Distributed Interactive Simulation
DIS-Java-VRML Working Group

click for Dis-Java-VRML home page

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

DIS Configure Time Working Groups Contributions Legal Version Phases Updates Complaints
  1. Where can I get a copy of the DIS Protocol Specification?

    It takes a little work AND some money, unfortunately. The Annotated References page points to sites where hardcopies of the protocol can be purchased. There is also an online repository for DIS documents at the called the SISO Document Library. This site doesn't have the full DIS specification, but does provide type and enumeration definitions for the various Protocol Data Units (PDUs).

    We are working hard to document the dis-java-vrml site adequately so that purchase of the DIS specification is not necessary. See the Software Reference for a local copy of the DIS Data Dictionary, and the Annotated References for additional online DIS resources.

  2. How to I configure my machine to work on this code?

    Mostly, follow the User Installation Instructions on the Software Download and Installation page. If not installed according to directions, dis-java-vrml probably won't run.

    You may also want to configure your PC using tools that are listed in the PC Software Setup section of the Software Download and Installation page.

  3. Where do I find more information on DIS? Java? VRML? Multicast networking? Time? World modeling?

    The Annotated References page contains a growing number of pointers to important information and resources. Additional references are welcome.

    The dis-java-vrml mailing list has archived and ongoing discussions of the issues here. See the Mailing Lists and Hypermail Archive page for details.

  4. How does DIS-Java-VRML represent/measure/synchronize time?

    See the Annotated References page under Time. This is an area of continuing work.

  5. What other Web3D Consortium working groups are there? What are the rules for the working group process?

    See the Web3D Working Groups page at www.Web3D.org/WorkingGroups.

  6. How do I contribute code or other stuff?

    Short answer: just send it in! A good way to submit and get comment on code is via the mail list (which is archived and publicly visible).

    There is also a dis-java-vrml anonymous ftp site (password = your e-mail address) at ftp://ftp.stl.nps.navy.mil/incoming/dis-java-vrml/

    Please tell brutzman@nps.navy.mil & mcgredo@cs.nps.navy.mil when you put stuff there.

    For a while, we placed source code under version control using the Concurrent Version System (CVS). Details are on the Code Design and Coding Standards page. This process took up a lot of overhead that wasn't really necessary in our case. Meanwhile all contributions remain welcome via e-mail, of course.

  7. What about legal mumbo jumbo to protect this software?

    Note that all code contributed to this project is in the public domain and subject to the terms and restrictions of the GNU General Public License at www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. If you can't abide by this policy, please don't send in code. A license excerpt follows which applies to all software in this distribution.

    	This distribution is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    	modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
    	as published by the Free Software Foundation.
    	These programs are distributed in the hope that they will be useful,
    	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    	GNU General Public License for more details.
    The VRML Intellectual Property Rights (vrml-ipr) working group at www.web3D.org/TaskGroups/vrml-ipr has provided further guidance on this complex subject.

  8. What version is the current distribution?

    Distribution updates are annotated by build.date.dis-java-vrml.txt. We are not assigning version numbers since the full DIS specification is not implemented.

  9. How far along is this work?

    Over two thirds of the DIS specification is implemented. We are currently experimenting with the semantics of how to best integrate DIS with VRML by building projects.

    Other than that, you decide. We follow the standard Phases of a Project.

    1. Enthusiasm
    2. Disillusionment
    3. Panic
    4. Search for the Guilty
    5. Punishment of the Innocent
    6. Praise and Honors for the Non Participants

  10. How do these dis-java-vrml FAQs get updated?

    Generally, the FAQ is updated through mailing list dialog. If you'd like to add a FAQ, make a suggestion to the list (ideally with an answer to the question). You don't need an answer to suggest a question, though. Assuming it makes good sense, the question will be added to the list by the webmaster for the project.

  11. How do I complain?

    Probably in a whiny voice? That's just a guess...

    If you insist on complaining (why not, everyone does it) please utilize our Complaint Department.

    look out below...

  12. What is DEVO?

    From the DEVO E-Z Listening Disc:

    Q: What is DEVO?
    A: Wherever you go

    Q: What is DEVO?
    A: DEVO is watching you

    Q: What is DEVO?
    A: Unfazed by competition

    Q: What is DEVO?
    A: Records, concerts, videos, commercials

    Q: What is DEVO?
    A: Beautiful mutants

    Q: What is DEVO?
    A: Freedom of choice

    Q: What is DEVO?
    A: Concentration

    Q: What is DEVO?
    A: Total war

    Q: What is DEVO?
    A: Will the real DEVO please stand up

    Q: What is DEVO?
    A: You are DEVO

11 October 1999 (official NPS disclaimer)
URL: www.web3D.org/WorkingGroups/vrtp/dis-java-vrml/faq.html
feedback: brutzman@nps.navy.mil & mcgredo@cs.nps.navy.mil