/* File: EventID.java CVS Info: $Id: EventID.java,v 1.2 1998/01/27 18:44:13 mcgredo Exp $ Compiler: jdk 1.3 */ package mil.navy.nps.dis; // our package import mil.navy.nps.util.*; // General-purpose utilities import mil.navy.nps.disEnumerations.*; // Enumerations for DIS import java.io.*; // input/output library import java.util.*; // utilities /** * Record for event identification. * *@version 1.0 *@author Don McGregor (http://www.npsnet.org/~mcgredo) * *
Location: *
Web: * http://www.web3d.org/WorkingGroups/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EventID.java * *
or locally: * ~/mil/navy/nps/dis/EventID.java * *
Hierarchy Diagram: *
* *
Summary: *
The event identification shall be specified by the Event Identifier Record. * *
Explanation: *
The record shall consist of a Simulation Address Record and an Event Number. The latter * is uniquely assigned within the host by the simulation application that initiates * the sequence of events. The Event Identifier Record shall be set to one for each exercise and * incremented by one for each fire event or collision event. * In the case where all possible values are exhausted, the numbers may be reused, beginning at one.

* * Note that I've flattened the object, such that * the site and application ID are in this object, rather than in an object/class * of their own. This is a questionable move.

* * It inherits from PduElement, the abstract class that all non-PDUs inherit * from. As usual, it knows how to serialize and deserialize itself, clone * itself, etc.

* * The event ID is used to keep events straight. It is employed in the fire and * detonation PDUs, for example.

* * This is extremely similar to the EventID class. It includes a hash function for * the object, in case we want to use this as a key in a hash table.

