package; // the package we belong to import*; // Enumerations for DIS import*; // network utilities, especially privileges & DatagramStreamBuffer import*; // x-platform security import*; import java.util.*; import*; /** * BehaviorStreamBufferUDP is responsible for reading from the network, specifically * from packet-oriented (UDP and multicast) sockets. it is a subclass of the * abstract class BehaviorStreamBuffer.

* * In general, this should be run via a thread--create a thread with an instance of * this class in it, and run the thread. This will prevent blocking IO on the socket * from stopping the application. * * @author DMcG */ public class BehaviorStreamBufferUDP extends BehaviorStreamBuffer implements Runnable, AllPermissionsBadge { protected datagramStreamBuffer; // holds networking code /** * this is used in conjuction with getNextPdu */ private Vector cachedDatagrams = null; /** * A constructor that creates a new unicast socket. this creates an internal * object responsible for reading from the socket, in this case a UDP unicast socket. * It also starts a thread that reads from the socket. * * @param pDatagramPort the port we read from on this side */ public BehaviorStreamBufferUDP(int pDatagramPort) // INPUT: port we read from { datagramStreamBuffer = new; datagramStreamBuffer.setDEBUG (DEBUG); // Create a new info object info = new BehaviorStreamBufferInfo(); this.setRtpEnabled(info.getRtpEnabled()); if(inputThreadStarted == false) { this.startInputThreadWithSecurity(); } debug ("finished constructor unicast port BehaviorStreamBufferUDP"); return; } /** * A constructor that creates a new unicast socket datagramStreamBuffer on an * ephemeral (system-chosen) port.

* * If the Netscape security classes are visible, this instantiates itself * with an underlying Netscape-specific DatagramStreamBuffer. Otherwise, * it uses an generic, security-free datagramStreamBuffer. This also starts * a thread responsible for reading from the socket. */ public BehaviorStreamBufferUDP() { datagramStreamBuffer = new; datagramStreamBuffer.setDEBUG (DEBUG); // Create a new info object info = new BehaviorStreamBufferInfo(); this.setRtpEnabled(info.getRtpEnabled()); if(inputThreadStarted == false) { this.startInputThreadWithSecurity(); } debug ("finished constructor unicast ephemeral BehaviorStreamBufferUDP"); return; } /** * A constructor that creates a multicast socket datagramStreamBuffer * * If the netscape security classes are visible, this instantiates * itself as a netscape-specific datagramStreamBuffer, able to * bypass the Java sandbox. Otherwise, a generic DSB is used * that has no security calls.

* * Note that this creates a thread to read from the socket. */ public BehaviorStreamBufferUDP(String pMulticastAddress, int pDatagramPort) // INPUT: multicast Address, port we read from { // NOTE: only use with browsers that support java 1.1. Multicast debug ("starting constructor multicast BehaviorStreamBufferNetwork"); datagramStreamBuffer = new, pDatagramPort); datagramStreamBuffer.setDEBUG (DEBUG); // Create a new info object info = new BehaviorStreamBufferInfo(); this.setRtpEnabled(info.getRtpEnabled()); if(inputThreadStarted == false) { this.startInputThreadWithSecurity(); } debug ("finished multicast BehaviorStreamBufferUDP constructor"); return; } /** * Simple method to launch thread because Microsoft puts security restraints on everything. *

* EntityDispatcher is static; only one copy is shared between all instances * of the EspduTransform and other Script nodes. If it's null the first time through here, create * and thread it. *

* This is synchronized, since we may have N EspduTransforms attempting * to instantiate themselves at once, all accessing this shared class * variable. The synchronization prevents multiple access. *

