/* File: EntityDispatcher.java CVS Info: $Id: EntityType.java,v 1.2 1998/01/27 18:44:11 mcgredo Exp $ Compiler: jdk 1.3 */ package mil.navy.nps.dis; import java.io.*; import java.net.*; import java.util.*; // Java JSAI classes for VRML import vrml.*; import vrml.field.*; import vrml.node.*; import mil.navy.nps.util.*; import mil.navy.nps.disEnumerations.*; import org.web3d.vrtp.security.*; // Security stuff (dangerous, not very secure) /** * EntityDispatcher is an independent thread that connects all EsdpuTransforms * to the BehaviorStreamBuffer. * * A single EntityDispatcher object handles all routing of PDUs to & from the * EspduTransform scripts which connect to individual entities in the VRML scene. * The EntityDispatcher is static, meaning that only one copy can exist. * EntityDispatcher is instantiated and threaded by the first EspduTransform * encountered. In turn, the EntityDispatcher similarly instantiates and * threads the static BehaviorStreamBuffer, which independently reads all * network PDUs and then hands them over in a list. *

* * The EntityDispatcher contains *


* * EntityDispatcher responsibilities include *


* * The VRML scene interrogates each entity at periodicities approximately equal * to the author-provided values readInterval (or writeInterval). Defaults * are set in EspduTransformPROTO.wrl *

* *

 *                 *--------------------------------------------------*
 *                /                                                  /|
 *               *--------------------------------------------------* |
 *     Browser   |            VRML Scene                            | |
 *    [threaded] |                                                  | |
 *               |                                                  | |
 *               |                                                  | |
 *               |  geometry              geometry                  | |
 *               |     :                     :            Radio     | |
 *               |EspduTransform     EspduTransform   Communications| |
 *               |   PROTO                 PROTO          PROTOs    | |
 *               |     :                     :              :       | *
 *               |(Script node)  ...  (Script node)  (Script node)  |/ 
 *               *-----+----------+----------+----------------------*
 *                  Entity 1     ...      Entity n    Radios 1..n
 *                     |          |          |             |
 *                     |          |          |             +----------------------+
 *                     |          |   *------+--------*                           |
 *                     |         ...  |EspduTransform | dead reckoning            |
 *                     |    *-----+---------------*   |  updates here             |
 * multiple copies,    |    |EspduTransform       |   | (PDU posture              |
 *  one per entity  *--+----------------------*   |   |  extrapolation)  *-------+--------*
 *                  |EspduTransform           |   |---*                  | Radio          |
 *                  |                         |   |                      | Communications |
 *                  |                         |---*                      | PduScriptNode  |
 *                  *--+----------------------*                          *-------+--------*
 *                     ^          |          ^                                    ^
 *                     |          |          |                                    | Signal,
 *                     |          v          |                                    | Receiver,
 *                  *--+----------+----------+--*                                 | Transmitter
 *     singleton    |                           |    (separate subscribe loop)    | PDUs
 *    [threaded]    |     EntityDispatcher      |---------------------------------+
 *  if thread fails |                           |
 *  to start, runs  |         EntityHashTable   |
 *  single read per |            - Entity 1     |
 *  each draw loop  |            - Entity 2     |
 *                  |            - [...]        |
 *   single copy    |            - Entity n     |     (reads)
 *                  *-------------+-------------*         ^
 *                                |                       |
 *                                |               Entity State, Radio, other PDUs
 *                                |                             |
 *                  *-------------+-------------*               V
 *                  |                           |           (writes)
 *      static      |                           |
 *    [threaded]    |   BehaviorStreamBuffer    | 
 *    single copy   |                           |
 *                  |                           |
 *                  *-------------+-------------* 
 *                                |
 *                  *-------------+-------------*
 *       static     |                           | 
 *    [threadable]  |    org.web3d.vrtp.net.    |    browser-specific
 * but not threaded |   DatagramStreamBuffer    |        security
 *    single copy   |                           |      permissions
 *                  |                           |
 *                  *----------+-----+----------* 
 *                             |     |
 *                             | ... |  multicast address(es)/port(s)
 *                             |     |  (area of interest management)
 *                             |     |
 *              Network 0======+=====+=====0
* * The behaviorStreamBuffer, an instance of a BehaviorStreamBuffer, reads PDUs * from the wire. The EntityDispatcher occasionally pulls * PDUs from the behaviorStreamBuffer. For each PDU, the simulation manager * looks at the type. *

* * If it's an ESPDU, the EntityDispatcher code looks at the EntityID * triplet (site, application, ID) that uniquely identifies each * entity, uses that aggregated triplet as a hash key to the Hashtable * to find the appropriate EspduTransform reference, and then passes * the PDU data via that EspduTransform to the correct entity. If the * PDU has an unrecognized EntityID, we may optionally instantiate a * local entity to reflect it, and insert it into the scene. The * EspduTransform object is responsible for communications with the * VRML scene. ESPDU culling may be performed either here or * at the entity level. Since arrivals of PDUs for a given entity may * occur out of order, it seems more logical to put PDU interpretation * at the EspduTransform level, where there is a bit more information * about update frequency and the like. In some special cases, it might * make more sense to cull special PDUs early in to cut down on PDU * handling overhead. That's an implementation and optimization detail. *

