#VRML V2.0 utf8 # X3D-to-VRML-97 XSL translation autogenerated by X3dToVrml97.xsl # http://www.web3D.org/TaskGroups/x3d/translation/X3dToVrml97.xsl # [X3D] VRML V3.0 utf8 # [X3D] profile=Full # [X3D] noNamespaceSchemaLocation=http://www.web3d.org/specifications/x3d-3.0.xsd # [X3D] version=3.0 # [head] # [meta] filename: SHFAntennaPROTO.xml # [meta] author: Dave Laflam # [meta] created: 8 December 2000 # [meta] revised: 20 March 2002 # [meta] description: SHF Antenna PROTO # [meta] generator: X3D-Edit, http://www.web3D.org/TaskGroups/x3d/translation/README.X3D-Edit.html EXTERNPROTO EspduTransform [ # [appInfo] EspduTransformTrace provides 3D trace values for a corresponding EspduTransorm, usually as a child so that it stays local to an entity's position. EspduTransformTrace compatibly adds billboarded text-trace capabilities for run-time debugging inside a scene. # experimental eventOut SFString # SFVec3d geoCoords_changed # [appInfo] Double precision output for 64-bit Espdu translation, usable by GeoLocation nodes. # Standard Transform fields eventIn MFNode addChildren # [appInfo] Adding a node to the children field will add that node to the EspduTransform's set of children. Warning: adding any node to the EspduTransform's children field that is already in that child list is illegal. Warning: adding any node to the EspduTransform's children that is an ancestor of that grouping is illegal. eventIn MFNode removeChildren # [appInfo] The removeChildren event removes nodes from the EspduTransform's children field. Any nodes in the removeChildren event that are not in the EspduTransform's children list are ignored. exposedField MFNode children # [appInfo] Children nodes within translation and rotation coordinate system of EspduTransform. Hint: XML encoding can include child node(s) directly. exposedField SFVec3f translation # [appInfo] Position of children relative to local coordinate system, usually read from (or written to) remote, networked EspduTransform nodes. exposedField SFRotation rotation # [appInfo] Orientation of children relative to local coordinate system, usually read from (or written to) remote, networked EspduTransform nodes. exposedField SFVec3f center # [appInfo] Translation offset from origin of local coordinate system. exposedField SFVec3f scale # [appInfo] Non-uniform x-y-z scale of child coordinate system, adjusted by center and scaleOrientation. exposedField SFRotation scaleOrientation # [appInfo] Non-uniform x-y-z scale of child coordinate system, adjusted by center and scaleOrientation. field SFVec3f bboxCenter # [appInfo] Bounding box center: position offset from origin of local coordinate system. field SFVec3f bboxSize # [appInfo] Bounding box size: automatically calculated, can be specified as an optimization or constraint. # Entity identity exposedField SFString marking # [appInfo] 0..11 character label for entity. exposedField SFInt32 siteID # [appInfo] [0,65535] EntityID: unique ID for that site. exposedField SFInt32 applicationID # [appInfo] [0,65535] EntityID: application ID, unique ID for application at that site. exposedField SFInt32 entityID # [appInfo] [0,65535] EntityID: unique ID for entity within that application. # Networking configuration parameters exposedField SFString address # [appInfo] multicast address, or else "localhost" listens to local defaultBridge exposedField SFInt32 port # [appInfo] [0,65535] multicast port, or else listen to local defaultBridge exposedField SFString multicastRelayHost # [appInfo] Host name of multicast relay server to provide alternative connectivity if local native multicast traffic not heard. exposedField SFInt32 multicastRelayPort # [appInfo] Connection port on multicast relay server. exposedField SFString networkMode # [appInfo] networkMode: standAlone (ignore network but still respond to local events) networkReader (listen to network as ghost entity) networkWriter (output to network as master entity at writeInterval) eventOut SFBool isStandAlone # [appInfo] Whether networkMode standAlone (ignore network but still respond to local events) is true/false eventOut SFBool isMaster # [appInfo] Whether networkMode 'networkWriter' (output to network as master entity at writeInterval) is true/false eventOut SFBool isRemote # [appInfo] Whether networkMode 'networkReader' (listen to network as ghost entity) is true/false exposedField SFTime readInterval # [appInfo] seconds between read updates exposedField SFTime writeInterval # [appInfo] seconds between write updates eventOut SFBool isActive # [appInfo] Indicates if the node has received a DIS message (isActive=true) or not (isActive=false). Since DIS entities can be considered inactive after some period of time (typically five seconds) either event may be received by listening nodes. eventOut SFTime timestamp # [appInfo] DIS timestamp in VRML units field SFBool rtpHeaderExpected # [appInfo] whether RTP header is expected to be prepended to DIS packet eventOut SFBool isRtpHeaderHeard # [appInfo] whether RTP header was found prepended to DIS packet # Further identification exposedField SFInt32 forceID # [appInfo] [0,255] exposedField SFInt32 entityKind # [appInfo] [0,255] exposedField SFInt32 entityDomain # [appInfo] [0,255] exposedField SFInt32 entityCountry # [appInfo] [0,65535] exposedField SFInt32 entityCategory # [appInfo] [0,255] exposedField SFInt32 entitySubCategory # [appInfo] [0,255] exposedField SFInt32 entitySpecific # [appInfo] [0,255] exposedField SFInt32 entityExtra # [appInfo] [0,255] exposedField SFVec3f linearVelocity exposedField SFVec3f linearAcceleration exposedField SFInt32 deadReckoning # [appInfo] Dead reckoning algorithm being used to project position/orientation with velocities/accelerations. # Collision PDU events eventOut SFBool isCollided eventOut SFTime collideTime eventOut SFInt32 eventApplicationID # [appInfo] [0,65535] eventOut SFInt32 eventSiteID # [appInfo] [0,65535] eventOut SFInt32 eventEntityID # [appInfo] [0,65535] eventOut SFInt32 collisionType # [appInfo] [0,255] eventOut SFInt32 eventNumber # [appInfo] [0,65535] # Fire, Detonate PDU events exposedField SFBool fired1 exposedField SFBool fired2 eventOut SFTime firedTime exposedField SFVec3f munitionStartPoint exposedField SFVec3f munitionEndPoint exposedField SFInt32 munitionApplicationID # [appInfo] [0,65535] exposedField SFInt32 munitionSiteID # [appInfo] [0,65535] exposedField SFInt32 munitionEntityID # [appInfo] [0,65535] exposedField SFInt32 fireMissionIndex # [appInfo] [0,65535] exposedField SFInt32 warhead # [appInfo] [0,65535] exposedField SFInt32 fuse # [appInfo] [0,65535] exposedField SFInt32 munitionQuantity # [appInfo] [0,65535] exposedField SFInt32 firingRate # [appInfo] [0,65535] exposedField SFFloat firingRange eventOut SFBool isDetonated eventOut SFTime detonateTime eventOut SFVec3f detonationLocation eventOut SFVec3f detonationRelativeLocation eventOut SFInt32 detonationResult # Articulation parameters are extra blocks of information, appended one by one to end of regular Espdu. exposedField SFInt32 articulationParameterCount # [appInfo] range [0,78]. Indicates the number of appended parameters that are being used to describe articulation of various segments of the entity model. exposedField MFInt32 articulationParameterDesignatorArray # [appInfo] range [0,255]. The Parameter Type Designator entries in the articulationParameterDesignatorArray indicate if the the parameter record is for an articulated or attached part. It is represented by an 8-bit enumeration. exposedField MFInt32 articulationParameterChangeIndicatorArray # [appInfo] range [0,255]. The Change Indicator entries in the articulationChangeIndicatorArray indicate the change of any parameter for