// keep out of mil.navy.nps.dis package, keep duplicate copy of .class file at top of jar, keep source in mil/navy/nps/dis // package mil.navy.nps.dis; import vrml.*; import vrml.field.*; import vrml.node.*; import java.util.*; import mil.navy.nps.dis.*; import mil.navy.nps.math.*; import mil.navy.nps.disEnumerations.*; import mil.navy.nps.util.*; /** * This Java class provides the communicatons interface between the EspduTransform Script node * (in the VRML scene) and the rest of the DIS class library used for entities. * This class is used for accessing and modifying the necessary nodes for animation purposes. * This class extends Script in order to be loaded in script node of the VRML scene. * When this class is loaded by the VRML scene, it can access the field * values of the specified script node. By using these fields we can route * parameters into scene. * *@version 1.3.2 *@author Don Brutzman *(http://web.nps.navy.mil/~brutzman) * This code includes parts of Kent Watsen's EAI-based World.java/Ownship.java * and Don McGregors's testing/BehaviorStreamBufferTest.java * *
Location: *
EspduTransform.java *
web.nps.navy.mil/~brutzman/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransform.java *
www.web3D.org/WorkingGroups/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EspduTransform.java * *
Hierarchy Diagram: *
* *
History: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
30 September * Don Brutzman and Duane Davis * Final changes to comply with X3D 3.0 specification changes *
21 July 2003 * Don McGregor and Don Brutzman * Numerous changes to comply with X3D specification changes *
14 April 2002 * Don Brutzman * revised networkMode enumerations: "standAlone" | "networkReader" | "networkWriter" * and corresponding Booleans isStandAlone, isNetworkReader, isNetworkWriter *
25 January 2002 * Don Brutzman * added networkMode/set_networkMode (local | master | remote), plus Booleans isLocal, isMaster, isRemote *
1 February 2000 * Olivier Doucy, Don Brutzman * added timestamp as an eventOut *
3 September 99 * Don Brutzman * added rtpEnabled boolean flag *
19 June 99 * Don Brutzman * Removed articulationParameterValue15 to stay within VRML browser conformance limit of 25 eventOuts *
1 June 99 * Don Brutzman, Quay Jones * Added isDetonated and detonateTime *
18 May 99 * Don Brutzman, Quay Jones * Changed fired to fired1 and fired2 in VRML scene to enable primary and secondary weapons. *
6 Apr 99 * Don Brutzman * Adding ArticulatedParameter eventOuts, shutdown, various thread/trace fixes. * Ignore received PDUs when sending. Changed MFVec3f LineOfFirePointArray code to * SFVec3f's munitionStartPoint & munitionEndPoint for run-time reliability. *
20 Feb 99, 14 Mar 99 * Don Brutzman, Don McGregor, Bill Bohman * Added isCollided, isActive, fired, multicastRelayHost, multicastRelayPort. * Also added FirePdu geometry to show munitions. * Incorporated entityDispatcher.checkForTrafficAndFallBackToTunnel (...) * for automatic unicast connectivity when multicast is not locally available. *
6 Feb 99 * Don Brutzman * Move VRML EspduTransformPROTO to same directory as dis package *
* Fix write capability *
02 Dec 98 * Scott Heller * Added smoothing. See * SmoothingDesign.pdf *
25 Oct 98 * Don Brutzman * Javadoc updates for jdk1.2b4 *
* Restructure classes, move EspduTransform to dis package *
12 Feb 98 * Don Brutzman * changes for documentation templates + complements in documentation *
5 Feb 98 * Don McGregor * changes for multiple entities, using EntityDispatcher *
1 Aug 97 * Don Brutzman * New *

* *

Associated VRML Files: *
EspduTransformPROTO.wrl *(PROTO definition) *
EspduTransformEXAMPLE.wrl *(Example Use) * *

* *

Entity coordinate systems (right-hand rule applies): *
*          DIS                 VRML
*      -Z entity up         Y entity up
*           ^                   ^
*           |                   |
*           |                   |
*           |                   |
*           +------> X          +-------> X    nose of entity body
*          /                   /
*         /                   /
*        /                   /
*       Y                   Z
*         right-hand side
*         of entity body
*  Rotation angle axes (right-hand rule applies):
*           DIS        VRML      Angle of rotation
*  Roll      X          X         phi
*  Pitch     Y          Z        theta
*  Yaw       Z         -Y         psi
* *
Unfinished business: *
Need to verify PDU identity and match that given in scene? *(already done by EntityDispatcher) *
Need to verify Euler angle order & quaternion conversion *
Is there another callback alternative to trigger processEvent *originating from DIS rather than VRML? Apparently not... readPdu and writePdu events *generated by read/write TimeSensors adjacent to the Script node trigger this script's processEvent script. *
Is VRML timeSensor processEvent trigger best? Likely so, * since it ensures VRML scene redraw doesn't undergo starvation, and * it also prevents "simultaneous" data access/modification of Transform * node values by VRML browser/Java script. * *
Exercise clock synchronization or relative local time? dead * reckon interval is currently estimated by accumulating the * number of seconds since the last pdu update. * *
Add official DIS algorithms for dead-reckoning. *

* *

Debugging notes: *
System.out.println text appears on WorldView's VRML console *
or on the Netscape Java console when using CosmoPlayer * *@see EntityDispatcher *@see BehaviorStreamBuffer *@see RunningAverage *@see CollisionPdu *@see DetonationPdu *@see EntityStatePdu *@see FirePdu */ public class EspduTransform extends Script implements PduSubscriber { /* * Declare eventIns, fields and eventOuts from VRML scene */ // public static int counter = 0; /** * eventOut: timestamp */ private SFTime timestamp = new SFTime (); /** * eventout, experimental output translating SFVec3f translation into SFVec3d (i.e. SFString) geoCoords for use by GeoLocation nodes. */ private SFString geoCoords_changed; /** * field, 11-character DIS marking. Can't be static or all entities look the same. */ private SFString marking = new SFString ("initialize"); /** * field hooks to state nodes */ private SFNode transformNode, markingNode, networkModeNode, munitionPointNode, readWriteIntervalNode, siteIdNode, entityIdNode, applicationIdNode, addressNode, multicastAddressNode, portNode, multicastPortNode; private Node transformNodeAccess, markingNodeAccess, networkModeNodeAccess, munitionPointNodeAccess, readWriteIntervalNodeAccess, siteIdNodeAccess, entityIdNodeAccess, applicationIdNodeAccess, addressNodeAccess, multicastAddressNodeAccess, portNodeAccess, multicastPortNodeAccess; /** * field with value ( "standAlone" | "networkReader" | "networkWriter" ) */ private SFString networkMode = new SFString (); /** * eventIn with value ( "standAlone" | "networkReader" | "networkWriter" ) */ private SFString set_networkMode = new SFString (); /** * eventOut, with values true or false. */ private SFBool isStandAlone = new SFBool (false); /** * eventOut, with values true or false. */ private SFBool isNetworkWriter = new SFBool (false); /** * eventOut, with values true or false. */ private SFBool isNetworkReader = new SFBool (false); /** * internal state: reading? */ private boolean readMode = false; /** * internal state: writing? */ private boolean writeMode = false; /** * field, how often to look for DIS PDUs. Units are seconds in VRML, converted to msec in Java in initialize (). * readInterval=0 means no reading. Longs are used because