/* File: ProtocolDataUnit.java CVS Info: $Id: ProtocolDataUnit.java,v 1.7 1998/02/03 17:29:44 mcgredo Exp $ Compiler: jdk 1.3 */ package mil.navy.nps.dis; import mil.navy.nps.util.*; // General-purpose utilities import mil.navy.nps.disEnumerations.*; // Enumerations for DIS import java.io.*; import java.net.*; import java.util.*; /** * Top-level abstract (uninstantiated) class for all PDUs. * *@version 1.0 *@author Don McGregor (http://www.npsnet.org/~mcgredo) * *
Location: *
Web: * http://www.web3d.org/WorkingGroups/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/ProtocolDataUnit.java * *
or locally: * ~/mil/navy/nps/dis/ProtocolDataUnit.java * *
Hierarchy Diagram: *
* *
Summary: *
This is an abstract class that actual PDUs inherit from. The ProtocolDataUnit * includes the header information that is present in every PDU. Centralizing * this information in one class prevents us from having to re-declare it in * every class. * *
Explanation: *
* * This class in turn inherits from PduElement, the abstract class that defines * a high-level interface to the "things" that make up a PDU.

* * I generally declare instance variables to be protected, which means that * they are directly accessible from this class and all subclasses. Those * who believe in full-jackboot mode will want them declared private, so * subclasses can't access them either.

* * The accessor methods (getProtocolVersion et al) are declared public, so * that anyone, including those outside this package, can access them. You * should always go through accessor methods when setting values inside an * object. Direct access from outside the class can cause mysterious errors * that are very hard to track down.

* * Note that, due to garbage collection, we don't have to worry about the * status of orphaned instance variables. For example, this operation will * cause memory leaks in C++ or Obj-C:


 *    protocolVersion = newProtocolVersion;
* In C++, this operation would leave an orphaned object; the _old_ object * that was held by protocolVersion would have no valid pointers to it, but * would still take up memory. With GC, the old, orphaned protocolVersion's * memory will be scavanged and returned to use.

* * Accessor methods return a copy of the thing they're getting, not the * actual thing. This prevents violations of encapsulation. If this weren't * the case, we might see something like this:


 *myLength = aPdu.getLength();
* this would return another pointer to the same object contained inside of * aPdu. addOne() would modify the value inside of aPdu, a violation of * encapsulation. So instead we implement getLength() like this:

* *

 *public UnsignedByte getLength()
 *{ return (UnsignedByte)length.clone();
* * this creates an identical copy of length and returns that. The calling * method can modify that to its heart's content without affecting aPdu. * For the same reason, the clone() method should make copies of all the * instance variables. Otherwise, the "new" object will have pointers * shared with the old object. The clone() operation also helps prevent * big dependency meshes for GC.

* * Serialization should make a call to the superclass before it does its own * instance variables.

* * Note that we do not include the padding variables in the instance variables * of objects. Padding is used only in the serialized, external representation * of a PDU. The user would have no reason to do anything with padding in * an object. Since it is only an artifact of serialization, references to * padding are limited to the serialization/deserialization methods.

* * Also, the length, a field in the header portion, is calculated on the fly * rather than saved and set. The header has a fixed length, 18 bytes. To find * the size of a PDU, implement the length() method in all the subclasses. This * should make a call to super, do any local calculations required, then return * the correct number. Your code might look like :

* *

 *    public int length() {
 *	return super.length() + 110 + aVector.size * anElement.length();
 *    }

* * This adds up the length of the superclass, such as the PDU header, * the basic length of the subclass (such as the entity state PDU), and * adds the length of any variable number of parameters attached to the * PDU.

