/* File: EntityStatePdu.java CVS Info: $Id: EntityStatePdu.java,v 1.6 1998/02/03 00:09:39 mcgredo Exp $ Compiler: jdk 1.3 */ package mil.navy.nps.dis; // package to which we belong import mil.navy.nps.util.*; // General-purpose utilities import mil.navy.nps.disEnumerations.*; // Enumerations for DIS import java.util.*; // utility stuff we need import java.io.*; // input/output for serialization /** * PDU which passes all physics information for an entity. * *@version 1.0 *@author Don McGregor (http://www.npsnet.org/~mcgredo) * *
Location: *
Web: * http://www.web3d.org/WorkingGroups/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EntityStatePdu.java * *
or locally: * ~/mil/navy/nps/dis/EntityStatePdu.java * *
Hierarchy Diagram: *
* *
Summary: *
This Class implements an Entity State PDU which in turn stores information about an entity * in a DIS format, such as velocity, orientation, dead reckoning parameter etc. * *
Explanation: *
The entity state PDU communicates information about an entity, such as * its location, its appearance, and how it appears to others. * * This is a subclass of the abstract ProtocolDataUnit class, and * overrides the serialization, deSerialization, and clone methods. * ProtocolDataUnit encompasses the PDU Header information, such as * the protocol version, PDU Type, etc.

* * This is pretty simple stuff. You can really go to sleep writing it. * It screams out for automation and an algorithm to do all this automatically. * Can you say dial-a-protocol?

* *

Note: *
We have flattened the Dead Reckoning record. * There are some additionnal easy to use accessor methods to modify in a simple way, * fields that are nested in records and that are frequently accessed. * Note that we do not define an Entity Marking Record. It is replaced by CharacterSet and by Marking. * At last, we have an articulationParameter list whose accessor methods are addArticulationParameter() and * articulationParameterCount(). * *
History: *
17Oct96 /Don McGregor /New *
25Oct96 /Don McGregor /changed full-fledged Float objects to mere float instance variables *
06Mar97 /Don McGregor /javadoc changes, swapped in entityType and altEntityType in place of * individual fields *
16Apr97 /Don McGregor /PrintStream passed to printValues *
12Aug97 /Don McGregor /elaborated printValues * 19Aug97 /Don McGregor /Made "multicast" terminology consistent *
8Dec97 /Ronan Fauglas /changes for documentation templates + complements in documentation *
11Dec97 /Ronan Fauglas /changed access methods: thisVariable() --> getThisVariable() *
27Nov99 /David W. Laflam /changed access methods: Updated the Java Docs * *
References: *
DIS Data Dictionary :Entity State PDU *
DIS-Java-VRML Working Group: * http://www.web3d.org/WorkingGroups/vrtp/dis-java-vrml/ *
DIS specification : IEEE 1278.1, Section, 4.4.2, 4.4.5 * *@see ProtocolDataUnit *@see PduElement *@see SerializationInterface *@see CollisionPdu */ public class EntityStatePdu extends ProtocolDataUnit { /** *Debugging flag; *when set true, turns on verbose diagnostic, statements that prints in the java console. *Default is false. */ public static final boolean DEBUG = false; // debugging/trace output /** Debugging output. Pass in a string, and it gets printed out on the console. You can pass in strings such as "foo " + bar.getName(). */ protected static void debug (String pDiagnostic) { if (DEBUG) System.out.println("EntityStatePdu: " + pDiagnostic); } /** Guaranteed debugging output. Pass in a string, and it gets printed out on the console. You can pass in strings such as "foo " + bar.getName(). */ protected static void trace (String pDiagnostic) { System.out.println("EntityStatePdu: " + pDiagnostic); } /** *Entity Identification - This field shall identify the entity issuing the PDU. */ protected EntityID entityID; // triplet that identifies what entity we are /** *Force Identification - This field shall identify the force to which the issuing entity belongs. * *
Value: *
Enumeration, see references below for further information. *
References: *
DIS Data Dictionary: Force ID Field *
See Section 4 in Document IST-CR-93-19 *
*/ protected UnsignedByte forceID; // force to which issuing entity belongs // We don't maintain a separate variable for the parameter count; that's handled by simply // querying the vector object that holds the articulation parameters. That way the two numbers // can't get out of sync. //protected UnsignedByte articulationParameterCount; // number of articulation parameters /** *Entity Type - This field shall identify the entity type to be displayed *by members of the same force as the issuing entity. * *
References: *
See Section 6 in Document IST-CR-93-19 *
*/ protected EntityType entityType; // Entity type, (type, domain, country, category, etc.) /** *Alternate Entity Type - This field shall identify the entity type to be displayed by *members of forces other than that of the issuing entity. * *
References: *
See Section 4 in Document IST-CR-93-19. *
*/ protected EntityType alternativeEntityType; // entity type displayed by other forces /** *Entity Linear Velocity - This field shall specify an entity's linear velocity. *The coordinate system for an entities' linear velocity depends on the *dead reckoning algorithm used. */ protected LinearVelocity entityLinearVelocity; // velocity (x, y, and z together, all floats) /** *Entity Location - This field shall specify an entity's physical location in the simulated world. */ protected WorldCoordinate entityLocation; // location in world coordinates (doubles, 64 bits each) /** *Entity Orientation - This field shall specify an entity's orientation. */ protected EulerAngle entityOrientation; // orientation of entity (psi, theta, phi floats) // entity appearance /** *Entity Appearance - This field shall specify the dynamic changes to the entity's *appearance attributes. * *