VRML SFFloat units are seconds. */ private long readInterval; /** * field, how often to write DIS PDUs. Units are seconds in VRML, converted to msec in Java in initialize (). * writeInterval=0 means no writing (which is the default). Longs are used because VRML SFFloat units are seconds. */ private long writeInterval; /** * field, multicast address, or "unicast" */ private SFString address; /** * field, port to listen on */ private SFInt32 port; /** * field, relay host name or IP address (used only if no multicast heard) */ private SFString multicastRelayHost; /** * field, relay host port to connect to (used only if no multicast heard) */ private SFInt32 multicastRelayPort; /** * field, are RTP headers expected? Only set by VRML scene at initialization (because it is a field) * but can be reset at runtime if the opposite situation is encountered. */ private SFBool rtpHeaderExpected; /** * eventOut, are RTP headers being heard on the wire? */ private SFBool isRtpHeaderHeard = new SFBool (false); /** * field, entityID triplet: site ID */ private SFInt32 siteID; /** * field, entityID triplet: unique app ID at that site */ private SFInt32 applicationID; /** * field, entity ID triplet: ID within that app */ private SFInt32 entityID; /** * EspduTransformPROTO VRML scene exposedField */ private SFVec3f translation; /** * EspduTransformPROTO VRML scene exposedField */ private SFRotation rotation; /** * field: enable Java trace statements to console */ private SFBool traceJava; /** * eventOut: recent active ESPDUs heard */ private SFBool isActive = new SFBool (false); /** * eventOut: Collision PDU heard */ private SFBool isCollided = new SFBool (false); /** * eventOut: time of Collision */ private SFTime collideTime; /** * eventOut: Detonation PDU heard */ private SFBool isDetonated = new SFBool (false); /** * eventOut: time of detonation */ private SFTime detonateTime; /** * eventOut: have we fired a Fire (weapon) PDU for primary (major) weapon? */ private SFBool fired1 = new SFBool (false); /** * eventOut: have we fired a Fire (weapon) PDU for secondary (minor) weapon? */ private SFBool fired2 = new SFBool (false); /** * eventOut: when did we fire a Fire (weapon) PDU? */ private SFTime firedTime; /** variables relating to position & orientation*/ private SFVec3f position; private SFRotation orientation; private int pduCount = 0; private Quaternion quaternion = null; private float rot[] = null; private float eulers[] = null; private EntityID entityIDObject = null; // unique triplet that identifies entity private Vector receivedPDUsList = new Vector(); // holds PDUs that have come in private boolean registered = false; // true=>has been placed in dispatcher hash table private boolean entityDispatcherThreadStarted = false; protected Browser browser = null; // VRML browser private int pduVectorSize; protected ProtocolDataUnit pdu = null; protected final int MAX_ARTICULATION_PARAMETERS = 15; protected SFInt32 articulationParameterCount; // read from network->VRML only, no write from VRML->network yet protected SFFloat articulationParameterValue0; protected SFFloat articulationParameterValue1; protected SFFloat articulationParameterValue2; protected SFFloat articulationParameterValue3; protected SFFloat articulationParameterValue4; protected SFFloat articulationParameterValue5; protected SFFloat articulationParameterValue6; protected SFFloat articulationParameterValue7; protected SFFloat articulationParameterValue8; protected SFFloat articulationParameterValue9; protected SFFloat articulationParameterValue10; protected SFFloat articulationParameterValue11; protected SFFloat articulationParameterValue12; protected SFFloat articulationParameterValue13; protected SFFloat articulationParameterValue14; private int previousChangeIndicator0 = -2; private int previousChangeIndicator1 = -2; private int previousChangeIndicator2 = -2; private int previousChangeIndicator3 = -2; private int previousChangeIndicator4 = -2; private int previousChangeIndicator5 = -2; private int previousChangeIndicator6 = -2; private int previousChangeIndicator7 = -2; private int previousChangeIndicator8 = -2; private int previousChangeIndicator9 = -2; private int previousChangeIndicator10 = -2; private int previousChangeIndicator11 = -2; private int previousChangeIndicator12 = -2; private int previousChangeIndicator13 = -2; private int previousChangeIndicator14 = -2; private int changeIndicator0 = -1; private int changeIndicator1 = -1; private int changeIndicator2 = -1; private int changeIndicator3 = -1; private int changeIndicator4 = -1; private int changeIndicator5 = -1; private int changeIndicator6 = -1; private int changeIndicator7 = -1; private int changeIndicator8 = -1; private int changeIndicator9 = -1; private int changeIndicator10 = -1; private int changeIndicator11 = -1; private int changeIndicator12 = -1; private int changeIndicator13 = -1; private int changeIndicator14 = -1; protected EntityStatePdu espdu = new EntityStatePdu (); private boolean espduFirstHeard = true; /** * added by Scott Heller 21 Nov 98 for smoothing */ private EntityStatePdu previousEspdu = null; private float prev_dt = 0.0f; private RunningAverage averageUpdateTime = new RunningAverage(5); private RunningAverage aveSecPerFrame = new RunningAverage(5); private float[] positionArray = new float[3]; private final int ROLL = 2, PITCH = 1, YAW = 0; private boolean DoNotSmooth = false; private mil.navy.nps.dis.Timer secSinceLastPdu = new mil.navy.nps.dis.Timer(); // seconds private mil.navy.nps.dis.Timer secPerFrame = new mil.navy.nps.dis.Timer(); // seconds per browser frame private boolean SMOOTH_LINVELOCITY = false; // should velocity be smoothed? /** * what portion of an averageupdateTime should we smooth for? For example 0.5 will cause the * the smoothing algorithm to reaquire the most recent DR track with in half the * PDU averageUpdateTime. */ protected final float SMOOTH_LIMIT = 1.0f; // controls how fast the smoothed update // SMOOTH_LIMIT * aveSecPerFrame = how fast. // 1.0f seems to be the only pleasing value. protected final float DR_LIMIT = 5.0f; // seconds, max time to dead reckon without updates /** * are the DR and smooth close enough to stop smoothing? */ private boolean closeEnough = false; private float initPos[] = {0f, 5f, 0f}; // x, y, z private float initPosDt[] = {0f, 0f, 0f}; // aka: velocity private float initAng[] = {0f, 0f, 0f}; // heading, pitch, roll private float initAngDt[] = {0f, 0f, 0f}; // aka: angular rates private Quaternion tmpQuat = null; private float pos[] = null; // x, y, z private float posDt[] = null; // aka: velocity private float ang[] = null; // heading, pitch, roll private float angDt[] = null; // aka: angular rates private float drPos[] = null; // x, y, z private float drPosDt[] = null; // aka: velocity private float drAng[] = null; // heading, pitch, roll private float drAngDt[] = null; // aka: angular rates /** * munitionStartPoint is node's field (hook to VRML scene) obtained from FirePdu matching launch point of munition. */ protected SFVec3f munitionStartPoint = new SFVec3f (0, 0, 0); /** * munitionEndPoint is node's field (hook to VRML scene) computed from FirePdu matching detonation point of munition. */ protected SFVec3f munitionEndPoint = new SFVec3f (0, 0, 0); /** local count of firePdu's */ private int firePduCount = 0; /** * Timers. Note that in JDK 1.4 and later there is a "Timer" class that we * need to differentiate ourselves from. However, Cortona is only using * JDK 1.3 at best, so you shouldn't be compiling this with 1.4 