* *

History: *
10Oct96 /Don McGregor /New *
15Oct96 /Don McGregor /setter methods with "primitive" types, minor changes as * suggested in class. *
28Oct96 /Don McGregor /changed length() implementation *
17Nov96 /Don McGregor /retrofitted in EntityID object for site, application, entity fields, * kept old external interface, added new interface for setting and * getting entityID as one object *
18Nov96 /Don McGregor /Moved entityID into subclasses of ProtocolDataUnit *
10Mar97 /Don McGregor /changes for javadoc *
16Apr97 /Don McGregor /PrintStream passed to printValues *
8Dec97 /Ronan Fauglas /changes for documentation templates + complements in documentation
11Dec97 /Ronan Fauglas /changed access methods to class variables to "getVariable" *
30Nov99 /Don Brutzman /partially implemented several simulation management PDUs *
5Aug2000 /Don Brutzman /numerous PDU types now supported * *
References: *
DIS Data Dictionary :PDU Header Record *
DIS-Java-VRML Working Group: http://www.web3d.org/WorkingGroups/vrtp/dis-java-vrml/ *
DIS specification : IEEE 1278.1, 4.4.1 * *@see PduElement *@see SerializationInterface */ public abstract class ProtocolDataUnit extends PduElement { //******************************************************************************* /** * Optional (non-DIS-compliant) RTP header prepending DIS packet. */ private RtpHeader rtpHeader; /** * Are we currently using the optional (non-DIS-compliant) RTP header prepending DIS packet? */ private boolean rtpHeaderEnabled = true; public boolean getRtpHeaderEnabled() { return rtpHeaderEnabled; } public void setRtpHeaderEnabled(boolean pRtpHeaderEnabled) { rtpHeaderEnabled = pRtpHeaderEnabled; return; } //************************************************************************************ /** *Debugging flag; when set true, turns on verbose diagnostic, statements that prints in the java console. *It is by default set to TRUE. */ public static final boolean DEBUG = false; /** Debugging output. Pass in a string, and it gets printed out on the console. You can pass in strings such as "foo " + bar.getName(). */ protected static void debug (String pDiagnostic) { if (DEBUG) System.out.println("ProtocolDataUnit: " + pDiagnostic); } /** Guaranteed debugging output. Pass in a string, and it gets printed out on the console. You can pass in strings such as "foo " + bar.getName(). */ protected static void trace (String pDiagnostic) { System.out.println("ProtocolDataUnit: " + pDiagnostic); } private static long simulationStartTime = 0; // number of ms since 1970 until midnight on start of simulation /** * This unnamed section of code is a little-known feature: a * static initialization block. It's used to initialize * simulationStartTime to the number of ms from 1970 until 12:00 midnight * on the day the simulation starts up. The first (commented-out) version * used older, deprecated methods * in Date and was provided for backwards compatibility with JDK 1.02. The * newer Java 1.1 Calendar objects are now used instead. */ /* original version: static { Date currentDate = new Date(); Date midnight; int year, month, date; year = currentDate.getYear(); month = currentDate.getMonth(); date = currentDate.getDate(); midnight = new Date(year, month, date); // initialized to midnight simulationStartTime = midnight.getTime(); } */ /* This static block is a replacement to the above. It should be used with JDK 1.1 and later. The above date.getX methods are deprecated. */ static { GregorianCalendar currentDate = new GregorianCalendar(); GregorianCalendar midnight; int year, month, date; year = currentDate.get(Calendar.YEAR)-1900; month = currentDate.get(Calendar.MONTH); date = currentDate.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); midnight = new GregorianCalendar(); midnight.set(year + 1900, month, date, 0, 0, 0); simulationStartTime = midnight.getTime().getTime(); } // PDU header information /** *Current version of the protocol being used. *It is now 2.0 which should be mapped to protocolVersion=5 *No default value is set. * *
References: *
DIS Data Dictionary: Protocol Version Field *