References: *
DIS Data Dictionary: Entity Appearance Record *
See Section 3 in Document IST-CR-93-19. *
DIS specification : IEEE 1278.1, Section 5.3.12 *
*/ protected UnsignedInt entityAppearance; // how do we look--bitchin' or thrashed? // Dead reckoning parameters, I reckon. /** *Dead Reckoning Algorithm - This field shall specify the dead reckoning algorithm in use by the issuing *entity. * *
Value: *
Enumeration; see references below. *
References: *
See Section 7 in Document IST-CR-93-19. *
DIS Data Dictionary: * Dead Reckoning Parameter Record, * Dead Reckoning Algorithm Field. *
*/ protected UnsignedByte deadReckoningAlgorithm; // How do we figure dead reckoning between updates? /** *Other Parameters - This field shall specify other required dead reckoning parameters to be determined. *This field shall consist of 120 bits. * *
Note: *
we don't respect our syntax *
References: *
See Section 7 in Document IST-CR-93-19. *
DIS Data Dictionary: * Dead Reckoning Parameter Record, * Dead Reckoning Other Parameters Field. *
*/ protected byte[] deadReckoningParameters; // 120 bits of space for DR parameters /** *Entity Linear Acceleration - This field shall specify an entity's linear acceleration. */ protected LinearAcceleration entityLinearAcceleration; // Acceleration of object (x, y, z in floats) /** *Entity Angular Velocity - This field shall specify an entity's angular velocity. */ protected AngularVelocity entityAngularVelocity; // angular velocity about x, y, z (all floats) /** *This field represents the Character set used in representing the Entity Marking Record. * *
References: *
DIS specification : IEEE 1278.1, 5.3.15 *
DIS Data Dictionary: * Entity Marking record, * Entity Marking String Record. *
* *@see #marking */ protected UnsignedByte characterSet; // what character set to use when drawing markings /** *This is a String used to designate the Entity Marking. *It is not more than 11 characters. *Besides it can't be more than 11 bytes when serializing. * *
Explanation * The Entity Marking record has been flatened here into the marking and the characterSet fields. * In general, this record is used to specify the character set used in the marking * and the string of characters to be interpreted for display. * *
In Java, Strings are NOT the same as byte arrays. Strings use *use unicode characters of two bytes each, unlike in C, *where there's a direct 1-byte=1 char mapping. We get around *this by taking only the low-order byte of the two-byte unicode *char when serializing. One of the side effects of this is that *we can SET unicode strings, but can't transmit them. This is a *wart, but it makes the code a bit easier. * *
References: *
DIS specification : IEEE 1278.1, 5.3.15 *
DIS Data Dictionary: * Entity Marking record, * Entity Marking String Record. *
*/ protected String marking = new String (""); // Capabilities /** *A collection of boolean fields which describe the capabilities of the Entity. *Note: The record is being flatened here in one field. * *
References: *
See Section 4 in Document IST-CR-93-19. *
DIS Data Dictionary: * Entity Capabilities Record, * Dead Reckoning Algorithm Field. *
DIS specification : IEEE 1278.1, 5.3.13 *
*/ protected UnsignedInt capabilities; // 32 boolean flags. // Articulation parameters. This is simply a list of articulation parameters. // The number of articulation parameters, which is designated as a field in // the external representation of the PDU, is actually maintained here, so the // length of the vector and the count can't get out of synch. /** * The number of articulation parameters and the Articulation Paramater record are being wrapped * in Vectors. It makes the interface look better. * *
References: *
See Section 4 in Document IST-CR-93-19. *
DIS Data Dictionary: * Number of Articulation Parameters Field, * Articulation Parameter Record *
DIS specification : IEEE 1278.1, Annex A, 5.3.5 *
*/ protected Vector articulationParameters; // list of articulation parameters /** *Constant value--size of an Entity State PDU without header. *sizeOf = 132 bytes */ public static final int sizeOf = 132; // size, in bytes, of a stripped ESPDU, AS WRITTEN, less header info /** *An "examplar" object, which is filled out to the state that is needed most of the time. * *
Explanation *
A brand new object has to have most of its values set, * such as the forceID, protocol version, and so on. This lets the user fill * out most of the values, save it in the class, then retrieve a copy of it * as needed. *
