package demo.auv; import*; import*; import java.text.*; import*; import java.lang.*; import*; import java.util.*; /** * * Generate default example PDU stream for NPS AUV track #1 in AuvInBeachTanks VRML world. * * Authors: Doug Miller & Bill Bohman * Start Date: 6 JAN 99 * Revised: 14 DEC 2000 * Description: Generates DIS-JAVA-VRML entity state Pdus to drive the NPS AUV * All calculations are in the tank coordinate system, converted to DIS only when * creating the PDU and sending. * * To Do: 1) Why are positions doubles and everything else floats thus creating need for casts * 2) How to implement time steps, hard wired or passed in? if passed in, when/where/ * by whom * *
Invocation: *
java demo.auv.AuvPduGenerator * *

* *Entity coordinate systems (right-hand rule applies): *

 *          DIS                 VRML=BeachTank!
 *      -Z entity up         Y entity up
 *           ^                   ^
 *           |                   |
 *           |                   |
 *           |                   |
 *           +------> X          +-------> X    nose of entity body
 *          /                   /
 *         /                   /
 *        /                   /
 *       Y                   Z                   
 *         right-hand side
 *         of entity body
 *  Rotation angle axes (right-hand rule applies):
 *           DIS        VRML      Angle of rotation
 *  Roll      X          X         phi
 *  Pitch     Y          Z        theta
 *  Yaw       Z         -Y         psi
* */ public class AuvPduGenerator { private static EntityStatePdu espdu; // empty entity state pdu to be filled w/ // position/orientation data by this class private String entityName; // entityName // private static File telemetryFile; // file containing waypoints to move to // private static String telemetryFileName; // name of the file containing waypoints private static BufferedReader telemetryStream; private static final String fileName1 = "mission.waypoints.dat"; private static final String fileName2 = "/vrtp/demo/auv/mission.waypoints.dat"; private static final String fileName3 = "c:/vrtp/demo/auv/mission.waypoints.dat"; private static final String fileName4 = "d:/vrtp/demo/auv/mission.waypoints.dat"; private static final String fileName5 = "~brutzman/.public_html/vrtp/demo/auv/mission.waypoints.dat"; private static String nextLine; private static String telemetryLine; private static DecimalFormat precision; // for pretty print private static boolean DEBUG; // private MulticastPduSender mcast; private float pduSendInterval = 1; // seconds private BehaviorStreamBufferUDP behaviorStreamBufferUDP; // tie in to the network private String ipAddress; private int portNumber; private static int timeToLive = 15; // default ttl convention is local campus //============================================================================================= // Constructors //============================================================================================= public AuvPduGenerator (String name) { espdu = new EntityStatePdu(); // create the entity state pdu entityName = name; nextLine = new String(); precision = new DecimalFormat("###0.#"); DEBUG = false; // mcast = new MulticastPduSender(); // instantiate a BehaviorStreamBufferUDP to handle the network interface, instantiate with // the multicast IP address and port ipAddress = ""; portNumber = 62040; behaviorStreamBufferUDP = new BehaviorStreamBufferUDP(ipAddress, portNumber); behaviorStreamBufferUDP.setTimeToLive (timeToLive); /* threading not needed, writing only Thread pduReader = new Thread(behaviorStreamBufferUDP); pduReader.start(); System.out.println ("behaviorStreamBufferUDP.suspendReading (); // write only"); behaviorStreamBufferUDP.suspendReading (); // write only */ ArticulationParameter forwardRudder, asternRudder; forwardRudder = new ArticulationParameter(); asternRudder = new ArticulationParameter(); espdu.addArticulationParameter (forwardRudder); espdu.addArticulationParameter (asternRudder); forwardRudder.setParameterTypeDesignator (ParameterTypeDesignatorField.ARTICULATEDPART); // 0 asternRudder.setParameterTypeDesignator (ParameterTypeDesignatorField.ARTICULATEDPART); forwardRudder.setChangeIndicator (0); // sequentially increment with each change in value asternRudder.setChangeIndicator (0); forwardRudder.setArticulationAttachmentID (0); // attached to main entity, not multiply articulated asternRudder.setArticulationAttachmentID (0); // attached to main entity, not multiply articulated forwardRudder.setParameterType (1024 + 15); // Rudder + Rotation asternRudder.setParameterType (1024 + 15); // Rudder + Elevation forwardRudder.setParameterValue ( 30.0 * Math.PI / 180.0); // double, radians asternRudder.setParameterValue (-30.0 * Math.PI / 180.0); // double, radians short[] entityID = new short[3]; // set the espdu DIS entity identifier entityID[0] = 0; entityID[1] = 1; entityID[2] = 1; // tank 1 espdu.setEntityID(entityID[0], entityID[1], entityID[2]); System.out.println("espdu entity ID is set to [" + espdu.getEntityID().toString() + "]"); espdu.setMarking ("Phoenix AUV"); System.out.println("espdu marking is set to [" + espdu.getMarking() + "]"); } // end constructor //============================================================================================= // Utility Methods //============================================================================================= public static void debug(String message){ if(DEBUG){ System.out.println(message); } // end if } // end debug //============================================================================================= // Movement Methods //============================================================================================= public void moveToWaypoint(double xPoint, double yPoint, double zPoint, float speed){ double currentXpos = espdu.getEntityLocationX(); // get our current location in order double currentYpos = - espdu.getEntityLocationZ(); // to determine distance and double currentZpos = espdu.getEntityLocationY(); // direction to the desired waypoint double xDistance = xPoint - currentXpos; // calculate distance in each double yDistance = yPoint - currentYpos; // direction double zDistance = zPoint - currentZpos; // compute three dimensional distance double distance = Math.sqrt(xDistance * xDistance + yDistance * yDistance + zDistance * zDistance); // compute distance in the X-Z plane double xzDistance = Math.sqrt(xDistance * xDistance + zDistance * zDistance); double direction = Math.atan2(zDistance, xDistance); // heading to new waypoint double pitch = Math.atan(yDistance / xzDistance); // pitch to new waypoint espdu.setEntityLinearVelocityX((float)(speed * xDistance / distance)); // set espdu.setEntityLinearVelocityY((float)(speed * zDistance / distance)); // directional espdu.setEntityLinearVelocityZ((float)(speed * (- yDistance / distance))); // velocities espdu.setEntityOrientationTheta((float)pitch); // set pitch espdu.setEntityOrientationPsi((float) direction); // set heading if (DEBUG){ debug("AUV tank coordinates (" + precision.format( espdu.getEntityLocationX()) + ", " + precision.format(-espdu.getEntityLocationZ()) + ", " + precision.format( espdu.getEntityLocationY()) + ")" + "\nHeading equals ... " + precision.format( espdu.getEntityOrientationPsi()) + "\nPitch equals ... " + precision.format(espdu.getEntityOrientationTheta()) + "\n"); } // end if for (float ix = speed * pduSendInterval; ix < distance; ix += speed * pduSendInterval){ float tempXdot = espdu.getEntityLinearVelocityX(); // retrieve float tempYdot = espdu.getEntityLinearVelocityY(); // directional float tempZdot = espdu.getEntityLinearVelocityZ(); // velocities // set components of position - all in DIS coordinate system, so no Y/-Z swaps espdu.setEntityLocationX( espdu.getEntityLocationX() + tempXdot * pduSendInterval); espdu.setEntityLocationY( espdu.getEntityLocationY() + tempYdot * pduSendInterval); espdu.setEntityLocationZ( espdu.getEntityLocationZ() + tempZdot * pduSendInterval); System.out.println("Tank coordinates (" + precision.format( espdu.getEntityLocationX()) + ", " + precision.format(- espdu.getEntityLocationZ()) + ", " + precision.format( espdu.getEntityLocationY()) + "), " + "heading " + precision.format( espdu.getEntityOrientationPsi() * 180.0 / Math.PI)); // mcast.SendMPDU(espdu); // send espdu behaviorStreamBufferUDP.sendPdu(espdu, ipAddress, portNumber); if (DEBUG){ debug("AuvPduGenerator