/* File: ArticulationParameter.java CVS Info: $Id: ArticulationParameter.java,v 1.2 1998/01/27 18:43:54 mcgredo Exp $ Compiler: jdk 1.3 */ package mil.navy.nps.dis; // package we belong to import mil.navy.nps.util.*; // General-purpose utilities import mil.navy.nps.disEnumerations.*; // Enumerations for DIS import java.io.*; // input/output library import java.util.*; // utilities /** * Articulation parameters are components of an entity that can move - this data is appended * to the EntityState PDU. * *@version 1.0 *@author Don McGregor (http://www.npsnet.org/~mcgredo) * *
Location: *
Web: * http://www.web3d.org/WorkingGroups/vrtp/mil/navy/nps/dis/ArticulationParameter.java * *
or locally: * ~/mil/navy/nps/dis/ArticulationParameter.java * *
Hierarchy Diagram: *
* *
Summary: *
Location of the origin of the entity's coordinate system shall be specified * by a set of three coordinates: X, Y, and Z. * *
Explanation *
The articulation parameter describes how a part of an entity, such as a turret or fin, * is oriented wrt the rest of the entity.

* * This is a subclass of the PduElement class, the abstract class that all parts of a * PDU inherit from. It knows how to serialize, deserialize, and clone itself. It * is kept as a part of the EntityStatePdu.

* *

History: *
21Oct96 /Don McGregor /New *
04Mar97 /Don McGregor /changes for javadoc *
16Apr97 /Don McGregor /PrintStream passed to printValues
8Dec97 /Ronan Fauglas /changes for documentation templates + complements in documentation *
11Dec97 /Ronan Fauglas /changes access methods names from "variable()" to "getVariable()" *
04Jan98 /Ronan Fauglas /suppressed redundant comments for clone, printValues, etc... *
12Jan98 /Ronan Fauglas /changed changeIndicator to parameterChangeIndicator. *
12Jan98 /Ronan Fauglas /changed partID to articulationAttachmentID. *
31Mar99 /Don Brutzman, Don McGregor /changed articulationParameter from long to double *
4Mar99 /Don Brutzman /updated disEnumeration javadoc links * *
References: *
DIS Data Dictionary: * Articulation Parameter Record (local) and * Articulation Parameter Record (SISO) *
DIS specification : IEEE 1278.1, Section 5.3.5, Annex A * *@see PduElement *@see DetonationPdu *@see SerializationInterface *@see EntityStatePdu */ public class ArticulationParameter extends PduElement { /** *The identification of whether the Parameter Type Record is for an articulated * or attached part shall be designated by this field. * *
Value: *
Enumeration, see references below for values. *
References: *
disEnumeration class: * Parameter Type Designator Field (local) *
DIS Data Dictionary: * Parameter Type Designator Field (local) and * Parameter Type Designator Field (SISO) *
*/ protected UnsignedByte parameterTypeDesignator; // Type of parameter (enumeration) /** *The change of any parameter for any articulated part shall be indicated by a change indicator field. * *
Value: *
This field shall be set to o for each exercise and sequencially incremented by one * for each change in articulation parameter. In the case all possible values are exhausted, the numbers * shall be reused beginning at zero. *
References: *
DIS Data Dictionary: * Parameter Change Indicator Field (local) and * Parameter Change Indicator Field (SISO) *
See section 4 in EBV-DOC *
*/ protected UnsignedByte changeIndicator; // change indicator /** *The identification of the articulated part to which this articulation parameter is attached. * *
Value: *
This field shall contain the value 0 if the articulated part is attached directly to the entity. *
References: *
DIS Data Dictionary: * Articulation Attachment ID Field (local) and * Articulation Attachment ID Field (SISO) *
*/ protected UnsignedShort articulationAttachmentID; // What part we're attached to /** *The type of parameter represented shall be specified by an enumeration. * *
Value: *
Enumeration, see references below for values. * *
References: *