* * If it's a SimulationManagement PDU, it will be handled by * a different block of code. SimulationManagement PDUs include * Start Simulation PDU, Stop Simulation PDU, Create Entity * PDU, EventReport PDU, Query PDU and Data PDU. Each of * these will probably require some special handling, and * perhaps some state changes in the EntityDispatcher object. * Some of them will require that PDUs be sent in response. *

* * Cardinality: there is one and only one instance of a EntityDispatcher * per DIS application. The EntityDispatcher is instantiated and operated * through class (static) methods. *

* * More functionality might be integrated into this object as well. * Deciding which functionality goes where is the objective of the vrtp * streaming stack. *

* *

History: * * * * * * * * * * * *
29 Oct 97 * Don McGregor * New *
19 Oct 98 * Don Brutzman & Don McGregor * integrate revised EspduTransform and Javadoc updates for jdk1.2b4, * fix threading, remove references to SimulationManager and * EntityState classes. *
12 Nov 98 * Don McGregor * Added PduPublisher and PduSubscriber interfaces. *
14 Feb 99 * Don Brutzman * Added Fire and Collision PDU dispatching to EspduTransform. *
20 Feb 99 * Don McGregor * Added MulticastTunnelServer connectivity. *
4 Apr 99 * Don Brutzman * Thread shutdown and various trace fixes. *
10 Sep 99 * Don McGregor & Don Brutzman * Security strategy *
28 Sep 99 * Don Brutzman * Added Comment and CreateEntity PDUs *
3 September 2000 * Don Brutzman * Changed dis.PduTypeEnum to disEnumerations.PduTypeField *
18 September 2000 * Don Brutzman and Dave Laflam * Added, tested RadioCommunicationFamily PDUs *

* *

Location: *
* ~/mil/navy/nps/dis/EntityDispatcher.java * *
Web: * http://www.web3d.org/WorkingGroups/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/EntityDispatcher.java * *
Hierarchy Diagram: *
* * @author Don McGregor (mcgredo@nps.navy.mil) * @author Don Brutzman (brutzman@nps.navy.mil) * * @see EspduTransform * @see BehaviorStreamBuffer * @see org.web3d.vrtp.net.DatagramStreamBuffer * @see org.web3d.vrtp.security.SecurityStrategy **/ public class EntityDispatcher extends Object implements PduPublisher, Runnable, NetworkCommBadge { /** * used to kill thread */ private static boolean keepRunThreadAlive = true; /** * Handles communication with the wire, collecting PDUs from the packets received by a * DatagramStreamBuffer. */ protected static BehaviorStreamBuffer behaviorStreamBuffer = null; /** * Thread for BehaviorStreamBuffer */ protected Thread behaviorStreamBufferThread; /** * Internal threadable class that handles tunnel communications with a MulticastRelayServer * if no native multicast traffic heard on local LAN. */ protected static EntityDispatcher.TunnelManager tunnelManager = null; /** * Contains references to all EspduTransforms, RadioCommunicationsFamily nodes and other Script nodes in the VRML world, * using the entity-unique site-ID/applicationID/entityID triplet * as the hash key. */ protected static Hashtable pduSubscriberScriptNodesHashtable = new Hashtable(); /** * maxSleepInterval (milliseconds) helps to provide proper balance of resources * among threads, where milliseconds of delay are set based on readInterval/writeInterval * periodicities provided in the VRML scene; also provided to behaviorStreamBuffer. */ private final long maxSleepInterval = 10000; /** * minSleepInterval (milliseconds) prevents race conditions (lack of sleep). */ private final long minSleepInterval = 50; /** * sleepInterval (milliseconds) can be set by VRML scene, to best match entity read/write periodicity. */ private long sleepInterval = maxSleepInterval; /** platform-specific security strategy */ protected SecurityStrategy strategy; // Security model for this browser /** * Singleton copy of EntityDispatcher. See the comments for getEntityDispatcher for * details. */ private static EntityDispatcher entityDispatcher = null; /** * Flag for debugging/diagnostic output enabled */ protected static boolean DEBUG = false; /** * Get debugging flag */ public boolean getDEBUG () { debug ("getDEBUG " + DEBUG); return DEBUG; } /** * Set debugging flag */ public void setDEBUG (boolean pDEBUG) { DEBUG = pDEBUG; behaviorStreamBuffer.setDEBUG (pDEBUG); // pass it along trace ("setDEBUG " + pDEBUG); } private boolean runStarted = false; private int traceCounter = 0; /** * These variables are used as part of the singleton pattern. * We remember the original parameters to the ED created; if * we later ask for an ED with other than these parameters, we * know there's been an error. */ private static String originalMcastAddress = null; private static int originalPort = -1; /** * getEntityDispatcher returns the single, shared instance of the EntityDispatcher * object. This is known as the Singleton pattern; see Mark Grand, "Patterns * in Java", p. 127. Rather than creating an entityDispatcher by calling new, * you should call getEntityDispatcher. This handles creation of a single, shared * instance for all callers.