the associated articulated part. This is specified by an 8-bit unsigned integer. The value is initially set to zero for each exercise and is sequentially incremented by one for each change in the articulation parameters. The proper indicator is updated automatically by an X3D DIS implementation upon receipt of a set_articulationParameterValue event. exposedField MFInt32 articulationParameterIdPartAttachedToArray # [appInfo] range [0,65535]. The ID - Part Attached To entries in the articulationParameterIdPartAttachedToArray identify the articulated part to which this articulation parameter is attached. The value is specified by a 16-bit unsigned integer, and is set to zero if the articulated part is attached directly to the entity. exposedField MFInt32 articulationParameterTypeArray # [appInfo] range [0,255]. The Parameter Type entries in the articulationParameterTypeArray are specified by 32-bit enumeration values. exposedField MFFloat articulationParameterArray # [appInfo] The Parameter Value entries in the articulationParameterArray are specified by a 64-bit field. The definition of the 64 bits is determined based on the type of parameter indicated above. eventIn SFFloat set_articulationParameterValue0 eventIn SFFloat set_articulationParameterValue1 eventIn SFFloat set_articulationParameterValue2 eventIn SFFloat set_articulationParameterValue3 eventIn SFFloat set_articulationParameterValue4 eventIn SFFloat set_articulationParameterValue5 eventIn SFFloat set_articulationParameterValue6 eventIn SFFloat set_articulationParameterValue7 eventOut SFFloat articulationParameterValue0_changed eventOut SFFloat articulationParameterValue1_changed eventOut SFFloat articulationParameterValue2_changed eventOut SFFloat articulationParameterValue3_changed eventOut SFFloat articulationParameterValue4_changed eventOut SFFloat articulationParameterValue5_changed eventOut SFFloat articulationParameterValue6_changed eventOut SFFloat articulationParameterValue7_changed ][ "EspduTransformPrototypes.wrl#EspduTransform" "/www.web3d.org/TaskGroups/x3d/translation/examples/DistributedInteractiveSimulation/EspduTransformPrototypes.wrl#EspduTransform" "http://www.web3d.org/TaskGroups/x3d/translation/examples/DistributedInteractiveSimulation/EspduTransformPrototypes.wrl#EspduTransform" "EspduTransformPrototypes.x3d#EspduTransform" "/www.web3d.org/TaskGroups/x3d/translation/examples/DistributedInteractiveSimulation/EspduTransformPrototypes.x3d#EspduTransform" "http://www.web3d.org/TaskGroups/x3d/translation/examples/DistributedInteractiveSimulation/EspduTransformPrototypes.x3d#EspduTransform" "file:///c:/www.web3d.org/TaskGroups/x3d/translation/examples/DistributedInteractiveSimulation/EspduTransformPrototypes.x3d#EspduTransform" ] # [Scene] # ExternProtoDeclare definitions must be included verbatim ### Error: ProtoDeclare can only contain ProtoInstance and ProtoBody' PROTO SHFAntenna [ ### Error: IS attribute (IS='ESPDU_TRANSFORM.translation' = defName.fieldName) is no longer valid X3D. Edit source, rewrite using IS/connect tags. exposedField SFVec3f initialLocation 0 0 0 # IS ESPDU_TRANSFORM.translation ### Error: IS attribute (IS='ESPDU_TRANSFORM.rotation' = defName.fieldName) is no longer valid X3D. Edit source, rewrite using IS/connect tags. exposedField SFRotation initialAzimuth 0 0 1 0 # IS ESPDU_TRANSFORM.rotation ### Error: IS attribute (IS='SHFAntennaPole.scale' = defName.fieldName) is no longer valid X3D. Edit source, rewrite using IS/connect tags. exposedField SFVec3f antennaPoleScale 1 1 1 # IS SHFAntennaPole.scale ### Error: IS attribute (IS='ESPDU_TRANSFORM.marking' = defName.fieldName) is no longer valid X3D. Edit source, rewrite using IS/connect tags. field SFString marking "SHF antenna" # IS ESPDU_TRANSFORM.marking ### Error: IS attribute (IS='ESPDU_TRANSFORM.address' = defName.fieldName) is no longer