DIS specification : IEEE 1278.1, *
*/ protected UnsignedByte protocolVersion; // What version of protocol being used /** *Exercise Identifier Field. *Exercise Identification shall be unique to each exercise being conducted simultaneously on the same *communications medium. No default value. * *
References: *
DIS Data Dictionary :Exercise Identifier Field *
DIS specification : IEEE 1278.1, *
*/ protected UnsignedByte exerciseID; // ID of exercise we're participating in /** *Type of PDU (entity state, message, etc). * *
References: *
DIS Data Dictionary: PDU Type Field *
DIS specification : IEEE 1278.1, *
* * @see mil.navy.nps.disEnumerations.PduTypeField */ protected UnsignedByte pduType; /** *Indicates the family of protocols which the PDU belongs to. * *
References: *
DIS Data Dictionary: Protocol Family Field *
DIS specification : IEEE 1278.1, *
*/ protected UnsignedByte protocolFamily; // protocol family /** *Time Stamp, either relative or UTC *This field shall specify the time which the data in the PDU is valid. * *
References: *
DIS Data Dictionary: Time Stamp Field *
DIS specification : IEEE 1278.1, paragraph 5.2.31 page 71. * *
Note: *
TimeStamp is initialized on creation of the Pdus. * *
DIS specification excerpt: *
5.2.31 Timestamp. * Timestamping shall be used to indicate the time at which * the data contained in the PDU was generated. For * simulations using absolute timestamps, this time is the * exact UTC. For simulations using relative timestamps, * this time is the time that the simulation application * assumes the event or state occurred in the synthetic * environment relative to its own host clock. This timestamp * shall be speciŽed using a 32-bit unsigned integer * representing units of time passed since the beginning of * the current hour. The least signiŽcant bit shall * indicate whether the timestamp is absolute or relative. * Absolute timestamp. * An absolute timestamp shall be used when simulation * application clocks are synchronized to UTC. The use * of the absolute timestamp shall be signiŽed by the * least signiŽcant bit set to one. * Relative timestamp. * A relative timestamp shall be used when simulation * application clocks are not synchronized. Each * simulation application shall keep time beginning * with an arbitrary starting point. The time indicated by the * timestamp shall be relative to the simulation application * issuing the PDU. The use of the relative timestamp * shall be signiŽed by the least signiŽcant bit set to zero. * Scale. * The scale of the time value contained in the most significant * 31 bits of the timestamp shall be determined by * setting one hour equal to (2 31 Š1), thereby resulting in * each time unit representing 3600 s/(2 31 Š1) = 1.676 µs. *
* */ protected UnsignedInt timestamp; // timestamp, either relative or UTC // length of entire PDU (not an ivar, calculated on the fly) // padding to bring up to 32-bit word boundary (not an ivar) /** timeReceived is the time since 1970. This field holds the time the PDU was received, ON THE CLIENT. Note that this is not a serialized field; it is not in the DIS spec, and cannot be sent over the wire. */ protected long timeReceived; // Time received, in java format, milliseconds since 1970 /** *Constant value--size of a PDU header when written out; *sizeOf = 12 bytes. */ public static final int sizeOf = 12; // size of header when written out /** *Constructor for a default protocol data unit. No field is initialized. */ public ProtocolDataUnit() { //********************************************************************* if(rtpHeaderEnabled){ rtpHeader = new RtpHeader(); } //********************************************************************* protocolVersion = new UnsignedByte(ProtocolVersionField.IEEE127811995); // Set to IEEE 1995 standard = 5 exerciseID = new UnsignedByte(1); /** * @see mil.navy.nps.disEnumerations.PduTypeField for legal values */ pduType = new UnsignedByte(42); /* The protocolFamily refers to the general class of PDU. This can help client software sort incoming pdus to the correct bins for faster processing. Valid values