* *

History: *
12Dec96 /Don McGregor /New *
10Mar97 /Don McGregor /Cleaned up for javadoc *
16Apr97 /Don McGregor /PrintStream passed to printValues *
12Aug97 /Don McGregor /elaborated printValues *
8Dec97 /Ronan Fauglas /changes for documentation templates + complements in documentation *
11Dec97 /Ronan Fauglas /changed access methods: thisVariable() --> getThisVariable() *
11Dec97 /Ronan Fauglas /changed instance variable from "" to protected *
11Dec97 /Ronan Fauglas /changed entity 2 event in event accessor method... * *
References: *
DIS Data Dictionary :Event Identifier Record *
DIS-Java-VRML Working Group: * http://www.web3d.org/WorkingGroups/vrtp/dis-java-vrml/ *
DIS specification : IEEE 1278.1, Section 5.3.18 * *@see PduElement *@see SerializationInterface *@see EntityStatePdu */ public class EventID extends PduElement { /** *Site Identifier Field - Each DIS site shall be assigned a unique Site Identifier. */ protected UnsignedShort siteID; // site event came from /** *Application Identifier Field - Each simulation application at a DIS site *shall be assigned an application identifier unique within that site. */ protected UnsignedShort applicationID; // application at that site this came from /** *Event Indentifier Field - A general purpose Identifier used to uniquely identify up to 65535 items. * *
Value: *
The event number field of shall be set to one for each exercise and incremented by one for each fire *event, collision event or electromagnetic mission event. In the case where all values are exhausted, *the numbers may be reused, beginning again at one. *
*/ protected UnsignedShort eventID; // event ID within that application /** *Constant value--size of an EventID as written out to the wire. Here: *sizeOf = 6 bytes */ protected static final int sizeOf = 6;// size of an EventID, as written to wire. /** *Default constructor--fills with zeros for all values. */ public EventID() // constructor { siteID = new UnsignedShort(0); applicationID = new UnsignedShort(0); eventID = new UnsignedShort(0); return; } public EventID(short pSiteID, short pApplicationID, short pEventID) { siteID = new UnsignedShort(pSiteID); applicationID = new UnsignedShort(pApplicationID); eventID = new UnsignedShort(pEventID); return; } public Object clone() { // make a copy of the object. This requires a deep copy, so we don't have two // objects sharing pointers to the same data. EventID newEventID = new EventID(); newEventID.setSiteID(this.getSiteID()); newEventID.setApplicationID(this.getApplicationID()); newEventID.setEventID(this.getEventID()); return newEventID; } public void serialize(DataOutputStream outputStream) { //super.serialize(outputStream); // No need to call super, since no ivars are in our direct superclass siteID.serialize(outputStream); applicationID.serialize(outputStream); eventID.serialize(outputStream); return; } public void deSerialize(DataInputStream inputStream) { // no need to call super, since there are no ivars in the superclass. siteID.deSerialize(inputStream); applicationID.deSerialize(inputStream); eventID.deSerialize(inputStream); return; } public int length() { return sizeOf; // event IDs are this long, always. } public void printValues(int indentLevel, PrintStream printStream) { // print the values of the object out, with correct level of // indentation on the page. StringBuffer indent = ProtocolDataUnit.getPaddingOfLength(indentLevel); int idx, superclassIndent = indentLevel; printStream.println(indent + "EventID siteID: " + siteID.intValue()); printStream.println(indent + "EventID applicationID: " + applicationID.intValue()); printStream.println(indent + "EventID eventID: " + eventID.intValue()); return; } /* *Returns a hashcode of the object. * *
Explanation: *
This provides a hash code for the object, since this is a handy way to *uniquely identify entities. There's a problem, since there are 48 bits *of information in the object, but the hash code has only 32 bits to *put things in. The solution right now is to ignore the application ID *when generating the hash code. Furthermore, the event ID is in the upper *16 bits, while the site ID is in the lower 16 bits. The idea is that this *will help spread out the hash code a bit more, since there are probably *many more entities than sites, and putting the part with more information *in the MSB helps spread things out. *
* *@return a hashcode value of this object. */ /** *This provides a hash code for the object. *A Hash code is a handy way to uniquely identify entities. * *
* *
* *@return a hash code value for this object * *@see EntityID#hashCode */ public int hashCode() { int hashCode = 0; int site = siteID.intValue(); int event = eventID.intValue(); hashCode = event << 16; // shift 16 bits to the left, zero-fill on right. hashCode = hashCode & site; // stick the site ID bits in the lower half of the int // (bit mask is faster) return hashCode; } /** *Makes a "numeric equality" test. * *@param obj the object want to be compared with this object. *@return yes if the object in parameter is of the same type and * if the numerical values of both objects are equal. */ public boolean equals(Object obj) { int site, application, event; // my internal values int objSiteID, objApplicationID, objEventID; // internal values of the other guy EventID compareObj; if(obj == null) return false; // if the object we're being compared to isn't an EventID, we bloody well // better not be equal. if(this.getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; // now that we're sure, cast to an object of this type compareObj = (EventID)obj; // grumble...oughta be a more elegant way to do this. site = siteID.intValue(); application = applicationID.intValue(); event = eventID.intValue(); objSiteID = compareObj.getSiteID().intValue(); objApplicationID = compareObj.getApplicationID().intValue(); objEventID = compareObj.getEventID().intValue(); if((site == objSiteID) && (application == objApplicationID) && (event == objEventID)) return true; return false; } // accessor methods. The get() methods return a copy of the instance variable, rather than // the instance variable itself. public UnsignedShort getSiteID() { return (UnsignedShort)siteID.clone(); } public void setSiteID(UnsignedShort pSiteID) {siteID = pSiteID; } public void setSiteID(int pSiteID) { siteID = new UnsignedShort(pSiteID); } public UnsignedShort getApplicationID() { return (UnsignedShort)applicationID.clone(); } public void setApplicationID(UnsignedShort pApplicationID) {applicationID = pApplicationID; } public void setApplicationID(int pApplicationID) { applicationID = new UnsignedShort(pApplicationID); } public UnsignedShort getEventID() { return (UnsignedShort)eventID.clone(); } public void setEventID(UnsignedShort pEventID) {eventID = pEventID; } public void setEventID(int pEventID) { eventID = new UnsignedShort(pEventID); } } // End of class EventID