package demo.helicopter; import java.text.*; // for class DecimalFormat import java.util.*; // for class Vector import*; // for class EntityStatePdu import*; // for MulticastPduSender import*; import*; /** *

* Class TeamActionInterpreter * @author - Thomas E. Miller * @version 1.0 * Last Modification 20 September 2000 * The file contains the logic that supports * and interprets user input from the This file also * supports the aggregation and disaggregation of an independent human entity * to a group, and allows the user the ability to order coordinated, tactical * actions among human and non-human entities. *

Entity coordinate systems (right-hand rule applies): *
 *          DIS                 VRML
 *      -Z entity up         Y entity up
 *           ^                   ^
 *           |                   |
 *           |                   |
 *           |                   |
 *           +------> X          +-------> X    nose of entity body ( North )
 *          /                   /
 *         /                   /
 *        /                   /
 *       Y                   Z
 *         right-hand side
 *         of entity body ( East )
 *  Rotation angle axes (right-hand rule applies):
 *           DIS        VRML      Angle of rotation
 *  Roll      X          X         phi
 *  Pitch     Y          Z        theta
 *  Yaw       Z         -Y         psi
*/ public class TeamActionInterpreter extends Thread { /** * pduSendInterval time delay between PDUs in seconds */ private float pduSendInterval; /** * speed represents the magnitude of linear velocity in meters per second */ private float speed; /** * df - provides output format for floating point numbers */ private DecimalFormat df; /** * teamEspdu - data structure to hold team state to the VRML scene */ private EntityStatePdu teamEspdu; /** * espdu - Pdu to send entity state to VRML scene */ private EntityStatePdu espdu; /** * heloPDU - data structure to hold the aggregated helicopter entity's state */ EntityStatePdu heloPDU; /** * fpdu - Pdu to send fire info to VRML scene */ private FirePdu fpdu; /** * copdu - PDU to send collision info to the VRML scene */ private CollisionPdu copdu; /** * behaviorStreamBuffer - tie in to the network */ private BehaviorStreamBufferUDP behaviorStreamBuffer; /** * dpdu - PDU to send detonation info to the VRML scene */ private DetonationPdu dpdu; /** * cepdu - PDU to send simulation information, create entity */ private CreateEntityPdu cepdu; /** * cpdu - PDU to send information about the entity */ private CommentPdu cpdu; /** * repdu - PDU to send simulation information, remove entity */ private RemoveEntityPdu repdu; /** * datum */ private DatumSpecification datum; /** * variableDatum */ private VariableDatum variableDatum; /** * geometryURL - URL where geometry is located for the entity */ private String geometryURL; /** * geometryURLbyteArray - URL where geometry is stored in a byte array * for the entity */ private byte geometryURLbyteArray[]; /** * geometryURLlongArray - - URL where geometry is stored in a long array * for the entity */ private long geometryURLlongArray[]; /** * ipAddress - the IP address the simulation */ private String ipAddress; /** * portNumber - port number for IP multicast */ private int portNumber; /** * id - id marking of the entity */ private int id; /** * isCollided - collision state of the entity */ private boolean isCollided; /** * myPanel - the teamPanel which feeds user input to this class */ private TeamPanel myPanel; /** * oldAltitude - most recent previous altitude */ private double oldAltitude; /** * newAltitude - most current altitude */ private double newAltitude; /** * visibilityCode - Enumeration of visible state, which is sent to the VRML * scene via articulated parameters */ private double visibilityCode; /** * ApVisibility - articulated parameter holding the aggregation entity's * visibility state */ private ArticulationParameter ApVisibility; /** * ApLeader - articulated parameter holding Leader's mounted state */ private ArticulationParameter ApLeader; /** * ApRifle1 - articulated parameter holding Rifle1's mounted state */ private ArticulationParameter ApRifle1; /** * ApRifle2 - articulated parameter holding Rifle2's mounted state */ private ArticulationParameter ApRifle2; /** * ApGrenadier - articulated parameter holding Grenadier's mounted state */ private ArticulationParameter ApGrenadier; /** * ApAutogun - articulated parameter holding Autogun's mounted state */ private ArticulationParameter ApAutogun; /** * ApHuey - articulated parameter holding Huey's mounted state */ private ArticulationParameter ApHuey; /** * red - boolean holding the entitiy's team designation */ private boolean red; /** * alive - boolean showing whether or not the entity is active */ private boolean alive; /** * terrain - an instance of the CollisionDetectionTerrainReader class. * Used