#VRML V2.0 utf8 WorldInfo { title "VRML: EspduTransformPROTO.wrl" info [ "Author: Don Brutzman" "Revised: 14 April 2002" "Script: EspduTransform.java, .class" "Purpose: PROTO providing DIS ESPDU interface for a VRML entity" "Browsers: WinNT Netscape 4.7,4.08/CosmoPlayer 2.1.1" "http://web.nps.navy.mil/~brutzman/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransformPROTO.wrl" "http://www.web3D.org/WorkingGroups/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransformPROTO.wrl" ] } ################################################################################# # Why a prototype rather than an Inline file? Prototyping allows replacement of # standard VRML nodes (e.g. Transform) and can also expose events and fields # to the encapsulating top-level scene. # Ensure that instances of this node are placed at the top-most level and # not translated away from the local world coordinates origin. # CosmoPlayer bug? SFTime values are rounded off to nearest integer, so # types for readInterval and writeInterval changed to SFFloat ################################################################################# PROTO EspduTransform [ # DIS ESPDU fields - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # Entity identity field SFString marking "" # 0..11 character label for entity field SFInt32 siteID 0 # EntityID: site field SFInt32 applicationID 1 # EntityID: application ID, # unique ID for app at that site field SFInt32 entityID 0 # unique ID for entity within that app # Networking configuration parameters field SFString networkMode "networkReader" # "standAlone" | "networkReader" | "networkWriter" eventOut SFBool isStandAlone eventOut SFBool isNetworkWriter eventOut SFBool isNetworkReader field SFTime readInterval 0.1 # seconds between read updates (if reading as remote) field SFTime writeInterval 0.0 # seconds between write updates (if writing as master) field SFString address "localhost" # multicast address, or else "localhost" # listens to local defaultBridge field SFInt32 port 8006 # multicast port, or else # listen to local defaultBridge # Automatic MulticastRelayClient if no multicast heard - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - field SFString multicastRelayHost "devo.stl.nps.navy.mil" field SFInt32 multicastRelayPort 8010 field SFBool rtpHeaderExpected FALSE # whether RTP headers are prepended to DIS PDUs eventOut SFBool rtpHeaderHeard # Standard VRML Transform fields - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - exposedField MFNode children [ ] exposedField SFVec3f translation 0 0 0 # default prior to DIS update exposedField SFRotation rotation 0 0 1 0 # default prior to DIS update exposedField SFVec3f scale 1 1 1 exposedField SFRotation scaleOrientation 0 0 1 0 exposedField SFVec3f center 0 0 0 field SFVec3f bboxCenter 0 0 0 field SFVec3f bboxSize -1 -1 -1 eventIn MFNode addChildren eventIn MFNode removeChildren # Events: active, Collision/Fire PDU heard, or recent active ESPDUs heard - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - eventOut SFTime timestamp # DIS timestamp in VRML units eventOut SFBool active # have we had an update recently? eventOut SFBool collided # has a CollisionPDU reported a collision? eventOut SFTime collideTime # when were we collided with? eventOut SFBool detonated # has a DetonationPDU reported a detonation? eventOut SFTime detonateTime # when were we detonated? eventOut SFBool fired1 # have we shot a Fire (weapon) PDU (primary)? eventOut SFBool fired2 # have we shot a Fire (weapon) PDU (secondary)? eventOut SFTime firedTime # when did we shoot a Fire (weapon) PDU? eventOut SFVec3f munitionStartPoint # exercise coordinates eventOut SFVec3f munitionEndPoint # exercise coordinates # Articulated