Coding Style and Documentation Style


This page is intended at developers who are willing to bring their contribution to the dis-java-vrml group.
It aims at providing guidelines for the coding style as well as a documentation style.
For the moment, we are mostly concerned by the documentation style of the javadoc comments, which determine the html documentation generated.
Those guidelines stands for recommendations for the dis-java-vrml package release 1.0.

Naming conventions

Naming for new classes need to match the existing classes. Classes begin with a capital letter, methods begin with a lower case letter. Multiple words added together are only capitalized in the first letter of each word, to improve readability. Constants are usually named in all capital letters. Accessor methods should follow the getVariable/setVariable naming convention.

Code conventions

Well for the moment, just code as you prefer (i.e.: choose readability for you !).
If you don't know how to be readable you can refer to Java code conventions document.
This document might serve as a reference to the group.
The template document that comes in the next section provides you with a few guidelines on how to layout Javadoc comments next to class, interface, class variables and methods.
You should stick to this layout as close as possible.

Code commenting conventions

For the moment, the only required comment is to include the following header:
 File :<?filename?>.java
 Compiler: jdk 1.3
The rest of the code comments are up to the developers, the only advice might be:
make it clear and understandable, don't be afraid of inserting additional comments...

Javadoc conventions:

The Dis-java-vrml working group will base most of its documentation on Javadoc documentation.
Hence it is critical to define a documentation template stating the format of the Javadoc comments that we generate a uniform HTML API documentation.
For those who know nothing about javadoc, you can refer to the Javadoc Home Page.
You should respect as much as possible the following the guidelines. You should not have variables and methods with the same name, otherwise, javadoc might link the variable in the index to the method of the same name. As you see, this "grammar" is not straight forward, so the best way to respect it is to use the template file,  suppress the sections that are useless and duplicate those that have to be duplicated.... However there is still a lot of room for maneuver and most of the time it is up to developers (or "commentators" to decide of the relevancy of the comment).
It is still a work in progress so it is.

How to use the API

How can I find a Pdu, a Record, a field:

Record :

Usually, Records are encapsulated in public class.
Where "Name" should be the compound name of the Pdu as defined in the specification without space between words.
The first letter of each word is capitalyzed.
Access all the Pdu names here : link 2 class hierarchy file....
Some Record have not been implemented or have been flattened in pdus, see .... for reference.


Usually, Pdus are encapsulated in public class. All the fields and records are declared protected.
Where "Name" should be the compound name of the Pdu as defined in the specification without space between words.
The first letter of each word is capitalyzed.
Access all the Pdu names here : link 2 class hierarchy file....
Some Pdu have not been implemented, see .... for reference.

Record :

Usually, Records are encapsulated in public class  (note that when found as an element  of a Pdu it is instanciated as a protected variable).
Where "Name" should be the compound name of the Pdu as defined in the specification without space between words.
The first letter of each word is capitalyzed.
Access all the Pdu names here : link 2 class hierarchy file....
Some Record have not been implemented or have been flattened in pdus, see .... for reference.

Field :

Usually, field are protected instance variable (for safety).
Where "myFieldName" should be the compound name of the Pdu as defined in the specification without space between words.
The first letter of each word is capitalyzed, except the first one.
Access all the Pdu names here : link 2 class hierarchy file....
Some Record have not been implemented or have been flattened in pdus, see .... for reference.

How shall I use the Pdus

Constructor Methods:
They fill in basically all fields with 0.

Accessor methods :
As you already know, records and fields are all protected variables when found in Pdu or record class.
That's why we need some safe access methods to access their value, wether it be to get it or to change it.

Note that sometimes, it is posssible to find some additionnal accessor method in order to access staghtly t a field nested in a record (in turn defined in its own class).
Usually, you will only deals with Pdu, that you will have to fill in or "unwrap".
So you will have somewhere a "myPdu" instance variable, whose fields will interest you...
It is possible to access each field or record within a Pdu.
through the getVariableName method, which returns a full copy of the object (shares no common pointer with the storing object.),
or through the setVariableName method so you set a field or a record of a given Pdu.
To get it:
To set it:
If the field we want to access is implemented in a record class, we can access it in two steps.
To get it:

To set it:
myRecord=myPdu.getRecord() ;
Some Pdus provides direct access methods to fields nested in records, so that the previous syntax turns into:
myPdu.setRecordField(myField) to set a record (which is a bit more straight forward...).
Other methods:
work in progress

What Can I find in the documentation ?

Work in progress.

Where can I find documentation on a method, on a Pdu, a record, a field ?

With the previous section, you should be able to find any existing Pdu, record or field, accessor method you're looking for.
With this section, you should be able to find the information you need about the design of the class hierarchy, the implementation of the DIS protocol,
and information about the Pdu, Records, Fields and their matching classes.
Semantics of the different tags:
Class tags:
Class Hierarchy:
Usually the matching comment in the DIS specification
Home made comments to further explain implementation, semantics, differences with the protocol.
We should not yet provide simulation management comments for the moment....
log on of the Evolution of the class
Provides external  references (our main references are the DIS specification and the DIS data dictionary...).

Instance Variable tags:
work in progress
Method tags:
work in progress

11 October 1999 (official NPS disclaimer)

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