to determine an entity's height and orientation in the VRML scene. */ private CollisionDetectionTerrainReader terrain; /** * oldHeading - previous heading of the entity */ private double oldHeading; /** * newHeading - the most current heading of the entity */ private double newHeading; /** * first - first time thru the run cycle for panel updates */ private boolean first; // first time thru the run cycle for panel updates /** * sleepInterval - the amount of time an entity sleeps between Pdu sends in * milliseconds per sleep */ private int sleepInterval = 100; /** * sleepCounter - the number of times that the whileLiving method while loop * executes between action times */ private int sleepCounter = 0; /** * userChangeHeard - a boolean flag that when true forces the action * interpreter to send a PDU */ private boolean userChangeHeard = false; /** * Meters above local terrain for entity's geometric center. */ public double verticalOffset = 0.0; /** * Visibility code. NOTHING. */ public final double NOTHING = -1.0; /** * Visibility code. VISIBLE. */ public final double VISIBLE = 0.0; private boolean bound; private boolean firstBound; private boolean firstNewBound; private double startX; private double startY; private float heightAboveGround; private boolean heloLoaded = false; private boolean load = false; double groundHeight = 0; double [] normalHeight = new double [4]; private boolean launchLoadHelo = true; private boolean unload = false; private boolean unloadLeft = true; private boolean firstUnload = true; //============================================================================= // Constructors & Start //============================================================================= /** * Constructor * Constructor * @param String ipAddr - a string defing the IP address * @param int portNum - the port number receiving the network packets * @param int timeToLive - Number of routing hops allowed * @param short siteNum - site Number of simualtion * @param short appNum - application number of the simulation * @param short idNum - entiy's id number * @param String marking - entity's text name * @param boolean rtpHeaderEnabled - wheteher or not the real-time header * is enabled or not * @param HumanPanel panel - the human control panel * @param boolean independent - the entity's mounted state * @param BehaviorStreamBufferUDP bsb * @param CollisionDetectionTerrainReader ter - instance of CollisionDetection * TerrainReader for the Fort Irwin terrain database * */ public TeamActionInterpreter ( String ipAddr, int portNum, int timeToLive, short siteNum, short appNum, short idNum, String marking, boolean rtpHeaderEnabled, TeamPanel panel, BehaviorStreamBufferUDP bsb, CollisionDetectionTerrainReader ter ) { behaviorStreamBuffer = bsb; terrain = ter; speed = 0.0f; // initially human no fwd speed pduSendInterval = 0.5f; // seconds between pdu sends df = new DecimalFormat( "###.00" ); // instantiate an cepdu for announcing the creation of an entity cepdu = new CreateEntityPdu (); cepdu.setRtpHeaderEnabled ( rtpHeaderEnabled ); cepdu.setRequestID (( long ) id ); // instantiate an cpdu, used to store the URL address cpdu = new CommentPdu (); cpdu.setRtpHeaderEnabled ( rtpHeaderEnabled ); // instantiate a repdu, used to remove an entity repdu = new RemoveEntityPdu (); repdu.setRtpHeaderEnabled ( rtpHeaderEnabled ); repdu.setRequestID (( long ) id ); datum = new DatumSpecification (); variableDatum = new VariableDatum (); geometryURLbyteArray = new byte [ 120 ]; geometryURLlongArray = new long [ 120 ]; // note generic geometry convention not yet established, // this has EspduTransform embedded... // place URL address here geometryURL = new String ("" + "dis-java-vrml/demo/helicopter/NancySquad.wrl"); teamEspdu = new EntityStatePdu (); teamEspdu.setRtpHeaderEnabled ( rtpHeaderEnabled ); // instantiate an espdu, used as a data structure espdu = new EntityStatePdu(); espdu.setRtpHeaderEnabled(rtpHeaderEnabled); // instantiate a fire Pdu, used as data structure fpdu = new FirePdu(); fpdu.setRtpHeaderEnabled(rtpHeaderEnabled); copdu = new CollisionPdu(); copdu.setRtpHeaderEnabled(rtpHeaderEnabled); dpdu = new DetonationPdu(); dpdu.setRtpHeaderEnabled(rtpHeaderEnabled); heloPDU = new EntityStatePdu ();; short [] heloID = new short [ 3 ]; heloID [ 0 ] = siteNum; heloID [ 1 ] = appNum; heloID [ 2 ] = ( short ) 406; // set helo id triplet heloPDU.setEntityID ( heloID [ 0 ], heloID [ 1 ], heloID [ 2 ]); System.out.println ("marking=" + marking + ", timeToLive=" + timeToLive); espdu.setMarking (marking); alive = true; id = idNum; if (id < 30){ red = false;} else { red = true;} if (red == true) { // create entity id triplet short [] RedentityID = new short [ 3 ]; RedentityID [ 0 ] = 0; RedentityID [ 1 ] = 1; RedentityID [ 2 ] = 98; // set entity id triplet teamEspdu.setEntityID ( RedentityID [ 0 ], RedentityID [ 1 ], RedentityID [ 2 ]); espdu.setEntityLocationX ( -10f ); // meters espdu.setEntityLocationY ( 1990f + id % 35 * 50 ); // meters espdu.setEntityOrientationPsi ( -6.7f + ( float ) Math.PI );// radians terrain.getNormalHeight ( espdu.getEntityLocationX (), espdu.getEntityLocationY (), normalHeight ); espdu.setEntityLocationZ ( normalHeight [ 3 ] - verticalOffset ); // meters } // end if else { // create entity id triplet short [] BlueentityID = new short [ 3 ]; BlueentityID [ 0 ] = 0; BlueentityID [ 1 ] = 1; BlueentityID [ 2 ] = 99; // set entity id triplet teamEspdu.setEntityID ( BlueentityID [ 0 ], BlueentityID [ 1 ], BlueentityID [ 2 ]); espdu.setEntityLocationX ( -5010f ); // meters espdu.setEntityLocationY ( 1990f + id % 27 * 50 ); // meters espdu.setEntityOrientationPsi ( -6.7f ); // radians espdu.setEntityLocationZ ( 40.5f - verticalOffset ); // meters } // end else short [] entityID = new short [ 3 ]; entityID [ 0 ] = siteNum; entityID [ 1 ] = appNum; entityID [ 2 ] = ( short ) id; // set entity id triplet into the espdu and fire pdu espdu.setEntityID ( entityID [ 0 ], entityID [ 1 ], entityID [ 2 ]); fpdu.setFiringEntityID ( espdu.getEntityID ()); copdu.setIssuingEntityID ( espdu.getEntityID ()); geometryURLbyteArray = geometryURL.getBytes (); variableDatum.setVariableDatumID ( 1 ); variableDatum.setVariableDatumLength ( 120 ); for ( int counter = 0; counter < geometryURLbyteArray.length; counter ++ ) { geometryURLlongArray [ counter ] = ( long ) geometryURLbyteArray [ counter ]; } // end for variableDatum.setVariableDatumValue ( geometryURLlongArray ); // add URL address as variable datum value datum.addVariableDatum(variableDatum); cpdu.setDatumSpecification ( datum ); cpdu.setOriginatingEntityID ( espdu.getEntityID ()); cpdu.setReceivingEntityID ( teamEspdu.getEntityID ()); cpdu.setExemplar ( cpdu ); // set cpdu fields cepdu.setOriginatingEntityID ( espdu.getEntityID ()); cepdu.setReceivingEntityID ( teamEspdu.getEntityID ()); cepdu.setExemplar ( cepdu ); // set cepdu fields repdu.setOriginatingEntityID ( espdu.getEntityID ()); repdu.setReceivingEntityID ( teamEspdu.getEntityID ()); repdu.setExemplar ( repdu ); // set repdu fields EntityID temp = espdu.getEntityID(); oldHeading = newHeading = espdu.getEntityOrientationPsi(); oldAltitude = newAltitude = groundHeight = espdu.getEntityLocationZ (); first = true; ApVisibility = new ArticulationParameter (); ApVisibility.setParameterValue (( double ) 0 ); // espdu.addArticulationParameter ( ApVisibility ); ApLeader = new ArticulationParameter(); ApLeader.setParameterValue( (double) 0 ); // espdu.addArticulationParameter(ApLeader); ApRifle1 = new ArticulationParameter(); ApRifle1.setParameterValue( (double) 0 ); // espdu.addArticulationParameter(ApRifle1); ApRifle2 = new ArticulationParameter(); ApRifle2.setParameterValue( (double) 0 ); // espdu.addArticulationParameter(ApRifle2); ApGrenadier = new ArticulationParameter(); ApGrenadier.setParameterValue( (double) 0 ); // espdu.addArticulationParameter(ApGrenadier); ApAutogun = new ArticulationParameter(); ApAutogun.setParameterValue( (double) 0 ); // espdu.addArticulationParameter(ApAutogun); ApHuey = new ArticulationParameter(); ApHuey.setParameterValue( (double) 0 ); // espdu.addArticulationParameter(ApHuey); myPanel = panel; isCollided = false; ipAddress = ipAddr; portNumber = portNum; System.out.println("sending CreateEntity PDU..."); behaviorStreamBuffer.sendPdu(cepdu.getExemplar(), ipAddress, portNumber); // send cepdu System.out.println("sending Comment PDU with URL..."); behaviorStreamBuffer.sendPdu(cpdu.getExemplar(), ipAddress, portNumber); // send cpdu bound = false; firstBound = true; startX = 0; startY = 0; firstNewBound = true; heightAboveGround = 0f; } // end constructor public void run () { startLiving (); } // start sending espdus, called from // calls live which is an infinite espdu sending loop //============================================================================================= // Properties //============================================================================================= public void setIsCollided (boolean setValue) {isCollided = setValue;} public boolean getIsCollided() {return isCollided;} public void setLiving(boolean setValue) {alive = setValue;} public boolean getLiving() {return alive;} /** * setSpeed * @param float spd - the entity's speed in knots * @return void */ public void setSpeed ( float spd ) { userChangeHeard = true; speed = .5144f * spd; // convert from knots to meters/second espdu.setEntityLinearVelocityX((float)(speed * Math.cos(espdu.getEntityOrientationPsi()))); espdu.setEntityLinearVelocityY((float)(speed * Math.sin(espdu.getEntityOrientationPsi()))); } // end setSpeed() /** * getSpeed * @param void * @return double - the entity's speed in knots */ public double getSpeed() {return speed;} public void setClimbRate ( float climbRate ) { espdu.setEntityLinearVelocityZ (( float ) ( 0.24 * climbRate * -1.0 )); } // end setClimbRate /** * setVisibilty * @param void * @return void */ public void setVisibility () { userChangeHeard = true; if ( visibilityCode == NOTHING ) { visibilityCode = VISIBLE; } // end if else { visibilityCode = NOTHING; } // end else ApVisibility.setParameterValue ( visibilityCode ); } // end setVisibility public void setTurnAngle(float turnAngle){ userChangeHeard = true; espdu.setEntityAngularVelocityZ((float)(.1058 * (turnAngle * 3.1415 / 180.0))); //********************Necessary??????? // espdu.setEntityOrientationPsi(espdu.getEntityOrientationPsi() + // espdu.getEntityAngularVelocityZ() * sleepInterval/100.0); espdu.setEntityLinearVelocityX((float)(speed * Math.cos(espdu.getEntityOrientationPsi()))); espdu.setEntityLinearVelocityY((float)(speed * Math.sin(espdu.getEntityOrientationPsi()))); } // end setturnAngle() /** * getEspdu returns the vehicles current entity state protocol data unit * @param void * @return EntityStatePDU */ public EntityStatePdu getEspdu () { return espdu; } /** * setIndependence * @param double indy - represents the value of the sending entity's * independence articulated parameter * @param short id - represents the the sending entities ID number * @return EntityStatePDU */ public void setIndependence ( double indy, short id ) { userChangeHeard = true; if ( id == 401 ) { ApLeader.setParameterValue ( indy ); } // end if else if ( id == 402 ) { ApRifle1.setParameterValue ( indy ); } // end else if else if ( id == 403 ) { ApRifle2.setParameterValue ( indy ); } // end else if else if ( id == 404 ) { ApGrenadier.setParameterValue ( indy ); } // end else if else if ( id == 405 ) { ApAutogun.setParameterValue( indy ); } // end else if else if ( id == 406 ) { ApHuey.setParameterValue( indy ); } // end else if else {} } // end setIndependence //============================================================================================= // Utility Methods //============================================================================================= /** * startLiving loops indefinitely sending espdus as needed. This loop * runs on its own thread * @param void * @return void */ public void startLiving () { float deltaTime; // loops until mother thread exits thus killing this thread while(alive){ if ( bound ) { doBound (); } // end if if ( load ) { doLoadHelo (); } // end if if ( unload ) { doUnloadHelo (); } // end if // send PDU prerequisites test // compare seconds, not msec; keepalive heartbeat. // otherwise, send if userChangeHeard if ((sleepCounter * sleepInterval >= pduSendInterval * 1000.0) || ((userChangeHeard == true) && (sleepCounter * sleepInterval > 50))) { System.out.println ("TeamActionInterpreter sending espdu"); espdu.makeTimestampCurrent(); // send espdu to the specified multicast address behaviorStreamBuffer.sendPdu(espdu, "", 62040); sleepCounter=0; userChangeHeard = false; } // end if deltaTime = (float) sleepInterval / 1000.0f; // simple kinematics to update X, Y, Z location in world coordinates double rotatedPitchX; double rotatedPitchY; double rotatedPitchZ; double rotatedRollX; double rotatedRollY; double rotatedRollZ; double turnAngle = espdu.getEntityOrientationPsi() + espdu.getEntityAngularVelocityZ() * deltaTime; rotatedRollY = rotatedPitchX = Math.cos(turnAngle); rotatedRollX = rotatedPitchY = Math.sin(turnAngle); rotatedRollX *= -1; float newXLocation =(float) (espdu.getEntityLocationX() + espdu.getEntityLinearVelocityX() * deltaTime); espdu.setEntityLocationX(newXLocation); float newYLocation= (float)(espdu.getEntityLocationY() + espdu.getEntityLinearVelocityY() * deltaTime); espdu.setEntityLocationY(newYLocation); // get normal and height at current terrain position terrain.getNormalHeight(( double ) newXLocation, ( double ) newYLocation, normalHeight ); // use eqn of plane to get roll and pitch angles rotatedPitchZ = ( 0.0 - normalHeight[0] * rotatedPitchX - normalHeight[1] * rotatedPitchY ) / normalHeight[2]; rotatedRollZ = ( 0.0 - normalHeight[0] * rotatedRollX - normalHeight[1] * rotatedRollY ) / normalHeight[2]; float thetaAngle = ( float ) Math.atan ( -1 * rotatedPitchZ ); float phiAngle = ( float ) Math.atan ( rotatedRollZ ); System.out.println ( "** here is the (x,y) ** = " + newXLocation + " " + newYLocation); groundHeight = (normalHeight[3] - verticalOffset); // negative number offset = m above local terrain espdu.setEntityLocationZ ( espdu.getEntityLocationZ () + espdu.getEntityLinearVelocityZ () * deltaTime ); // update linear velocities espdu.setEntityLinearVelocityX (( float )( speed * Math.cos( espdu.getEntityOrientationPsi ()))); espdu.setEntityLinearVelocityY (( float )( speed * Math.sin ( espdu.getEntityOrientationPsi ()))); // update orientations espdu.setEntityOrientationTheta ( thetaAngle ); espdu.setEntityOrientationPhi ( phiAngle ); espdu.setEntityOrientationPsi ( espdu.getEntityOrientationPsi () + espdu.getEntityAngularVelocityZ () * deltaTime ); // for display in the Team control panel newHeading = espdu.getEntityOrientationPsi (); newAltitude = espdu.getEntityLocationZ (); if (( Math.abs (( oldHeading - newHeading ) * 180 / 3.1416 ) >= 1.0 ) || ( Math.abs(oldAltitude - newAltitude) >= 1.0 )) { myPanel.updateHeading( newHeading ); myPanel.updateAltitude( espdu.getEntityLocationZ (), groundHeight); oldHeading = newHeading; oldAltitude = newAltitude; } // end if if ( first ) { myPanel.updateHeading( newHeading ); myPanel.updateAltitude ( espdu.getEntityLocationZ (), groundHeight); first = false; } // end if // send espdu to the specified multicast address espdu.makeTimestampCurrent (); behaviorStreamBuffer.sendPdu ( espdu, ipAddress, portNumber ); collectFirePdus (); sleepCounter++; try { Thread.sleep ( sleepInterval ); } // end try catch ( InterruptedException ite ) { System.out.println ( "sleep InterruptedException " + ite ); ite.printStackTrace (); } // end catch } // end while } // end startLiving /** * doBound * @param void * @return void */ public void doBound () { if ( firstBound == true ) { setSpeed ( 0f ); setTurnAngle ( 0f ); myPanel.setSpeedTextField ( " 0" ); myPanel.setTurnRateTextField ( " 0" ); myPanel.setSpeedSlider ( 0 ); myPanel.setDirectionSlider ( 0 ); startX = espdu.getEntityLocationX (); startY = espdu.getEntityLocationY (); firstBound = false; myPanel.boundPositions (); } // end if else { double distance = Math.sqrt (( Math.pow ( espdu.getEntityLocationX () - startX, 2 )) + ( Math.pow ( espdu.getEntityLocationY () - startY, 2 ))); myPanel.setAllInLine (); if ( distance < 20 ) { setSpeed ( 2f ); myPanel.setSpeedTextField ( " 2" ); myPanel.setSpeedSlider ( 2 ); } // end if if (( distance >= 20.0 ) && ( firstNewBound == true )) { myPanel.setNewBound (); setSpeed ( 0f ); myPanel.setSpeedTextField ( " 0" ); myPanel.setSpeedSlider ( 0 ); firstNewBound = false; } // end if if (( distance >= 20.0 ) && ( myPanel.getAllInLine () == true )) { firstBound = true; firstNewBound = true; } // end if } // end else } // end doBound /** * doLoadHelo * @param void * @return void */ public void doLoadHelo () { myPanel.setAllInLine (); if ( ! heloLoaded ) { calculatePosition (); } // end if if (( heloLoaded ) && ( myPanel.getAllInLine () == true ) && ( launchLoadHelo )) { myPanel.launchLoadHelo (); launchLoadHelo = false; } // end if } // end doLoadhelo /** * doUnloadHelo * @param void * @return void */ public void doUnloadHelo () { if ( firstUnload ) { if ( unloadLeft ) { espdu.setEntityOrientationPsi (( float ) (espdu.getEntityOrientationPsi() - ( Math.PI / 2 ))); } // end if else { espdu.setEntityOrientationPsi (( float ) ( espdu.getEntityOrientationPsi() + ( Math.PI / 2 ))); } // end else setSpeed ( 0f ); myPanel.setSpeedTextField ( " 0" ); myPanel.setSpeedSlider ( 0 ); startX = espdu.getEntityLocationX (); startY = espdu.getEntityLocationY (); firstUnload = false; } // end if else { myPanel.setAllExited (); if ( myPanel.getAllExited ()) { unload = false; firstUnload = true; } // end if } // end else } // end doLoadhelo /** * stopRun * @param void * @return void */ public void stopRun () { behaviorStreamBuffer.shutdown (); } // end stopRun /** * selfDestruct * @param void * @return void */ public void selfDestruct () { copdu.setCollisionType(new UnsignedByte(CollisionTypeField.INELASTIC)); copdu.setLinearVelocity(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); copdu.makeTimestampCurrent(); behaviorStreamBuffer.sendPdu(copdu, ipAddress, portNumber); dpdu.setLocationInWorldCoordinate(espdu.getEntityLocationX(),espdu.getEntityLocationY(),espdu.getEntityLocationZ()); dpdu.setTargetEntityID(espdu.getEntityID() ); dpdu.setVelocity(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); dpdu.makeTimestampCurrent(); behaviorStreamBuffer.sendPdu(dpdu, ipAddress, portNumber); // send espdu to the specified multicast address espdu.makeTimestampCurrent(); espdu.setEntityLinearVelocityX (0.0f); espdu.setEntityLinearVelocityY (0.0f); espdu.setEntityLinearVelocityZ (0.0f); setTurnAngle (20.0f); // spin! then stop after DR times out ApVisibility.setParameterValue( NOTHING ); behaviorStreamBuffer.sendPdu(espdu, ipAddress, portNumber); isCollided = true; try{ Thread.sleep(4500); } // end try catch(InterruptedException ite){ ite.printStackTrace(); } // end catch // myPanel.reset(); reset(); } // end selfDestruct /** * getFrameHeaderInfo * @param void * @return void */ public String getFrameHeaderInfo () { EntityID temp = espdu.getEntityID(); return new String("R71-630" + temp.getEntityID() + " (" + temp.getSiteID() + "/" + temp.getApplicationID() + "/" + temp.getEntityID() + ")"); } // end getFrameheaderInfo //============================================================================================= // Button Methods - These methods are all called by //============================================================================================= /** * reset * @param void * @return void */ public void reset () { if (red == true){ espdu.setEntityLocationX(-10f); // mls espdu.setEntityLocationY(1990f + id%35*50); espdu.setEntityOrientationPsi(-6.7f+(float)Math.PI); // mls espdu.setEntityLocationZ(36.3f - verticalOffset); // mls } // end if else { espdu.setEntityLocationX(-5010f); // mls espdu.setEntityLocationY(1990f + id%27*50); espdu.setEntityOrientationPsi(-6.7f); // mls espdu.setEntityLocationZ(40.5f - verticalOffset); // mls } // end else // mls espdu.setEntityOrientationPhi(0.0f); espdu.setEntityOrientationTheta(0.0f); espdu.setEntityLinearVelocityX(0.0f); espdu.setEntityLinearVelocityY(0.0f); espdu.setEntityLinearVelocityZ(0.0f); espdu.setEntityAngularVelocityX(0.0f); espdu.setEntityAngularVelocityY(0.0f); espdu.setEntityAngularVelocityZ(0.0f); speed = 0; isCollided = false; } // end reset() public void brake(){ //stop the team espdu.setEntityOrientationPhi(0.0f); espdu.setEntityLinearVelocityX(0.0f); espdu.setEntityLinearVelocityY(0.0f); espdu.setEntityLinearVelocityZ(0.0f); espdu.setEntityAngularVelocityX(0.0f); espdu.setEntityAngularVelocityY(0.0f); espdu.setEntityAngularVelocityZ(0.0f); speed = 0; } // end public brake() public void setBound ( boolean newValue ) { bound = newValue; if ( bound == false ) { firstBound = true; } // end if } // end setBound public void setLoad ( boolean newValue ) { load = newValue; heloLoaded = false; launchLoadHelo = true; } // end setLoad public void setUnloadAndDirection ( boolean newValue, boolean direction ) { unload = newValue; unloadLeft = direction; } // end setUnloadAndDirection //============================================================================================= // Kill Determination Methods //============================================================================================= public void collectFirePdus () { System.out.println ( "\nEntering collectFirePdus ()" ); Vector firedPdus = new Vector (); Vector pdus = behaviorStreamBuffer.receivedPdus (); System.out.println ( "\n# of Pdus in the Vector = " + pdus.size ()); for ( Enumeration enum = pdus.elements(); enum.hasMoreElements (); ) { ProtocolDataUnit tempPdu = ( ProtocolDataUnit ) enum.nextElement (); UnsignedByte pduType = tempPdu.getPduType(); if ( pduType.shortValue () == PduTypeField.FIRE ) { System.out.println ( "Received a fire Pdu" ); EntityID shooter = (( FirePdu ) tempPdu ).getFiringEntityID (); if ( !shooter.equals ( espdu.getEntityID ())) { checkFirePdu (( FirePdu ) tempPdu ); LinearVelocity missileVel = (( FirePdu ) tempPdu ).getVelocity (); } // end if } // end if if ( pduType.shortValue () == PduTypeField.ENTITYSTATE ) { checkCollision (( EntityStatePdu ) tempPdu ); } // end if } // end for } // end collect FirePdus //public void checkFirePdu(FirePdu shot){ // // double proximityOfKillDistance = 25.0;//meters from target that still kills // WorldCoordinate launchLocation = shot.getLocationInWorldCoordinate(); // LinearVelocity projectileVelocity = shot.getVelocity(); // // double xNought = espdu.getEntityLocationX(); // This is the entities // double yNought = espdu.getEntityLocationY(); // current location // double zNought = espdu.getEntityLocationZ(); // // double xLaunch = launchLocation.getX(); // The position the projectile // double yLaunch = launchLocation.getY(); // was launched from // double zLaunch = launchLocation.getZ(); // // double vLaunchX = projectileVelocity.getX(); // The projectile's velocity // double vLaunchY = projectileVelocity.getY(); // at launch // double vLaunchZ = projectileVelocity.getZ(); // // double vLaunchMagnitude = Math.sqrt(vLaunchX*vLaunchX + vLaunchY*vLaunchY); // double vLaunchTheta = Math.atan2 (vLaunchY, vLaunchX); // double targetTheta = Math.atan2 ((yNought-yLaunch), (xNought-xLaunch)); // // // ensure vLaunchTheta, targetTheta positive (0..2pi) since range atan2 is (-pi .. pi) // if (vLaunchTheta < 0.0) vLaunchTheta += 2.0 * Math.PI; // if (targetTheta < 0.0) targetTheta += 2.0 * Math.PI; // // double horizontalLaunchRange = Math.sqrt((xLaunch-xNought)*(xLaunch-xNought) + (yLaunch-yNought)*(yLaunch-yNought)); // // if (horizontalLaunchRange > shot.getRange()) // { // System.out.println("no hit, out of range"); // return; // } // // double bulletFlightTime = horizontalLaunchRange/vLaunchMagnitude; // double bulletAtTargetRangeX = xLaunch + (vLaunchX * bulletFlightTime); // double bulletAtTargetRangeY = yLaunch + (vLaunchY * bulletFlightTime); // if (proximityOfKillDistance*proximityOfKillDistance < // ( (bulletAtTargetRangeX- xNought) * (bulletAtTargetRangeX- xNought) // + (bulletAtTargetRangeY- yNought) * (bulletAtTargetRangeY- yNought))){ // // return; // no hit // } // System.out.println("Ack, You got me partner!!!