* * Note that using null for the multicast address will, the first time, return * a unicast EntityDispatcher. If, later, the getEntityDispatcher method is * called with anything other than the original parameters, the program is * stopped and an error message printed. * * @param pAddress string format multicast address, usually in dotted decimal format * (eg, * @param pPort port in integer format, eg 6025. */ public static synchronized EntityDispatcher getEntityDispatcher(String pAddress, int pPort) { /* Implementation details: we have to worry about multiple threads calling * the same method at the same time. We could make the entire method * synchronized, but this would mean a fairly big performance hit--acquiring * a lock takes a lot of time. Also, there is a single monitor/lock per * object, and locking the EntityDispatcher class object might slow down * access elsewhere. So I took this approach instead. What happens is we * check to see if the object is null; if not, we return it, since it has * already been created. If it is null, we lock on an arbitrary object * and create the EntityDispatcher singleton instance. Then we return * that. * * Note that the ED constructor takes arguments for the port and multicast * group. It's possible for someone to pass in a multicast group and port * for other than the currently existing group and port. This is treated as * an error, and causes a program stop. This means that ED is currently * currently limited to a single multicast group (address + port combination). * There are better ways to handle multiple groups and/or multiple data * sources, but such an implementation is deferred to future work. */ boolean error = false; // Matches older creation // NB: we must synchronize/lock BEFORE testing for ED being null. The // entire section is the critical area. try { if (DEBUG) System.out.println ("entering getEntityDispatcher"); // No ed exists; create a new one if (entityDispatcher == null) { originalPort = pPort; originalMcastAddress = pAddress; if(pAddress == null) { entityDispatcher = new EntityDispatcher(pPort); } else { entityDispatcher = new EntityDispatcher(pAddress, pPort); } // Start an EntityDispatcher thread reading. Thread edThread = new Thread(entityDispatcher); edThread.start(); } // end ed == null, getting ed for first time. else { // ed was not null, there was an existing one. Check to make sure the // newly requested one has the same parameters as the existing one. // System.out.println ("getEntityDispatcher checking port..."); // Ports don't match? if(EntityDispatcher.originalPort != pPort) throw new RuntimeException("Requested an EntityDispatcher with other than the original parameters."); // System.out.println ("getEntityDispatcher checking address..."); // Originally a unicast, now trying to get a multicast? if((EntityDispatcher.originalMcastAddress == null) && (pAddress != null)) throw new RuntimeException("Requested an EntityDispatcher with other than the original parameters."); // System.out.println ("getEntityDispatcher checking address being changed to unicast..."); // Originally a multicast, now trying to get a unicast? if((EntityDispatcher.originalMcastAddress != null) && (pAddress == null)) throw new RuntimeException("Requested an EntityDispatcher with other than the original parameters."); } // end of getting existing ed case if (DEBUG) System.out.println ("exiting getEntityDispatcher"); } catch (Exception catchAllException) { System.out.println ("startBehaviorStreamBufferThread() exception: " + catchAllException); catchAllException.printStackTrace(); } return entityDispatcher; } // end of getEntityDispatcher /** * Example of delegation of writing a PDU to the single static behaviorStreamBuffer. */ public void sendPdu (ProtocolDataUnit pPdu) { behaviorStreamBuffer.sendPdu (pPdu); } /** * Example of delegation of writing a PDU to the single static behaviorStreamBuffer. */ public synchronized void sendPdu(ProtocolDataUnit pdu, String pDestinationHost, int pDestinationPort) { behaviorStreamBuffer.sendPdu (pdu, pDestinationHost, new Integer (pDestinationPort)); } /** Debugging output. Pass in a string, and it gets printed out on the console. You can pass in strings such as "foo " + bar.getName(). */ protected void debug (String pDiagnostic) { if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("EntityDispatcher: " + pDiagnostic); System.out.flush(); } } /** Guaranteed trace output. Pass in a string, and it gets printed out on the console. You can pass in strings