What is NCUW? | Workshop Goal | Workshop Announcement/Agenda/Registration | References |
Network-centric warfare is characterized by sensor-to-decision maker-to-shooter information systems that enable superior decision and response within the tactical cycle time, thus achieving the benefits of speed and accuracy of command.
The goal of this workshop is to apply network-centric concepts to the undersea warfare problem. We hope to advance our understanding of how undersea warfare should participate in the network-centric battlespace.
The Workshop Agenda is also available in HTML and Word.
Registration fee: $70. This includes coffee/donuts each morning and the Wednesday night dinner. We are able to keep these costs low through your staying at the Hyatt Regency Hotel.
You can use our online registration form, or else please provide the following registration information:
Name: Command: Address: Voice phone: Fax phone: E-mail:If you don't use the form, please e-mail, fax or snail-mail your registration to:
Carl Cullen Undersea Warfare Academic Group Naval Postgraduate School Monterey CA 93943-5000 408.656.1021 voice, 408.656.3679 fax cullen@nps.navy.milGovernment-rate hotel rooms ($94 single, $119 double) might still be available at
Hyatt Regency Hotel One Old Golf Course Road Monterey CA 93940 408.372.1234 voice, 408.375.6985 fax
Suggestions for additional references are welcome.
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