*/ static protected EntityStatePdu exemplar; /** *Default constructor--fills with zeros for all values. */ public EntityStatePdu() // default constructor { pduType = new UnsignedByte(PduTypeField.ENTITYSTATE); // set superclass ivar to correct type entityID = new EntityID(); forceID = new UnsignedByte(); entityType = new EntityType(); alternativeEntityType = new EntityType(); entityLinearVelocity = new LinearVelocity(); entityLocation = new WorldCoordinate(); entityOrientation = new EulerAngle(); entityAppearance = new UnsignedInt(); deadReckoningAlgorithm = new UnsignedByte(); deadReckoningParameters = new byte[15]; // assorted quantities used for dead reckoning entityLinearAcceleration = new LinearAcceleration(0,0,0); entityAngularVelocity = new AngularVelocity(0,0,0); characterSet = new UnsignedByte(); // character set. No unicode. capabilities = new UnsignedInt(0); articulationParameters = new Vector(0); return; }; /** *@exception RuntimeException when io error occurs. *fileEncoding ensures we convert string to local system encoding properly. */ public void serialize(DataOutputStream outputStream) { int idx = 0; byte[] entityMarkingBytes = new byte[11]; byte nullByte = 0; // null byte UnsignedByte articulationParameterCount; String fileEncoding; debug("Entering ESPDU serialization"); super.serialize(outputStream); debug("Serialized superclass in ESPDU"); // Do our ivars try // catch-all for any exceptions in writing to stream { debug("EntityStatePdu serialized " + outputStream.size()); entityID.serialize(outputStream); forceID.serialize(outputStream); // the number of articulation parameters articulationParameterCount = new UnsignedByte(articulationParameters.size()); articulationParameterCount.serialize(outputStream); // the entity as friendly forces see it entityType.serialize(outputStream); // entity as other forces see it alternativeEntityType.serialize(outputStream); // entity entityLinearVelocity. entityLinearVelocity.serialize(outputStream); // entity location entityLocation.serialize(outputStream); debug("EntityStatePdu serialized " + outputStream.size()); // entity orientation entityOrientation.serialize(outputStream); debug("EntityStatePdu serialized " + outputStream.size()); entityAppearance.serialize(outputStream); // dead reckoning debug("EntityStatePdu serialized " + outputStream.size()); deadReckoningAlgorithm.serialize(outputStream); for(idx = 0; idx < 15; idx++) { outputStream.writeByte(deadReckoningParameters[idx]); } entityLinearAcceleration.serialize(outputStream); entityAngularVelocity.serialize(outputStream); debug("EntityStatePdu serialized " + outputStream.size()); // entity marking. We know the character length is < 11, since that's // enforced by the accessor methods. CharacterSet needs to be mapped // intelligently to something real. characterSet.serialize(outputStream); // get the bytes. Write them out; if we run out of bytes, fill the remaining // space with spaces, up to the specified length of 11. debug("just serialized the character set in ESPDU.."); // This is deprecated, but characters.getBytes(), a recommended way to // do things in Java 1.1, goes off into la-la land and never returns. // file:///C|/jdk1.1.3/docs/api/java.lang.String.html#getBytes(int, int, byte[], int) // marking.getBytes(0, marking.length(), entityMarkingBytes, 0); // entityMarkingBytes = marking.getBytes(); fileEncoding = System.getProperty("file.encoding"); debug("fileEncoding = " + fileEncoding); entityMarkingBytes = marking.getBytes(fileEncoding); // untested.. debug("going into entity marking loop, number of bytes=" + entityMarkingBytes.length); for(idx = 0; idx < 11; idx++) { if(idx < (entityMarkingBytes.length)) outputStream.writeByte(entityMarkingBytes[idx]); // write out the string else outputStream.writeByte(nullByte); // not enough chars; fill with nulls debug("serialized byte " + idx + " of entity marking bytes"); } debug("EntityStatePdu serialized " + outputStream.size()); capabilities.serialize(outputStream); for(idx = 0; idx < articulationParameters.size(); idx++) { ArticulationParameter aParameter; aParameter = (ArticulationParameter)articulationParameters.elementAt(idx); aParameter.serialize(outputStream); } debug("EntityStatePdu serialized " + outputStream.size()); } catch(UnsupportedEncodingException unsupportedEncodingException) // catch-all for all IO exceptions in the above code { trace("Exception in EntityStatePdu. UnsupportedEncodingException"); throw new RuntimeException("Error serializing unit."); } catch(IOException ioException) // catch-all for all IO exceptions in the above code { throw new RuntimeException("Exception in EntityStatePdu. Error serializing unit."); } debug("Exiting serialize in ESPDU"); } // end of serialize /** *@exception RuntimeException when io error occurs. *fileEncoding ensures we convert string to local system encoding properly. */ public void deSerialize(DataInputStream dataInputStream) { int idx = 0; byte[] entityMarkingBytes = new byte[11]; UnsignedByte articulationParameterCount = new UnsignedByte(); String fileEncoding; super.deSerialize(dataInputStream); // Do our ivars (Initialization variables) try // catch-all for any exceptions in reading from stream { entityID.deSerialize(dataInputStream); forceID.deSerialize(dataInputStream); articulationParameterCount.deSerialize(dataInputStream); // used later, but thrown away eventually // the entity as friendly forces see it entityType.deSerialize(dataInputStream); // entity as other forces see it alternativeEntityType.deSerialize(dataInputStream); // entity entityLinearVelocity. entityLinearVelocity.deSerialize(dataInputStream); // entity location entityLocation.deSerialize(dataInputStream); // entity orientation entityOrientation.deSerialize(dataInputStream); entityAppearance.deSerialize(dataInputStream); // dead reckoning deadReckoningAlgorithm.deSerialize(dataInputStream); for(idx = 0; idx < 15; idx++) { deadReckoningParameters[idx] = dataInputStream.readByte(); } entityLinearAcceleration.deSerialize(dataInputStream); entityAngularVelocity.deSerialize(dataInputStream); // entity marking. According to the spec, there are guaranteed to // be 11 bytes there for us to