodeSigningCodeExp.shtml * */ public RadioCommunicationsPduScriptNode () { debug ("*** constructor for mil.navy.nps.dis.RadioCommunicationsPduScriptNode"); debug ("Get platform-specific security strategy"); strategy = SecurityStrategy.getSecurityStrategy(); } /** * initialize () gets needed information for setup from the invoking scene entity and VRML browser, * and also prints the values if DEBUG is true. * For a good initialize () discussion, see example 3.15, pp. 95-97, * "Java for 3D and VRML Worlds," Lea/Matsuda/Miyashita, New Riders Press, 1996. */ public void initialize () { try { // catchAllException to diagnose run-time errors while VRML browser continues debug ("begin initialize ()"); traceJava = (SFBool) getField ("traceJava"); // initialize (from VRML scene) if (traceJava.getValue()) setDEBUG (traceJava.getValue()); debug ("traceJava.getValue() " + traceJava.getValue()); browser = getBrowser (); if (DEBUG) { // avoid expensive browser calls unless needed debug ("browser.getName () = " + browser.getName ()); debug ("browser.getVersion () = " + browser.getVersion ()); } // ensure dis library visible, otherwise report problem: try { signalPduClass = Class.forName ("mil.navy.nps.dis.SignalPdu"); debug ("mil.navy.nps.dis.SignalPdu class found"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { trace ("mil.navy.nps.dis.SignalPdu class not found"); trace (" " + e); } // see examples 3.11/3.12 pp. 83-86 // "Java for 3D and VRML Worlds," Lea/Matsuda/Miyashita timestamp = (SFTime) getEventOut ("timestamp"); // instantiate rtpHeaderExpected = (SFBool) getField ("rtpHeaderExpected"); // instantiate isRtpHeaderHeard = (SFBool) getEventOut ("isRtpHeaderHeard"); // instantiate address = (SFString) getField ("address"); // instantiate port = (SFInt32) getField ("port"); // instantiate trace ("RadioCommunicationsPduScriptNode initialize:"); trace ("address, port = " + address + " " + port); multicastRelayHost = (SFString) getField ("multicastRelayHost"); // instantiate multicastRelayPort = (SFInt32) getField ("multicastRelayPort"); // instantiate siteID = (SFInt32) getField ("siteID"); // instantiate applicationID = (SFInt32) getField ("applicationID"); // instantiate entityID = (SFInt32) getField ("entityID"); // instantiate signalPdu.setEntityID ((short) siteID.getValue(), (short) applicationID.getValue(), (short) entityID.getValue()); debug ("siteID, applicationID, entityID = " + siteID + " " + applicationID + " " + entityID); radioPduType = (SFString) getField ("radioPduType"); // instantiate if (radioPduType.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase ("ReceiverPdu") || radioPduType.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase ("SignalPdu") || radioPduType.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase ("TransmitterPdu")) { debug ("radioPduType=" + radioPduType + " in Script node is valid"); radioPduTypeValid = true; } else { trace ("radioPduType=" + radioPduType + " in Script node is not valid! Ignoring further operations."); radioPduTypeValid = false; return; } // radioID is common to all RadioCommunicationFamily PDUs // note that these are VRML types, not DIS types! careful conversion is essential radioID = (SFInt32) getEventOut ("radioID"); // instantiate if (radioPduType.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase ("ReceiverPdu")) { // note that these are VRML types, not DIS types! careful conversion is essential receiverPower = (SFFloat) getEventOut ("receiverPower"); // instantiate receiverState = (SFInt32) getEventOut ("receiverState"); // instantiate transmitterSiteID = (SFInt32) getEventOut ("transmitterSiteID"); // instantiate transmitterApplicationID = (SFInt32) getEventOut ("transmitterApplicationID"); // instantiate transmitterEntityID = (SFInt32) getEventOut ("transmitterEntityID"); // instantiate transmitterRadioID = (SFInt32) getEventOut ("transmitterRadioID"); // instantiate debug ("initialized ReceiverPdu-specific eventOuts"); } else if (radioPduType.