anyway. */ protected mil.navy.nps.dis.Timer localFireTimer1 = new mil.navy.nps.dis.Timer (); protected mil.navy.nps.dis.Timer localFireTimer2 = new mil.navy.nps.dis.Timer (); // Static variables protected static EntityDispatcher entityDispatcher = null; // sends/receives PDUs protected static Thread entityDispatcherThread; private static Boolean guard = new Boolean(true); // guard for entityDispatcher /** * Constructor */ public EspduTransform() { // do nothing } /** * Turn Smoothing on or off. Returns the new state of DoNotSmooth. */ public boolean toggleSmoothing() { if (DoNotSmooth) DoNotSmooth = false; else DoNotSmooth = true; return DoNotSmooth; } /** * Get Smoothing flag. */ public boolean getDoNotSmooth() { trace ("getDoNotSmooth = " + DoNotSmooth); return DoNotSmooth; } /** * Set Smoothing flag. */ public void setDoNotSmooth(boolean pDoNotSmooth) { DoNotSmooth = pDoNotSmooth; debug ("setDoNotSmooth = " + DoNotSmooth); return; } /** * When DEBUG is true, console text messages * trace the internals of script operation. */ protected boolean DEBUG = false; // diagnostic messages on (true) or off (false) /** * Access DEBUG trace variable. */ public boolean getDEBUG () { debug ("getDEBUG " + DEBUG); return DEBUG; } /** * Modify DEBUG trace variable. */ public void setDEBUG (boolean pDEBUG) { DEBUG = pDEBUG; traceJava.setValue (pDEBUG); trace ("setDEBUG " + pDEBUG); // send confirming VRML console trace message } /** * Debugging output routine. Pass in a string, and it gets printed out on the console. * You can pass in strings such as "foo " + bar.getName(). * Text output appears in the Java Console (CosmoPlayer browser) * or in the VRML console (WorldView browser). */ protected void debug (String pDiagnostic) { if (DEBUG) System.out.println(" [EspduTransform] " + marking + " " + pDiagnostic); System.out.flush (); } /** * Guaranteed trace output routine. Pass in a string, and it gets printed out on the console. * You can pass in strings such as "foo " + bar.getName(). * Text output appears in the Java Console (CosmoPlayer browser) * or in the VRML console (WorldView browser). *

* Can't be static or all entities look the same. */ protected void trace (String pDiagnostic) { System.out.println(" [EspduTransform] " + marking + " " + pDiagnostic); System.out.flush (); } /** * Simple name for the ESPDU is the marking field. */ public String getName () { return "EspduTransform " + marking; } /** * Gets references of necessary nodes of VRML file, and runs the threads that * controls the scene */ public void initialize() { try { DEBUG=true; trace ("begin initialize () ..."); // Get the VRML Marking exposedField-placeholder Anchor node, where marking is text about the entity markingNode = (SFNode) getField ("markingNode"); markingNodeAccess = (Node)(markingNode.getValue()); marking = (SFString) markingNodeAccess.getExposedField ("description"); espdu.setMarking (marking.getValue()); debug ("marking = " + marking ); // expected marking is prefixed in output statements // Initialize some orientation variables quaternion = new Quaternion (); orientation = new SFRotation (0, 0, 0, 0); eulers = new float[3]; rot = new float[4]; // Retrieve various values from the fields of the node, so we can later work // with them. // Turn tracing on or off, depending on the value retrieved from parent Script node traceJava = (SFBool) getField ("traceJava"); setDEBUG (traceJava.getValue()); debug ("traceJava.getValue()=" + traceJava.getValue()); browser = getBrowser (); if (DEBUG) { debug ("browser.getName () = " + browser.getName ()); debug ("browser.getVersion () = " + browser.getVersion ()); } // Sanity check: ensure dis library visible, otherwise report problem: try { Class.forName ("mil.navy.nps.dis.EntityStatePdu"); debug ("mil.navy.nps.dis.EntityStatePdu class found"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { trace ("mil.navy.nps.dis.EntityStatePdu class not found, which probably"); trace("indicates that the dis library is not on the classpath. You should"); trace("probably add dis-java-vrml.jar to the classpath."); trace (" " + e); } // Get the VRML transform node, which we modify to change the object in the scene transformNode = (SFNode) getField ("transformNode"); transformNodeAccess = (Node)(transformNode.getValue()); // Translation & rotation translation = (SFVec3f) transformNodeAccess.getExposedField ("translation"); rotation = (SFRotation) transformNodeAccess.getExposedField ("rotation"); geoCoords_changed = (SFString) getEventOut("geoCoords_changed");// experimental // Entity ID values siteIdNode = (SFNode) getField ("siteIdNode"); siteIdNodeAccess = (Node)(siteIdNode.getValue()); siteID = (SFInt32) siteIdNodeAccess.getExposedField ("whichChoice"); applicationIdNode = (SFNode) getField ("applicationIdNode"); applicationIdNodeAccess = (Node)(applicationIdNode.getValue()); applicationID = (SFInt32) applicationIdNodeAccess.getExposedField ("whichChoice"); entityIdNode = (SFNode) getField ("entityIdNode"); entityIdNodeAccess = (Node)(entityIdNode.getValue()); entityID = (SFInt32) entityIdNodeAccess.getExposedField ("whichChoice"); // siteID = (SFInt32)getField("siteID"); // applicationID = (SFInt32)getField("applicationID"); // entityID = (SFInt32)getField("entityID"); // Set the entity ID of the espdu to match the entity passed in espdu.setEntityID ((short)siteID.getValue(), (short) applicationID.getValue(), (short) entityID.getValue()); trace ("siteID, applicationID, entityID = " + siteID + " " + applicationID + " " + entityID); // Networking parameters. addressNode = (SFNode) getField ("addressNode"); addressNodeAccess = (Node)(addressNode.getValue()); address = (SFString) addressNodeAccess.getExposedField ("description"); multicastAddressNode = (SFNode) getField ("multicastAddressNode"); multicastAddressNodeAccess = (Node)(multicastAddressNode.getValue()); multicastRelayHost = (SFString) multicastAddressNodeAccess.getExposedField ("description"); portNode = (SFNode) getField ("portNode"); portNodeAccess = (Node)(portNode.getValue()); port = (SFInt32) portNodeAccess.getExposedField ("whichChoice"); multicastPortNode = (SFNode) getField ("multicastPortNode"); multicastPortNodeAccess = (Node)(multicastPortNode.getValue()); multicastRelayPort = (SFInt32) multicastPortNodeAccess.getExposedField ("whichChoice"); // address = (SFString) getField("address"); // network address // port = (SFInt32) getField("port"); // multicastRelayHost = (SFString) getField ("multicastRelayHost"); // multicastRelayPort = (SFInt32) getField ("multicastRelayPort"); trace ("address, port = " + address + ", " + port); trace ("multicastRelayHost, multicastRelayPort = " + multicastRelayHost + ", " + multicastRelayPort); // Get the readInterval/writeInterval exposedField-placeholder TimeSensor node readWriteIntervalNode = (SFNode) getField ("readWriteIntervalNode"); readWriteIntervalNodeAccess = (Node)(readWriteIntervalNode.getValue()); // * l000.0 is conversion to msec, then cast float to long readInterval = (long) (((SFTime) readWriteIntervalNodeAccess.getExposedField ("startTime")).getValue() * 1000.0); writeInterval = (long) (((SFTime) readWriteIntervalNodeAccess.getExposedField ("stopTime" )).getValue() * 1000.0); // The frequency of read and write updates: trace ("readInterval=" + readInterval + ", writeInterval=" + writeInterval); // readInterval = (long) (((SFTime) getField ("readInterval")).getValue() * 1000.0); // writeInterval = (long) (((SFTime) getField ("writeInterval")).getValue() * 1000.0); // Get the network mode exposedField-placeholder