are below: Value Meaning ----- ------- 0 other 1 entity information/interaction 2 warfare 3 logistics 4 radio communications 5 simulation management See the enumerations for definitive values. */ protocolFamily = new UnsignedByte(ProtocolFamilyField.OTHER); // Default "other" value // Sim managaement if(this instanceof SimulationManagementFamily) protocolFamily = new UnsignedByte(ProtocolFamilyField.SIMULATIONMANAGEMENT); // Radio comms if(this instanceof RadioCommunicationsFamily) protocolFamily = new UnsignedByte(ProtocolFamilyField.RADIOCOMMUNICATION); // Logistics not used yet, would be set to 3 // The "warfare family" pdus consist of fire and detonation. if((this instanceof DetonationPdu) || (this instanceof FirePdu)) protocolFamily = new UnsignedByte(ProtocolFamilyField.WARFARE); // Entity information/interaction consists of ESPDU and collision if((this instanceof CollisionPdu) || (this instanceof EntityStatePdu)) protocolFamily = new UnsignedByte(ProtocolFamilyField.ENTITYINFORMATIONINTERACTION); // Default of one, entity info/interaction // timestamp = new UnsignedInt(); // Timestamp, set to VRML DEFINITION OF TIME this.makeTimestampCurrent(); return; } public Object clone() { ProtocolDataUnit newPdu = (ProtocolDataUnit)super.clone(); newPdu.setProtocolVersion(this.getProtocolVersion()); newPdu.setExerciseID(this.getExerciseID()); newPdu.setPduType(this.getPduType()); newPdu.setProtocolFamily(this.getProtocolFamily()); newPdu.makeTimestampCurrent(); return newPdu; } /** In a number of places we need to generate strings of a specific length of spaces. this does that. This could probably be more efficent.... Fun fact: new String(char array of spaces) generates garbage */ public static StringBuffer getPaddingOfLength(int pIndent) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); for(int idx = 0; idx < pIndent; idx++) { buf.append(' '); } return buf; } public void printValues(int indentLevel, PrintStream printStream) { // print the values of the object out, with correct level of // indentation on the page. StringBuffer buf = ProtocolDataUnit.getPaddingOfLength(indentLevel); printStream.println(buf + "protocolVersion: " + protocolVersion.intValue()); printStream.println(buf + "exerciseID: " + exerciseID.intValue()); printStream.println(buf + "pduType: " + pduType.intValue()); printStream.println(buf + "protocolFamily: " + protocolFamily.intValue()); printStream.println(buf + "timestamp: " + timestamp.longValue()); printStream.println(buf + "length: " + this.length()); return; } /** *This methods sets the Timestamp to the current Time. *
Explanation: *
Sets the timestamp field to a current value. THIS USES THE VRML DEFINITION *OF TIME RATHER THAN THE DIS DEFINITION OF TIME. VRML uses a double to hold *the number of seconds since January 1, 1970. That takes 64 bits, though, and *we have only 32 in the PDU. We get around this, sort of, by adopting the *convention of having the start time equal to midnight on the day the simulation *started up. With 32 bits, we can run for about 50 days before the number of *milliseconds in the field rolls over. When we return the VRML timestamp, *we can just add the start time (saved in a class variable) to the timestamp *and cast it to a double. *
*/ public void makeTimestampCurrent() { long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // ms since 1970 currentTime = currentTime - simulationStartTime; // ms since midnight on day sim started timestamp = new UnsignedInt(currentTime); // instantiate new timestamp. return; } /** Returns the timestamp, INTERPRETED IN THE VRML DEFINITION OF TIME. VRML uses the number of seconds since January 1, 1970, in a double, as the definition of absolute time. DIS uses an unsigned int with some absurdly irrelevant definition of time. */ public double getVRMLTimestamp() { long pduTimestamp; pduTimestamp = timestamp.longValue(); // retrieve value as a long pduTimestamp = simulationStartTime + pduTimestamp; return (double)pduTimestamp; } /** Accessor method that sets the simulation start time. Ordinarily this is set to midnight of the day that the simulation is started. See timestamp for details. */ public static void setSimulationStartTime(long pStartTime) { simulationStartTime = pStartTime; } /** *Returns the name of the PDU--eg, Entity State, Fire, Comment, etc-- as a String. * *