*******"); // copdu.setCollisionType(new UnsignedByte(CollisionTypeField.INELASTIC)); // copdu.setLinearVelocity(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); // copdu.makeTimestampCurrent(); // behaviorStreamBuffer.sendPdu(copdu, ipAddress, portNumber); // dpdu.setLocationInWorldCoordinate(espdu.getEntityLocationX(),espdu.getEntityLocationY(),espdu.getEntityLocationZ()); // dpdu.setTargetEntityID(espdu.getEntityID() ); // dpdu.setVelocity(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); // // // dpdu.makeTimestampCurrent(); // behaviorStreamBuffer.sendPdu(dpdu, ipAddress, portNumber); // // isCollided = true; // try{ // Thread.sleep(4500); // } // end try // catch(InterruptedException ite){ // ite.printStackTrace(); // } // end catch // myPanel.reset(); // reset(); // } // end checkFirePdus() /** * Function Works as Follows : * 1. Get X, Y, Z components of launch velocity. * 2. Calculate launch velocity vector. * 3. Get X, Y, Z location of the launch. * 4. Get X, Y, Z velocity componets of this tank at launch. * 5. Get X, Y, Z location of this tank at launch. * 6. Calculate the distance between this tank and the launch point. * 7. Calculate the relative velocity of the fire with respect to this tank. * 8. Find the time to fly for this distance. * 9. Find the actual X, Y, Z location for the fire after "time to fly". * 10. Calculate the distance between this tank and the new location of the fire after "time * to fly. * 11. If the distance is equal to or less than HIT_RADIUS a hit has occured. * * @param shot Fire PDU that is being checked. */ public void checkFirePdu(FirePdu shot) { double HIT_RADIUS = 25.0; //?????????? double launchVelocityX = shot.getVelocity().getX(); double launchVelocityY = shot.getVelocity().getY(); double launchVelocityZ = shot.getVelocity().getZ(); /* Add this code after the wind is implemented launchVelocityX += windVelocity.x; launchVelocityY += windVelocity.x; launchVelocityZ += windVelocity.x; */ double launchVelocity = Math.sqrt((launchVelocityX * launchVelocityX) + (launchVelocityY * launchVelocityY) + (launchVelocityZ * launchVelocityZ) ); double launchLocationX = shot.getLocationInWorldCoordinate().getX(); double launchLocationY = shot.getLocationInWorldCoordinate().getY(); double launchLocationZ = shot.getLocationInWorldCoordinate().getZ(); double myVelocityAtLaunchX = espdu.getEntityLinearVelocityX(); double myVelocityAtLaunchY = espdu.getEntityLinearVelocityY(); double myVelocityAtLaunchZ = espdu.getEntityLinearVelocityZ(); double myLocationAtLaunchX = espdu.getEntityLocationX(); double myLocationAtLaunchY = espdu.getEntityLocationY(); double myLocationAtLaunchZ = espdu.getEntityLocationZ(); double distanceFromTargetAtLaunch = Math.sqrt( (myLocationAtLaunchX - launchLocationX) * (myLocationAtLaunchX - launchLocationX) + (myLocationAtLaunchY - launchLocationY) * (myLocationAtLaunchY - launchLocationY) + (myLocationAtLaunchZ - launchLocationZ) * (myLocationAtLaunchZ - launchLocationZ)); double relativeLaunchVelocityX = launchVelocityX - myVelocityAtLaunchX; double relativeLaunchVelocityY = launchVelocityY - myVelocityAtLaunchY; double relativeLaunchVelocityZ = launchVelocityZ - myVelocityAtLaunchZ; double relativeLaunchVelocity = Math.sqrt( (relativeLaunchVelocityX * relativeLaunchVelocityX) + (relativeLaunchVelocityY * relativeLaunchVelocityY) + (relativeLaunchVelocityZ * relativeLaunchVelocityZ)); double timeToTravel = distanceFromTargetAtLaunch / relativeLaunchVelocity; double launchLocationAfterFlyX = launchLocationX + relativeLaunchVelocityX * timeToTravel; double launchLocationAfterFlyY = launchLocationY + relativeLaunchVelocityY * timeToTravel; double launchLocationAfterFlyZ = launchLocationZ + relativeLaunchVelocityZ * timeToTravel; //Closest point of approach double CPA = Math.sqrt((launchLocationAfterFlyX - myLocationAtLaunchX) * (launchLocationAfterFlyX - myLocationAtLaunchX) + (launchLocationAfterFlyY - myLocationAtLaunchY) * (launchLocationAfterFlyY - myLocationAtLaunchY) + (launchLocationAfterFlyZ - myLocationAtLaunchZ) * (launchLocationAfterFlyZ - myLocationAtLaunchZ) ); //End terrain hit control if(CPA <= HIT_RADIUS) { //Terrain hit control /* boolean isFirePDUCollidedWithTerrain = false; double collisionCheckInterval = 0.1; double currentFirePduLocationX = launchLocationX; double currentFirePduLocationY = launchLocationY; double currentFirePduLocationZ = launchLocationZ; CollisionDetectionTerrainReader terrainAtCurrentFirePduLocation = new CollisionDetectionTerrainReader(); double [] normalHeight = new double [4]; for(float ix = 0; ix <= timeToTravel; ix += collisionCheckInterval) { currentFirePduLocationX += launchVelocityX * collisionCheckInterval; currentFirePduLocationY += launchVelocityY * collisionCheckInterval; currentFirePduLocationZ += launchVelocityZ * collisionCheckInterval; terrainAtCurrentFirePduLocation.getNormalHeight( currentFirePduLocationX, currentFirePduLocationY, normalHeight); if(currentFirePduLocationZ >= normalHeight[3]) {//bullet hits terrain isFirePDUCollidedWithTerrain = true; System.out.println("\nFire hits the terrain\n"); break; }//end if }//end for if (!isFirePDUCollidedWithTerrain){ */ // copdu.setLocation(espdu.getEntityLocation()); copdu.setCollisionType(new UnsignedByte(CollisionTypeField.INELASTIC)); copdu.setLinearVelocity(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); copdu.makeTimestampCurrent(); behaviorStreamBuffer.sendPdu(copdu, ipAddress, portNumber); dpdu.setLocationInWorldCoordinate(espdu.getEntityLocationX(),espdu.getEntityLocationY(),espdu.getEntityLocationZ()); dpdu.setTargetEntityID(espdu.getEntityID() ); dpdu.setVelocity(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); dpdu.makeTimestampCurrent(); behaviorStreamBuffer.sendPdu(dpdu, ipAddress, portNumber); isCollided = true; try{ Thread.sleep(4500); // put thread to sleep for 250 ms, thus when //Thread.sleep(200); // time to complete the loop (hopefully about } // end try // 50ms) is added the pdu send interval will catch(InterruptedException ite){ ite.printStackTrace(); } // end catch // myPanel.reset(); reset(); }//end if // }//end if }// end checkFirePdus() public void checkCollision ( EntityStatePdu entityPdu ) { if ( entityPdu.getEntityID().equals( espdu.getEntityID()) || entityPdu.getEntityID().getEntityID().intValue() == 99 || entityPdu.getEntityID().getEntityID().intValue() == 98 || entityPdu.getEntityID().getEntityID().intValue() > 400 ) {} else { // check for obstacle collision double [] entityMinusMe = new double [ 3 ]; entityMinusMe [ 0 ] = entityPdu.getEntityLocationX () - espdu.getEntityLocationX (); entityMinusMe [ 1 ] = entityPdu.getEntityLocationY () - espdu.getEntityLocationY (); entityMinusMe [ 2 ] = entityPdu.getEntityLocationZ () - espdu.getEntityLocationZ (); double distBtwn = entityMinusMe [ 0 ] * entityMinusMe [ 0 ] + entityMinusMe [ 1 ] * entityMinusMe [ 1 ] + entityMinusMe [ 2 ] * entityMinusMe [ 2 ]; if (distBtwn <= 0) { } //endif } // end else } // end checkCollision public void calculatePosition () { double interceptAngle; double interceptAngleDeg; double angle; float turnAngle; heloPDU = myPanel.getHeloEspdu (); double placement = heloPDU.getEntityOrientationPsi(); double theXComp = ( heloPDU.getEntityLocationX ()); double theYComp = ( heloPDU.getEntityLocationY ()); double distance = ( Math.sqrt((Math.pow(theXComp, 2 )) + ( Math.pow(theYComp, 2 )))); if (( theXComp > 0 ) && (( theYComp >= 0 ) || (theYComp < 0 ))) { angle = Math.atan ( theYComp / theXComp ); } // end if else if (( theXComp == 0 ) && (theYComp < 0 )) { angle = -Math.PI/2; } // end if else else if (( theXComp == 0 ) && (theYComp > 0 )) { angle = Math.PI/2; } // end if else else if (( theXComp < 0 ) && (theYComp == 0 )) { angle = -Math.PI; } // end if else else if (( theXComp < 0 ) && ( theYComp < 0 )) { angle = Math.atan ( theYComp / theXComp ) - Math.PI; } // end if else else { angle = Math.atan ( theYComp / theXComp ) + Math.PI; } // end else if ( distance <= 1.0 ) { espdu.setEntityLinearVelocityX ( 0f ); espdu.setEntityLinearVelocityY ( 0f ); interceptAngle = espdu.getEntityOrientationPsi() - heloPDU.getEntityOrientationPsi (); //check to see if there is a turn greater than 180 degrees if ( interceptAngle > Math.PI ) { interceptAngle -= ( Math.PI * 2 ); } // end if if ( interceptAngle < -Math.PI ) { interceptAngle += ( Math.PI * 2 ); } // end if interceptAngleDeg = interceptAngle * ( 180.0 / Math.PI ); if ( Math.abs ( interceptAngleDeg ) <= 3 ) { heloLoaded = true; } // end if turnAngle = - (( float ) interceptAngleDeg * 0.8f ); setTurnAngle ( turnAngle ); myPanel.setTurnRateTextField ( "" + ( int ) turnAngle ); myPanel.setDirectionSlider (( int ) turnAngle ); } // end if else { interceptAngle = espdu.getEntityOrientationPsi () - heloPDU.getEntityOrientationPsi (); //check to see if there is a turn greater than 180 degrees if ( interceptAngle > Math.PI ) { interceptAngle -= ( Math.PI * 2 ); } // end if if ( interceptAngle < -Math.PI ) { interceptAngle += ( Math.PI * 2 ); } // end if interceptAngleDeg = interceptAngle * ( 180.0 / Math.PI ); turnAngle = - (( float ) interceptAngleDeg * 0.8f ); setTurnAngle ( turnAngle ); myPanel.setTurnRateTextField ( "" + ( int ) turnAngle ); myPanel.setDirectionSlider (( int ) turnAngle ); double possibleSpeed; if ( distance <= 10.0 ) { possibleSpeed = ( distance * 0.5144 * pduSendInterval ); } // end if else { possibleSpeed = 3; } // end else espdu.setEntityLinearVelocityX (( float ) ( possibleSpeed * 0.5144f * Math.cos ( espdu.getEntityOrientationPsi ()))); espdu.setEntityLinearVelocityY (( float ) ( possibleSpeed * 0.5144f * Math.sin ( espdu.getEntityOrientationPsi ()))); myPanel.setSpeedTextField ( "" + (int) possibleSpeed ); myPanel.setSpeedSlider (( int ) possibleSpeed ); } // end else } // end calculatePosition } // end class TeamActionInterpreter