such as "foo " + bar.getName(). */ protected void trace (String pDiagnostic) { System.out.println("EntityDispatcher: " + pDiagnostic); System.out.flush(); } /** Unicast constructor; listens on the given unicast port. Note that this is private; you should use getEntityDispatcher to get a reference to the singleton. */ private EntityDispatcher(int pPort) { trace ("start unicast constructor..."); trace ("Get platform-specific security strategy"); strategy = SecurityStrategy.getSecurityStrategy(); trace("Security strategy is " + strategy); if(behaviorStreamBuffer != null) { trace ("**** behaviorStreamBuffer not null during EntityDispatcher constructor!! unsynchronized method on entityDispatcher?? returning with no action"); return; // trace ("behaviorStreamBuffer.cleanup(); // Close down sockets...."); // behaviorStreamBuffer.cleanup(); } // createUnicastBehaviorStreamBuffer (pPort); Object args[] = new Object[1]; args[0] = new Integer(pPort); // Enable security, then call back to the method 'createMulticastSocket', which actually opens the sockets. trace ("strategy.invokePrivilege(this, \"createUnicastBehaviorStreamBuffer\", [" + + pPort + "])"); strategy.invokePrivilege(this, "createUnicastBehaviorStreamBuffer", args); trace ("created unicast behaviorStreamBuffer (" + pPort + ") (this should appear only once)"); trace ("constructor complete"); return; } /** * Multicast constructor; listens on the given port and group. Note that this is private; * you should use getEntityDispatcher to retrieve the singleton entity dispatcher. */ private EntityDispatcher(String pMulticastAddress, int pPort) { trace ("start multicast constructor..."); trace ("Get platform-specific security strategy"); strategy = SecurityStrategy.getSecurityStrategy(); if(behaviorStreamBuffer != null) { trace ("**** behaviorStreamBuffer not null during EntityDispatcher constructor!! unsynchronized method on entityDispatcher??? returning with no action"); return; // trace ("behaviorStreamBuffer.cleanup(); // Close down sockets...."); // behaviorStreamBuffer.cleanup(); } // behaviorStreamBuffer = new BehaviorStreamBuffer(pMulticastAddress, pPort); Object args[] = new Object[2]; args[0] = pMulticastAddress; args[1] = new Integer(pPort); // Enable security, then call back to the method 'createMulticastSocket', which actually opens the sockets. trace ("strategy.invokePrivilege(this, \"createMulticastBehaviorStreamBuffer\", [" + pMulticastAddress + " " + pPort + "])"); strategy.invokePrivilege(this, "createMulticastBehaviorStreamBuffer", args); trace ("created multicast behaviorStreamBuffer (this should appear only once), " + pMulticastAddress + "/" + pPort); // Thread behaviorStreamBufferThread = new Thread(behaviorStreamBuffer, "BSBTrafficCheck-" + ClassUtilities.nextSerialNum()); // behaviorStreamBufferThread.start(); // startBehaviorStreamBufferThread(); trace ("constructor: strategy.invokePrivilege(this, \"startBehaviorStreamBufferThread\")"); strategy.invokePrivilege(this, "startBehaviorStreamBufferThread"); trace ("constructor complete"); return; } /** * Creates unicast UDP BehaviorStreamBuffer. This should be called by the appropriate security * strategy first; eg, the constructor calls the security strategy, which, after the * appropriate security calls have been made, calls this. Passes in datagramPort * indirectly. */ public synchronized void createUdpUnicastBehaviorStreamBuffer (Integer pPortNumber) { debug ("commence createUdpUnicastBehaviorStreamBuffer (" + pPortNumber + ")"); behaviorStreamBuffer = new BehaviorStreamBufferUDP(pPortNumber.intValue() ); // unicast since no multicast address provided debug ("complete createUdpUnicastBehaviorStreamBuffer (" + pPortNumber + ")"); } /** * Creates multicast BehaviorStreamBuffer. This should be called by the appropriate security * strategy first; eg, the constructor calls the security strategy, which, after the * appropriate security calls have been made, calls this. Passes in datagramPort * indirectly. */ public synchronized void createMulticastBehaviorStreamBuffer (String pMcastAddress, Integer pPortNumber) { debug ("commence createMulticastBehaviorStreamBuffer (" + pMcastAddress + ", " + pPortNumber + ")"); behaviorStreamBuffer = new BehaviorStreamBufferUDP(pMcastAddress, pPortNumber.intValue() ); // multicast since address provided debug ("complete createMulticastBehaviorStreamBuffer (" + pMcastAddress + ", " + pPortNumber + ")"); } /** * startBehaviorStreamBufferThread starts the behaviorStreamBuffer thread. *