read. characterSet.deSerialize(dataInputStream); for(idx = 0; idx < 11; idx++) { entityMarkingBytes[idx] = dataInputStream.readByte(); } // deprecated: file:///C|/jdk1.1.3/docs/api/java.lang.String.html#String(byte[], int) // marking = new String(entityMarkingBytes,0); // instantiate with default char set // marking = new String(entityMarkingBytes ); // instantiate with default char set //fileEncoding = System.getProperty("file.encoding"); // debug ("fileEncoding = " + fileEncoding); // NOTE: took all this charset crap out. String is supposed to use the platform default // charset anyway. marking = new String(entityMarkingBytes); //, fileEncoding); capabilities.deSerialize(dataInputStream); // articulation parameters.There's no way I know of to do a sanity check on the // actual number of articulation parameters vs. the number claimed earlier // in the pdu. If it's an overestimate in the pdu, we'll probably throw an // exception when we run out of buffer space to read. If it's an underestimate, // we'll probably throw away articulation parameters and silently fail. // Hmmmm.... maybe do a check of the stream pointer at the end and confirm // that it is the same as the buffer size? for(idx = 0; idx < articulationParameterCount.intValue(); idx++) { ArticulationParameter aParameter = new ArticulationParameter(); aParameter.deSerialize(dataInputStream); articulationParameters.addElement(aParameter); } } catch(UnsupportedEncodingException unsupportedEncodingException) // catch-all for all IO exceptions in the above code { debug ("Exception in EntityStatePdu. UnsupportedEncodingException "); throw new RuntimeException("Error deSerializing unit."); } catch(IOException ioException) // catch-all for all IO exceptions in the above code { throw new RuntimeException("Exception in EntityStatePdu. Error deSerializing unit."); } } // end of deSerialize /** *Returns a clone of the Entity State PDU . * *@return newPdu */ public Object clone() { EntityStatePdu newPdu = (EntityStatePdu)super.clone(); // new entity state pdu UnsignedByte parameterCount; // number of articulation parameters int idx; // general purpose index newPdu.setEntityID(this.entityID); newPdu.setForceID(this.getForceID()); // we do NOT set the articulation parameter count here. Below we add the articulation parameters // individually, and the process of adding them will increment the parameter count within // the object. We do keep the value around, however, to use in the loop below. parameterCount = this.articulationParameterCount(); newPdu.setEntityType(this.getEntityType()); newPdu.setAlternativeEntityType(this.getAlternativeEntityType()); newPdu.setEntityLinearVelocity(this.getEntityLinearVelocity()); newPdu.setEntityLocation(this.getEntityLocation()); newPdu.setEntityOrientation(this.getEntityOrientation()); newPdu.setDeadReckoningAlgorithm(this.getDeadReckoningAlgorithm()); newPdu.setDeadReckoningParameters(this.getDeadReckoningParameters()); newPdu.setEntityLinearAcceleration(this.getEntityLinearAcceleration()); newPdu.setEntityAngularVelocity(this.getEntityAngularVelocity()); newPdu.setCharacterSet(this.getCharacterSet()); newPdu.setMarking(this.getMarking()); newPdu.setCapabilities(this.getCapabilities()); for(idx = 0; idx < parameterCount.intValue(); idx++) { newPdu.addArticulationParameter(this.getArticulationParameterAt(idx)); } return newPdu; } // end of clone() /** * * Calculates the length of the Entity State PDU on the fly. This should reflect the current length * of the PDU; if an articulation parameter is added, you have to call length() again * to find the current length. Note that this is the length of the PDU AS WRITTEN TO * THE WIRE. * *@return currentLength */ public int length() { int currentLength = 0; currentLength = super.length() + EntityStatePdu.sizeOf + (articulationParameters.size() * ArticulationParameter.sizeOf); return currentLength; } /** *This is the string value of Entity State Pdu * *@return new String of ESPDU */ public String pduName() { return new String("ESPDU"); } /** *This will print the values of Entity State Pdu to a stream * */ public void printValues (int indentLevel, PrintStream printStream) { StringBuffer buf = ProtocolDataUnit.getPaddingOfLength(indentLevel); int idx, superclassIndent = indentLevel; // ugly wart: get the superclass over to the left a couple pixels, if we have any to spare, // so the header info will be indented a bit less. if(superclassIndent > 0) superclassIndent -= 1; printStream.println(); printStream.println("Entity State PDU printValues()"); super.printValues(superclassIndent, printStream); // Yech. This fairly screams for a better way to handle ivars. p-list? entityID.printValues(indentLevel, printStream); printStream.println(buf + "forceID: " + forceID.intValue()); printStream.println(buf + "articulationParameterCount: " + this.articulationParameterCount()); printStream.println("entityType"); entityType.printValues(indentLevel, printStream); printStream.println("alternativeEntityType"); alternativeEntityType.printValues(indentLevel, printStream); entityLinearVelocity.printValues(indentLevel, printStream); entityLocation.printValues(indentLevel, printStream); entityOrientation.printValues(indentLevel, printStream); printStream.println(buf + "entityAppearance: " + entityAppearance.longValue()); printStream.println(buf + "deadReckoningAlgorithm: " + deadReckoningAlgorithm.intValue()); printStream.print(buf); for(idx = 0; idx < 15; idx++) { printStream.print(deadReckoningParameters[idx]); if(idx < 