#VRML V2.0 utf8 # CircleFishLODProto.wrl # (c) Ildeniz Duman, 1998, for Kelp Forest Project # This is a Circle Fish proto with LOD # fish size # length is 1 m -------> Y-axis # max height is 1 m ---> Z-axis # max width is 10 cm --> X-axis EXTERNPROTO LODfishProto[ exposedField MFString skinTexture exposedField SFVec3f fishScale exposedField SFColor ProtoWingColor exposedField SFColor fishDifColor exposedField MFFloat PositionKey exposedField MFVec3f PositionKeyValue exposedField MFFloat OrientationKey exposedField MFRotation OrientationKeyValue exposedField SFTime OrbitTime ] "CircleFishProto.wrl#CircleFishProto" PROTO CircleFishLODProto[ exposedField MFString skinTextureFile [ "" ] exposedField SFVec3f fishLODScale 1 1 1 exposedField SFColor LODWingColor 0.5 0.5 0.5 exposedField SFColor DifColor 0.5 0.5 0.5 exposedField MFFloat PosKey [0.0 , 0.125, 0.25, 0.375, 0.5, 0.625, 0.750, 0.875,1] exposedField MFVec3f PosKeyValue [15 2 0, 15 0 -10, 0 -1 -10, -15 0 -10, -15 2 0 , -15 0 10, 0 -2 10, 15 0 10, 15 2 0] exposedField MFFloat OrientIntKey [0.0 , 0.25, 0.5, 0.750, 1] exposedField MFRotation OrientIntKeyValue [ 0 1 0 360 , 0 1 0 90 0 1 0 180 , 0 1 0 270, 0 1 0 360 ] exposedField SFTime FishOrbitTime 90 ] { LOD{ #center 0 0 0 range [ 3 10 ] #at the end -> 1 5 level[ LODfishProto{ skinTexture IS skinTextureFile fishScale IS fishLODScale ProtoWingColor IS LODWingColor fishDifColor IS DifColor OrbitTime IS FishOrbitTime PositionKey IS PosKey PositionKeyValue IS PosKeyValue OrientationKey IS OrientIntKey OrientationKeyValue IS OrientIntKeyValue }, LODfishProto{ fishScale IS fishLODScale fishDifColor IS DifColor ProtoWingColor IS LODWingColor OrbitTime IS FishOrbitTime PositionKey IS PosKey PositionKeyValue IS PosKeyValue OrientationKey IS OrientIntKey OrientationKeyValue IS OrientIntKeyValue }, Group{} ] } }