* Called by run(); this is the essential setup portion of the run loop. * run() has enabled platform-specific security at this point, * so startBehaviorStreamBufferThread doesn't have to worry about network sandboxes. */ public void startBehaviorStreamBufferThread () { try { // catchAllException to diagnose run-time errors while VRML browser continues trace ("started startBehaviorStreamBufferThread ()"); behaviorStreamBufferThread = new Thread(behaviorStreamBuffer, "BSB-" + ClassUtilities.nextSerialNum()); trace ("startBehaviorStreamBufferThread: thread starting..."); behaviorStreamBufferThread.start(); // trace ("behaviorStreamBufferThread ThreadGroup = " + behaviorStreamBufferThread.getThreadGroup()); // crashes Netscape trace ("startBehaviorStreamBufferThread: " + behaviorStreamBufferThread.getName () + " thread started"); trace ("startBehaviorStreamBufferThread complete"); } catch (Exception catchAllException) { trace ("startBehaviorStreamBufferThread() exception: " + catchAllException); catchAllException.printStackTrace(); setDEBUG (true); } } // end of method /** * Adds a subscribing Scipt node to the pduSubscriberScriptNodesHashtable * being maintained. Once an EspduTransform (or other Script node) has been added to * the list, it can receive PDUs addressed to that EntityID triplet. * This method is invoked by the Script node to record its reference * when it is constructed. Availability of all the Script node references * in the Hashtable means that PDUs can be delivered when ready by this * EntityDispatcher thread. *