Parameter (user-defined payload) fields - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - eventOut SFInt32 articulationParameterCount # number of articulated parameters available eventOut SFFloat articulationParameterValue0 # user-defined payload value eventOut SFFloat articulationParameterValue1 # user-defined payload value eventOut SFFloat articulationParameterValue2 # user-defined payload value eventOut SFFloat articulationParameterValue3 # user-defined payload value eventOut SFFloat articulationParameterValue4 # user-defined payload value eventOut SFFloat articulationParameterValue5 # user-defined payload value eventOut SFFloat articulationParameterValue6 # user-defined payload value eventOut SFFloat articulationParameterValue7 # user-defined payload value eventOut SFFloat articulationParameterValue8 # user-defined payload value eventOut SFFloat articulationParameterValue9 # user-defined payload value eventOut SFFloat articulationParameterValue10 # user-defined payload value eventOut SFFloat articulationParameterValue11 # user-defined payload value eventOut SFFloat articulationParameterValue12 # user-defined payload value eventOut SFFloat articulationParameterValue13 # user-defined payload value eventOut SFFloat articulationParameterValue14 # user-defined payload value # Trace fields - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - exposedField SFColor traceColor 0 1.0 1.0 # color of VRML trace text exposedField SFVec3f traceOffset 0 -0.5 0.15 # VRML text position relative to entity field SFFloat traceFontSize 0.2 # VRML text scale field SFBool traceJava FALSE # Java console tracing enabled? ] # dis-java-vrml default multicast: address "" & port 62040 # old NPS AUV default multicast: address "" & port 3111 ################################################################################# # PROTO Body { Switch { whichChoice 1 choice [ # child 0 is ignored DEF CacheExposedFieldNodes Group { children [ # This first set of nodes are not rendered and only hold exposedField state. # This hack is necessary to work around the restriction on exposedFields directly in Script nodes. # DEF ModeState Anchor { description "" } IS mode # DEF ReaderState Inline { enable FALSE } IS isReader # DEF WriterState Inline { enable FALSE } IS isWriter # DEF LocalState Inline { enable FALSE } IS isStandAlone ] } Group { children [ Group # DEF FIRE_PDU_GROUP { children [ DEF DIS_TRANSFORM_NODE Transform { translation IS translation # link Java to exposedField above rotation IS rotation # link Java to exposedField above scale IS scale # pass user VRML -> PROTO VRML scaleOrientation IS scaleOrientation # pass user VRML -> PROTO VRML bboxCenter IS bboxCenter # pass user VRML -> PROTO VRML bboxSize IS bboxSize # pass user VRML -> PROTO VRML center IS center # pass user VRML -> PROTO VRML children [ Transform { # DEF DIS_TRANSFORM_NODE_CHILDREN children IS children # pass user VRML -> PROTO VRML addChildren IS addChildren # pass user VRML -> PROTO VRML removeChildren IS removeChildren # pass user VRML -> PROTO VRML } DEF TOUCHSENSOR TouchSensor {} LOD { range [ 300 3000 40000 ] # no trace text is drawn at intermediate ranges level [ # short-range LOD child: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Transform { translation IS traceOffset children [ Billboard { children [ Shape { appearance Appearance { material DEF TextColor Material { diffuseColor IS traceColor emissiveColor IS traceColor } } geometry DEF DEBUG_TRANSLATION Text { string [ "" ] fontStyle DEF TraceFont FontStyle { size IS traceFontSize spacing IS traceFontSize justify [ "MIDDLE" "MIDDLE" ] } } } Transform { translation 0.0 -0.25 0 children [ Shape { appearance Appearance { material USE TextColor } geometry DEF