14) printStream.print(", "); } printStream.println(); entityLinearAcceleration.printValues(indentLevel, printStream); entityAngularVelocity.printValues(indentLevel, printStream); printStream.println(buf + "characterSet: " + characterSet.intValue()); printStream.println(buf + "marking: " + marking); printStream.println(buf + "capabilities: " + capabilities.longValue()); for(idx = 0; idx < articulationParameters.size(); idx ++) { ArticulationParameter aParam; aParam = (ArticulationParameter)articulationParameters.elementAt(idx); aParam.printValues(indentLevel + 4, printStream, idx); // indent the parts of us a bit } return; } /** *This gets the exemplar,accessor method * *@return exemplar.clone */ public static EntityStatePdu getExemplar() { return (EntityStatePdu)exemplar.clone(); } /** *This sets the exemplar,accessor method * * */ public static void setExemplar(EntityStatePdu newExemplar) { exemplar = newExemplar; } /** *This is the string value of Entity State Pdu,accessor method *This field shall identify the entity issuing the PDU, * and shall be represented by the PDU Header Record (see 5.2.24) * *@return entityID.clone */ public EntityID getEntityID() { return (EntityID)entityID.clone(); } /** *Sets EntityID of an EntityID,accessor method. *This field shall identify the entity issuing the PDU, * and shall be represented by the PDU Header Record (see 5.2.24) */ public void setEntityID(EntityID pEntityID) { entityID = pEntityID; } /** *Sets setEntityID(short pSiteID, short pApplicationID, short pEntityID),accessor method. *will create an new EntityID = entityID *This field shall identify the entity issuing the PDU, * and shall be represented by the PDU Header Record (see 5.2.24) */ public void setEntityID(short pSiteID, short pApplicationID, short pEntityID) { entityID = new EntityID(pSiteID, pApplicationID, pEntityID); } /** *Get ForceID of UnsignedByte ,accessor method. * This field shall idenitify the enity issuing the PDU, * and shall be represented by an Entity Identifier record (sec 5.2.14) * *@return forceID.clone */ public UnsignedByte getForceID() { return (UnsignedByte)forceID.clone(); } /** *Set the ForceID with UnsignedByte,accessor method. * This field shall idenitify the enity issuing the PDU, * and shall be represented by an Entity Identifier record (sec 5.2.14) * */ public void setForceID(UnsignedByte pForceID) { forceID = pForceID;} /** *Set the ForceID with new UnsignedByte,accessor method. * This field shall idenitify the enity issuing the PDU, * and shall be represented by an Entity Identifier record (sec 5.2.14) * */ public void setForceID(int pForceID) { forceID = new UnsignedByte(pForceID); } /** *Returns the number of articulation parameter in this Entity State PDU,accessor method. *Shall be represented by an 8 bit unsigned interger (see appendix A) * *@return articulationParameters.size */ public UnsignedByte articulationParameterCount() { return new UnsignedByte(articulationParameters.size()); } // both directly set the entity type and provide covers in this object for // setting values within entity type. /** *Gets the Entity State PDU type,accessor method. * *@return enititType.clone */ public EntityType getEntityType() { return (EntityType)entityType.clone(); } /** *Sets the Entity State PDU type,accessor method. */ public void setEntityType(EntityType pEntityType) { entityType = pEntityType; } /** *Gets the Entity State PDU type,accessor method. * *@return entityType.getKind */ public UnsignedByte getEntityTypeKind() { return entityType.getKind(); } /** *Sets the Entity State PDU type of a UnsignedByte ,accessor method. * */ public void setEntityTypeKind(UnsignedByte pEntityKind) { entityType.setKind(pEntityKind); } /** *Sets the Entity State PDU type of a Int accessor method. * */ public void setEntityTypeKind(int pEntityKind) { entityType.setKind(pEntityKind); } /** *Gets the Entity State PDU type of Domain ,accessor method. * *@return entityType.getDomain */ public UnsignedByte getEntityTypeDomain() { return entityType.getDomain(); } /** *Sets the Entity State PDU type of Domain ,accessor method. * */ public void setEntityTypeDomain(UnsignedByte pEntityDomain) { entityType.setDomain(pEntityDomain);} /** *Sets the Entity State PDU type of Domain ,accessor method. * */ public void setEntityDomain(int pEntityDomain) { entityType.setDomain(pEntityDomain); } /** *Gets the Entity Type's Country of origin ,accessor method. * *@return entityType.getCountry */ public UnsignedShort getEntityTypeCountry() { return entityType.getCountry(); } /** *Sets the Entity Type's Country of origin ,accessor method. * */ public void setEntityTypeCountry(UnsignedShort pEntityCountry) { entityType.setCountry(pEntityCountry);} /** *Sets the Entity Type's Country of origin ,accessor method. * */ public void setEntityTypeCountry(int pEntityCountry) { entityType.setCountry(pEntityCountry); } /** *Gets the Entity Type's Category ,accessor method. * *@return entityType.getCategory */ public UnsignedByte getEntityTypeCategory() { return entityType.getCategory(); } /** *Sets the Entity Type's Category of origin ,accessor method. * */ public void setEntityTypeCategory(UnsignedByte pEntityCategory) { entityType.setCategory(pEntityCategory);} /** *Sets the Entity Type's Category of origin ,accessor method. * */ public void setEntityTypeCategory(int pEntityCategory) { entityType.setCategory(pEntityCategory); } /** *Sets the Entity Type's Sub Category of origin ,accessor method. * *@return entityType.getSubCategory */ public UnsignedByte