/* File: DetonationPdu.java CVS Info: $Id: DetonationPdu.java,v 1.2 1998/01/27 18:44:05 mcgredo Exp $ Compiler: jdk 1.3 */ package mil.navy.nps.dis; // package to which we belong import mil.navy.nps.util.*; // General-purpose utilities import mil.navy.nps.disEnumerations.*; // Enumerations for DIS import java.lang.*; import java.util.*; // utility stuff we need import java.io.*; // input/output for serialization /** * Detonation or impact. * *@version 1.0 *@author Don McGregor (http://www.npsnet.org/~mcgredo * ) *
Location: *
Web: * http://www.web3d.org/WorkingGroups/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/ * DetonationPdu. * *
or locally: * ~/mil/navy/nps/dis/DetonationPdu.java * *
Hierarchy Diagram: *
* * *
Summary: *
The detonation or impact of munitions shall be communicated by issuing * a Detonation PDU. * *
Explanation: *
The detonation Pdu denotes the detonation of a weapon. It inherits the * header information from ProtocolDataUnit, an abstract class that contains * assorted protocol information. It implements the IDs of what's * firing, what's being shot at, the munition, the event, and where * the munition is headed. * * As with other PDUs, it knows how to serialize and deserialize itself * from the wire. It also knows how to clone itself, and knows how to * calculate its size when sent to the wire. * *
History: *
16Dec96 /Don McGregor /New *
10Mar97 /Don McGregor /Cleaned up for javadoc *
16Apr97 /Don McGregor /PrintStream passed to printValues *
8Dec97 /Ronan Fauglas /changes for documentation * templates + complements in * documentation *
11Dec97 /Ronan Fauglas /changed access methods: * thisVariable() --> * getThisVariable() *
23Nov99 /Thomas Miller /General cleanup and javadocs * *
References: *
DIS Data Dictionary :Detonation PDU *
DIS-Java-VRML Working Group: http://www.web3d.org/ * WorkingGroups/vrtp/dis-java-vrml/ *
DIS specification : IEEE 1278.1, Section, * *@see ProtocolDataUnit *@see PduElement *@see SerializationInterface *@see FirePdu */ public class DetonationPdu extends ProtocolDataUnit { /** *Firing Entity Identification - This field shall identify the firing entity * *
Value: *
If the detonation is not preceded by a Fire PDU then the Firing Entity * Identification shall be NO SPECIFIC ENTITY. *
*/ protected EntityID firingEntityID; // ID of entity // that's doing the shooting /** *Target Entity Identification - This field shall identify the target entity * *
Value: *
If the target ID is unknown, this field shall contain the value * TARGET ID UNKNOWN. *
*/ protected EntityID targetEntityID; // ID of entity that is // undergoing darwinian // selection /** *Munition Identification - This field shall specify the entity ID of the *fired munition if tracking data is required. * *
Value: *
A munition ID shall have a value of MUNITION NOT TRACKED if tracking * data for the munition is not required. *
*/ protected EntityID munitionID; // ID of munition being shot /** *Event Identification - This field shall contain the same data as in the *Event Identification field of the Fire PDU that communicated the launch of *the munition. * *
Value: *
If the detonation is not preceded by a corresponding fire event, then *the Event Number field of the Event Identifier record shall *be zero (e.g., land mines detonation). *
*/ protected EventID eventID; // ID of event /** *Velocity - This field shall specify the velocity of the munition *immediately before detonation/impact. */ protected LinearVelocity velocity; // Velocity of muntion just // before detonation/impact /** *Location in World Coordinate - This field shall specify the location of *the detonation in world coordinates (x, y, z coordinates ). */ // x,y,z location, in 64 bit coords protected WorldCoordinate locationInWorldCoordinate; /** *Burst Descriptor - This field shall describe the type of munition *impacting or detonating, the warhead, the fuse, the quantity, and the rate */ protected BurstDescriptor burstDescription; // info about burst /** *Location in Entity's coordinates - This field shall specify the location * of the detonation or impact in the target entity's coordinate system. *This information should be used for damage assessment. * *
Value: *
If the ID of the target is unknown, this field shall contain *NO LOCATION. *
*/ // location of impact, in entity local coords protected EntityCoordinate locationInEntityCoordinates; /** *Detonation Result - This field shall specify the result of the detonation. * *
Value: *
Enumeration. See information below for more information *
References: *
DIS Data Dictionary: Force ID Field *
See Section 5 in EBV-DOC *
*/ protected UnsignedByte detonationResult; // Blood & guts, usually // not used; we query the list for this instead //protected UnsignedByte articulationParamterCount; // unused; we write out padding directly in serialize //protected UnsignedShort padding; /** *List of articulation parameters. * *