* This is synchronized to ensure serial access. (This might not actually * be neccesary; I think hashtable is synchronized internally, but can't * confirm that.) * * addListener and removeListener are the two methods that implement the * PduPublisher interface. Clients subscribe via this mechanism. * Note that more than one object may subscribe to an entityID. */ public synchronized void addListener (PduSubscriber pSubscriber, EntityID pEntityID) { Vector hashtableList; try { // catchAllException to diagnose run-time errors while VRML browser continues debug ("start addListener()"); // Get the list of recipients associated with each entityID from the hashtable hashtableList = (Vector) pduSubscriberScriptNodesHashtable.get(pEntityID); // Null? must be a new list. Create a new one and add it to the hash table // It would be better to use a Set here instead of a Vector; adding multiple // instances of an object would result in only one instance in the Set. // But that's a JDK 1.2 feature, which puts us out of Netscape territory for now. if(hashtableList == null) { hashtableList = new Vector(); pduSubscriberScriptNodesHashtable.put(pEntityID, hashtableList); } // Add the node to the list associated with this entityID hashtableList.addElement(pSubscriber); trace ("Hashtable entry [" + pEntityID.getSiteID() + ", " + pEntityID.getApplicationID() + ", " + pEntityID.getEntityID() + "]"); return; } catch (Exception catchAllException) { trace ("addListener() exception: " + catchAllException); catchAllException.printStackTrace(); setDEBUG (true); } } /** * addListener and removeListener are the two methods that implement the * PduPublisher interface. Clients unsubscribe from EntityDispatcher via this mechanism. * Note that more than one object (i.e. more than one Script node in the VRML scene) may subscribe using the same entityID. *

*This process is repeated for each subscribing Scipt node in the VRML scene. *

* * removeListener is synchronized to ensure serial access. * * If an object has subscribed multiple times, this will remove only * one instance of the subscription. This is probably bad. */ public synchronized void removeListener(PduSubscriber listenerToRemove, EntityID pEntityID) { Vector hashtableList; hashtableList = (Vector) pduSubscriberScriptNodesHashtable.get(pEntityID); // Don't have anything with that key? Punt and return if(hashtableList == null) return; // remove that element from the list. NOTE: this removes ONLY THE FIRST // ELEMENT from the list. If the object is present multiple times, // the object will still be on the recieving list. hashtableList.removeElement(listenerToRemove); return; } /** * Test for the existence of multicast (or unicast) and, if not * found, open up a tunnel to the tunnel server, and replace the * original BSB with this new one. * * The algorithm here is to listen on the default BSB port for * some amount of time; if nothing is received, create a new * BSB that points to the tunnel server, and get packets from * that, instead. * * If we do fall back to the tunnel, we need to initiate some * housekeeping with the tunnel server, mostly sending keepalive * packets to it on a regular basis. */ public synchronized void checkForTrafficAndFallBackToTunnel(String pTunnelAddress, // tunnel to connect to int pTunnelPort, // port on that machine int pLocalPort) // unicast port { try { // catchAllException to diagnose run-time errors while VRML browser continues long timeoutPeriod = 5000; // Timeout period listening for multicast Vector newPdus; String mcastAddress; int mcastPort; // read on the bsb and listen for a while. // If we don't hear any traffic, assume that we can't hear multicast trace ("commenced checkForTrafficAndFallBackToTunnel..."); trace (" now wait " + (float) timeoutPeriod / 1000.0f + " seconds to see if BSB gets any multicast packets..."); int sleepCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { sleepCount ++; try { Thread.sleep(timeoutPeriod / 5); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { trace ("fitful sleep: " + ie); } newPdus = behaviorStreamBuffer.receivedPdus(); if (newPdus.size() > 0) { // We got one or more PDUs while listening; apparently we're connected. trace ("received " + newPdus.size() + " PDUs on multicast interface"); trace ("completed checkForTrafficAndFallBackToTunnel ()"); return; } } trace ("timeoutPeriod " + (float) (sleepCount / 5.0f) * timeoutPeriod / 1000.0f + " seconds completed, nothing heard"); // behaviorStreamBuffer.shutdown(); // shut down thread listening trace("*** tunnelThread option not operational, continuing..."); return; /* // yes, we have no connection. Create a new BSB that points to the // tunnel server, and start listening to it, instead. trace ("*** No traffic on local net, attempt connecting to tunnel..."); InetAddress tunnelAddress; try { tunnelAddress = InetAddress.getByName(pTunnelAddress); } catch(UnknownHostException unhe) { trace("*** tunnelThread startup exception:"); trace("can't find tunnel host: " + unhe); if (DEBUG) unhe.printStackTrace(); trace("this could be a problem connecting to network,"); trace(" Domain Naming System (DNS) problem,"); trace(" or unknown host... returning/continuing"); return; } catch (Exception catchAllException) { trace ("*** tunnelThread startup exception: " + catchAllException); if (DEBUG) catchAllException.printStackTrace(); trace("this could be a problem connecting to network,"); trace(" Domain Naming System (DNS) problem or unknown host."); trace(" Continuing in standalone mode..."); return; } mcastAddress = behaviorStreamBuffer.getAddress().getHostAddress(); mcastPort = behaviorStreamBuffer.getPort(); behaviorStreamBuffer = new BehaviorStreamBuffer(); int emphemeralPort = behaviorStreamBuffer.getPort(); // Set up a housekeeping thread that sends periodic keepalive // messages to the tunnel server, subscribes us, etc. tunnelManager = new EntityDispatcher.TunnelManager(pTunnelAddress, pTunnelPort, emphemeralPort, mcastAddress, mcastPort); Thread tunnelThread = new Thread(tunnelManager, "UnicastTunnel-" + ClassUtilities.nextSerialNum()); trace ("running tunnelManager tunnelThread"); tunnelThread.start(); trace (tunnelThread.getName() + " tunnelThread.start() complete"); trace ("checkForTrafficAndFallBackToTunnel (...) complete"); */ } catch (Exception catchAllException) { trace ("checkForTrafficAndFallBackToTunnel exception: " + catchAllException); catchAllException.printStackTrace(); } return; } /** * Accessor method. */ public synchronized float getSleepInterval () { return sleepInterval; } /** * Somewhat careful accessor method that decides * how long to let the thread sleep, so that it doesn't steal * excessive cycles from the VRML 3D graphics rendering process(es). * This is synchronized to ensure serial access, and make sure multiple * instances of clients don't step on themselves. */ public synchronized void adviseSleepInterval (float anotherReadWriteInterval) { if ((long) anotherReadWriteInterval < minSleepInterval) { debug ("new sleepInterval of " + anotherReadWriteInterval + " is less than minSleepInterval " + minSleepInterval + " (msec), ignored, using " + sleepInterval); return; } if (sleepInterval > (long) anotherReadWriteInterval) sleepInterval = (long) anotherReadWriteInterval; if ((long) anotherReadWriteInterval > maxSleepInterval) { sleepInterval = maxSleepInterval; debug ("new sleepInterval of " + anotherReadWriteInterval + " is more than maxSleepInterval " + maxSleepInterval + ", used " + maxSleepInterval); return; } sleepInterval = (long) anotherReadWriteInterval; debug ("sleepInterval = " + sleepInterval); return; } /** * run() switches on platform-secific security, gets the thread running using doThread (), * then calls doRun () which does the * actual work of reading from the network. *