getEntityTypeSubcategory() { return entityType.getSubCategory(); } /** *Sets the Entity Type's Sub Category of origin ,accessor method. * */ public void setEntityTypeSubcategory(UnsignedByte pEntitySubcategory) { entityType.setSubCategory(pEntitySubcategory);} /** *Sets the Entity Type's Sub Category of origin ,accessor method. * */ public void setEntityTypeSubcategory(int pEntitySubcategory) {entityType.setSubCategory(pEntitySubcategory); } /** *Gets the Entity Type's Specific Category of origin ,accessor method. * * @return entityType.getSpecific */ public UnsignedByte getEntityTypeSpecific() { return entityType.getSpecific(); } /** *Gets the Entity Type's Specific ,accessor method. * */ public void setEntityTypeSpecific(UnsignedByte pEntitySpecific) { entityType.setSpecific(pEntitySpecific);} /** *Sets the Entity Type's Specific ,accessor method. * */ public void setEntityTypeSpecific(int pEntitySpecific) { entityType.setSpecific(pEntitySpecific); } /** *Gets the Entity Type's Extra data field ,accessor method. * * @return entityType.getExtra */ public UnsignedByte getEntityTypeExtra() { return entityType.getExtra(); } /** *Sets the Entity Type's Extra data field ,accessor method. * */ public void setEntityTypeExtra(UnsignedByte pEntityExtra) { entityType.setExtra(pEntityExtra);} /** *Sets the Entity Type's Extra data field ,accessor method. * */ public void setEntityTypeExtra(int pEntityExtra) { entityType.setExtra(pEntityExtra); } /** *Gets the Entity Type's Alternative Type data field, whcih is a clone of the Enity ,accessor method. * * @alternativeEntityType.clone */ public EntityType getAlternativeEntityType() { return (EntityType)alternativeEntityType.clone(); } /** *Sets the Entity Type's Alternative Type data field, whcih is a clone of the Enity ,accessor method. * */ public void setAlternativeEntityType(EntityType pNewAltEntity) { alternativeEntityType = pNewAltEntity; } /** *Gets the Entity Type's Alternative Type data field, whcih is a clone of the Enity ,accessor method. * * @return alternativeEntityType.getKind */ public UnsignedByte getAlternativeEntityTypeKind() { return alternativeEntityType.getKind(); } /** *Sets the Entity Type's Alternative Kind, whcih is the kind of Enity ,accessor method. * */ public void setAlternativeEntityTypeKind(UnsignedByte pEntityKind) { alternativeEntityType.setKind(pEntityKind); } /** *Sets the Entity Type's Alternative Kind, which is the kind of Enity ,accessor method. * */ public void setAlternativeEntityTypeKind(int pEntityKind) { alternativeEntityType.setKind(pEntityKind); } /** *Gets the Entity Type's Alternative Type Domain, which is a clone of the Enity ,accessor method. * * @return alternativeEntityType.getDomain */ public UnsignedByte getAlternativeEntityTypeDomain() { return alternativeEntityType.getDomain(); } /** *Sets the Entity Type's Alternative Type Domain, which is a clone of the Enity ,accessor method. * */ public void setAlternativeEntityTypeDomain(UnsignedByte pEntityDomain) { alternativeEntityType.setDomain(pEntityDomain); } /** *Sets the Entity Type's Alternative Type Domain, which is a clone of the Enity ,accessor method. * */ public void setAlternativeEntityDomain(int pEntityDomain) { alternativeEntityType.setDomain(pEntityDomain); } /** *Gets the Entity Type's Alternative Type Country, which is a clone of the Enity ,accessor method. * * @return alternativeEntityType.getCountry */ public UnsignedShort getAlternativeEntityTypeCountry() { return alternativeEntityType.getCountry(); } /** *Sets the Entity Type's Alternative Type Country, which is a clone of the Enity ,accessor method. * */ public void setAlternativeEntityTypeCountry(UnsignedShort pEntityCountry) { alternativeEntityType.setCountry(pEntityCountry);} /** *Sets the Entity Type's Alternative Type Country, which is a clone of the Enity ,accessor method. * */ public void setAlternativeEntityCountry(int pEntityCountry) { alternativeEntityType.setCountry(pEntityCountry); } /** *Gets the Entity Type's Alternative Type Category, which is a clone of the Enity ,accessor method. * *@return alternativeEntityType.getCategory */ public UnsignedByte getAlternativeEntityTypeCategory() { return alternativeEntityType.getCategory(); } /** *Sets the Entity Type's Alternative Type Category, which is a clone of the Enity ,accessor method. * */ public void setAlternativeEntityTypeCategory(UnsignedByte pEntityCategory) { alternativeEntityType.setCategory(pEntityCategory);} /** *Sets the Entity Type's Alternative Type Category, which is a clone of the Enity ,accessor method. * */ public void setAlternativeEntityTypeCategory(int pEntityCategory) { alternativeEntityType.setCategory(pEntityCategory); } /** *Gets the Entity Type's Alternative Type SubCategory, which is a clone of the Enity ,accessor method. * *@return alternativeEntityType.getSubCategory */ public UnsignedByte getAlternativeEntityTypeSubcategory() { return alternativeEntityType.getSubCategory(); } /** *Sets the Entity Type's Alternative Type SubCategory ,accessor method. * */ public void setAlternativeEntityTypeSubcategory(UnsignedByte pEntitySubcategory) { alternativeEntityType.setSubCategory(pEntitySubcategory);} /** *Sets the Entity Type's Alternative Type SubCategory ,accessor method. * */ public void setAlternativeEntityTypeSubcategory(int pEntitySubcategory) {alternativeEntityType.setSubCategory(pEntitySubcategory); } /** *Gets the Entity Type's Alternative Type Specific,accessor method. * *@return alternativeEntityType.getSpecific */ public