AwtPduViewer A long-term piece of work. This idea here is to have an AWT-based viewer of PDU packets. This lists arrived PDUs, and dumps out their contents to a TextArea window. It was compiled under Java 1.1.1, but contains a number of JDK 1.02 anachronisms, so it's sort of a mish-mash. This work pretty well, but still suffers visually from AWT inconsistencies across platforms. In August 97 we tried replacing deprecated AWT calls (from 1.0.2 to 1.1.2 syntax) and it broke completely. The eventual plan here is to get it working with native multicast, which ought to be possible in Netscape Communicator. There are a number of remaining hoops to jump through with signed applets and .jar files, though. Apparently there's a disconnect between what Javasoft does to sign jar files and what Netscape does. As it stands now, it should work OK with unicast, so long as you connect to a socket on the same machine. To view PDUs generated on a remote machine or see those sent out via multicast, you'll have to use a Datagram Bridge. The html file as set up will launch and run OK, if you're listening to the correct socket. FILES PduViewer.html The HTML page that launches and displays the applet. Original name AwtPduViewer.html collided with Javadoc documentation for so now it has a shorter name. The applet itself. Kicks off an screen update thread and a thread that listens for packets, so the UI is "live" the whole time. Pick an incoming PDU from the list and view its contents. Hit the stop button if you've got too many incoming, and the flush button to clear out the incoming buffer. A subclass of OutputStream that sends text output to a TextArea. Basically implements a debugging output console. A simple subclass of thread that just calls a method in the applet viewer. This periodically causes the screen to update.