DEBUG_ROTATION Text { string [ "" ] fontStyle USE TraceFont } } ] } Transform { translation 0.0 -0.5 0 children [ Shape { appearance Appearance { material USE TextColor } geometry DEF DEBUG_MARKING_ADDRESS Text { string [ "" ] # entity marking + host address fontStyle USE TraceFont } } ] } ] } ] } # medium-range LOD child: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WorldInfo {} # null node to make text disappear when outside LOD range # long-range LOD child: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Billboard { axisOfRotation 0 0 0 # always face viewer children [ Transform { translation 0.0 800 0 children [ Shape { appearance Appearance { material USE TextColor } geometry DEF LONG_RANGE_MARKING Text { string [ "" ] # (marking) fontStyle FontStyle { size 125 style "BOLD" justify "MIDDLE" } } } ] } Transform { translation 0.0 40 0 # lift center of box off of the ground children [ Shape { appearance Appearance { material USE TextColor } geometry Box { size 50 50 50 } } ] } ] } # too-far-range LOD child: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WorldInfo {} # null node to make text disappear when outside LOD range ] } # Debugger script excerpt part 2 end ##################################### ] } # Fire PDU references: # # file:///c|/vrtp/javadoc/dis-java-vrml/mil/navy/nps/dis/FirePdu.html # file:///c|/vrtp/javadoc/dis-java-vrml/mil/navy/nps/disEnumerations/DetonationResultField.html # file:///c|/vrtp/javadoc/dis-java-vrml/mil/navy/nps/disEnumerations/WarheadField.html Shape { appearance Appearance { material Material { emissiveColor .3 .15 .15 } } geometry IndexedLineSet { color Color { color [ 0 1 0, 1 0 0 ] } coord DEF LINE_OF_FIRE_COORDINATE_NODE Coordinate { point [ 0 0 0, 0 0 20.0 ] # initialize collapses to 0 0 0, invisible } coordIndex [ 0 1 -1 ] # does not change, single line segment colorIndex [ 0 1 -1 ] # does not change, single line segment # colorPerVertex TRUE # [default] } } ] } ################################################################################# # Transform { # Inline projectile # projectilePositionInterpolator # projectileOrientationInterpolator # Sound inside the PROTO is not working :( # even though the code is identical to EXTERNPROTO examples, # possibly a CosmoPlayer 2.1.1 browser bug. # Implement sound in the entity, as shown in demos/helicopter/"tanks" # # Sound { # minBack 10 # m minimum radius containing max volume # minFront 10 # maxBack 100 # m maximum radius reaching zero volume # maxFront 100 # spatialize FALSE # No spatialization for ambient sound # # source DEF LAUNCH_AUDIO AudioClip { # description "Launch explosion..." # url [ # URL restriction: can't use file:///C:/ -- must use file:///C|/etc. # "file:///C|/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/00015000.WAV" # default PC installation # "file:///D|/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/00015000.WAV" # alternate PC installation # "http://www.stl.nps.navy.mil/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/00015000.WAV" # "http://devo.stl.nps.navy.mil/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/00015000.WAV" # "http://www.web3d.org/WorkingGroups/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/00015000.WAV" # ] # } # } # possible future eventOuts that could be provided from FirePdu information: # eventOut SFVec3f munitionRotation # eventOut SFVec3f munitionType # eventOut SFInt32 burstDescriptorFuse # eventOut SFInt32 burstDescriptorMunition # eventOut SFInt32 burstDescriptorRate # eventOut SFInt32 burstDescriptorQuantity # eventOut SFInt32 burstDescriptorWarhead # eventOut SFInt32 eventID # eventOut SFInt32 fireMissionIndex # eventOut SFInt32 firingEntityID # eventOut SFInt32 locationInWorldCoordinate # eventOut SFInt32 munitionID # eventOut SFInt32 munitionID # eventOut SFInt32 munitionID # eventOut SFInt32 range # eventOut SFInt32 targetEntityID # eventOut SFInt32 velocity ################################################################################# DEF DIS_ESPDUTRANSFORM_SCRIPT_NODE Script { mustEvaluate TRUE # FALSE can delay sending eventIns to script # [default] directOutput TRUE # TRUE if writing values to field nodes, use # FALSE if only sending eventOuts to nodes eventIn SFTime readPdu # implicit event cycle provokes Script processEvent() and DIS PDU read, no explicit Java readPdu method needed eventIn SFTime writePdu # implicit event cycle provokes Script processEvent() and DIS PDU read, no explicit Java writePdu method needed # providing a Node as a Script field gives the Java Script direct access. # No need to route between DIS_ESPDU_NODE and DIS_TRANSFORM_NODE since # EspduReadTransformTrace modifies DIS_TRANSFORM_NODE as a field, directly. field SFNode transformNode USE DIS_TRANSFORM_NODE field SFString marking IS marking field SFString networkMode IS networkMode eventOut SFBool isStandAlone IS isStandAlone eventOut SFBool isNetworkReader IS isNetworkReader eventOut SFBool isNetworkWriter IS isNetworkWriter field SFString address IS address field SFInt32 port IS port field SFTime readInterval IS readInterval field SFTime writeInterval IS writeInterval field SFInt32 siteID IS siteID field SFInt32 applicationID IS applicationID field SFInt32 entityID IS entityID field SFBool traceJava IS traceJava field SFString multicastRelayHost IS multicastRelayHost field SFInt32 multicastRelayPort IS multicastRelayPort field SFBool rtpHeaderExpected IS rtpHeaderExpected eventOut SFBool rtpHeaderHeard IS rtpHeaderHeard eventOut SFTime timestamp IS timestamp eventOut SFBool active IS active eventOut SFBool collided IS collided eventOut SFTime collideTime IS collideTime eventOut SFBool detonated IS detonated eventOut SFTime detonateTime IS detonateTime eventOut SFBool fired1 IS fired1 eventOut SFBool fired2 IS fired2 eventOut SFTime firedTime IS firedTime eventOut SFVec3f munitionStartPoint IS munitionStartPoint eventOut SFVec3f munitionEndPoint IS munitionEndPoint eventOut SFInt32 articulationParameterCount IS articulationParameterCount eventOut SFFloat articulationParameterValue0 IS articulationParameterValue0 eventOut SFFloat articulationParameterValue1 IS articulationParameterValue1 eventOut SFFloat articulationParameterValue2 IS articulationParameterValue2 eventOut SFFloat articulationParameterValue3 IS articulationParameterValue3 eventOut SFFloat articulationParameterValue4 IS articulationParameterValue4 eventOut SFFloat articulationParameterValue5 IS articulationParameterValue5 eventOut SFFloat articulationParameterValue6 IS articulationParameterValue6 eventOut SFFloat articulationParameterValue7 IS articulationParameterValue7 eventOut SFFloat articulationParameterValue8 IS articulationParameterValue8 eventOut SFFloat articulationParameterValue9 IS articulationParameterValue9 eventOut SFFloat articulationParameterValue10 IS articulationParameterValue10 eventOut SFFloat articulationParameterValue11 IS articulationParameterValue11 eventOut SFFloat articulationParameterValue12 IS articulationParameterValue12 eventOut SFFloat articulationParameterValue13 IS articulationParameterValue13 eventOut SFFloat articulationParameterValue14 IS articulationParameterValue14 # testing: _just_ have this url for the class and ensure it is in CLASSPATH for disk-drive independence url [ "EspduTransform.class" "mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransform.class" "../../../../mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransform.class" ] # "../mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransform.class" # "../../mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransform.class" # "../../../mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransform.class" # "../../../../mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransform.class" # "../../../../../mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransform.class" # "../../../../../../mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransform.class" # "../../../../../../../mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransform.class" # point directly to class: have file dis-java-vrml-Signed.jar in classpath # do NOT change order!! # apparent bug in CosmoPlayer: must point to correct directory first in list! :( # URL restriction: netscape can't use file:///C:/ -- must use file:///C|/etc. # "../../mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransform.class" # "file:///C:/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransform.class" # default PC installation # "file:///D:/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransform.class" # alternate PC installation # "file:///vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransform.class" # # "file:///C|/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransform.class" # default PC installation # "file:///D|/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransform.class" # alternate PC installation # "file:///vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransform.class" # "/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransform.class" # attempted PC installation # "EspduTransform.class" # local directory (but fails when invoked elsewhere) # "../../vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransform.class" # "http://devo.stl.nps.navy.mil/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransform.class" # "http://www.web3d.org/WorkingGroups/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransform.class" # "../../../../dis-java-vrml/dis-java-vrml.jar#EspduTransform.class" } # Provoke a DIS buffer read (or dead reckoning update) every frame (30 Hz default) # or at user-specified readInterval: DEF READ_INTERVAL_DIS TimeSensor { # [default] enabled TRUE loop TRUE cycleInterval IS readInterval # reset by TYPE_CONVERSION } DEF WRITE_INTERVAL_DIS TimeSensor { # [default] enabled TRUE loop TRUE cycleInterval IS writeInterval # reset by TYPE_CONVERSION } # debugging why audioclip event ignored... DEF FIRE_SEQUENCE_SCRIPT Script { mustEvaluate TRUE eventIn SFBool fired1 eventIn SFBool fired2 eventOut SFTime fireTime eventOut SFBool firstFired1 IS fired1 eventOut SFBool firstFired2 IS fired2 url "javascript: function fired1 (value, ts) { if (value == true) { firstFired1 = true; fireTime = ts; print ('EspduTransformPROTO.wrl: fired1 FIRE_SEQUENCE_SCRIPT timestamp ' + fireTime); } } function fired2 (value, ts) { if (value == true) { firstFired2 = true; fireTime = ts; print ('EspduTransformPROTO.wrl: fired2 FIRE_SEQUENCE_SCRIPT timestamp ' + fireTime); } } " } # Debugger script excerpt part 1 start ############################### # Debugger script excerpt modified from The VRML 2.0 Sourcebook # Copyright [1997] By # Andrea L. Ames, David R. Nadeau, and John L. Moreland # following code based on 30fig04.wrl, pp. 595..598 DEF DEBUG_JAVASCRIPT Script { eventIn SFBool start eventIn SFVec3f set_translation eventIn SFRotation set_rotation eventIn SFTime touch eventOut MFString translation_text # only sends single line eventOut MFString rotation_text eventOut MFString MFmarking eventOut SFBool result eventIn SFTime timestamp eventIn SFBool collided eventIn SFBool detonated field SFBool active TRUE field SFString marking IS marking field SFString