* This is the implementation of the * runnable interface. Each method invocation is two-step process -- * run calls SecurityStrategy's invokePrivilege(), * which in turn calls back to this object -- which is required because some platforms * require the security calls to be "above" in the stack. Just switching on * the security parameters in strategy, and then returning and attempting to read * from a socket, is not enough. */ public void run() { try { // catchAllException to diagnose run-time errors while VRML browser continues debug ("run: strategy.invokePrivilege(this, \"doRun\")"); strategy.invokePrivilege(this, "doRun"); // debug ("run: directly invoke doRun () (no strategy.invokePrivelege)"); // doRun (); debug ("run () done with doRun reading/dispatching loop, all finished"); } catch (Exception catchAllException) { trace ("run() exception: " + catchAllException); catchAllException.printStackTrace(); setDEBUG (true); } } /** * After the behaviorStreamBuffer thread is started, doRun loops endlessly to pull unordered lists * of PDUs from the behaviorStreamBuffer, sending the PDUs one-by-one to the * appropriate EspduTransform matching the entity. *

* Called by run(); this is the essential portion of the run loop. * run() has enabled platform-specific security at this point, * so doRun doesn't have to worry about network sandboxes. */ public void doRun () { try { // catchAllException to diagnose run-time errors while VRML browser continues if (runStarted) { debug ("*** doRun() invoked when runStarted is already true, ignored"); return; } trace ("started doRun (), entering doRun loop"); runStarted = true; while (keepRunThreadAlive) { singleReadLoop (); if (traceCounter % 20 == 0) debug ("[20th loop] sleep " + sleepInterval); try { Thread.sleep(sleepInterval); // go to sleep to avoid using too many draw cycles } catch(InterruptedException interruptedException) { throw new RuntimeException(" exceptional sleep: " + interruptedException); } } } catch (Exception catchAllException) { trace ("doRun() exception: " + catchAllException); catchAllException.printStackTrace(); setDEBUG (true); } } // end of method /** * singleRunLoop() is called via doRun when threading, or via the invoking application if not threading * (e.g. due to IE security restrictions). */ public void singleReadLoop () { Vector newPdus; Enumeration enumeration; ProtocolDataUnit pdu; Vector subscribers = null; EntityID eid_1 = new EntityID (); EntityID eid_2 = new EntityID (); boolean subscriberFound = false; try { // catchAllException to diagnose run-time errors while VRML browser continues debug ("begin singleReadLoop () ..."); newPdus = behaviorStreamBuffer.receivedPdus(); if (traceCounter % 20 == 0) debug ("[20th cycle] got " + newPdus.size() + " PDUs this cycle"); else if (newPdus.size() > 0) debug ("got " + newPdus.size() + " PDUs this cycle"); traceCounter++; enumeration = newPdus.elements(); debug ("while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()=" + enumeration.hasMoreElements() + ")"); while (enumeration.hasMoreElements() ) { pdu = (ProtocolDataUnit) enumeration.nextElement(); debug (pdu.pduName () + " received (type " + (pdu.getPduType()).intValue() + ")"); switch ((pdu.getPduType()).intValue()) { case PduTypeField.ENTITYSTATE: eid_1 = ((EntityStatePdu)pdu).getEntityID(); eid_2 = null; debug ("entityStatePdu.getEntityID: " + eid_1); break; case PduTypeField.FIRE: eid_1 = ((FirePdu)pdu).getFiringEntityID (); eid_2 = ((FirePdu)pdu).getTargetEntityID (); // perhaps unknown to shooter debug ( "firePdu.getFiringEntityID: " + eid_1 + ", " + "firePdu.getTargetEntityID: " + eid_2); break; case PduTypeField.DETONATION: eid_1 = ((DetonationPdu)pdu).getFiringEntityID(); eid_2 = ((DetonationPdu)pdu).getTargetEntityID(); trace ("detonationPdu.getFiringEntityID: " + eid_1); trace ("detonationPdu.getTargetEntityID: " + eid_2); break; case PduTypeField.COLLISION: eid_1 = ((CollisionPdu)pdu).getIssuingEntityID (); eid_2 = ((CollisionPdu)pdu).getCollidingEntityID (); // perhaps unknown to sender debug ( "collisionPdu.getIssuingEntityID: " + eid_1 + ", " + "collisionPdu.getCollidingEntityID: " + eid_2); break; case PduTypeField.COMMENT: eid_1 = ((CommentPdu)pdu).getOriginatingEntityID (); eid_2 = null; trace ("commentPdu.getEntityID: " + eid_1); break; case PduTypeField.CREATEENTITY: eid_1 = ((CreateEntityPdu)pdu).getOriginatingEntityID (); eid_2 = null; trace ("createEntityPdu.getEntityID: " + eid_1); break; case PduTypeField.REMOVEENTITY: eid_1 = ((RemoveEntityPdu)pdu).getOriginatingEntityID (); eid_2 = null; trace ("removeEntityPdu.getEntityID: " + eid_1); break; // RadioCommunicationsFamily (change these trace calls to debug once tested...) case PduTypeField.SIGNAL: eid_1 = ((SignalPdu)pdu).getEntityID (); debug ("signalPdu.getEntityID: " + eid_1 + ", .getRadioID: " + ((SignalPdu)pdu).getRadioID ()); break; case PduTypeField.RECEIVER: eid_1 = ((ReceiverPdu)pdu).getEntityID (); debug ("receiverPdu.getEntityID: " + eid_1 + ", .getRadioID: " + ((ReceiverPdu)pdu).getRadioID ()); break; case PduTypeField.TRANSMITTER: eid_1 = ((TransmitterPdu)pdu).getEntityID (); debug ("transmitterPdu.getEntityID: " + eid_1 + ", .getRadioID: " + ((TransmitterPdu)pdu).getRadioID ()); break; // Some other type of PDU. default: trace ("don't know how to handle PDU of type " + pdu.getPduType().intValue() + " = " + PduTypeField.toString (pdu.getPduType().intValue())); break; } // End of switch by PDU type // Find the list of subscribed objects for this entityID. We get back a Vector // from this operation, and forward the PDU to all of the objects in the list. // To prevent duplicate rendering, and because secondary entities might be unknown: // Collision PDUs only go to the entity detecting and announcing the collision // with itself, not to the entity being collided with. // Fire PDUs only go to the firing entities. // combine ReceiverPduScriptNode.java, SignalPduScriptNode.java, TransmitterPduScriptNode.java (similar to EspduTransform.java) // then use those DIS -> script node values to draw BeamCones etc. in the correspondingly named PROTOs: // Transmitting entities will be the scene graph nodes that do the actual drawing, to avoid double-drawing of visualization geometry // don't forget to update javadoc words and diagram at the top of this class subscribers = (Vector) (pduSubscriberScriptNodesHashtable.get(eid_1)); if (subscribers == null) { trace ("didn't find any PDU subscribers in VRML world matching received " + pdu.pduName () + " with