sleep " + pduSendInterval); } // end if try { Thread.sleep((long) pduSendInterval * 1000); //convert to msec } // end try catch(InterruptedException interruptedException){ throw new RuntimeException(" exceptional sleep "); } // end catch } // end for loop we have achieved the waypoint espdu.setEntityLocationX( xPoint); // make the last move come espdu.setEntityLocationY( zPoint); // out perfectly correct espdu.setEntityLocationZ(-yPoint); // mcast.SendMPDU(espdu); // send last espdu for this leg behaviorStreamBufferUDP.sendPdu(espdu, ipAddress, portNumber); // send last espdu for this leg debug("\nEnding location is ... (" + precision.format( espdu.getEntityLocationX()) + ", " + precision.format(- espdu.getEntityLocationZ()) + ", " + precision.format( espdu.getEntityLocationY()) + ")" + "\nHeading equals ... " + precision.format( espdu.getEntityOrientationPsi()) + ", Pitch equals ... " + precision.format(espdu.getEntityOrientationTheta()) + "\n"); } // end moveToWayPoint public void moveToFileWaypoint(){ double xVal = 0; double yVal = 0; double zVal = 0; float spd = 0; TelemetryFileOpen(); // open the waypoint file while (true) { do { nextLine = readNextTelemetryState(); } while ((nextLine == "") || (nextLine.charAt(0) == '#') || ((nextLine.charAt(0) == '/') && (nextLine.charAt(1) == '/'))); StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(nextLine); if (tokens.countTokens() > 0 && tokens.nextElement().equals("waypoint")){ int counter = 0; while(tokens.hasMoreTokens()){ if(counter == 0){ xVal = Double.valueOf(tokens.nextToken()).doubleValue(); } // endif if(counter == 1){ yVal = Double.valueOf(tokens.nextToken()).doubleValue(); } // endif if(counter == 2){ zVal = Double.valueOf(tokens.nextToken()).doubleValue(); } // endif if(counter == 3){ spd = Float.valueOf(tokens.nextToken()).floatValue(); } // endif counter++; }//end while moveToWaypoint(xVal, yVal, zVal, spd); }//end if }//end for } // end moveToFileWaypoint //============================================================================================= // File Handling Methods //============================================================================================= public static void TelemetryFileOpen(){ // telemetryFile = new File(telemetryFileName); try { telemetryStream = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(fileName1))); System.out.println("found " + fileName1 + ", loading..."); } catch (IOException e1) { try { telemetryStream = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(fileName2))); System.out.println("found " + fileName2 + ", loading..."); } catch (IOException e2) { try { telemetryStream = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(fileName3))); System.out.println("found " + fileName3 + ", loading..."); } catch (IOException e3) { try { telemetryStream = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(fileName4))); System.out.println("found " + fileName4 + ", loading..."); } catch (IOException e4) { try { telemetryStream = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(fileName5))); System.out.println("found " + fileName5 + ", loading..."); } catch (IOException e5) { System.out.println("Failure to open input file: " + fileName1); System.out.println("Failure to open input file: " + fileName2); System.out.println("Failure to open input file: " + fileName3); System.out.println("Failure to open input file: " + fileName4); System.out.println("Failure to open input file: " + fileName5); java.lang.System.exit (-1); } } } } } /* if(telemetryFile.exists() && telemetryFile.isFile()){ System.out.println("Telemetry file found:\n " + telemetryFile.getAbsolutePath()); } // end if else{ System.err.println(telemetryFileName + ": not found or not a file"); System.exit(1); } // end else try{ telemetryStream = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream( telemetryFileName))); } // end if catch(IOException ioe){ System.err.println("telemetry file not opened properly:\n" + ioe.toString()); ioe.