address IS address field SFInt32 port IS port field SFInt32 siteID IS siteID field SFInt32 applicationID IS applicationID field SFInt32 entityID IS entityID eventOut MFString marking_address_text eventIn SFInt32 articulationParameterCount eventIn SFFloat articulationParameterValue0 eventIn SFFloat articulationParameterValue1 eventIn SFFloat articulationParameterValue2 eventIn SFFloat articulationParameterValue3 eventIn SFFloat articulationParameterValue4 eventIn SFFloat articulationParameterValue5 eventIn SFFloat articulationParameterValue6 eventIn SFFloat articulationParameterValue7 eventIn SFFloat articulationParameterValue8 eventIn SFFloat articulationParameterValue9 eventIn SFFloat articulationParameterValue10 eventIn SFFloat articulationParameterValue11 eventIn SFFloat articulationParameterValue12 eventIn SFFloat articulationParameterValue13 eventIn SFFloat articulationParameterValue14 eventIn SFBool rtpHeaderHeard # browsers used to have an 'initalize' spelling problem. 'initialize' now works. url "javascript: function initialize ( ) { translation_text[0] = marking + ' awaiting DIS'; // rotation_text [0] = 'translation and rotation updates'; // marking_address_text[0] = 'multicast group: ' + address + '/' + port + ', ID: ' // + siteID + ',' + applicationID + ',' + entityID; MFmarking[0] = marking; } function set_translation ( translation, ts ) { if (active) { // round to nearest tenth translation.x = Math.round (translation.x * 10.0) / 10.0; translation.y = Math.round (translation.y * 10.0) / 10.0; translation.z = Math.round (translation.z * 10.0) / 10.0; translation_text[0] = marking + ' translation ' + translation; } } function set_rotation ( rotation, ts ) { if (active) { // round terms to nearest thousandth rotation.x = Math.round (rotation.x * 1000.0) / 1000.0; rotation.y = Math.round (rotation.y * 1000.0) / 1000.0; rotation.z = Math.round (rotation.z * 1000.0) / 1000.0; rotation.angle = (rotation.angle * 180.0) / 3.141592653; rotation.angle = Math.round (rotation.angle * 10.0) / 10.0; // rotation_text [0] = 'rotation ' + rotation + ' axis/degrees'; } } function touch (value, time) { active = !active; result = active; if (result) { translation_text[0] = marking + ' awaiting DIS'; // rotation_text [0] = 'translation and rotation updates'; // marking_address_text[0] = 'multicast group: ' + address + '/' + port + ', ID: ' // + siteID + ',' + applicationID + ',' + entityID; MFmarking[0] = marking; } else { translation_text[0] = ''; rotation_text [0] = ''; marking_address_text[0] = ''; MFmarking[0] = ''; } } function timestamp ( value, ts ) { trace ('DIS timestamp=' + value + ', event timestamp=' + ts); } function collided ( value, ts ) { trace ('collided=' + value); } function detonated ( value, ts ) { trace ('detonated=' + value); } function articulationParameterCount ( value, ts ) { trace ('articulationParameterCount=' + value); } function articulationParameterValue0 ( value, ts ) { trace ('articulationParameterValue0=' + value); } function articulationParameterValue1 ( value, ts ) { trace ('articulationParameterValue1=' + value); } function articulationParameterValue2 ( value, ts ) { trace ('articulationParameterValue2=' + value); } function articulationParameterValue3 ( value, ts ) { trace ('articulationParameterValue3=' + value); } function articulationParameterValue4 ( value, ts ) { trace ('articulationParameterValue4=' + value); } function articulationParameterValue5 ( value, ts ) { trace ('articulationParameterValue5=' + value); } function articulationParameterValue6 ( value, ts ) { trace ('articulationParameterValue6=' + value); } function articulationParameterValue7 ( value, ts ) { trace ('articulationParameterValue7=' + value); } function articulationParameterValue8 ( value, ts ) { trace ('articulationParameterValue8=' + value); } function articulationParameterValue9 ( value, ts ) { trace ('articulationParameterValue9=' + value); } function articulationParameterValue10 ( value, ts ) { trace ('articulationParameterValue10=' + value); } function articulationParameterValue11 ( value, ts ) { trace ('articulationParameterValue11=' + value); } function articulationParameterValue12 ( value, ts ) { trace ('articulationParameterValue12=' + value); } function articulationParameterValue13 ( value, ts ) { trace ('articulationParameterValue13=' + value); } function articulationParameterValue14 ( value, ts ) { trace ('articulationParameterValue14=' + value); } function munitionStartPoint ( value, ts ) { trace ('munitionStartPoint=' + value); } function munitionEndPoint ( value, ts ) { trace ('munitionEndPoint=' + value); } function rtpHeaderHeard ( value, ts ) { trace ('unexpected RTP header status, rtpHeaderHeard=' + value); } " } # Debugger script excerpt part 1 end ##################################### DEF DRAW_FIRE_LINES Script { eventIn SFVec3f munitionStartPoint eventIn SFVec3f munitionEndPoint eventOut MFVec3f pointArray field MFVec3f holdArray [] # browsers used to have an 'initalize' spelling problem. 'initialize' now works. url "javascript: function initialize ( ) { holdArray [0] = new SFVec3f (0.0, 0.0, 0.0); holdArray [1] = new SFVec3f (0.0, 0.0, 0.0); pointArray = holdArray; } function munitionStartPoint ( value, ts ) { holdArray [0] = value; } function munitionEndPoint ( value, ts ) { holdArray [1] = value; trace ('fire line endpoints=' + holdArray); pointArray = holdArray; } " } ] } ] } # cycleIntervals type conversion and read/write latest PDU values ROUTE READ_INTERVAL_DIS.cycleTime TO DIS_ESPDUTRANSFORM_SCRIPT_NODE.readPdu ROUTE WRITE_INTERVAL_DIS.cycleTime TO DIS_ESPDUTRANSFORM_SCRIPT_NODE.writePdu # triggered if FirePdu heard ROUTE DIS_ESPDUTRANSFORM_SCRIPT_NODE.fired1 TO FIRE_SEQUENCE_SCRIPT.fired1 ROUTE DIS_ESPDUTRANSFORM_SCRIPT_NODE.fired2 TO FIRE_SEQUENCE_SCRIPT.fired2 # ROUTE FIRE_SEQUENCE_SCRIPT.fireTime TO LAUNCH_AUDIO.set_startTime # start sound clip # ROUTE DIS_ESPDUTRANSFORM_SCRIPT_NODE.firedTime TO LAUNCH_AUDIO.set_startTime # start sound clip # Clicking on the inlined entity toggles the trace text on/off # for translation/rotation/marking+hostname ROUTE TOUCHSENSOR.touchTime TO DEBUG_JAVASCRIPT.touch # ROUTE TOUCHSENSOR.touchTime TO LAUNCH_AUDIO.set_startTime # test sound clip # ROUTE TOUCHSENSOR.isActive TO FIRE_SEQUENCE_SCRIPT.fired1 ROUTE DIS_TRANSFORM_NODE.translation_changed TO DEBUG_JAVASCRIPT.set_translation ROUTE DIS_TRANSFORM_NODE.rotation_changed TO DEBUG_JAVASCRIPT.set_rotation ROUTE DEBUG_JAVASCRIPT.translation_text TO DEBUG_TRANSLATION.set_string ROUTE DEBUG_JAVASCRIPT.rotation_text TO DEBUG_ROTATION.set_string ROUTE DEBUG_JAVASCRIPT.marking_address_text TO DEBUG_MARKING_ADDRESS.set_string ROUTE DEBUG_JAVASCRIPT.MFmarking TO LONG_RANGE_MARKING.set_string ROUTE DIS_ESPDUTRANSFORM_SCRIPT_NODE.collided TO DEBUG_JAVASCRIPT.collided ROUTE DIS_ESPDUTRANSFORM_SCRIPT_NODE.detonated TO DEBUG_JAVASCRIPT.detonated # ROUTEs for tracing articulationParameter variables: # ROUTE DIS_ESPDUTRANSFORM_SCRIPT_NODE.articulationParameterCount TO DEBUG_JAVASCRIPT.articulationParameterCount # ROUTE DIS_ESPDUTRANSFORM_SCRIPT_NODE.articulationParameterValue0 TO DEBUG_JAVASCRIPT.articulationParameterValue0 # ROUTE DIS_ESPDUTRANSFORM_SCRIPT_NODE.articulationParameterValue1 TO DEBUG_JAVASCRIPT.articulationParameterValue1 # ROUTE DIS_ESPDUTRANSFORM_SCRIPT_NODE.articulationParameterValue2 TO DEBUG_JAVASCRIPT.articulationParameterValue2 # ROUTE DIS_ESPDUTRANSFORM_SCRIPT_NODE.articulationParameterValue3 TO