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase ("SignalPdu")) { // note that these are VRML types, not DIS types! careful conversion is essential encodingScheme = (SFInt32) getEventOut ("encodingScheme"); // instantiate tdlType = (SFInt32) getEventOut ("tdlType"); // instantiate sampleRate = (SFInt32) getEventOut ("sampleRate"); // instantiate samples = (SFInt32) getEventOut ("samples"); // instantiate dataLength = (SFInt32) getEventOut ("dataLength"); // instantiate data00 = (SFInt32) getEventOut ("data00"); // instantiate data01 = (SFInt32) getEventOut ("data01"); // instantiate data02 = (SFInt32) getEventOut ("data02"); // instantiate data03 = (SFInt32) getEventOut ("data03"); // instantiate data04 = (SFInt32) getEventOut ("data04"); // instantiate data05 = (SFInt32) getEventOut ("data05"); // instantiate data06 = (SFInt32) getEventOut ("data06"); // instantiate data07 = (SFInt32) getEventOut ("data07"); // instantiate data08 = (SFInt32) getEventOut ("data08"); // instantiate data09 = (SFInt32) getEventOut ("data09"); // instantiate data10 = (SFInt32) getEventOut ("data10"); // instantiate debug ("initialized SignalPdu-specific eventOuts"); } else if (radioPduType.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase ("TransmitterPdu")) { // note that these are VRML types, not DIS types! careful conversion is essential antennaLocation = (SFVec3f) getEventOut ("antennaLocation"); // instantiate antennaPatternLength = (SFInt32) getEventOut ("antennaPatternLength"); // instantiate antennaPatternType = (SFInt32) getEventOut ("antennaPatternType"); // instantiate cryptoKeyId = (SFInt32) getEventOut ("cryptoKeyId"); // instantiate cryptoSytem = (SFInt32) getEventOut ("cryptoSytem"); // instantiate frequency = (SFInt32) getEventOut ("frequency"); // instantiate inputSource = (SFInt32) getEventOut ("inputSource"); // instantiate lengthOfModulationParameters = (SFInt32) getEventOut ("lengthOfModulationParameters"); // instantiate modulationTypeDetail = (SFInt32) getEventOut ("modulationTypeDetail"); // instantiate modulationTypeMajor = (SFInt32) getEventOut ("modulationTypeMajor"); // instantiate modulationTypeSpreadSpectrum = (SFInt32) getEventOut ("modulationTypeSpreadSpectrum"); // instantiate modulationTypeSystem = (SFInt32) getEventOut ("modulationTypeSystem"); // instantiate power = (SFInt32) getEventOut ("power"); // instantiate radioEntityTypeCategory = (SFInt32) getEventOut ("radioEntityTypeCategory"); // instantiate radioEntityTypeCountry = (SFInt32) getEventOut ("radioEntityTypeCountry"); // instantiate radioEntityTypeDomain = (SFInt32) getEventOut ("radioEntityTypeDomain"); // instantiate radioEntityTypeKind = (SFInt32) getEventOut ("radioEntityTypeKind"); // instantiate radioEntityTypeNomenclature = (SFInt32) getEventOut ("radioEntityTypeNomenclature"); // instantiate radioEntityTypeNomenclatureVersion = (SFInt32) getEventOut ("radioEntityTypeNomenclatureVersion"); // instantiate relativeAntennaLocation = (SFVec3f) getEventOut ("relativeAntennaLocation"); // instantiate transmitFrequencyBandwidth = (SFInt32) getEventOut ("transmitFrequencyBandwidth"); // instantiate transmitState = (SFInt32) getEventOut ("transmitState"); // instantiate debug ("initialized TransmitterPdu-specific eventOuts"); } else // this case should have been trapped earlier, but maybe sumthin' bad happened.. { trace ("radioPduType=" + radioPduType + " in Script node is not valid! Ignoring further operations."); radioPduTypeValid = false; return; } // Do not set eventOuts during initialization!! ?? active = (SFBool) getEventOut ("active"); // instantiate active.setValue (false); // initialize debug ("multicastRelayHost, Port = " + multicastRelayHost + " " + multicastRelayPort); debug ("rtpHeaderExpected = " + rtpHeaderExpected); // * l000.0 is conversion to msec, then cast float to long readInterval = (long) (((SFTime) getField ("readInterval")).getValue() * 1000.0); // instantiate writeInterval = (long) (((SFTime) getField ("writeInterval")).getValue()* 1000.0); // instantiate // use half of readInterval (or half of writeInterval) as recommended sleepInterval // for entityDispatcher. if (readInterval > 0l) { if (writeInterval > 0l) { trace ("both readInterval & writeInterval > 0, " + "resetting writeInterval = 0"); } writeInterval = 0l; // ensure zero, not negative debug ("readInterval = " + readInterval + " msec"); } else if (writeInterval > 0l) { readInterval = 0l; // ensure zero, not negative signalPdu.setRtpHeaderEnabled (rtpHeaderExpected.getValue()); debug ("writeInterval = " + writeInterval + " msec, " + "rtpHeaderExpected = " + rtpHeaderExpected.getValue()); } else { trace ("read & write intervals both <= 0, " + "setting readInterval = 1000 msec, writeInterval = 0"); readInterval = 1000l; writeInterval = 0l; // ensure zero, not negative } if (address.