References: *
See PDU Name *
* *@return the name of the PDU as a String */ public abstract String pduName (); public String toString () { return pduName (); // PduTypeField.toString (pduVersion.intValue()); } // Accessor methods public UnsignedByte getProtocolVersion() { return (UnsignedByte)protocolVersion.clone(); } public void setProtocolVersion(UnsignedByte pProtocolVersion) { protocolVersion = pProtocolVersion; } public void setProtocolVersion(int pProtocolVersion) { protocolVersion = new UnsignedByte(pProtocolVersion); } public UnsignedByte getExerciseID() { return (UnsignedByte)exerciseID.clone(); } public void setExerciseID(UnsignedByte pExerciseID) { exerciseID = pExerciseID; } public void setExerciseID(int pExerciseID) { exerciseID = new UnsignedByte(pExerciseID); } /** * @see mil.navy.nps.disEnumerations.PduTypeField for legal values */ public UnsignedByte getPduType() { return (UnsignedByte)pduType.clone(); } /** * @see mil.navy.nps.disEnumerations.PduTypeField for legal values */ public void setPduType(UnsignedByte pPduType) { pduType = pPduType; } /** * @see mil.navy.nps.disEnumerations.PduTypeField for legal values */ public void setPduType(short pPduType) { pduType = new UnsignedByte(pPduType); } public UnsignedByte getProtocolFamily() { return (UnsignedByte)protocolFamily.clone(); } public void setProtocolFamily(UnsignedByte pProtocolFamily) { protocolFamily = pProtocolFamily; } public void setProtocolFamily(int pProtocolFamily) { protocolFamily = new UnsignedByte(pProtocolFamily); } public UnsignedInt getTimestamp() { return (UnsignedInt)timestamp.clone(); } public void setTimestamp(UnsignedInt pTimestamp) { timestamp = pTimestamp; } public void setTimestamp(long pTimestamp) { timestamp = new UnsignedInt(pTimestamp); } /** *Returns the length of the PDU header. * *@return the length of the PDU header (currently 12 bytes). Note that * this should NOT include the length of the RTP header. */ public int length() { // return ProtocolDataUnit.sizeOf; // we're always this long //****************************************************** // if(rtpHeaderEnabled){ // return ProtocolDataUnit.sizeOf + RtpHeader.sizeOf; // } // else{ return ProtocolDataUnit.sizeOf; // } //********************************************************** } public void serialize(DataOutputStream outputStream) { UnsignedShort padding = new UnsignedShort(0); // padding to bring pdu up to word boundary UnsignedShort length = new UnsignedShort(this.length()); // how long this PDU is, calculated on the fly debug ("serializing in PDU"); //***************************************************************************** if(rtpHeaderEnabled){ rtpHeader.prepareToSend(this); rtpHeader.serialize(outputStream); } //***************************************************************************** protocolVersion.serialize(outputStream); exerciseID.serialize(outputStream); pduType.serialize(outputStream); protocolFamily.serialize(outputStream); timestamp.serialize(outputStream); length.serialize(outputStream); padding.serialize(outputStream); debug ("exiting serialize in ProtocolDataUnit"); return; } public void deSerialize(DataInputStream inputStream) { // Read from a stream. The order in which variables are read is significant. UnsignedShort padding = new UnsignedShort(0); // padding--read just to be thrown away UnsignedShort length = new UnsignedShort(0); // length--read just to be thrown away //******************************************************************************* UnsignedByte firstByte = new UnsignedByte(); firstByte.deSerialize(inputStream); try { inputStream.reset(); } catch(IOException ioException) { throw new RuntimeException("deSerialize: Exception in ProtocolDataUnit. Error resetting stream."); } setRtpHeaderEnabled (false); debug ("deSerialize: firstByte=" + firstByte + ", RtpHeader.RTP_VERSION * 64 = " + RtpHeader.RTP_VERSION * 