UnsignedByte getAlternativeEntityTypeSpecific() { return alternativeEntityType.getSpecific(); } /** *Sets the Entity Type's Alternative Type Specific,accessor method. * */ public void setAlternativeEntityTypeSpecific(UnsignedByte pEntitySpecific) { alternativeEntityType.setSpecific(pEntitySpecific);} /** *Sets the Entity Type's Alternative Type Specific,accessor method. * */ public void setAlternativeEntityTypeSpecific(int pEntitySpecific) { alternativeEntityType.setSpecific(pEntitySpecific); } /** *Sets the Entity Type's Alternative Type Extra,accessor method. * */ public UnsignedByte getAlternativeEntityTypeExtra() { return alternativeEntityType.getExtra(); } /** *Sets the Entity Type's Alternative Type Extra,accessor method. * */ public void setAlternativeEntityTypeExtra(UnsignedByte pEntityExtra) { alternativeEntityType.setExtra(pEntityExtra);} /** *Sets the Entity Type's Alternative Type Extra,accessor method. * */ public void setAlternativeEntityTypeExtra(int pEntityExtra) { alternativeEntityType.setExtra(pEntityExtra); } /** *Gets the Entity Type's Linear Velocity in meters per sec,accessor method. * *@return entityLinearVelocity.clone */ public LinearVelocity getEntityLinearVelocity() { return (LinearVelocity)entityLinearVelocity.clone(); } /** *Sets the Entity Type's Linear Velocity in meters per sec,accessor method. * */ public void setEntityLinearVelocity(LinearVelocity pVelocity) { entityLinearVelocity = pVelocity;} /** *Gets the Entity Type's Linear Velocity in meters per sec in the X Direction ,accessor method. * *@return entityLinearVelocity.getX */ public float getEntityLinearVelocityX() { return entityLinearVelocity.getX(); } /** *Sets the Entity Type's Linear Velocity in meters per sec in the X Direction ,accessor method. * */ public void setEntityLinearVelocityX(float pVelocityX) { entityLinearVelocity.setX(pVelocityX);} /** *Gets the Entity Type's Linear Velocity in meters per sec in the Y Direction ,accessor method. * *@return entityLinearVelocity.getY */ public float getEntityLinearVelocityY() { return entityLinearVelocity.getY(); } /** *Sets the Entity Type's Linear Velocity in meters per sec in the Y Direction ,accessor method. * */ public void setEntityLinearVelocityY(float pVelocityY) { entityLinearVelocity.setY(pVelocityY);} /** *Gets the Entity Type's Linear Velocity in meters per sec in the Z Direction ,accessor method. * *@return entityLinearVelocity.getZ */ public float getEntityLinearVelocityZ() { return entityLinearVelocity.getZ(); } /** *Sets the Entity Type's Linear Velocity in meters per sec in the Y Direction ,accessor method. * */ public void setEntityLinearVelocityZ(float pVelocityZ) { entityLinearVelocity.setZ(pVelocityZ);} /** *Gets the Entity Type's location in World Cordinates ,accessor method. * *@return entityLocation.clone */ public WorldCoordinate getEntityLocation() { return (WorldCoordinate)entityLocation.clone(); } /** *Sets the Entity Type's location in World Cordinates ,accessor method. * */ public void setEntityLocation(WorldCoordinate pLocation) { entityLocation = pLocation; } /** *Gets the Entity Type'slocation in World Cordinates in the X direction ,accessor method. * *@return entityLocation.getX */ public double getEntityLocationX() { return entityLocation.getX(); } /** *Sets the Entity Type'slocation in World Cordinates in the X direction ,accessor method. * */ public void setEntityLocationX(double pLocationX) { entityLocation.setX(pLocationX); } /** *Gets the Entity Type'slocation in World Cordinates in the Y direction ,accessor method. * *@return entityLocation.getY */ public double getEntityLocationY() { return entityLocation.getY(); } /** *Sets the Entity Type'slocation in World Cordinates in the Y direction ,accessor method. * */ public void setEntityLocationY(double pLocationY) { entityLocation.setY(pLocationY); } /** *Gets the Entity Type'slocation in World Cordinates in the Z direction ,accessor method. * *@return entityLocation.getZ */ public double getEntityLocationZ() { return entityLocation.getZ(); } /** *Sets the Entity Type'slocation in World Cordinates in the Z direction ,accessor method. * */ public void setEntityLocationZ(double pLocationZ) { entityLocation.setZ(pLocationZ); } /** *Gets the Entity Type's Orientation as a EulerAngle ,accessor method. * *@return entityOrientation.clone */ public EulerAngle getEntityOrientation() { return (EulerAngle)entityOrientation.clone(); } /** *Sets the Entity Type'slocation in World Cordinates in the Z direction ,accessor method. * */ public void setEntityOrientation(EulerAngle pNewOrientation) { entityOrientation = pNewOrientation; } /** *Gets the Entity Type's Orientation as a EulerAngle (Psi ,accessor method. //dwl RotationMatrix3D[psi,theta,phi]. * //psi *@return entityOrientation.getPsi //theta */ //phi public float getEntityOrientationPsi() { return entityOrientation.getPsi(); } /** *Sets the Entity Type'slocation in World Cordinates in the Z direction ,accessor method. * */ public void setEntityOrientationPsi(float pPsi) { entityOrientation.setPsi(pPsi); } /** *Gets the Entity Type's Orientation as a EulerAngle (Theta ,accessor method. * *@return entityOrientation.getTheta */ public float getEntityOrientationTheta() { return entityOrientation.getTheta(); } public void setEntityOrientationTheta(float pTheta) { entityOrientation.setTheta(pTheta); } public float getEntityOrientationPhi() { return entityOrientation.getPhi(); } public void setEntityOrientationPhi(float pPhi) { entityOrientation.setPhi(pPhi); } public