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase ("unicast") || address.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase ("localhost")) entityDispatcher = EntityDispatcher.getEntityDispatcher (null, port.getValue()); // unicast else entityDispatcher = EntityDispatcher.getEntityDispatcher (address.getValue(), port.getValue()); // multicast entityDispatcher.checkForTrafficAndFallBackToTunnel (multicastRelayHost.getValue(), multicastRelayPort.getValue(), 8040); debug ("initialize(): entityDispatcher instantiation complete"); debug ("turn on tracing in entityDispatcher if tracing turned on by VRML scene: " + traceJava.getValue()); if (traceJava.getValue()) entityDispatcher.setDEBUG (traceJava.getValue()); if (readInterval > 0l) { debug ("invoke entityDispatcher.adviseSleepInterval (" + readInterval/2 + ")"); entityDispatcher.adviseSleepInterval (readInterval/2); } else if (writeInterval > 0l) { debug ("invoke entityDispatcher.adviseSleepInterval (" + writeInterval/2 + ")"); entityDispatcher.adviseSleepInterval (writeInterval/2); } // (guaranteed earlier that either readInterval or writeInterval > 0) entityIDObject = new EntityID((short)siteID.getValue(), (short)applicationID.getValue(), (short)entityID.getValue()); debug ("entityIDObject=" + entityIDObject); debug ("Register ourselves using entityDispatcher.addListener to receive PDUs"); entityDispatcher.addListener(this, entityIDObject); // *** this.getEntityIDObject()); // if (DEBUG) ClassUtilities.showActiveThreads(); // throws exception!! :( } catch (Exception catchAllException) { trace ("initialize () exception: " + catchAllException); catchAllException.printStackTrace(); // can't re-throw (catchAllException); since not supported by class vrml.node.Script } debug ("initialize () complete"); return; } /** * Simple method to launch thread because Microsoft puts security restraints on everything. *

* EntityDispatcher is static; only one copy is shared between all instances * of the RadioCommunicationsPduScriptNode. If it's null the first time through here, create * and thread it. *

* This is synchronized, since we may have N RadioCommunicationsPduScriptNodes attempting * to instantiate themselves at once, all accessing this shared class * variable. The synchronization prevents multiple access. *

* This is actually some magic code. Java keeps several mutex locks around, * one for every instance of a class and one for the class itself. We * can't sychronize on entityDispatcher because that's null the first * time through, which will fail silently. We also can't use a java primitive * type. So I created a completely arbitrary instance of an object as * a class variable, and synchronize on that. It's a standin for the * EntityDispatcher in a way. */ public void startEntityDispatcherThread() { debug ("startEntityDispatcherThread() method started..."); if (entityDispatcherThreadStarted == true) { trace ("startEntityDispatcherThread: call attempted to startEntityDispatcherThread again, ignored..."); return; } try { // crash?? debug ("RadioCommunicationsPduScriptNode ThreadGroup = " + Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup()); // crashes Netscape // Thread used to run the entityDispatcher debug ("create entityDispatcher thread... *** IE security crash is here ***"); entityDispatcherThread = new Thread( // Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup(), // crashes Netscape entityDispatcher, "DebuggingEntityDispatcher-" + ClassUtilities.nextSerialNum() ); debug ("entityDispatcher thread starting..."); entityDispatcherThread.start(); // trace ("entityDispatcherThread.start(); ThreadGroup = " + entityDispatcherThread.getThreadGroup()); // crashes Netscape // debug (entityDispatcherThread.getName() + " thread started"); debug ("startEntityDispatcherThread() complete"); entityDispatcherThreadStarted = true; } catch (Exception catchAllException) { trace ("startEntityDispatcherThread: exception\n" + catchAllException); trace ("startEntityDispatcherThread: attempting to continue without entityDispatcher threaded..."); } return; } ///** Ignore all but latest VRML event so only one set of PDU network reads // * and one set of dead-reckon calculations occur. // * This allows frequent updating triggered by the script eventIn. // */ // public void processEvents ( int count, Event events[]) // { // debug ("VRML processEvents has " + count + " events queued, process one"); // processEvent (events[count-1]); // } /** * receivePDU () is called by the entity dispatcher when a PDU for the node * arrives from the network. The PDU is added to the list of PDUs that have already arrived, * and is later sent up to the 3D scene graph when processEvent() is called by the VRML scene. */ public void receivePDU (ProtocolDataUnit pPDU) { debug ("receivePDU got a PDU from EntityDispatcher"); if (writeInterval > 0) { debug ("receivePDU () ignored since we are sending PDUs with this EntityID"); return; } synchronized(receivedPDUsList) { receivedPDUsList.addElement(pPDU); } return; } /** gets the entity ID, which is the unique triplet that identifies the entity, consisting of (site, application, entity) ID numbers. This is set in the VRML node, and retrieved for use here. */ public EntityID getEntityIDObject() { return entityIDObject; } /** resets the entity ID triplet = (site, application, entity) ID numbers. */ public void setEntityIDObject(EntityID pEIO) { entityIDObject = pEIO; } /** * This is the main method, called by the VRML scene with periodicity * readInterval (or writeInterval). */ public void processEvent (Event event) { // debug ("===== VRML processEvent" + event); if (radioPduTypeValid == false) { debug ("radioPduTypeValid failed, ignoring network and all VRML events"); return; } int radioPduIndex; try { // catchAllException to diagnose run-time errors while VRML browser continues // initialize entityDispatcher block // debug ("entityDispatcherThreadStarted = " + entityDispatcherThreadStarted); if (entityDispatcherThreadStarted == false) // start thread if not already started { try{ debug ("initial processEvent received from VRML scene (" + event + ")"); debug ("strategy.invokePrivilege(this, \"startEntityDispatcherThread\");"); strategy.invokePrivilege(this, "startEntityDispatcherThread"); // if startEntityDispatcherThread () succeeds, entityDispatcherThreadStarted is set true } catch (Exception catchAllException) { trace ("initialize: exception from strategy.invokePrivilege " + catchAllException); catchAllException.printStackTrace(); } } // only used if entityDispatcher threading failed (& thus not start-ed) ! if (entityDispatcherThreadStarted == false) { entityDispatcher.singleReadLoop (); } // write block if (writeInterval > 0) { debug ("writeInterval=" + writeInterval); // This method is called at writeInterval durations // we are here in the processEvent method so it is OK to send the PDU if (radioPduType.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase ("ReceiverPdu")) { debug ("send receiverPdu " + receiverPdu.getEntityID().toString()); entityDispatcher.sendPdu (receiverPdu, address.getValue(), port.getValue()); } else if (radioPduType.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase ("SignalPdu")) { debug ("send signalPdu " + signalPdu.getEntityID().toString()); entityDispatcher.sendPdu (signalPdu, address.getValue(), port.getValue()); } else if (radioPduType.