//****************************************************************************** // AwtEspduSenderFrame.java: // //****************************************************************************** package mil.navy.nps.awt; import java.awt.*; //============================================================================== // STANDALONE APPLICATION SUPPORT // This frame class acts as a top-level window in which the applet appears // when it's run as a standalone application. //============================================================================== class AwtEspduSenderFrame extends Frame { // AwtEspduSenderFrame constructor //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- public AwtEspduSenderFrame(String str) { // TODO: Add additional construction code here super (str); } // The handleEvent() method receives all events generated within the frame // window. You can use this method to respond to window events. To respond // to events generated by menus, buttons, etc. or other controls in the // frame window but not managed by the applet, override the window's // action() method. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* this is uneeded, and handleEvent is deprecated in 1.1 anyway... public boolean handleEvent(Event evt) { switch (evt.id) { // Application shutdown (e.g. user chooses Close from the system menu). //------------------------------------------------------------------ case Event.WINDOW_DESTROY: // TODO: Place additional clean up code here dispose(); System.exit(0); return true; default: return super.handleEvent(evt); } } */ }