disEnumeration classes: * Parameter Type Attached Parts Field (local), or * Parameter Type Articulated Parts Low Bits Field (local) and * Parameter Type Articulated Parts High Bits Field (local) *
DIS Data Dictionary: * Parameter Type Variant (local) and * Parameter Type Variant (SISO) *
DIS specification: IEEE 1278.1, Annex A *
See Section 4 in EBV-DOC *
*/ protected UnsignedInt parameterType; // parameter type /** *This field contains the value of the Articulation Parameter. * *
Value: *
The definition of the 64 bits shall be determined based on the type of parameter specified * in the ParameterType field. See References below for further information. * *
References: *
DIS Data Dictionary: * Articulation Parameter Record (local) and * Articulation Parameter Record (SISO) *
DIS specification: IEEE 1278.1, *
See Section 4 in EBV-DOC *
*/ // protected long parameterValue; // 64 bits of parameter data protected double parameterValue; // 64 bits of parameter data /** *Constant value--size of an Articulation Parameter WHEN WRITTEN TO THE WIRE; here :sizeOf = 16 bytes. */ public static final int sizeOf = 16; // size, in bytes, of a serialized articulation parameter */ /** *Default constructor--fills with zeros for all values. */ public ArticulationParameter() // default constructor { parameterTypeDesignator = new UnsignedByte(0); changeIndicator = new UnsignedByte(0); articulationAttachmentID = new UnsignedShort(0); parameterType = new UnsignedInt(0); parameterValue = 0.0; return; } public Object clone() { ArticulationParameter newArticulationParam = new ArticulationParameter(); newArticulationParam.setParameterTypeDesignator(this.getParameterTypeDesignator()); newArticulationParam.setChangeIndicator(this.getChangeIndicator()); newArticulationParam.setArticulationAttachmentID(this.getArticulationAttachmentID()); newArticulationParam.setParameterType(this.getParameterType()); newArticulationParam.setParameterValue(this.getParameterValue()); newArticulationParam.decrementChangeIndicator(); return newArticulationParam; } /* *@exception RuntimeException when IO Error occurs. */ public void serialize(DataOutputStream outputStream) { //super.serialize(outputStream); // No need to call super, since no ivars are in our direct superclass try { parameterTypeDesignator.serialize(outputStream); changeIndicator.serialize(outputStream); articulationAttachmentID.serialize(outputStream); parameterType.serialize(outputStream); outputStream.writeDouble(parameterValue); } catch(IOException ioException) // catch-all for all IO exceptions in the above code { throw new RuntimeException("Exception in ArticulationParameter. Error serializing unit."); } return; } /* *@exception RuntimeException when IO Error occurs. */ public void deSerialize(DataInputStream inputStream) { // no need to call super, since there are no ivars in the superclass. try { parameterTypeDesignator.deSerialize(inputStream); changeIndicator.deSerialize(inputStream); articulationAttachmentID.deSerialize(inputStream); parameterType.deSerialize(inputStream); parameterValue = inputStream.readDouble(); } catch(IOException ioException) // catch-all for all IO exceptions in the above code { throw new RuntimeException("Exception in ArticulationParameter. Error deSerializing unit."); } return; } public int length() { return sizeOf; // articulation parameters are sizeOf bytes long, defined above } public void printValues(int indentLevel, PrintStream printStream) { StringBuffer buf = ProtocolDataUnit.getPaddingOfLength(indentLevel); int idx, superclassIndent = indentLevel; printStream.println("ArticulationParameter "); printStream.println(buf + "parameterTypeDesignator: " + parameterTypeDesignator.intValue()); printStream.println(buf + "changeIndicator: " + changeIndicator.intValue()); printStream.println(buf + "articulationAttachmentID: " + articulationAttachmentID.intValue()); printStream.println(buf + "parameterType: " + parameterType.longValue()); printStream.println(buf + "parameterValue: " + parameterValue); return; } /** Include index of which ArticulationPararameter is being printed. */ public void printValues(int indentLevel, PrintStream printStream, int idx) { StringBuffer buf = ProtocolDataUnit.getPaddingOfLength(indentLevel); int superclassIndent = indentLevel; printStream.println("ArticulationParameter " + idx); printStream.println(buf + "parameterTypeDesignator: " + parameterTypeDesignator.intValue()); printStream.println(buf + "changeIndicator: " + changeIndicator.intValue()); printStream.println(buf + "articulationAttachmentID: " + articulationAttachmentID.intValue()); printStream.println(buf + "parameterType: " + parameterType.longValue()); printStream.println(buf + "parameterValue: " + parameterValue); return; } public String toString () { return "ArticulationParameter\n" + "parameterTypeDesignator: " + parameterTypeDesignator + "\n" + "changeIndicator: " + changeIndicator + "\n" + "articulationAttachmentID: " + articulationAttachmentID + "\n" + "parameterType: " + parameterType + "\n" + "parameterValue: " + parameterValue + "\n"; } // accessor methods. The get() methods return a copy of the instance variable, rather than // the instance variable itself. public UnsignedByte getParameterTypeDesignator() { return (UnsignedByte)parameterTypeDesignator.clone(); } public void setParameterTypeDesignator(UnsignedByte pParameterTypeDesignator) {parameterTypeDesignator = pParameterTypeDesignator; } public void setParameterTypeDesignator(int pParameterTypeDesignator) { parameterTypeDesignator = new UnsignedByte(pParameterTypeDesignator); } public UnsignedByte getChangeIndicator() { return (UnsignedByte)changeIndicator.clone(); } /** * incremented automatically when parameterValue is changed, also available to users. */ public void incrementChangeIndicator() { if (changeIndicator.intValue() == UnsignedByte.MAX_UNSIGNED_BYTE_VALUE) { changeIndicator = new UnsignedByte (0); } else { changeIndicator = new UnsignedByte (changeIndicator.intValue() + 1); } return; } public void decrementChangeIndicator() { if (changeIndicator.intValue() == 0) { changeIndicator = new UnsignedByte (UnsignedByte.MAX_UNSIGNED_BYTE_VALUE); } else { changeIndicator = new UnsignedByte (changeIndicator.intValue() - 1); } return; } public void setChangeIndicator(UnsignedByte pChangeIndicator) {changeIndicator = pChangeIndicator; } public void setChangeIndicator(int pChangeIndicator) { changeIndicator = new UnsignedByte(pChangeIndicator); } public UnsignedShort getArticulationAttachmentID() { return (UnsignedShort)articulationAttachmentID.clone(); } public void setArticulationAttachmentID(UnsignedShort pArticulationAttachmentID) {articulationAttachmentID = pArticulationAttachmentID; } public void setArticulationAttachmentID(int pArticulationAttachmentID) { articulationAttachmentID = new UnsignedShort(pArticulationAttachmentID); } public UnsignedInt getParameterType() { return (UnsignedInt)parameterType.clone(); } public void setParameterType(UnsignedInt pParameterType) {parameterType = pParameterType; } public void setParameterType(int pParameterType) { parameterType = new UnsignedInt(pParameterType); } /** * changed type of parameterValue from long to double (but note that value gets downcasted to float when sent to VRML) */ public double getParameterValue() { return parameterValue; // Don't have to copy, since this is a basic type, not an object } /** *@deprecated 31 MAR 99, use setParameterValue(double) -- changed type of parameterValue from long to double * to match DIS specification (nevertheless note that value gets further downcasted to float if sent to VRML) */ public void setParameterValue(long pParameterValue) { parameterValue = (double) pParameterValue; incrementChangeIndicator(); } public void setParameterValue(double pParameterValue) { parameterValue = pParameterValue; incrementChangeIndicator(); } } // end of class ArticulationParameter