UnsignedInt getEntityAppearance() { return (UnsignedInt)entityAppearance.clone(); } public void setEntityAppearance(UnsignedInt pEntityAppearance) { entityAppearance = pEntityAppearance; } public void setEntityAppearance(int pEntityAppearance) { entityAppearance = new UnsignedInt(pEntityAppearance); } public UnsignedByte getDeadReckoningAlgorithm() { return (UnsignedByte)deadReckoningAlgorithm.clone(); } public void setDeadReckoningAlgorithm(UnsignedByte pDeadReckoningAlgorithm) { deadReckoningAlgorithm = pDeadReckoningAlgorithm; } public void setDeadReckoningAlgorithm(int pDeadReckoningAlgorithm) { deadReckoningAlgorithm = new UnsignedByte(pDeadReckoningAlgorithm); } public byte[] getDeadReckoningParameters() { byte[] newDRParams = new byte[11]; int idx = 0; for(idx = 0; idx < 11; idx++) newDRParams[idx] = deadReckoningParameters[idx]; return newDRParams; } /** *@exception RuntimeException if Dead Reckoning parameters are too long */ public void setDeadReckoningParameters(byte[] pDeadReckoningParameters) { int idx = 0; // sanity check the incoming array to make sure it's a reasonable length if(pDeadReckoningParameters.length > 11) { throw new RuntimeException("Exception in EntityStatePdu. Length of dead reckoning parameters too long."); } // If it's less than or equal to 11, we can cram it into the existing length. First zero out // everything that exists, then put the new data in. for(idx = 0; idx < 11; idx++) deadReckoningParameters[idx] = 0; for(idx = 0; idx < pDeadReckoningParameters.length; idx++) deadReckoningParameters[idx] = pDeadReckoningParameters[idx]; return; } public LinearAcceleration getEntityLinearAcceleration() { return (LinearAcceleration)entityLinearAcceleration.clone(); } public void setEntityLinearAcceleration(LinearAcceleration pAcceleration) { entityLinearAcceleration = pAcceleration; } public void setEntityLinearAcceleration(float pX, float pY, float pZ) { entityLinearAcceleration.setValues(pX, pY, pZ); } public float getEntityLinearAccelerationX() { return entityLinearAcceleration.getX(); } public void setEntityLinearAccelerationX(float pEntityAcceleration) {entityLinearAcceleration.setX(pEntityAcceleration); } public float getEntityLinearAccelerationY() { return entityLinearAcceleration.getY(); } public void setEntityLinearAccelerationY(float pEntityAcceleration) {entityLinearAcceleration.setY(pEntityAcceleration); } public float getEntityLinearAccelerationZ() { return entityLinearAcceleration.getZ(); } public void setEntityLinearAccelerationZ(float pEntityAcceleration) {entityLinearAcceleration.setZ(pEntityAcceleration); } public AngularVelocity getEntityAngularVelocity() { return (AngularVelocity)entityAngularVelocity.clone(); } public void setEntityAngularVelocity(AngularVelocity pAngV) { entityAngularVelocity = pAngV; } public void setEntityAngularVelocity(float pX, float pY, float pZ) { entityAngularVelocity.setValues(pX, pY, pZ); } public float getEntityAngularVelocityX() { return entityAngularVelocity.getX(); } public void setEntityAngularVelocityX(float pEntityAngularVelocity) {entityAngularVelocity.setX(pEntityAngularVelocity); } public float getEntityAngularVelocityY() { return entityAngularVelocity.getY(); } public void setEntityAngularVelocityY(float pEntityAngularVelocity) {entityAngularVelocity.setY(pEntityAngularVelocity); } public float getEntityAngularVelocityZ() { return entityAngularVelocity.getZ(); } public void setEntityAngularVelocityZ(float pEntityAngularVelocity) {entityAngularVelocity.setZ(pEntityAngularVelocity); } public UnsignedByte getCharacterSet() { return (UnsignedByte)characterSet.clone(); } public void setCharacterSet(UnsignedByte pCharacterSet) {characterSet = pCharacterSet; } public void setCharacterSet(int pCharacterSet) { characterSet = new UnsignedByte(pCharacterSet); } public String getMarking() { if (marking == null) { debug ("getMarking(): marking == null! reset to blank string"); marking = new String (" ");; return marking; } StringBuffer readableMarking = new StringBuffer (marking); for (int i=0; i 11) { marking = new String(pMarking.substring(0,10)); debug ("marking too long, truncating to fit 11 characters: " + marking); } else { marking = new String(pMarking); for (int i = 1; i <= 11 - pMarking.length(); i++) marking += " "; debug ("marking = [" + marking + "]"); // "], length = " + marking.length() } return; } // end of setMarking public UnsignedInt getCapabilities() { return (UnsignedInt)capabilities.clone(); } public void setCapabilities(UnsignedInt pCapabilities) {capabilities = pCapabilities; } public void setCapabilities(int pCapabilities) { capabilities = new UnsignedInt(pCapabilities); } /** *Returns the articulation parameter pointed at the given index. * *@param pIdx the index of the articulation parameter we want to get. *@return the articulation paramter at the given index. */ public ArticulationParameter getArticulationParameterAt(int pIdx) { ArticulationParameter aParameter; // return a copy of the pIdx-th articulation parameter. aParameter = (ArticulationParameter)articulationParameters.elementAt(pIdx); return (ArticulationParameter)aParameter.clone(); } /** *Inserts a new articulation parameter in the list. * *@param pParameter the articulation parameter to insert in the list. */ public void addArticulationParameter(ArticulationParameter pParameter) { // Add one articulation parameter to the end, and increment the parameter // count accordingly. articulationParameters.addElement(pParameter); } } // end of class EntityStatePdu // END OF FILE