64); if( firstByte.intValue() == ( RtpHeader.RTP_VERSION * 64) ) { setRtpHeaderEnabled (true); rtpHeader.deSerialize(inputStream); } //********************************************************************************** protocolVersion.deSerialize(inputStream); exerciseID.deSerialize(inputStream); pduType.deSerialize(inputStream); protocolFamily.deSerialize(inputStream); timestamp.deSerialize(inputStream); length.deSerialize(inputStream); // Nothing is done with this value padding.deSerialize(inputStream); // Nothing is done with this value return; } /** * Legacy compatability method */ public static ProtocolDataUnit datagramToPdu(DatagramPacket pDatagramPacket) { byte byteArray[] = pDatagramPacket.getData(); return ProtocolDataUnit.byteArrayToPdu(byteArray); } /** *Returns a PDU completely read in from the byte array in parameter. * *
Explanation: *
* This can't be a constructor, since we don't know what type of object * we're going to instantiate before it fires. This is a static (class) * method. * * This gets a bit convoluted, but it makes the external interface nice. * We have to decide what type of PDU to instantiate, but we don't know * the PDU type until we've read some of it. So we read the first few * bytes of the byte array in the datagram packet, and find the PDU type. * Then we reset the stream, and tell the new object to deserialize itself. * It does this by making a call to super.deserialize as the first executable * statement of the deserialize method. This causes the data to be read * in the correct order--the data for the PDU header is at the front of the * datagram, and that's the first data that's deserialized. Then the subclass * deserialize method fires, and that deserializes the next data in the * stream, corresponding to that subclass. * * The process looks something like this: *
 *          ProtocolDataUnit
 *                 |
 *                 ^
 *           EntityStatePDU
* The deserialize message goes first to the EntityStatePdu. The ESPDU * immediately calls the deserialize method in its superclass, ProtocolDataUnit. * PDU deserializes the first few instance variables, then returns. The ESPDU * then deserializes its ivars. * Prints out some information during exectuion if debugging flag is set. *
* *@param pByteArray The data packet of bytes *@return the PDU as identified in the datagam (with default initialization) *@throws RuntimeException if an IO error occurs. */ public static ProtocolDataUnit byteArrayToPdu(byte pByteArray[]) { ProtocolDataUnit newPdu; // The pdu we return from the datagram packet byte initialBuf[]; // data from datagram packet ByteArrayInputStream initialByteStream; // byte stream DataInputStream initialDataStream; // data stream UnsignedByte pduType = new UnsignedByte(); // pdu type debug ("translating a byte array into a PDU"); // Turn the byte array into an input data stream, so we can use nice, high-level // functions to read what's in it. initialBuf = pByteArray; // get data portion of Datagram initialByteStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(initialBuf); // wrap a byte stream around it initialDataStream = new DataInputStream(initialByteStream); // wrap a data stream around _that_ //******************************************************************************** // We need to find the value of the PDU type field, so we can determine what // constructor we need to run. The problem is that this can be a variable // number of bytes into the byte array. If we have an RTP header it will // be more bytes in; without, it will be less. So the steps we have to follow // are: 1) determine if we have an RTP header. We do this by looking for a // magic byte value in the first byte. If it's there, we know that we have // to skip over a known number of bytes in the array. After that we can offset // a constant number of bytes from the start of the PDU proper to the pdu type // field. UnsignedByte firstByte = new UnsignedByte(); firstByte.deSerialize(initialDataStream); debug ("byteArrayToPdu: firstByte=" + firstByte + ", RtpHeader.RTP_VERSION * 64 = " + RtpHeader.RTP_VERSION * 64); int offset = 0; // offset to the pdu type field // The magic number of the first byte indicates RTP. Calculate the correct offset to the // pdu type field. It's three bytes in from the start of the PDU. If we have an RTP // header, it's 12 bytes long. Note that we've already read one byte. if( firstByte.intValue() == ( RtpHeader.RTP_VERSION * 64 ) ) { offset = 2 - 1 + 12; // the pdu type field is two bytes in (one already read) plus 12 RTP bytes } else // no rtp header { offset = 2 - 1; // pdu type field is the third byte in, one byte already read } try { initialDataStream.skipBytes(offset); // Skip to start of PDU type field pduType.deSerialize(initialDataStream); // read the pdu type } catch (IOException ioError) { throw new RuntimeException("Exception in ProtocolDataUnit. Error instantiating from datagram."); } try { initialDataStream.reset(); // reset the stream to the start } catch(IOException ioException) { throw new RuntimeException("byteArrayToPdu: Exception in ProtocolDataUnit. Error resetting stream."); } // We need to degrade gracefully if this is an unrecognized PDU... // we'll probably see a lot of pdus that we haven't implemented yet. debug ("Got PDU of type " + pduType + ", " + PduTypeField.toString (pduType.shortValue())); switch(pduType.shortValue()) { case PduTypeField.COLLISION: debug ("got a packet with PduTypeField.COLLISION, instantiating a CollisionPdu"); newPdu = new CollisionPdu(); break; case PduTypeField.COMMENT: debug ("got a packet with PduTypeField.COMMENT, instantiating a CommentPdu"); newPdu = new CommentPdu(); break; case PduTypeField.CREATEENTITY: debug ("got a packet with PduTypeField.CREATEENTITY, instantiating a CreateEntityPdu"); newPdu = new CreateEntityPdu(); break; case PduTypeField.DATA: debug ("got a packet with PduTypeField.DATA, instantiating a DataPdu"); newPdu = new DataPdu(); break; case PduTypeField.DETONATION: // detonation PDU is the fire PDU's frequent companion debug ("got a packet with PduTypeField.DETONATION, instantiating a DetonationPdu"); newPdu = new DetonationPdu(); break; case PduTypeField.ENTITYSTATE: debug ("got a packet with PduTypeField.ENTITYSTATE, instantiating an EntityStatePdu (ESPDU)"); newPdu = new EntityStatePdu(); break; case PduTypeField.FIRE: debug ("got a packet with PduTypeField.FIRE, instantiating a FirePdu"); newPdu = new FirePdu(); break; case PduTypeField.RECEIVER: debug ("got a packet with PduTypeField.RECEIVER, instantiating a ReceiverPdu"); newPdu = new ReceiverPdu(); break; case PduTypeField.REMOVEENTITY: debug ("got a packet with PduTypeField.REMOVEENTITY, instantiating a RemoveEntityPdu"); newPdu = new RemoveEntityPdu(); break; case PduTypeField.SIGNAL: debug ("got a packet with PduTypeField.SIGNAL, instantiating a SignalPdu"); newPdu = new SignalPdu(); break; case PduTypeField.TRANSMITTER: debug ("got a packet with PduTypeField.TRANSMITTER, instantiating a TransmitterPdu"); newPdu = new TransmitterPdu(); break; default: // unrecognized PDU type found trace ("Unrecognized PDU type received in packet: " + pduType.shortValue() + ", " + PduTypeField.toString (pduType.shortValue())); ProtocolDataUnit.printPacketContents(pByteArray); return null; } newPdu.deSerialize(initialDataStream); //newPdu.printValues(7); debug ("translated a datagram into a PDU"); return newPdu; // may be null if PDU type not recognized } /** * Prints out the contents of a packet. */ private static void printPacketContents(byte pByteArray[]) { System.out.print("Packet contents: " ); for(int idx=0; idx < pByteArray.length; idx++) { System.out.print(pByteArray[idx] + " "); } System.out.println(); } /** get the time the PDU was received. Note that this may be off a bit due to buffering in the behavior stream buffer. */ public long getTimeReceived() { return timeReceived; } /** Set the time the PDU was received */ public void setTimeReceived(long pTimeReceived) { timeReceived = pTimeReceived; return; } /** Stamp the current time into the timeReceived field */ public void stampTimeReceived() { timeReceived = System.currentTimeMillis(); } } // end of class ProtocolDataUnit