valid X3D. Edit source, rewrite using IS/connect tags. field SFString address "" # IS ESPDU_TRANSFORM.address ### Error: IS attribute (IS='ESPDU_TRANSFORM.port' = defName.fieldName) is no longer valid X3D. Edit source, rewrite using IS/connect tags. field SFInt32 port 62040 # IS ESPDU_TRANSFORM.port ### Error: IS attribute (IS='ESPDU_TRANSFORM.siteID' = defName.fieldName) is no longer valid X3D. Edit source, rewrite using IS/connect tags. field SFInt32 siteID 0 # IS ESPDU_TRANSFORM.siteID ### Error: IS attribute (IS='ESPDU_TRANSFORM.applicationID' = defName.fieldName) is no longer valid X3D. Edit source, rewrite using IS/connect tags. field SFInt32 applicationID 1 # IS ESPDU_TRANSFORM.applicationID ### Error: IS attribute (IS='ESPDU_TRANSFORM.entityID' = defName.fieldName) is no longer valid X3D. Edit source, rewrite using IS/connect tags. field SFInt32 entityID 0 # IS ESPDU_TRANSFORM.entityID # Script nodes will go here for ReceiverPdu, SignalPdu, TransmitterPdu. Data values will get ROUTEd into (and out of) the antenna and signal visualization geometry. ] { LOD { range [ 40000 ] level [ DEF ESPDU_TRANSFORM EspduTransform { readInterval .25 ### Error: traceColor is not a legal attribute traceColor 0 0.51 0.06 ### Error: traceFontSize is not a legal attribute traceFontSize 10 ### Error: traceJava is not a legal attribute traceJava FALSE ### Error: traceOffset is not a legal attribute traceOffset 0 24 0 writeInterval 0 children [ DEF SHFAntennaPole Transform { children [ Transform { children [ Inline { url [ "SHFAntennaPole.wrl" ] } ### Hint: For maximum scene portability, append alternate "http://...address.../SHFAntennaPole.wrl" after address url='"SHFAntennaPole.wrl"' Anchor { description "UHF Antenna Site image" parameter [ "target=_blank" ] url [ "UHFAntennaSite.png" ] children [ Inline { url [ "SHFAntennaDish.wrl" ] } ### Hint: For maximum scene portability, append alternate "http://...address.../SHFAntennaDish.wrl" after address url='"SHFAntennaDish.wrl"' ] } ### Hint: For maximum scene portability, append alternate "http://...address.../UHFAntennaSite.png" after address url='"UHFAntennaSite.png"' ] } DEF DomeGreen4 Transform { scale 100 100 40 translation 60 0 0 children [ DEF Dome Inline { url [ "DomeGreen.wrl" ] } ### Hint: For maximum scene portability, append alternate "http://...address.../DomeGreen.wrl" after address url='"DomeGreen.wrl"' ] } ] } Viewpoint { description "SHF antenna side view" orientation 0 1 0 1.5708 position 40 10 0 } ### Warning: Viewpoint behavior not guaranteed as child (or descendant) of LOD node ] } WorldInfo { info [ "null node for no rendering when distant" ] } ] } # Script nodes will go here for ReceiverPdu, SignalPdu, TransmitterPdu. Data values will get ROUTEd into (and out of) the antenna and signal visualization geometry. } # The following Instance allows the Proto to be viewed when viewed as a standalone file. # This is like paramaterization of the UHF Antenna SHFAntenna { initialLocation ### Error: ProtoInstance SHFAntenna fieldValue 'initialLocation' has no matching ProtoDeclare SHFAntenna field 'initialLocation' definition 200 0 200 entityID ### Error: ProtoInstance SHFAntenna fieldValue 'entityID' has no matching ProtoDeclare SHFAntenna field 'entityID' definition 70 } WorldInfo { info [ "Authors: David Laflam" "Revised: 12 July 00" "Purpose: Brings SHF, UHF and Rau Antennas into project world" "Script: none" "Browser: CosmoPlayer" ] title "AntennaWorld" } Background { groundAngle [ 1.57079 ] groundColor [ 1 0.8 0.6, 0.6 0.4 0.2 ] skyAngle [ 0.2 ] skyColor [ 1 1 1, 0.2 0.2 1 ] } NavigationInfo { speed 20 type [ "EXAMINE" "ANY" ] } DEF High_Above_Airfields Viewpoint { description "High_Above_Airfields " fieldOfView .7853 orientation -.9996220469474792, -0.020204812288284302, -0.01863904483616352, .35458293557167053 position -2500, 1500, 6000 }