EntityID" + " site=" + eid_1.getSiteID().intValue() + " application=" + eid_1.getApplicationID().intValue() + " entityID=" + eid_1.getEntityID().intValue()); // eventually add code here to add newly discovered entity to the VRML scene } else // dispatch pdu to the entity/entities subscribed { debug ("found " + subscribers.size() + " subscriber node(s) for EntityID" + " site=" + eid_1.getSiteID().intValue() + " application=" + eid_1.getApplicationID().intValue() + " entityID=" + eid_1.getEntityID().intValue() + ", dispatching"); // loop through list, sending pdu to subscribers, by invoking receivePDU method // of subscribed Script node (for example EspduTransform) for (int idx = 0; idx < subscribers.size(); idx++) { ((PduSubscriber)(subscribers.elementAt(idx))).receivePDU(pdu); subscriberFound = true; } } } // end of while enumeration, all PDUs in this bunch have been handled } catch (Exception catchAllException) { trace ("singleReadLoop() exception: " + catchAllException); catchAllException.printStackTrace(); setDEBUG (true); } debug ("... finished singleReadLoop ()"); } /** * shutdown() is called when VRML scene exits. */ public void shutdown () { debug ("commencing shutdown ()..."); try { // catchAllException to diagnose run-time errors while browser continues if (behaviorStreamBuffer != null) behaviorStreamBuffer.cleanup (); if (tunnelManager != null) tunnelManager.stopSendingServerKeepAlives (); } catch (Exception catchAllException) { trace ("entityDispatcher.shutdown () exception: " + catchAllException); } keepRunThreadAlive = false; // shut down self last since BSB pushes up PDUs trace ("completed shutdown (), set keepRunThreadAlive = false"); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// protected class TunnelManager implements Runnable { DatagramStreamBuffer tunnelComm = null; String tunnelAddressString = null; int tunnelPort; boolean stillSending = true; String mcastAddress; int mcastPort; int localPort; /** Constructor creates a new DatagramStreamBuffer. Currently disabled, awaiting repairs. */ TunnelManager(String pTunnelAddress, int pTunnelPort, int pLocalPort, String pMcastAddress, int pMcastPort) { trace ("TunnelManager constructor starting"); tunnelAddressString = pTunnelAddress; tunnelPort = pTunnelPort; localPort = pLocalPort; mcastAddress = pMcastAddress; mcastPort = pMcastPort; tunnelComm = new DatagramStreamBufferNetscape(8080); trace ("TunnelManager constructor complete"); } /** Debugging output. Pass in a string, and it gets printed out on the console. You can pass in strings such as "foo " + bar.getName(). */ protected void debug (String pDiagnostic) { if (DEBUG) { System.out.println("EntityDispatcher.TunnelManager: " + pDiagnostic); System.out.flush (); // ensure threaded output goes to console promptly } } /** Guaranteed trace output. Pass in a string, and it gets printed out on the console. You can pass in strings such as "foo " + bar.getName(). */ protected void trace (String pDiagnostic) { System.out.println("EntityDispatcher.TunnelManager: " + pDiagnostic); System.out.flush (); // ensure threaded output goes to console promptly } /** Run as a thread to relay PDUs via a unicast-multicast tunnel. */ public void run() { InetAddress tunnelAddress; DatagramPacket packet; byte buff[] = new byte[1500]; String connect = "connect"; // String for initial connection String keepAlive = "keepAlive "; // command for keepalive packets String disconnect = "disconnect "; // disconnect command // Send a connect command, then every once in a while send a keepalive // packet. trace ("run () starting"); try { String fullConnectCommand; InetAddress localAddress; trace ("getting address for tunnel, " + tunnelAddressString); tunnelAddress = InetAddress.getByName(tunnelAddressString); trace ("got address for tunnel"); localAddress = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); fullConnectCommand = connect.concat(" "); fullConnectCommand = fullConnectCommand.concat(localAddress.getHostAddress()); fullConnectCommand = fullConnectCommand.concat(" "); fullConnectCommand = fullConnectCommand.concat(String.valueOf(localPort)); fullConnectCommand = fullConnectCommand.concat(" "); fullConnectCommand = fullConnectCommand.concat(mcastAddress); fullConnectCommand = fullConnectCommand.concat(" "); fullConnectCommand = fullConnectCommand.concat(String.valueOf(mcastPort)); // This last bit is REQUIRED; if left out, the parse on the server side // can mistakenly read binary data carried along with the data packet, // which will result in a bad parse. fullConnectCommand = fullConnectCommand.concat(" "); trace ("connect command = " + fullConnectCommand); buff = fullConnectCommand.getBytes(); trace ("length = " + buff.length); packet = new DatagramPacket(buff, buff.length); packet.setPort(tunnelPort); packet.setAddress(tunnelAddress); //trace ("packet = " + packet); // Anything I say three times is true; send some connect packets at // 1 second intervals. One of 'em ought to get through. trace ("Sending connect packets"); tunnelComm.sendDatagram(packet); trace ("that's one"); Thread.sleep(1000); tunnelComm.sendDatagram(packet); Thread.sleep(1000); tunnelComm.sendDatagram(packet); trace ("sent connect packets"); // we are, presumably, connected; should probably do some handshaking // here. Anyway, send keepalive packets every now and then. buff = keepAlive.getBytes(); packet = new DatagramPacket(buff, buff.length); packet.setPort(tunnelPort); packet.setAddress(tunnelAddress); while(stillSending) { tunnelComm.sendDatagram(packet); trace ("sent keep-alive packet"); // sleep 60 sec, do it again Thread.sleep(60000); } // send a disconnect packet buff = disconnect.getBytes(); packet = new DatagramPacket(buff, buff.length); packet.setPort(tunnelPort); packet.setAddress(tunnelAddress); trace ("Sending tunnel disconnect packets"); tunnelComm.sendDatagram(packet); Thread.sleep(1000); tunnelComm.sendDatagram(packet); Thread.sleep(1000); tunnelComm.sendDatagram(packet); trace ("tunnel disconnect packets sent"); } // end of try catch(InterruptedException ie) { trace ("Troubled Sleep, and no, not the novel by Sartre"); } catch(UnknownHostException unkhe) { trace ("Unknown host exception " + unkhe); } catch(IOException ioe) { trace ("IO exception " + ioe); } catch(Exception catchAllException) { trace ("catchAllException " + catchAllException); catchAllException.printStackTrace(); } } // end of run /** * gracefully terminate tunnelThread */ protected void stopSendingServerKeepAlives () { stillSending = false; } } // end of inner class } // end of class