* This is actually some magic code. Java keeps several mutex locks around, * one for every instance of a class and one for the class itself. We * can't sychronize on entityDispatcher because that's null the first * time through, which will fail silently. We also can't use a java primitive * type. So I created a completely arbitrary instance of an object as * a class variable, and synchronize on that. It's a standin for the * EntityDispatcher in a way. When done, it starts reading from the input socket. */ public synchronized void startInputThread() { if (inputThreadStarted) { trace ("startInputThread() invoked again, ignored..."); return; } trace ("startInputThread() method started..."); try { // Thread used to run the entityDispatcher Thread datagramStreamBufferThread = new Thread(datagramStreamBuffer);//, "DebuggingDatagramStreamBuffer-" + ClassUtilities.nextSerialNum() datagramStreamBufferThread.start(); inputThreadStarted = true; } catch (Exception catchAllException) { trace ("startInputThread: exception\n" + catchAllException); trace ("startInputThread: attempting to continue without datagramStreamBuffer threaded..."); } return; } /** * Creates a BehaviorStreamBufferNetwork with the specified DatagramStream. Does not start * running a thread. */ public BehaviorStreamBufferUDP( pDatagramStreamBuffer) { datagramStreamBuffer = pDatagramStreamBuffer; } /** * Terminate the run loop and shutdown the thread. */ public void shutdown () { trace ("shutdown ();"); runContinue = false; this.suspendReading(); } /** * Accessor method to provide current multicast address. */ public InetAddress getAddress() { return datagramStreamBuffer.getMulticastAddress(); } /** * Accessor method to provide current multicast port. */ public int getPort() { return datagramStreamBuffer.getDatagramPort(); } /** * Threading method to read/write via datagramStreamBuffer until shutdown. */ public void run() { trace ("commencing ()..."); readThreadRunning = true;; trace (" invocation returned"); while (runContinue == true) /* spin until told to stop running */ { /* *** commented out because JIT errors result! apparently not needed anyway. try { while(datagramStreamBuffer.getReadingActive() == true) wait(); } catch(InterruptedException ie) { trace ("Interrupted exception on wait; problems with suspendReading and co"); throw new RuntimeException("Problems with suspend/read on DatagramStreamBuffer"); } */ } trace ("completed run () wait loop"); } /** Returns a vector of all the PDUs received since the last time we asked. Queries the underlying DatagramStreamBuffer for this information. */ public Vector receivedPdus() { Vector newDatagrams, // raw datagrams we get from the datagramStreamBuffer pduVector; // the above, "promoted" to PDU objects Enumeration datagramEnumeration; this.checkForThreadStart(); // get datagrams from the underlying datagramStreamBuffer, which is synchronized with itself // newDatagrams = datagramStreamBuffer.receivedDatagrams(); // renamed newDatagrams = datagramStreamBuffer.getPackets(); pduVector = new Vector(); // Step through the vector, translating each datagram into a PDU of whatever type. datagramEnumeration = newDatagrams.elements(); while(datagramEnumeration.hasMoreElements()) { byte datagramData[] = (byte[])datagramEnumeration.nextElement(); ProtocolDataUnit aPdu; aPdu = ProtocolDataUnit.byteArrayToPdu(datagramData); if(aPdu != null) { // Save in list pduVector.addElement(aPdu); debug ("pduVector.addElement(aPdu)"); } } return pduVector; } // end of receivedPdus public ProtocolDataUnit getNextPdu() { byte byteData[]; ProtocolDataUnit aPdu; this.checkForThreadStart(); // the first time, we ask for the full list of PDUs we've received. We // take the first pdu from the list until the list is exhausted; then // we get another list. if(cachedDatagrams == null) cachedDatagrams = this.receivedPdus(); // No packets received from net if(cachedDatagrams.size() == 0) { cachedDatagrams = null; return null; } // first element in list byteData = (byte[])cachedDatagrams.remove(0); // List now empty? null out cachedDatagrams so we'll get a new list next time if(cachedDatagrams.size() == 0) cachedDatagrams = null; // Convert the datagram to a PDU object aPdu = ProtocolDataUnit.byteArrayToPdu(byteData); return aPdu; } /** * JDK 1.2 version: set the multicast socket time-to-live, with 15=> local distribution, 63=>regional * distribution, 127=>global distribution. *

* Note that browsers are still using JDK 1.1 while command-line applications can use JDK 1.2. *

* see */ public void setTimeToLive(int pTTL) { datagramStreamBuffer.setTimeToLive(pTTL); } /** * (Deprecated) JDK 1.1 version: set the multicast socket time-to-live, with 15=> local distribution, 63=>regional * distribution, 127=>global distribution. It seems that there is a bug under NS * 4.04 (surprise, surprise) so that setTTL on the mcast socket throws an exception, * so you probably shouldn't use this yet. * * JDK 1.2 deprecated the setTTL method on the MulticastSocket class * and replaced it with the setTimeToLive method, which takes an int * instead of a byte. If you have problems compiling under 1.1 * this is probably the problem. *