Anchor node networkModeNode = (SFNode) getField ("networkModeNode"); networkModeNodeAccess = (Node)(networkModeNode.getValue()); networkMode = (SFString) networkModeNodeAccess.getExposedField ("description"); debug ("networkMode=" + networkMode); // Do not set eventOuts during initialization!! // rtp (real time protocol) headers may be included at the start of dis // packets. This hints us to look for them. timestamp = (SFTime) getEventOut ("timestamp"); isActive = (SFBool) getEventOut ("isActive"); rtpHeaderExpected = (SFBool) getField ("rtpHeaderExpected"); isRtpHeaderHeard = (SFBool) getEventOut ("isRtpHeaderHeard"); // Retrieve various fields isCollided = (SFBool) getEventOut ("isCollided"); isDetonated = (SFBool) getEventOut ("isDetonated"); // fired1 = (SFBool) getEventOut ("fired1"); // fired2 = (SFBool) getEventOut ("fired2"); collideTime = (SFTime) getEventOut ("collideTime"); detonateTime = (SFTime) getEventOut ("detonateTime"); firedTime = (SFTime) getEventOut ("firedTime"); // Do not set eventOuts during initialization!! debug ("getting LineOfFirePointArray eventOut"); // Get the munitionPointNode exposedField-placeholder Transform node munitionPointNode = (SFNode) getField ("munitionPointNode"); munitionPointNodeAccess = (Node)(munitionPointNode.getValue()); munitionStartPoint = (SFVec3f) munitionPointNodeAccess.getExposedField ("translation"); munitionEndPoint = (SFVec3f) munitionPointNodeAccess.getExposedField ("center"); debug ("munitionStartPoint=" + munitionStartPoint + ", munitionEndPoint=" + munitionEndPoint); // munitionStartPoint = (SFVec3f) getEventOut ("munitionStartPoint"); // instantiate // munitionEndPoint = (SFVec3f) getEventOut ("munitionEndPoint"); // instantiate /* // Retrieve articulation parameters debug ("Initialize articulation parameters..."); articulationParameterCount = (SFInt32) getEventOut ("articulationParameterCount"); articulationParameterValue0 = (SFFloat) getEventOut ("articulationParameterValue0"); articulationParameterValue1 = (SFFloat) getEventOut ("articulationParameterValue1"); articulationParameterValue2 = (SFFloat) getEventOut ("articulationParameterValue2"); articulationParameterValue3 = (SFFloat) getEventOut ("articulationParameterValue3"); articulationParameterValue4 = (SFFloat) getEventOut ("articulationParameterValue4"); articulationParameterValue5 = (SFFloat) getEventOut ("articulationParameterValue5"); articulationParameterValue6 = (SFFloat) getEventOut ("articulationParameterValue6"); articulationParameterValue7 = (SFFloat) getEventOut ("articulationParameterValue7"); articulationParameterValue8 = (SFFloat) getEventOut ("articulationParameterValue8"); articulationParameterValue9 = (SFFloat) getEventOut ("articulationParameterValue9"); articulationParameterValue10 = (SFFloat) getEventOut ("articulationParameterValue10"); articulationParameterValue11 = (SFFloat) getEventOut ("articulationParameterValue11"); articulationParameterValue12 = (SFFloat) getEventOut ("articulationParameterValue12"); articulationParameterValue13 = (SFFloat) getEventOut ("articulationParameterValue13"); articulationParameterValue14 = (SFFloat) getEventOut ("articulationParameterValue14"); */ // use half of readInterval (or half of writeInterval) as recommended sleepInterval // for entityDispatcher. if(readInterval > 0l) { if (writeInterval > 0l) { trace ("both readInterval & writeInterval > 0, " + "resetting writeInterval = 0"); } writeInterval = 0l; // ensure zero, not negative debug ("readInterval = " + readInterval + " msec"); } else if (writeInterval > 0l) { readInterval = 0l; // ensure zero, not negative espdu.setRtpHeaderEnabled (rtpHeaderExpected.getValue()); trace ("writeInterval = " + writeInterval + " msec, " + "rtpHeaderExpected = " + rtpHeaderExpected); } else { trace ("read & write intervals both <= 0, " + "setting readInterval = 1000 msec, writeInterval = 0"); readInterval = 1000l; writeInterval = 0l; // ensure zero, not negative } // Set up smoothing & dead reckoning // hi-fi vars pos = new float[3]; // x, y, z posDt = new float[3]; // aka: velocity ang = new float[3]; // heading, pitch, roll angDt = new float[3]; // aka: angular rates // lo-fi vars drPos = new float[3]; // x, y, z drPosDt = new float[3]; // aka: velocity drAng = new float[3]; // heading, pitch, roll drAngDt = new float[3]; // aka: angular rates // these are used for hpr->axis/angle conversions tmpQuat = new Quaternion(); rot = new float[4]; // axis/angle // now set init vars System.arraycopy(initPos, 0, pos, 0, 3); System.arraycopy(initPosDt, 0, posDt, 0, 3); System.arraycopy(initAng, 0, ang, 0, 3); System.arraycopy(initAngDt, 0, angDt, 0, 3); // now convert hpr (ang) to axis/angle (rot) tmpQuat.setEulers(ang); tmpQuat.getAxisAngle(rot); setDoNotSmooth (true); // turn smoothing off while diagnosing position jitter. unverified! // Set up the entity dispatcher. This uses the singleton pattern; we // should have just one copy of EntityDispatcher instantiated, which // the getEntityDispatcher class enforces. debug ("initialize: entityDispatcher instantiation:"); if (address.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase ("unicast") || // Unicast address.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase ("localhost")) { entityDispatcher = EntityDispatcher.getEntityDispatcher (null, port.getValue()); } else // multicast { entityDispatcher = EntityDispatcher.getEntityDispatcher (address.getValue(), port.getValue()); } debug ("initialize: entityDispatcher instantiation complete"); debug ("turn on tracing in entityDispatcher if tracing turned on by VRML scene: " + traceJava.getValue()); if (traceJava.getValue()) entityDispatcher.setDEBUG (traceJava.getValue()); if(readInterval > 0l) { debug ("invoke entityDispatcher.adviseSleepInterval (" + readInterval/2 + ")"); entityDispatcher.adviseSleepInterval (readInterval/2); } else if (writeInterval > 0l) { debug ("invoke entityDispatcher.adviseSleepInterval (" + writeInterval/2 + ")"); entityDispatcher.adviseSleepInterval (writeInterval/2); } // Register ourselves with the entity dispatcher. We register by // our entity ID. entityIDObject = new EntityID((short)siteID.getValue(), (short)applicationID.getValue(), (short)entityID.getValue()); debug ("entityIDObject=" + entityIDObject); debug ("Register ourselves using entityDispatcher.addListener to receive PDUs"); entityDispatcher.addListener(this, entityIDObject); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println(e); } debug ("initialize () complete in EspduTransform"); } /** * receivePDU () is called by the entity dispatcher when a PDU for the node * arrives from the network. The PDU is added to the list of PDUs that have already arrived, * and is later sent up to the 3D scene graph when processEvent() is called by the VRML scene. */ public void receivePDU (ProtocolDataUnit pPDU) { debug ("receivePDU got a PDU from EntityDispatcher"); if (writeInterval > 0) { debug ("receivePDU () ignored since we are sending PDUs with this EntityID"); return; } synchronized(receivedPDUsList) { receivedPDUsList.addElement(pPDU); } return; } /** * gets the entity ID, which is the unique triplet that identifies the entity, * consisting of (site, application, entity) ID numbers. This is set in the VRML node, and * retrieved for use here. */ public EntityID getEntityIDObject() { return entityIDObject; } /** * resets the entity ID triplet = (site, application, entity) ID numbers. */ public void setEntityIDObject(EntityID pEIO) { entityIDObject = pEIO; } /** * This is the main method, called by the VRML scene with periodicity * readInterval (or writeInterval). */ public void processEvent(Event event) { ProtocolDataUnit nextPdu; FirePdu firePdu; DetonationPdu detonationPdu; CollisionPdu collisionPdu; float x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw; int espduIndex; boolean standAloneMode = false; try { // catchAllException to diagnose run-time writer errors while VRML browser continues debug ("processEvent() start processing PDUs in EspduTransform..."); nextPdu = (ProtocolDataUnit) new EntityStatePdu (); firePdu = new FirePdu (); detonationPdu = new DetonationPdu (); collisionPdu = new CollisionPdu (); // debug ("start garbage collecting gc()..."); System.gc (); // debug ("done garbage collecting gc()"); // do gc first for minimum latency between received PDUs and rendering later // I'm not convinced this is useful, but what the hell. This suggests that // now would be a good time to GC, but does not actually require it. // debug ("begin check networkMode=" + networkMode + ", standAloneMode=" + standAloneMode); // compareToIgnoreCase will crash older JVMs!!! if ((new String (networkMode.getValue())).compareTo ("standAlone") == 0) { if (standAloneMode == false) { standAloneMode = true; debug ("*** networkMode=standAlone, not processing any network events!"); } // occurs before thread start, so shouldn't have any thread/buffer issues return; } // debug ("check networkMode complete."); // thread-start block - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - if (entityDispatcherThreadStarted == false) { debug ("entityDispatcher new Thread..."); entityDispatcherThread = new Thread(entityDispatcher, "DebuggingEntityDispatcher-" + ClassUtilities.nextSerialNum()); debug ("entityDispatcher thread starting..."); entityDispatcherThread.start(); entityDispatcherThreadStarted = true; // keep this after start() call! debug (entityDispatcherThread.getName() + " thread started, startEntityDispatcherThread() complete"); } // debug ("entityDispatcherThreadStarted = " + entityDispatcherThreadStarted); if (entityDispatcherThreadStarted == false) { // only used if entityDispatcher not threaded (& thus start-ed) ! entityDispatcher.singleReadLoop (); } // write block - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - if (writeInterval > 0) // *** articulation parameters not yet included here.... { debug ("writeInterval=" + writeInterval); x = translation.getX (); y = translation.getY (); z = translation.getZ (); geoCoords_changed.setValue (new Float(x).toString() + " " + new Float(y).toString() + " " + new Float(z).toString()); espdu.setEntityLocationX (x); espdu.setEntityLocationY (y); espdu.setEntityLocationZ (z); espdu.setEntityLinearVelocityX (0.0f); espdu.setEntityLinearVelocityY (0.0f); espdu.setEntityLinearVelocityZ (0.0f); espdu.setEntityLinearAcceleration (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); orientation = (SFRotation) transformNodeAccess.getExposedField ("rotation"); // get orientation.getValue (rot); quaternion.setAxisAngle (rot); quaternion.getEulers (eulers); // note Kent's quaternion code has irregular ordering of Euler angles // which (by whatever method :) accomplishes the angle transformation // desired... (needs to be verified using NPS AUV) yaw = -eulers [0]; roll = eulers [1]; pitch = eulers [2]; // set roll, pitch, and yaw in the PDU espdu.setEntityOrientationPsi (roll); espdu.setEntityOrientationTheta (pitch); espdu.setEntityOrientationPhi (yaw); debug ("phi/theta/psi = " + roll * 180.0 / Math.PI + ", " + pitch * 180.0 / Math.PI + ", " + yaw * 180.0 / Math.PI + " degrees"); debug ("espdu marking = " + espdu.getMarking() ); // expected marking is prefixed in output statements debug ("espdu " + espdu.getEntityID().toString()); entityDispatcher.sendPdu (espdu, address.getValue(), port.getValue()); debug ("entityDispatcher.sendPdu (...) complete"); } // read block - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - else synchronized (receivedPDUsList) { debug ("process read events, readInterval=" + readInterval); /* * Since this code is called every time the browser wishes to redraw the * screen we can use this as a data point to figure out the time per frame */ aveSecPerFrame.addDataPoint( secPerFrame.getDuration() ); secPerFrame.reset(); /* * Dead reckon: calculate VRML position/orientation from DIS position/orientation */ if (secSinceLastPdu.getDuration() > 5.0f) previousEspdu = null; if ((secSinceLastPdu.getDuration() > 0.01f) && (previousEspdu != null)) { DRandSmooth(); position = new SFVec3f (positionArray[0], positionArray[1], positionArray[2]); translation.setValue (position); // set VRML scene value rotation.setValue (orientation); // set VRML scene value // debug("position = (" + positionArray[0] + ", " + positionArray[1] + ", " + positionArray[2] + ")"); debug("position = " + position); debug("rotation = " + orientation ); x = translation.getX (); y = translation.getY (); z = translation.getZ (); geoCoords_changed.setValue (new Float(x).toString() + " " + new Float(y).toString() + " " + new Float(z).toString()); debug("geoCoords_changed = " + geoCoords_changed); } // put timers on reset events if ((isActive.getValue() == true) && (secSinceLastPdu.getDuration() > 15.0f)) { isActive.setValue (false); trace ("no ESPDU heard for 15 seconds, isActive=false!"); } // if ( isCollided.getValue ()) isCollided.setValue (false); // reset scene if (fired1.getValue ()) debug ("fired1.getValue ()=" + (new Boolean(fired1.getValue ())).toString() + ", localFireTimer1.getDuration()=" + localFireTimer1.toString()); if (fired2.getValue ()) debug ("fired2.getValue ()=" + (new Boolean(fired2.getValue ())).toString() + ", localFireTimer2.getDuration()=" + localFireTimer2.toString()); if ((fired1.getValue () == true) && (localFireTimer1.getDuration() >= 5.0f)) // seconds { trace ("fired1 timeout: " + localFireTimer1.getDuration() + "sec"); fired1.setValue(false); // notify scene done (but currently causes another explosion) debug ("fired1.setValue(false);"); munitionStartPoint.setValue (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); munitionEndPoint.setValue (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); debug ("munitionStartPoint, munitionEndPoint reset to (0 0 0)"); } if ((fired2.getValue () == true) && (localFireTimer2.getDuration() >= 5.0f)) // seconds { trace ("fired2 timeout: " + localFireTimer2.getDuration() + "sec"); fired2.setValue(false); // notify scene done (but currently causes another explosion) debug ("fired2.setValue(false);"); munitionStartPoint.setValue (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); munitionEndPoint.setValue (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); debug ("munitionStartPoint, munitionEndPoint reset to (0 0 0)"); } pduVectorSize = receivedPDUsList.size (); pduCount += pduVectorSize; if (pduVectorSize < 0) { trace ("error! pduVectorSize < 0, received 0 PDUs [" + pduCount + " total]"); return; } else if (pduVectorSize == 0) { debug ("received 0 PDUs [" + pduCount + " total]"); return; } else { debug ("received " + pduVectorSize + " PDUs [" + pduCount + " total]"); } // process all received PDUs // find the most recently timestamped ESPDU, process Collision and Fire espduIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < pduVectorSize; i++) { nextPdu = (ProtocolDataUnit) receivedPDUsList.elementAt (i); // debug (" :) got nextPdu"); // debug (" ((ProtocolDataUnit) receivedPDUsList.elementAt(i)).getPduType()=" + ((ProtocolDataUnit) receivedPDUsList.elementAt (i)).getPduType()); // debug (" ((ProtocolDataUnit) receivedPDUsList.elementAt(i)).getPduType().shortValue()=" + ((ProtocolDataUnit) receivedPDUsList.elementAt (i)).getPduType().shortValue()); if (nextPdu.getRtpHeaderEnabled() != rtpHeaderExpected.getValue()) { debug ("RTP headers " + nextPdu.getRtpHeaderEnabled() + " rather than " + rtpHeaderExpected + " as expected!"); isRtpHeaderHeard.setValue(nextPdu.getRtpHeaderEnabled()); // send eventOut rtpHeaderExpected.setValue(nextPdu.getRtpHeaderEnabled()); // remember debug ("unexpected RTP header status, rtpHeader = " + nextPdu.getRtpHeaderEnabled()); } if (nextPdu.getPduType().shortValue() == PduTypeField.ENTITYSTATE) { if (espduIndex == -1) // first espdu found { espduIndex = i; pdu = (ProtocolDataUnit) receivedPDUsList.elementAt (i); debug ("-- ESPDU of interest is now element " + i + " of receivedPDUsList"); } else if (pdu.getTimestamp().longValue() < nextPdu.getTimestamp().longValue()) { espduIndex = i; pdu = (ProtocolDataUnit) receivedPDUsList.elementAt (i); debug ("-- ESPDU of interest is now element " + i + " of receivedPDUsList"); } else debug ("-- ESPDU at element " + i + " of receivedPDUsList is less recent than pdu, ignored"); } else if (nextPdu.getPduType().shortValue() == PduTypeField.FIRE) // ** need intersection check? ** { debug (">> FirePdu detected..."); firePdu = (FirePdu) receivedPDUsList.elementAt (i); // make decision based on munition, fired1 or fired2 *** //*******Quay's decision code************** if ((int)WarheadField.HEDARTS == firePdu.getBurstDescriptor().getWarhead().intValue()) { trace ("firePdu: fired2, found WarheadField.HEDARTS == " + WarheadField.HEDARTS); fired2.setValue(true); localFireTimer2.reset(); } else{ fired1.setValue(true); localFireTimer1.reset(); } // notify scene //*******ends Quay's changes******* // notify scene of time, but use local clock so explosion sounds firedTime.setValue (firePdu.getVRMLTimestamp()); // event.getTimeStamp() didn't work :( float fireRange = firePdu.getRange(); if (fireRange <= 10.0f) { debug ("fireRange = " + fireRange + ", reset to 10m for visibility"); fireRange = 10.0f; // meters } trace ("fired! fireRange=" + fireRange); debug ("firedTime=" + firedTime.getValue()); // include conversion from DIS-to-VRML world coordinates (VRML Y gets DIS -Z, VRML Z gets DIS Y) // need to add time of flight & munition handling to these calculations float launchX, launchY, launchZ, launchVelocityX, launchVelocityY, launchVelocityZ, targetX, targetY, targetZ = 0.0f; if (firePdu.getLocationInWorldCoordinate() != null) { launchX = (new Double ((firePdu.getLocationInWorldCoordinate()).getX()).floatValue()); // VRML coordinate system launchY = -(new Double ((firePdu.getLocationInWorldCoordinate()).getZ()).floatValue()); launchZ = (new Double ((firePdu.getLocationInWorldCoordinate()).getY()).floatValue()); // need proper calculations for actual aim point *** // include conversion from DIS-to-VRML world coordinates (VRML Y gets DIS -Z, VRML Z gets DIS Y) launchVelocityX = firePdu.getVelocity().getX(); // VRML coordinate system launchVelocityY = - firePdu.getVelocity().getZ(); launchVelocityZ = firePdu.getVelocity().getY(); double horizontalVelocity = Math.sqrt (launchVelocityX*launchVelocityX + launchVelocityZ*launchVelocityZ); if (horizontalVelocity == 0.0) horizontalVelocity = 0.0001; // avoid divide by zero exception double psi = Math.atan2(launchVelocityX, launchVelocityZ); // VRML coordinate system, horizontal plane double theta = Math.atan (launchVelocityY / horizontalVelocity); // VRML coordinate system, vertical plane debug ("(VRML launchVelocityX=" + launchVelocityX + ", launchVelocityY=" + launchVelocityY + ")"); debug (" launchVelocityZ=" + launchVelocityZ + ", theta =" + theta * Math.PI / 180.0 + " degrees, psi = " + psi * Math.PI / 180.0 + " degrees)"); targetX = launchX + (float) (fireRange * Math.cos (theta) * Math.sin(psi)); targetY = launchY + (float) (fireRange * Math.sin (theta)); targetZ = launchZ + (float) (fireRange * Math.cos (theta) * Math.cos(psi)); debug ("calculations complete, setting (crash-prone) munitionStartPoint, munitionEndPoint ..."); munitionStartPoint.setValue (launchX, launchY, launchZ); // crash!! munitionEndPoint.setValue (targetX, targetY, targetZ); // crash!! debug ("munitionStartPoint set to (" + launchX + ", " + launchY + ", " + launchZ + ")"); debug (" munitionEndPoint set to (" + targetX + ", " + targetY + ", " + targetZ + ")"); } else trace ("*** error, firePdu.getLocationInWorldCoordinate() == null"); } else if (nextPdu.getPduType().shortValue() == PduTypeField.DETONATION) { trace ("<< DetonationPdu detected..."); detonationPdu = (DetonationPdu) receivedPDUsList.elementAt (i); isDetonated.setValue (true); // notify scene detonateTime.setValue (new SFTime (detonationPdu.getVRMLTimestamp())); // notify scene trace ("isDetonated=true! timeStamp " + detonateTime.getValue()); } else if (nextPdu.getPduType().shortValue() == PduTypeField.COLLISION) { trace ("<< CollisionPdu detected..."); collisionPdu = (CollisionPdu) receivedPDUsList.elementAt (i); isCollided.setValue (true); // notify scene collideTime.setValue (new SFTime (collisionPdu.getVRMLTimestamp())); // notify scene trace ("isCollided=true! timeStamp " + collideTime.getValue()); } else // unusable PDU type { trace ("not a usable ESPDU, element " + i + " of receivedPDUsList is type " + nextPdu.getPduType() + " = " + PduTypeField.toString (nextPdu.getPduType().intValue())); // trace ("see dis-java-vrml/docs/dis-java-vrml/mil/navy/nps/disEnumerations/PduTypeField.html"); } } if (espduIndex == -1) // no ESPDUs received { debug ("have no ESPDUs"); } else // process the most current ESPDU which is 'pdu' { debug ("have one or more ESPDUs"); if (isActive.getValue() == false) { isActive.setValue (true); trace ("espdu(s) received, isActive=true! RTP headers heard: " + nextPdu.getRtpHeaderEnabled()); // DEBUG=true; } prev_dt = secSinceLastPdu.getDuration() - secPerFrame.getDuration(); // allow smoothing until the DR and smoothing results are closeEnough. closeEnough = false; // this is how long the espdu has been used (i.e. time between pdu updates) averageUpdateTime.addDataPoint( secSinceLastPdu.getDuration() ); if (pdu == null) trace ("pdu lost scope!!"); espdu = (EntityStatePdu) pdu; timestamp.setValue(new SFTime (espdu.getVRMLTimestamp())); // send eventOut // save the utilized previousEspdu for smoothing. // need partial deep copy to get DR values and eliminate multiple reference count previousEspdu = new EntityStatePdu (); previousEspdu.setDeadReckoningAlgorithm (espdu.getDeadReckoningAlgorithm ()); previousEspdu.setDeadReckoningParameters (espdu.getDeadReckoningParameters ()); previousEspdu.setEntityAngularVelocity (espdu.getEntityAngularVelocity ()); previousEspdu.setEntityLinearAcceleration (espdu.getEntityLinearAcceleration ()); previousEspdu.setEntityLinearVelocity (espdu.getEntityLinearVelocity ()); previousEspdu.setEntityLocation (espdu.getEntityLocation ()); previousEspdu.setEntityOrientation (espdu.getEntityOrientation ()); secSinceLastPdu.reset(); // reset local dead-reckoning clock since new pdu is now in use // browser bug trap, espdu location at origin is unlikely if ((espdu.getEntityLocationX() == 0.0) && (espdu.getEntityLocationY() == 0.0) && (espdu.getEntityLocationZ() == 0.0)) trace ("warning! suspicious ESPDU location <0, 0, 0> received"); else debug ("ESPDU-at-origin bug trap complete."); /* int APCount = espdu.articulationParameterCount().intValue(); if (APCount != articulationParameterCount.getValue()) articulationParameterCount.setValue(APCount); // send eventOut if (APCount > MAX_ARTICULATION_PARAMETERS) { trace ( APCount + " articulation parameters received, maximum supported is " + MAX_ARTICULATION_PARAMETERS); } if (APCount > 0) changeIndicator0 = espdu.getArticulationParameterAt(0).getChangeIndicator().intValue(); if (APCount > 1) changeIndicator1 = espdu.getArticulationParameterAt(1).getChangeIndicator().intValue(); if (APCount > 2) changeIndicator2 = espdu.getArticulationParameterAt(2).getChangeIndicator().intValue(); if (APCount > 3) changeIndicator3 = espdu.getArticulationParameterAt(3).getChangeIndicator().intValue(); if (APCount > 4) changeIndicator4 = espdu.getArticulationParameterAt(4).getChangeIndicator().intValue(); if (APCount > 5) changeIndicator5 = espdu.getArticulationParameterAt(5).getChangeIndicator().intValue(); if (APCount > 6) changeIndicator6 = espdu.getArticulationParameterAt(6).getChangeIndicator().intValue(); if (APCount > 7) changeIndicator7 = espdu.getArticulationParameterAt(7).getChangeIndicator().intValue(); if (APCount > 8) changeIndicator8 = espdu.getArticulationParameterAt(8).getChangeIndicator().intValue(); if (APCount > 9) changeIndicator9 = espdu.getArticulationParameterAt(9).getChangeIndicator().intValue(); if (APCount >10) changeIndicator10 = espdu.getArticulationParameterAt(10).getChangeIndicator().intValue(); if (APCount >11) changeIndicator11 = espdu.getArticulationParameterAt(11).getChangeIndicator().intValue(); if (APCount >12) changeIndicator12 = espdu.getArticulationParameterAt(12).getChangeIndicator().intValue(); if (APCount >13) changeIndicator13 = espdu.getArticulationParameterAt(13).getChangeIndicator().intValue(); if (APCount >14) changeIndicator14 = espdu.getArticulationParameterAt(14).getChangeIndicator().intValue(); // for articulationParameterValues, note that doubles are passed over the wire, // but they must be downcasted to floats so VRML can accept them :( if (APCount > 0) { // the following if statements check for validity and then whether a change has occurred from prior value, // prior to accessing ArticulationParameter member values and then sending (via assignment) eventOuts if ((APCount > 0) && ( changeIndicator0 != previousChangeIndicator0)) articulationParameterValue0.setValue ((float)espdu.getArticulationParameterAt(0).getParameterValue()); if ((APCount > 1) && ( changeIndicator1 != previousChangeIndicator1)) articulationParameterValue1.setValue ((float)espdu.getArticulationParameterAt(1).getParameterValue()); if ((APCount > 2) && ( changeIndicator2 != previousChangeIndicator2)) articulationParameterValue2.setValue ((float)espdu.getArticulationParameterAt(2).getParameterValue()); if ((APCount > 3) && ( changeIndicator3 != previousChangeIndicator3)) articulationParameterValue3.setValue ((float)espdu.getArticulationParameterAt(3).getParameterValue()); if ((APCount > 4) && ( changeIndicator4 != previousChangeIndicator4)) articulationParameterValue4.setValue ((float)espdu.getArticulationParameterAt(4).getParameterValue()); if ((APCount > 5) && ( changeIndicator5 != previousChangeIndicator5)) articulationParameterValue5.setValue ((float)espdu.getArticulationParameterAt(5).getParameterValue()); if ((APCount > 6) && ( changeIndicator6 != previousChangeIndicator6)) articulationParameterValue6.setValue ((float)espdu.getArticulationParameterAt(6).getParameterValue()); if ((APCount > 7) && ( changeIndicator7 != previousChangeIndicator7)) articulationParameterValue7.setValue ((float)espdu.getArticulationParameterAt(7).getParameterValue()); if ((APCount > 8) && ( changeIndicator8 != previousChangeIndicator8)) articulationParameterValue8.setValue ((float)espdu.getArticulationParameterAt(8).getParameterValue()); if ((APCount > 9) && ( changeIndicator9 != previousChangeIndicator9)) articulationParameterValue9.setValue ((float)espdu.getArticulationParameterAt(9).getParameterValue()); if ((APCount >10) && (changeIndicator10 != previousChangeIndicator10)) articulationParameterValue10.setValue ((float)espdu.getArticulationParameterAt(10).getParameterValue()); if ((APCount >11) && (changeIndicator11 != previousChangeIndicator11)) articulationParameterValue11.setValue ((float)espdu.getArticulationParameterAt(11).getParameterValue()); if ((APCount >12) && (changeIndicator12 != previousChangeIndicator12)) articulationParameterValue12.setValue ((float)espdu.getArticulationParameterAt(12).getParameterValue()); if ((APCount >13) && (changeIndicator13 != previousChangeIndicator13)) articulationParameterValue13.setValue ((float)espdu.getArticulationParameterAt(13).getParameterValue()); if ((APCount >14) && (changeIndicator13 != previousChangeIndicator14)) articulationParameterValue14.setValue ((float)espdu.getArticulationParameterAt(14).getParameterValue()); } previousChangeIndicator0 = changeIndicator0; previousChangeIndicator1 = changeIndicator1; previousChangeIndicator2 = changeIndicator2; previousChangeIndicator3 = changeIndicator3; previousChangeIndicator4 = changeIndicator4; previousChangeIndicator5 = changeIndicator5; previousChangeIndicator6 = changeIndicator6; previousChangeIndicator7 = changeIndicator7; previousChangeIndicator8 = changeIndicator8; previousChangeIndicator9 = changeIndicator9; previousChangeIndicator10 = changeIndicator10; previousChangeIndicator11 = changeIndicator11; previousChangeIndicator12 = changeIndicator12; previousChangeIndicator13 = changeIndicator13; previousChangeIndicator14 = changeIndicator14; */ if (espduFirstHeard == true) { espduFirstHeard = false; trace ("espduFirstHeard, marking = " + espdu.getMarking ()); } // crash!! if ((espduFirstHeard == true) && espdu.getMarking().compareToIgnoreCase (marking.getValue()) != 0) // { // trace ("warning! VRML scene marking (" + marking + ") differs from ESPDU marking (" + ")" ); // espduFirstHeard = false; // } } debug ("starting receivedPDUsList.removeAllElements ()..."); receivedPDUsList.removeAllElements (); // garbage collection will reclaim this Vector debug ("finished receivedPDUsList.removeAllElements ()"); pdu = null; nextPdu = null; firePdu = null; collisionPdu = null; // dereference list PDUs debug ("receivedPDUsList.removeAllElements (); isEmpty() = " + receivedPDUsList.isEmpty ()); if (!receivedPDUsList.isEmpty ()) trace ("receivedPDUsList.removeAllElements (); failed!"); } // end synchronized (receivedPDUsList) } catch (Exception catchAllException) { trace ("*** processEvent exception: " + catchAllException); catchAllException.printStackTrace(); // setDEBUG (true); // can't re-throw (catchAllException); since not supported by class vrml.node.Script if (!receivedPDUsList.isEmpty ()) { trace ("*** Exception occurred before clearing receivedPDUsList, retrying..."); debug ("starting receivedPDUsList.removeAllElements ()..."); receivedPDUsList.removeAllElements (); // garbage collection will reclaim this Vector debug ("finished receivedPDUsList.removeAllElements ()"); pdu = null; nextPdu = null; firePdu = null; collisionPdu = null; // dereference list PDUs debug ("receivedPDUsList.removeAllElements (); isEmpty() = " + receivedPDUsList.isEmpty ()); if (!receivedPDUsList.isEmpty ()) trace ("receivedPDUsList.removeAllElements (); failed!"); } } debug ("finished processEvent"); return; } /** Smooths data */ private float[] smooth3Floats( float[] drCurrent, float[] drPrevUpdate, float currentTime, float averageUpdateTime ) { float[] result = new float[3]; // the ratio of how long since the most recent update time to the averageUpdateTime float factor = currentTime / averageUpdateTime; result[0] = drPrevUpdate[0] + ( drCurrent[0] - drPrevUpdate[0] ) * factor; result[1] = drPrevUpdate[1] + ( drCurrent[1] - drPrevUpdate[1] ) * factor; result[2] = drPrevUpdate[2] + ( drCurrent[2] - drPrevUpdate[2] ) * factor; return result; } /** * Calculate the deadreckon position of a EntityStatePDU */ private float[] DRPosition ( EntityStatePdu espdu, float dt ) { float[] dRposition = new float[3]; if( dt < DR_LIMIT ) { dRposition[0] = (float) ( espdu.getEntityLocationX() + dt * espdu.getEntityLinearVelocityX() + dt*dt * espdu.getEntityLinearAccelerationX()); dRposition[1] = (float) (-espdu.getEntityLocationZ() - dt * espdu.getEntityLinearVelocityZ() - dt*dt * espdu.getEntityLinearAccelerationZ()); dRposition[2] = (float) ( espdu.getEntityLocationY() + dt * espdu.getEntityLinearVelocityY() + dt*dt * espdu.getEntityLinearAccelerationY()); } else { dRposition[0] = (float) ( espdu.getEntityLocationX()); dRposition[1] = (float) (-espdu.getEntityLocationZ()); dRposition[2] = (float) ( espdu.getEntityLocationY()); } return dRposition; } /* * Calculate the deadreckon orientation of a EntityStatePDU */ private float[] DROrientation ( EntityStatePdu espdu, float dt ) { float[] dRorientation = new float[3]; float yaw, pitch, roll; if ( dt < DR_LIMIT ) // no angular acceleration in ESPDU { roll = espdu.getEntityOrientationPhi() + dt * espdu.getEntityAngularVelocityX(); pitch = espdu.getEntityOrientationTheta() + dt * espdu.getEntityAngularVelocityY(); yaw = espdu.getEntityOrientationPsi() + dt * espdu.getEntityAngularVelocityZ(); } else { roll = espdu.getEntityOrientationPhi(); pitch = espdu.getEntityOrientationTheta(); yaw = espdu.getEntityOrientationPsi(); } // note Kent's quaternion code has irregular ordering of Euler angles // which (by whatever method :) accomplishes the angle transformation // desired... (results verified using NPS AUV) dRorientation[0] = -yaw; dRorientation[1] = roll; dRorientation[2] = pitch; return dRorientation; }// end DROrientation() /** * Sum of the squares of the diffs between two float arrays. */ private float SqrDeltaFloats( float[] first, float[] second ) { float sumOfSqrs = 0.0f; for( int idx = 0; idx < first.length; idx++ ) { sumOfSqrs += (first[idx] - second[idx]) * (first[idx] - second[idx]); } return sumOfSqrs; } /** * Dead reckon and smooth if appropriate. */ private void DRandSmooth() { if (espdu == null) // trap error condition { trace ("DRandSmooth: espdu == null !"); return; } if (previousEspdu == null) // trap error condition { trace ("DRandSmooth: previousEspdu == null !"); return; } float aveUpdateTime = averageUpdateTime.average(); float stopSmoothTime = aveUpdateTime * SMOOTH_LIMIT; float updateTime = secSinceLastPdu.getDuration(); // calculate the DR Position and Orientation float[] tempPositionArray = DRPosition( espdu, updateTime ); float[] goalOrientation = DROrientation( espdu, updateTime ); float[] currOrientation; // only used when smoothing. float[] smoothedLinearVel; if( DoNotSmooth || closeEnough || updateTime > aveUpdateTime ) { // just DR since we have already rejoined the new DR track. positionArray = tempPositionArray; eulers = goalOrientation; } else { // DR and smooth position if( SMOOTH_LINVELOCITY ) { smoothedLinearVel = smoothLinVelocity (espdu, previousEspdu, updateTime, aveUpdateTime); tempPositionArray = DRPosition (espdu, smoothedLinearVel, updateTime); positionArray = smooth3Floats (tempPositionArray, DRPosition (previousEspdu,smoothedLinearVel, prev_dt + updateTime), updateTime, aveUpdateTime * SMOOTH_LIMIT); } else { positionArray = smooth3Floats (tempPositionArray, DRPosition (previousEspdu, prev_dt + updateTime), updateTime, aveUpdateTime * SMOOTH_LIMIT); } currOrientation = DROrientation (previousEspdu, prev_dt + updateTime); goalOrientation = fixEulers( goalOrientation , currOrientation ); // goalOrientation should now contain values such that the entity will // head the short way around the circle. eulers = smooth3Floats( goalOrientation, currOrientation, updateTime, aveUpdateTime * SMOOTH_LIMIT ); if( SqrDeltaFloats (tempPositionArray, positionArray ) < 0.02 && SqrDeltaFloats (tempPositionArray, positionArray ) < 0.02 && SqrDeltaFloats (goalOrientation, currOrientation ) < 0.02 ) { // stop smoothing. Only use DR calculations until next pdu arrives. closeEnough = true; } } quaternion.setEulers (eulers); quaternion.getAxisAngle (rot); orientation.setValue (rot); } // END: Dead reckon and smooth private float normalize(float input_angle) { float angle = input_angle; float twoPI = (float)Math.PI * 2.0f; while( angle < 0.0f ) { angle += twoPI; } while( angle >= twoPI ) { angle -= twoPI; } return angle; }// end normalize private float[] normalize( float[] inputAngles ) { float[] normal = new float[inputAngles.length]; for( int idx = 0; idx < inputAngles.length; idx++ ) { normal[idx] = normalize2( inputAngles[idx] ); } return normal; } //end normalize float array => ( 0, 2PI ] private float[] normalize2( float[] inputAngles ) { float[] normal = new float[inputAngles.length]; for( int idx = 0; idx < inputAngles.length; idx++ ) { normal[idx] = normalize2( inputAngles[idx] ); } return normal; } //end normalize2 float array => ( -PI, PI ] private float normalize2( float input_angle ) { float angle = input_angle; float twoPI = (float)Math.PI * 2.0f; while( angle > Math.PI ) { angle -= twoPI; } while(angle <= -Math.PI ) { angle += twoPI; } return angle; }// end normalize2 => ( -PI, PI ] // returns: the magnitude and direction of the angle change. private float[] fixEulers( float[] goalOrientation, float[] currOrientation ) { float[] goalOrien = goalOrientation; for( int idx = 0; idx < goalOrientation.length; idx++ ) { goalOrien[idx] = currOrientation[idx] + normalize2( normalize2( goalOrien[idx] ) - normalize2( currOrientation[idx] ) ); } return goalOrien; } /** * Calculate the dead reckoning position of a EntityStatePDU */ private float[] DRPosition ( EntityStatePdu espdu, float[] smoothedVelocity, float dt ) { float[] dRposition = new float[3]; if( dt < DR_LIMIT ) { dRposition[0] = (float) ( espdu.getEntityLocationX() + dt * smoothedVelocity[0]); dRposition[1] = (float) (-espdu.getEntityLocationZ() - dt * smoothedVelocity[1]); dRposition[2] = (float) ( espdu.getEntityLocationY() + dt * smoothedVelocity[2]); } else { dRposition[0] = (float) ( espdu.getEntityLocationX()); dRposition[1] = (float) (-espdu.getEntityLocationZ()); dRposition[2] = (float) ( espdu.getEntityLocationY()); } return dRposition; } private float[] smoothLinVelocity( EntityStatePdu espdu, EntityStatePdu previousEspdu, float currentTime, float averageUpdateTime ) { float[] ELV = new float[3]; float[] prevELV = new float[3]; ELV[0] = espdu.getEntityLinearVelocityX(); ELV[1] = espdu.getEntityLinearVelocityZ(); ELV[2] = espdu.getEntityLinearVelocityY(); prevELV[0] = previousEspdu.getEntityLinearVelocityX(); prevELV[1] = previousEspdu.getEntityLinearVelocityZ(); prevELV[2] = previousEspdu.getEntityLinearVelocityY(); return smooth3Floats( ELV, prevELV, currentTime, averageUpdateTime ); }// end smoothVelocity private float[] smoothAngVelocity( EntityStatePdu espdu, EntityStatePdu previousEspdu, float currentTime, float averageUpdateTime ) { float[] EAV = new float[3]; float[] prevEAV = new float[3]; EAV[0] = espdu.getEntityAngularVelocityX(); EAV[1] = espdu.getEntityAngularVelocityY(); EAV[2] = espdu.getEntityAngularVelocityZ(); prevEAV[0] = previousEspdu.getEntityAngularVelocityX(); prevEAV[1] = previousEspdu.getEntityAngularVelocityY(); prevEAV[2] = previousEspdu.getEntityAngularVelocityZ(); return smooth3Floats( EAV, prevEAV, currentTime, averageUpdateTime ); } // end smoothVelocity } //end class