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase ("TransmitterPdu")) { debug ("send transmitterPdu " + signalPdu.getEntityID().toString()); entityDispatcher.sendPdu (transmitterPdu, address.getValue(), port.getValue()); } else { trace ( "signalPdu.getEntityID().toString()=" + signalPdu.getEntityID().toString() + " garbled, ignoring processEvent() write command"); return; } // signalPdu.printValues (2, System.out); // (indentLevel, printStream) // entityDispatcher.sendPduMulticast (signalPdu); debug ("entityDispatcher.sendPdu (...) complete"); return; } } catch (Exception catchAllException) { trace ("*** processEvent writer exception: " + catchAllException); catchAllException.printStackTrace(); setDEBUG (true); // can't re-throw (catchAllException); since not supported by class vrml.node.Script } // read block synchronized (receivedPDUsList) { // debug ("read/process receivedPDUsList"); try { // catchAllException to diagnose run-time errors while VRML browser continues // debug ("process read events, readInterval=" + readInterval); pduVectorSize = receivedPDUsList.size (); pduCount += pduVectorSize; if (pduVectorSize < 0) { trace ("error! pduVectorSize < 0, received 0 PDUs [" + pduCount + " total]"); return; } else if (pduVectorSize == 0) { debug ("received 0 PDUs [" + pduCount + " total]"); return; } else debug ("received " + pduVectorSize + " PDUs [" + pduCount + " total]"); // process all received PDUs // all Pdu's are of interest, no timestamp ordering/omissions performed radioPduIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < pduVectorSize; i++) { nextPdu = (ProtocolDataUnit) receivedPDUsList.elementAt (i); debug (" :) got nextPdu"); debug (" ((ProtocolDataUnit) receivedPDUsList.elementAt(i)).getPduType()=" + ((ProtocolDataUnit) receivedPDUsList.elementAt (i)).getPduType()); debug (" ((ProtocolDataUnit) receivedPDUsList.elementAt(i)).getPduType().shortValue()=" + ((ProtocolDataUnit) receivedPDUsList.elementAt (i)).getPduType().shortValue()); if (pduFirstHeard == true) { pduFirstHeard = false; trace ("pduFirstHeard"); } if (nextPdu.getRtpHeaderEnabled() != rtpHeaderExpected.getValue()) { debug ("RTP headers " + nextPdu.getRtpHeaderEnabled() + " rather than " + rtpHeaderExpected + " as expected!"); isRtpHeaderHeard.setValue(nextPdu.getRtpHeaderEnabled()); // send eventOut rtpHeaderExpected.setValue(nextPdu.getRtpHeaderEnabled()); // remember debug ("unexpected RTP header status, rtpHeader = " + nextPdu.getRtpHeaderEnabled()); } if ((nextPdu.getPduType().shortValue() == PduTypeField.RECEIVER) && radioPduType.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase ("ReceiverPdu")) { radioPduIndex = i; pdu = (ProtocolDataUnit) receivedPDUsList.elementAt (i); debug ("-- receiverPdu of interest is now element " + i + " of receivedPDUsList"); receiverPdu = (ReceiverPdu) pdu; // update values now timestamp.setValue(new SFTime (receiverPdu.getVRMLTimestamp())); // send eventOut debug ("radioID=" + receiverPdu.getRadioID().intValue()); radioID.setValue (receiverPdu.getRadioID().intValue()); debug ("receiverPower=" + receiverPdu.getReceiverPower()); receiverPower.setValue (receiverPdu.getReceiverPower()); debug ("receiverState=" + receiverPdu.getReceiverState().intValue()); receiverState.setValue (receiverPdu.getReceiverState().intValue()); debug ("transmitterSiteID=" + receiverPdu.getTransmitterEntityID().getSiteID().intValue()); transmitterSiteID.setValue (receiverPdu.getTransmitterEntityID().getSiteID().intValue()); debug ("transmitterApplicationID=" + receiverPdu.getTransmitterEntityID().getApplicationID().intValue()); transmitterApplicationID.setValue (receiverPdu.getTransmitterEntityID().getApplicationID().intValue()); debug ("transmitterEntityID=" + receiverPdu.getTransmitterEntityID().getEntityID().intValue()); transmitterEntityID.setValue (receiverPdu.getTransmitterEntityID().getEntityID().intValue()); debug ("transmitterRadioID=" + receiverPdu.getTransmitterRadioID().intValue()); transmitterRadioID.setValue (receiverPdu.getTransmitterRadioID().intValue()); } else if ((nextPdu.getPduType().shortValue() == PduTypeField.SIGNAL) && radioPduType.