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } // end catch */ } // end TelemetryFileOpen public static void TelemetryFileClose(){ try{ telemetryStream.close(); } // end try catch(IOException ioe){ System.err.println("Error during file close: " + ioe.toString()); } // end catch } // end TelemetryFileClose public static String readNextTelemetryState(){ try{ System.out.println("Reading next waypoint from the file"); //nextLine = new String (telemetryStream.readLine()); nextLine = telemetryStream.readLine(); //System.out.println("Waypoint read successful, returning nextLine"); if (nextLine == null){ System.out.println("Entering if loop for nextLine == null"); TelemetryFileClose(); TelemetryFileOpen(); nextLine = readNextTelemetryState(); } // end if return nextLine; } // end try catch (EOFException eof){ System.err.println("End of waypoint file, reopen\n" + eof.toString()); TelemetryFileClose(); TelemetryFileOpen(); readNextTelemetryState(); //return ""; } // end catch catch(IOException e){ System.err.println("Error during read from file\n" + e.toString()); System.exit(1); }// end catch return ""; // shouldn't reach here, compiler complains otherwise }// end readNextTelemtryState //============================================================================================= // Main //============================================================================================= public static void main(String[] args){ boolean ttlMatch = false; boolean rtpMatch = false; for (int index = 0; index < args.length; index++) { if (!rtpMatch) try { rtpMatch = ((args[index].compareToIgnoreCase ( "rtp") == 0) || (args[index].compareToIgnoreCase ("-rtp") == 0)); if (rtpMatch) continue; } catch (java.lang.NoSuchMethodError nsme) // prior to jdk 1.2 { rtpMatch = ((args[index].compareTo ( "rtp") == 0) || (args[index].compareTo ("-rtp") == 0) || (args[index].compareTo ( "RTP") == 0) || (args[index].compareTo ("-RTP") == 0)); if (rtpMatch) continue; } if (!(ttlMatch) && (args.length - index > 1)) { try { ttlMatch = ((args[index].compareToIgnoreCase ( "ttl") == 0) || (args[index].compareToIgnoreCase ("-ttl") == 0) || (args[index].compareToIgnoreCase ( "timeToLive") == 0) || (args[index].compareToIgnoreCase ("-timeToLive") == 0)); } catch (java.lang.NoSuchMethodError nsme) // prior to jdk 1.2 { ttlMatch = ((args[index].compareTo ( "ttl") == 0) || (args[index].compareTo ("-ttl") == 0) || (args[index].compareTo ( "timeToLive") == 0) || (args[index].compareTo ("-timeToLive") == 0)); } if (ttlMatch) { try { timeToLive = Integer.parseInt(args[index+1]); index++; } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(e); System.out.println("illegal timeToLive value, exiting"); System.exit (-1); } if ((timeToLive < 0) || (timeToLive > 127)) { System.out.println ("multicast timeToLive ttl=" + timeToLive + " is out of range [0..127], exiting"); System.exit (-1); } } } else { System.out.println("Usage: java demo.auv.AuvPduGenerator [-ttl ] [-rtp]"); System.exit (-1); } } System.out.println ("multicast timeToLive ttl=" + timeToLive); System.out.println ("RTP headers prepended=" + rtpMatch); AuvPduGenerator Dallas = new AuvPduGenerator("NPS-AUV"); WorldCoordinate startPos = new WorldCoordinate(5.0, 3.0, 2.0); // create startPos Dallas.espdu.setEntityLocation(startPos); // set start Pos Dallas.espdu.setRtpHeaderEnabled(rtpMatch); System.out.println("Start values = Position: " + // check start state Dallas.espdu.getEntityLocationX() + " / " + - Dallas.espdu.getEntityLocationZ() + " / " + Dallas.espdu.getEntityLocationY() + "\n Linear Vel: " + Dallas.espdu.getEntityLinearVelocityX() + " / " + - Dallas.espdu.getEntityLinearVelocityZ() + " / " + Dallas.espdu.getEntityLinearVelocityY() + "\n Orientation: " + Dallas.espdu.getEntityOrientationPsi() + " / " + Dallas.espdu.getEntityOrientationTheta() + " / " + Dallas.espdu.getEntityOrientationPhi() + "\n Angular Vel: " + Dallas.espdu.getEntityAngularVelocityX() + " / " + - Dallas.espdu.getEntityAngularVelocityZ() + " / " + Dallas.espdu.getEntityAngularVelocityY()); /* Dallas.moveToWaypoint(110d, 10d, 10d, 5f); System.out.println("\nArrived at Waypoint 1\n"); Dallas.moveToWaypoint(110d, 10d, 30d, 5f); System.out.println("\nArrived at Waypoint 2\n"); Dallas.moveToWaypoint(10d, 10d, 30d, 5f); System.out.println("\nArrived at Waypoint 3\n"); Dallas.moveToWaypoint(10d, 10d, 10d, 5f); System.out.println("\nArrived at Waypoint Start\n"); */ Dallas.moveToFileWaypoint(); } // end main } // end class