DEBUG_JAVASCRIPT.articulationParameterValue3 # ROUTE DIS_ESPDUTRANSFORM_SCRIPT_NODE.articulationParameterValue4 TO DEBUG_JAVASCRIPT.articulationParameterValue4 # ROUTE DIS_ESPDUTRANSFORM_SCRIPT_NODE.articulationParameterValue5 TO DEBUG_JAVASCRIPT.articulationParameterValue5 # ROUTE DIS_ESPDUTRANSFORM_SCRIPT_NODE.articulationParameterValue6 TO DEBUG_JAVASCRIPT.articulationParameterValue6 # ROUTE DIS_ESPDUTRANSFORM_SCRIPT_NODE.articulationParameterValue7 TO DEBUG_JAVASCRIPT.articulationParameterValue7 # ROUTE DIS_ESPDUTRANSFORM_SCRIPT_NODE.articulationParameterValue8 TO DEBUG_JAVASCRIPT.articulationParameterValue8 # ROUTE DIS_ESPDUTRANSFORM_SCRIPT_NODE.articulationParameterValue9 TO DEBUG_JAVASCRIPT.articulationParameterValue9 # ROUTE DIS_ESPDUTRANSFORM_SCRIPT_NODE.articulationParameterValue10 TO DEBUG_JAVASCRIPT.articulationParameterValue10 # ROUTE DIS_ESPDUTRANSFORM_SCRIPT_NODE.articulationParameterValue11 TO DEBUG_JAVASCRIPT.articulationParameterValue11 # ROUTE DIS_ESPDUTRANSFORM_SCRIPT_NODE.articulationParameterValue12 TO DEBUG_JAVASCRIPT.articulationParameterValue12 # ROUTE DIS_ESPDUTRANSFORM_SCRIPT_NODE.articulationParameterValue13 TO DEBUG_JAVASCRIPT.articulationParameterValue13 # ROUTE DIS_ESPDUTRANSFORM_SCRIPT_NODE.articulationParameterValue14 TO DEBUG_JAVASCRIPT.articulationParameterValue14 # ROUTE DIS_ESPDUTRANSFORM_SCRIPT_NODE.timestamp TO DEBUG_JAVASCRIPT.timestamp ROUTE DIS_ESPDUTRANSFORM_SCRIPT_NODE.rtpHeaderHeard TO DEBUG_JAVASCRIPT.rtpHeaderHeard ROUTE DIS_ESPDUTRANSFORM_SCRIPT_NODE.munitionStartPoint TO DRAW_FIRE_LINES.munitionStartPoint ROUTE DIS_ESPDUTRANSFORM_SCRIPT_NODE.munitionEndPoint TO DRAW_FIRE_LINES.munitionEndPoint ROUTE DRAW_FIRE_LINES.pointArray TO LINE_OF_FIRE_COORDINATE_NODE.set_point # Test code to provoke translation/rotation changes in absence of DIS PDUs follows. # Uncomment the next lines to enable the translation/rotation animation test!! # # DEF TIMESENSOR TimeSensor { # cycleInterval 4 # loop TRUE # enabled FALSE # } # DEF UPANDDOWN PositionInterpolator { # key [ 0 0.5 0.5 1 ] # keyValue [ 0 1 0, 0 -1 0, 0 -1 0, 0 1 0] # } # DEF ROTATE_ABOUT_Y OrientationInterpolator { # key [ 0 0.5 0.5 1 ] # keyValue [ 0 1 0 .36, 0 1 0 3.5, 0 1 0 3.5, 0 1 0 6.64] # } # # ROUTE TIMESENSOR.fraction_changed TO UPANDDOWN.set_fraction # ROUTE TIMESENSOR.fraction_changed TO ROTATE_ABOUT_Y.set_fraction # ROUTE UPANDDOWN.value_changed TO DIS_TRANSFORM_NODE.translation # ROUTE ROTATE_ABOUT_Y.value_changed TO DIS_TRANSFORM_NODE.rotation # # ROUTE TOUCHSENSOR.isActive TO TIMESENSOR.enabled } # end of PROTO body # ########################################################################### # Proto test is in EspduTransformEXAMPLE.wrl # Redirection text in case user examines this PROTO file directly via a 3D browser: Anchor { url [ "EspduTransformEXAMPLE.wrl" # URL restriction: can't use file:///C:/ -- must use file:///C|/etc. "file:///C|/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransformEXAMPLE.wrl" # default PC installation "file:///C:/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransformEXAMPLE.wrl" # attempted PC installation "http://web.nps.navy.mil/~brutzman/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransformEXAMPLE.wrl" "http://www.web3d.org/WorkingGroups/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransformEXAMPLE.wrl" ] children [ Shape { appearance Appearance { material Material { diffuseColor 0 1.0 1.0 emissiveColor 0 1.0 1.0 } } geometry Text { string [ "EspduTransformPROTO.wrl is a" "PROTO definition file." "To see an example scene," "click this text for" "EspduTransformEXAMPLE.wrl" ] fontStyle FontStyle { justify [ "MIDDLE" "MIDDLE" ] } } } ] } Viewpoint { position 0 0 15 } # default viewpoint for this backup redirection scene