#VRML V2.0 utf8 # Garibaldi.wrl # (c) Ildeniz Duman, 1998, for Kelp Forest Project # This is a Garibaldi # This is the main program # fish size # max width is 10 cm --> X-axis # length is 1 m -------> Y-axis # max height is 1 m ---> Z-axis EXTERNPROTO Garibaldi [ exposedField MFString skinTextureFile exposedField SFVec3f fishLODScale exposedField SFColor LODWingColor exposedField SFColor DifColor exposedField MFFloat PosKey exposedField MFVec3f PosKeyValue exposedField MFFloat OrientIntKey exposedField MFRotation OrientIntKeyValue exposedField SFTime FishOrbitTime ] "CircleFishLODProto.wrl#CircleFishLODProto" Viewpoint { position 2 0 2 orientation 0 1 0 120 description "Garibaldi" } Transform{ children Garibaldi{ #define new values here skinTextureFile "garibaldiPatch.jpg" LODWingColor 0.9 0.66 0.4 FishOrbitTime 80 PosKey [0 0.4 0.7 0.95 1] PosKeyValue [0 0 0, 0.5 0 0, 0 0 0, 0.5 0 0, 0.2 0 0 ] OrientIntKey [0 1] OrientIntKeyValue [0 1 0 90, 0 1 0 90] fishLODScale 1 0.39 0.4 } } #end of file Garibaldi.wrl