* see */ public void setTTL(byte pTTL) { datagramStreamBuffer.setTTL(pTTL); } /** * Sends a PDU. If the underlying destination address has already * been set, for example in a multicast or file, we don't need * to supply an address. */ public void sendPdu(ProtocolDataUnit pPdu) { // Check to make sure we're sending to a multicast stream, or // that we already have an address to send to if(datagramStreamBuffer.getUsingMulticast()) this.sendPduMulticast(pPdu); return; } /** * Send a PDU to an address. Since the address can be in many forms, * for example an InetAddress and a port number, we cheat here. The * destination address is passed in as generic objects; a concrete * subclass, such as a Unicast UDP object, will cast the generic * objects here to what it expects, such as an InetAddress. (After * checking for the right type with instanceof, of course!)

* * @param pPdu protocol data unit being sent * @param pAddress1 the first part of the address, typically the inet address * @param pAddress2 the second part of the address, typically null or the destiation port */ public void sendPdu(ProtocolDataUnit pPdu, Object pAddress1, Object pAddress2) { String netAddress; int portNumber; // Make sure our arguments are i the right format // pAddress1 should be an inetAddress in string format, pAddress2 an integer object if(pAddress1 instanceof String) { netAddress = (String)pAddress1; } else { trace("address to send PDU to is not an InetAddress"); return; } // Check port number if(pAddress2 instanceof Integer) { portNumber = ((Integer)pAddress2).intValue(); } else { trace("port number to sendPDU to is not an Integer object"); return; } // let an existing method handle sending it this.sendPdu(pPdu, netAddress, portNumber); } public synchronized void sendPduMulticast (ProtocolDataUnit pPdu) { if (datagramStreamBuffer.getUsingMulticast()) { // We assume the destination port on the machine we're sending to is the same // as our sending port. this.sendPdu (pPdu, // pdu datagramStreamBuffer.getMulticastAddress().getHostAddress(), // destination mcast addr datagramStreamBuffer.getDatagramPort()); // destination port } } public synchronized void sendPdu(ProtocolDataUnit pdu, String pDestinationHost, int pDestinationPort) { ByteArrayOutputStream oStream = null; DataOutputStream dataOutputStream = null; DatagramPacket dgramPacket = null; InetAddress destHostAddress = null; debug ("in sendPdu, address " + pDestinationHost + " port " + pDestinationPort); try { destHostAddress = InetAddress.getByName(pDestinationHost); } catch(UnknownHostException e) { System.out.println("cannot resolve address " + pDestinationHost + ", packet not sent"); } oStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); dataOutputStream = new DataOutputStream(oStream); debug ("Preparing to serialize a PDU"); pdu.serialize(dataOutputStream); if(datagramStreamBuffer.getUsingMulticast()) dgramPacket = new DatagramPacket(oStream.toByteArray(), oStream.size(), destHostAddress, pDestinationPort); else dgramPacket = new DatagramPacket(oStream.toByteArray(), oStream.size(), destHostAddress, pDestinationPort); debug ("created datagram packet for sending"); datagramStreamBuffer.sendDatagram(dgramPacket); return; } public synchronized void sendDatagram(InetAddress pDestHost, int pPort, String pCommand) { DatagramPacket dgramPacket; byte buf[]; System.out.println("Sending packet unicast"); buf = pCommand.getBytes(); dgramPacket = new DatagramPacket(buf, buf.length, pDestHost, pPort); datagramStreamBuffer.sendDatagram(dgramPacket); } /** * suspend reading in the DatagramStreamBuffer */ public synchronized void suspendReading() { datagramStreamBuffer.setReadingActive(false); } /** * Start reading packets from the datagramStreamBuffer again. */ public void resumeReading() { synchronized(this) // Lets us take ownership of the object monitor { if(datagramStreamBuffer.getReadingActive() == false) { try { notify(); // Wakes up thread in run(), which is executing a wait() } catch(IllegalMonitorStateException badMonitorNoDonut) { System.out.println("This thread is not the owner of the monitor; can't resume"); throw new RuntimeException("Exception in DatagramStreamBuffer; don't own monitor"); } // catch } // if thread suspended } // synchronized; } /** * Closes down sockets nicely */ public synchronized void cleanup() { datagramStreamBuffer.cleanup(); } /** * Finalize method--used to clean up any sockets that are still open */ protected synchronized void finalize() throws Throwable { cleanup(); } } // end of class BehaviorStreamBufferNetwork