References: *
DIS Data Dictionary: Articulation Parameter Record *
See Section 5 in EBV-DOC *
*/ // Vector of articulation parameters protected Vector articulationParameters; /** *Constant value--size of an Detonation PDU with header, without the *articulation parameters. *sizeOf = 104 bytes */ // size of "stripped" DetonationPDU, AS WRITTEN TO WIRE public static final int sizeOf = 104; /** *Default constructor--fills with zeros for all values. */ public DetonationPdu() { super.setPduType(PduTypeField.DETONATION); firingEntityID = new EntityID(); targetEntityID = new EntityID(); munitionID = new EntityID(); eventID = new EventID(); // special nerf ammo by default--hits at zero speed. let's play nice! velocity = new LinearVelocity(0,0,0); locationInWorldCoordinate = new WorldCoordinate(0, 0, 0); burstDescription = new BurstDescriptor(); locationInEntityCoordinates = new EntityCoordinate(0,0,0); detonationResult = new UnsignedByte(0); articulationParameters = new Vector(); return; } // end default constructor /** clone - make a copy of the object. This requires a deep copy, so we don't * have two objects sharing pointers to the same data. * @return the cloned object */ public Object clone() { DetonationPdu newDetonationPdu = (DetonationPdu)super.clone(); int idx = 0; newDetonationPdu.setFiringEntityID(this.getFiringEntityID()); newDetonationPdu.setTargetEntityID(this.getTargetEntityID()); newDetonationPdu.setMunitionID(this.getMunitionID()); newDetonationPdu.setEventID(this.getEventID()); newDetonationPdu.setVelocity(this.getVelocity()); newDetonationPdu.setLocationInWorldCoordinate (this.getLocationInWorldCoordinate()); newDetonationPdu.setBurstDescription(this.getBurstDescription()); newDetonationPdu.setDetonationResult(this.getDetonationResult()); // Each of the articulation parameters needs to be cloned as well--it's not // good enough to just clone the Vector alone. for(idx = 0; idx < articulationParameters.size(); idx++) { newDetonationPdu.addArticulationParameter( this.getArticulationParameterAt(idx)); } // end for return newDetonationPdu; } // end clone /** serialize - writes the detonation PDU to the wire in DIS format * Order is important here, since it needs to conform to the DIS standard. * @param DataOutputStream * @return void */ public void serialize(DataOutputStream outputStream) { UnsignedShort padding = new UnsignedShort(0); UnsignedByte parameterCount; int idx; // write out the data to an output stream. super.serialize(outputStream); // write out header info firingEntityID.serialize(outputStream); targetEntityID.serialize(outputStream); munitionID.serialize(outputStream); eventID.serialize(outputStream); velocity.serialize(outputStream); locationInWorldCoordinate.serialize(outputStream); burstDescription.serialize(outputStream); locationInEntityCoordinates.serialize(outputStream); detonationResult.serialize(outputStream); // We synthisize these from the list data or out of thin air parameterCount = new UnsignedByte(articulationParameters.size()); parameterCount.serialize(outputStream); padding.serialize(outputStream); // aligns us w/ byte boundary for(idx = 0; idx < articulationParameters.size(); idx++) { ArticulationParameter aParameter; aParameter = (ArticulationParameter) articulationParameters.elementAt(idx); aParameter.serialize(outputStream); } // end for return; } // end serialize /** deserialize - reads the detonation PDU to the wire in DIS format * * @param DataOutputStream * @return void */ public void deSerialize(DataInputStream inputStream) { // deserialize our data from the stream. We first call the superclass, // so that all the data there is read into the buffer first. // Then we deserialize each of our ivars to the stream, being careful // about the order. int idx = 0; UnsignedByte articulationParameterCount = new UnsignedByte(); UnsignedShort padding = new UnsignedShort(0); super.deSerialize(inputStream); // Do our ivars firingEntityID.deSerialize(inputStream); targetEntityID.deSerialize(inputStream); munitionID.deSerialize(inputStream); eventID.deSerialize(inputStream); velocity.deSerialize(inputStream); locationInWorldCoordinate.deSerialize(inputStream); burstDescription.deSerialize(inputStream); locationInEntityCoordinates.deSerialize(inputStream); detonationResult.deSerialize(inputStream); articulationParameterCount.deSerialize(inputStream); padding.deSerialize(inputStream); for(idx = 0; idx < articulationParameterCount.intValue(); idx++) { ArticulationParameter aParameter = new ArticulationParameter(); aParameter.deSerialize(inputStream); articulationParameters.addElement(aParameter); } // end for return; } // end deserialize /** * length returns basic size + size of list of parameters. * @return int representing the length */ public int length() { return sizeOf + (articulationParameters.size() * ArticulationParameter.sizeOf); } // end length /** * pduName returns the type of PDU * @return String */ public String pduName() { return new String("Detonation PDU"); } // end pduName /** * printValues - print the values of the object out, with correct level of * indentation on the page.. * @param int indentLevel * @param PrintStream printStream * @return void */ public void printValues(int indentLevel, PrintStream printStream) { StringBuffer indent = ProtocolDataUnit.getPaddingOfLength(indentLevel); int idx, superclassIndent = indentLevel; printStream.println(); printStream.println("Detonation PDU-"); if(superclassIndent > 0) superclassIndent -= 1; super.printValues(superclassIndent, printStream); firingEntityID.printValues(indentLevel, printStream); targetEntityID.printValues(indentLevel, printStream); munitionID.printValues(indentLevel, printStream); eventID.printValues(indentLevel, printStream); velocity.printValues(indentLevel, printStream); locationInWorldCoordinate.printValues(indentLevel, printStream); burstDescription.printValues(indentLevel, printStream); locationInEntityCoordinates.printValues(indentLevel, printStream); printStream.println(indent + "detonationResult: " + detonationResult.intValue()); printStream.println(indent + "Parameter count: " + articulationParameters.size()); for(idx = 0; idx < articulationParameters.size(); idx ++) { ArticulationParameter aParam; aParam = (ArticulationParameter)articulationParameters.elementAt(idx); // indent the parts of us a bit aParam.printValues(indentLevel + 4, printStream); } // end for return; } // end printValues /** *Returns the Articulation Parameter at the index given in parameter. * *@param int pIdx the index of the Articulation Parameter we want to obtain *@return the Articulation Parameter pointed by the index in parameter */ public ArticulationParameter getArticulationParameterAt(int pIdx) { ArticulationParameter aParameter; // return a copy of the pIdx-th articulation parameter. aParameter = (ArticulationParameter)articulationParameters.elementAt(pIdx); return (ArticulationParameter)aParameter.clone(); } // end getArticulationParameter /** *Inserts a Articulation Parameter at the end of the list and increment the * parameter count accordingly. * *@param pParameter the Articulation Parameter to be inserted in the list */ public void addArticulationParameter(ArticulationParameter pParameter) { articulationParameters.addElement(pParameter); } // end addArticulationParameter //Accessor methods public EntityID getFiringEntityID() { return (EntityID)firingEntityID.clone(); } public void setFiringEntityID(EntityID pFiringEntityID) {firingEntityID = pFiringEntityID; } public EntityID getTargetEntityID() { return (EntityID)targetEntityID.clone(); } public void setTargetEntityID(EntityID pTargetEntityID) {targetEntityID = pTargetEntityID; } public EntityID getMunitionID() { return (EntityID)munitionID.clone(); } public void setMunitionID(EntityID pMunitionID) {munitionID = pMunitionID; } public EventID getEventID() { return (EventID)eventID.clone(); } public void setEventID(EventID pEventID) {eventID = pEventID; } public LinearVelocity getVelocity() { return (LinearVelocity)velocity.clone(); } public void setVelocity(LinearVelocity pVelocity) {velocity = pVelocity; } public void setVelocity(float x, float y, float z) { velocity = new LinearVelocity(x, y, z); } public WorldCoordinate getLocationInWorldCoordinate() { return (WorldCoordinate)locationInWorldCoordinate.clone(); } public void setLocationInWorldCoordinate(WorldCoordinate pLocation) {locationInWorldCoordinate = pLocation; } public void setLocationInWorldCoordinate(double x, double y, double z) { locationInWorldCoordinate = new WorldCoordinate(x, y, z); } public BurstDescriptor getBurstDescription() { return (BurstDescriptor)burstDescription.clone(); } public void setBurstDescription(BurstDescriptor pBurstDescription) {burstDescription = pBurstDescription; } public EntityCoordinate getLocationInEntityCoordinates() { return (EntityCoordinate)locationInEntityCoordinates.clone(); } public void setLocationInEntityCoordinates(EntityCoordinate pLocationInEntityCoordinates) {locationInEntityCoordinates = pLocationInEntityCoordinates; } public void setLocationInEntityCoordinates(float x, float y, float z) { locationInEntityCoordinates = new EntityCoordinate(x, y, z); } public UnsignedByte getDetonationResult() { return (UnsignedByte)detonationResult.clone(); } public void setDetonationResult(UnsignedByte pDetonationResult) {detonationResult = pDetonationResult; } public void setDetonationResult(int pDetonationResult) { detonationResult = new UnsignedByte(pDetonationResult); } } // end of class DetonationPdu