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase ("SignalPdu")) { radioPduIndex = i; pdu = (ProtocolDataUnit) receivedPDUsList.elementAt (i); debug ("-- signalPdu of interest is now element " + i + " of receivedPDUsList"); signalPdu = (SignalPdu) pdu; // update values now timestamp.setValue(new SFTime (signalPdu.getVRMLTimestamp())); // send eventOut debug ("radioID=" + signalPdu.getRadioID().intValue()); radioID.setValue (signalPdu.getRadioID().intValue()); debug ("encodingScheme=" + signalPdu.getEncodingScheme().intValue()); encodingScheme.setValue (signalPdu.getEncodingScheme().intValue()); debug ("tdlType=" + signalPdu.getTdlType().intValue()); tdlType.setValue (signalPdu.getTdlType().intValue()); debug ("sampleRate=" + (int) signalPdu.getSampleRate().doubleValue()); sampleRate.setValue ((int) signalPdu.getSampleRate().doubleValue()); debug ("samples=" + signalPdu.getSamples().intValue()); samples.setValue (signalPdu.getSamples().intValue()); if (signalPdu.getDataLength().intValue() > MAX_DATA_PARAMETERS) { trace ( "signalPdu.dataLength " + signalPdu.getDataLength().intValue() + " received, maximum supported is " + MAX_DATA_PARAMETERS); dataLength.setValue (MAX_DATA_PARAMETERS); } else { debug ("dataLength=" + signalPdu.getDataLength().intValue()); dataLength.setValue (signalPdu.getDataLength().intValue()); } debug ("data00=" + signalPdu.getData00().intValue()); data00.setValue (signalPdu.getData00().intValue()); debug ("data01=" + signalPdu.getData01().intValue()); data01.setValue (signalPdu.getData01().intValue()); debug ("data02=" + signalPdu.getData02().intValue()); data02.setValue (signalPdu.getData02().intValue()); debug ("data03=" + signalPdu.getData03().intValue()); data03.setValue (signalPdu.getData03().intValue()); debug ("data04=" + signalPdu.getData04().intValue()); data04.setValue (signalPdu.getData04().intValue()); debug ("data05=" + signalPdu.getData05().intValue()); data05.setValue (signalPdu.getData05().intValue()); debug ("data06=" + signalPdu.getData06().intValue()); data06.setValue (signalPdu.getData06().intValue()); debug ("data07=" + signalPdu.getData07().intValue()); data07.setValue (signalPdu.getData07().intValue()); debug ("data08=" + signalPdu.getData08().intValue()); data08.setValue (signalPdu.getData08().intValue()); debug ("data09=" + signalPdu.getData09().intValue()); data09.setValue (signalPdu.getData09().intValue()); debug ("data10=" + signalPdu.getData10().intValue()); data10.setValue (signalPdu.getData10().intValue()); if (pduFirstHeard == true) { pduFirstHeard = false; trace ("pduFirstHeard"); } } else if ((nextPdu.getPduType().shortValue() == PduTypeField.TRANSMITTER) && radioPduType.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase ("TransmitterPdu")) { radioPduIndex = i; pdu = (ProtocolDataUnit) receivedPDUsList.elementAt (i); debug ("-- transmitterPdu of interest is now element " + i + " of receivedPDUsList"); transmitterPdu = (TransmitterPdu) pdu; // update values now timestamp.setValue(new SFTime (transmitterPdu.getVRMLTimestamp())); // send eventOut debug ("radioID=" + transmitterPdu.getRadioID().intValue()); radioID.setValue (transmitterPdu.getRadioID().intValue()); debug ("antennaLocation=" + transmitterPdu.getAntennaLocation().getX() + ", " + transmitterPdu.getAntennaLocation().getY() + ", " + transmitterPdu.getAntennaLocation().getZ()); // type WorldCoordinate antennaLocation.setValue ( (float) transmitterPdu.getAntennaLocation().getX(), (float) transmitterPdu.getAntennaLocation().getY(), (float) transmitterPdu.getAntennaLocation().getZ()); debug ("antennaPatternLength=" + transmitterPdu.getAntennaPatternLength().intValue()); antennaPatternLength.setValue (transmitterPdu.getAntennaPatternLength().intValue()); debug ("antennaPatternType=" + transmitterPdu.getAntennaPatternType().intValue()); antennaPatternType.setValue (transmitterPdu.getAntennaPatternType().intValue()); debug ("cryptoKeyId=" + transmitterPdu.getCryptoKeyId().intValue()); cryptoKeyId.setValue (transmitterPdu.getCryptoKeyId().intValue()); debug ("cryptoSytem=" + transmitterPdu.getCryptoSytem().intValue()); cryptoSytem.setValue (transmitterPdu.getCryptoSytem().intValue()); debug ("frequency=" + transmitterPdu.getFrequency().intValue()); frequency.setValue (transmitterPdu.getFrequency().intValue()); debug ("inputSource=" + transmitterPdu.getInputSource().intValue()); inputSource.setValue (transmitterPdu.getInputSource().intValue()); debug ("lengthOfModulationParameters=" + transmitterPdu.getLengthOfModulationParameters().intValue()); lengthOfModulationParameters.setValue (transmitterPdu.getLengthOfModulationParameters().intValue()); debug ("modulationTypeDetail=" + transmitterPdu.getModulationType().getDetail().intValue()); modulationTypeDetail.setValue (transmitterPdu.getModulationType().getDetail().intValue()); debug ("modulationTypeMajor=" + transmitterPdu.getModulationType().getMajor().intValue()); modulationTypeMajor.setValue (transmitterPdu.getModulationType().getMajor().intValue()); debug ("modulationTypeSpreadSpectrum=" + transmitterPdu.getModulationType().getSpreadSpectrum()); modulationTypeSpreadSpectrum.setValue (transmitterPdu.getModulationType().getSpreadSpectrum()); debug ("modulationTypeSystem=" + transmitterPdu.getModulationType().getSystem().intValue()); modulationTypeSystem.setValue (transmitterPdu.getModulationType().getSystem().intValue()); debug ("power=" + transmitterPdu.getPower().intValue()); power.setValue (transmitterPdu.getPower().intValue()); debug ("radioEntityTypeCategory=" + transmitterPdu.getRadioEntityType().getCategory().intValue()); radioEntityTypeCategory.setValue (transmitterPdu.getRadioEntityType().getCategory().intValue()); debug ("radioEntityTypeCountry=" + transmitterPdu.getRadioEntityType().getCountry().intValue()); radioEntityTypeCountry.setValue (transmitterPdu.getRadioEntityType().getCountry().intValue()); debug ("radioEntityTypeDomain=" + transmitterPdu.getRadioEntityType().getDomain().intValue()); radioEntityTypeDomain.setValue (transmitterPdu.getRadioEntityType().getDomain().intValue()); debug ("radioEntityTypeKind=" + transmitterPdu.getRadioEntityType().getEntityKind().intValue()); radioEntityTypeKind.setValue (transmitterPdu.getRadioEntityType().getEntityKind().intValue()); debug ("radioEntityTypeNomenclature=" + transmitterPdu.getRadioEntityType().getNomenclature().intValue()); radioEntityTypeNomenclature.setValue (transmitterPdu.getRadioEntityType().getNomenclature().intValue()); debug ("radioEntityTypeNomenclatureVersion=" + transmitterPdu.getRadioEntityType().getNomenclatureVersion().intValue()); radioEntityTypeNomenclatureVersion.setValue (transmitterPdu.getRadioEntityType().getNomenclatureVersion().intValue()); debug ("relativeAntennaLocation=" + transmitterPdu.getRelativeAntennaLocation().getX() + ", " + transmitterPdu.getRelativeAntennaLocation().getY() + ", " + transmitterPdu.getRelativeAntennaLocation().getZ()); // type EntityCoordinate relativeAntennaLocation.setValue ( transmitterPdu.getRelativeAntennaLocation().getX(), transmitterPdu.getRelativeAntennaLocation().getY(), transmitterPdu.getRelativeAntennaLocation().getZ()); debug ("transmitFrequencyBandwidth=" + transmitterPdu.getTransmitFrequencyBandwidth().intValue()); transmitFrequencyBandwidth.setValue (transmitterPdu.getTransmitFrequencyBandwidth().intValue()); debug ("transmitState=" + transmitterPdu.getTransmitState().intValue()); transmitState.setValue (transmitterPdu.getTransmitState().intValue()); } else if (nextPdu.getPduType().shortValue() == PduTypeField.RECEIVER) { debug ("mismatched PDU for this Script node, " + nextPdu.pduName () + " (" + ((ReceiverPdu)nextPdu).getEntityID().getSiteID().intValue() + ", " + ((ReceiverPdu)nextPdu).getEntityID().getApplicationID().intValue() + ", " + ((ReceiverPdu)nextPdu).getEntityID().getEntityID().intValue() + ")" ); } else if (nextPdu.getPduType().shortValue() == PduTypeField.SIGNAL) { debug ("mismatched PDU for this Script node, " + nextPdu.pduName () + " (" + ((SignalPdu)nextPdu).getEntityID().getSiteID().intValue() + ", " + ((SignalPdu)nextPdu).getEntityID().getApplicationID().intValue() + ", " + ((SignalPdu)nextPdu).getEntityID().getEntityID().intValue() + ")" ); } else if (nextPdu.getPduType().shortValue() == PduTypeField.TRANSMITTER) { debug ("mismatched PDU for this Script node, " + nextPdu.pduName () + " (" + ((TransmitterPdu)nextPdu).getEntityID().getSiteID().intValue() + ", " + ((TransmitterPdu)nextPdu).getEntityID().getApplicationID().intValue() + ", " + ((TransmitterPdu)nextPdu).getEntityID().getEntityID().intValue() + ")" ); } else // unusable PDU type { trace ("not a usable pdu, element " + i + " of receivedPDUsList is type " + nextPdu.getPduType() + " = " + PduTypeField.toString (nextPdu.getPduType().intValue())); // trace ("see dis-java-vrml/docs/dis-java-vrml/mil/navy/nps/disEnumerations/PduTypeField.html"); } } if (radioPduIndex == -1) // no radio communications family PDUs received { debug ("heard no radio communications family PDUs on this channel"); } else // process the most current signalPdu which is 'pdu' - we are trying to visualize flows, not recreate them { // debug ("have one or more RadioCOmmunicationsFamily Pdus"); if (active.getValue() == false) { active.setValue (true); trace ("signalPdu(s) received - active! RTP headers: " + nextPdu.getRtpHeaderEnabled()); isRtpHeaderHeard.setValue(nextPdu.getRtpHeaderEnabled()); // send eventOut // DEBUG=true; } if (pdu == null) trace ("pdu lost scope!!"); } debug ("starting receivedPDUsList.removeAllElements ()..."); receivedPDUsList.removeAllElements (); // garbage collection will reclaim this Vector debug ("finished receivedPDUsList.removeAllElements ()"); pdu = null; nextPdu = null; // dereference list PDUs debug ("receivedPDUsList.removeAllElements (); isEmpty() = " + receivedPDUsList.isEmpty ()); if (!receivedPDUsList.isEmpty ()) trace ("receivedPDUsList.removeAllElements (); failed!"); } catch (Exception catchAllException) { trace ("*** processEvent reader exception: " + catchAllException); catchAllException.printStackTrace(); setDEBUG (true); receivedPDUsList.removeAllElements (); // garbage collection will reclaim this Vector if (!receivedPDUsList.isEmpty ()) trace ("cleanup: receivedPDUsList.removeAllElements (); failed!"); else debug ("cleanup: receivedPDUsList.removeAllElements (); succeeded!"); // can't re-throw (catchAllException); since not supported by class vrml.node.Script } } // end synchronized (receivedPDUsList) debug ("finished processEvent"); return; } /** * shutdown() is called when VRML scene exits. */ public void shutdown () { try { // catchAllException to diagnose run-time errors while browser continues if (entityDispatcher != null) entityDispatcher.shutdown (); else trace ("entityDispatcher is null, no shutdown ()"); } catch (Exception catchAllException) { trace ("entityDispatcher.shutdown () exception: " + catchAllException); // can't re-throw (catchAllException); since not supported by class vrml.node.Script } trace ("shutdown () complete\n"); // easier to find trace restarts in console } /** * main method was originally intended to be used for debugging, to determine if EntityDispatcher * really is sending things to us. *

* Sigh. We can't actually use main(), since that's declared in Script, and * we can't override static methods. So as an alternative we rename this * something else and then call it from another class that can have a * main method. Reverify that this block of code is correct if you do resurrect it. */ public static void main(String args[]) { RadioCommunicationsPduScriptNode transformTester = new RadioCommunicationsPduScriptNode(); EntityID eio; if (entityDispatcher == null) { entityDispatcher = EntityDispatcher.getEntityDispatcher ("", 62040); // multicast // Thread used to run the entityDispatcher Thread aThread = new Thread(entityDispatcher, "DebuggingEntityDispatcher-" + ClassUtilities.nextSerialNum()); // can't use trace() here since not static System.out.println ("RadioCommunicationsPduScriptNode main: entityDispatcher thread starting..."); aThread.start(); System.out.println ("RadioCommunicationsPduScriptNode main: " + aThread.getName() + " entityDispatcher thread started..."); } // DIS entityID object, which has a few more smarts. eio = new EntityID(0,1,2); transformTester.setEntityIDObject(eio); // Add ourselves to the Hashtable of RadioCommunicationsPduScriptNodes that can receive PDUs. //entityDispatcher.addRadioCommunicationsPduScriptNode(transformTester); } // end of main }