================= kelp mailing list ================= Welcome to the kelp mailing list! DESCRIPTION: The kelp@stl.nps.navy.mil mailing list (and associated kelp-digest list) are for individuals working on the kelp project, which is an attempt to completely model the Monterey Bay Aquarium kelp forest exhibit using analytic simulation techniques and VRML 3D graphics. WORLD WIDE WEB ACCESS: General information about the kelp mailing list is also available via the Web (of course). The kelp Universal Resource Locator (URL) is: http://www.stl.nps.navy.mil/~brutzman/kelp In addition, all messages posted to the list are converted into html text format and are available via a WWW browser such as Netscape or Internet Explorer. The messages are indexed by date, subject and author and the archive is current as of 0300 PST each morning. The URL is: http://www.stl.nps.navy.mil/lists/kelp NEW SUBSCRIBERS: Please save this message for future reference, especially if you are not familiar with majordomo. This might look like a waste of disk space now, but in the near future you will be glad you saved this information when you realize that you cannot remember the proper commands or addresses for this list. As a new subscriber, please consider sending an "Introduction" message to the kelp list telling a little about yourself, your organization, and your kelp interests. This is a traditional courtesy when joining a mailing list. It serves to inform others about who is on the list and can also highlight particular areas of expertise you may bring to the list. UNSUBSCRIBING: In particular, MAKE SURE you send unsubscribe kelp requests to majordomo@stl.nps.navy.mil, not the kelp list (an example appears below). DIGEST LIST vs. REGULAR LIST: The kelp list is available in a "digest" form as well as a "regular" form. If you subscribe to the "digest" you will receive fewer total messages. Each digest is a collection of recent kelp postings. Digest lists are good for occasional monitoring. Digest lists are less useful if you are expect to participate in group discussions or post replies easily. If you subscribe to the "regular" list, you will receive each individual message posted to the kelp list as it is posted. FREQUENTLY-ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ): INSTRUCTIONS: *** To POST to the kelp mailing list: Send to: kelp@stl.nps.navy.mil Subject: Message: You must be subscribed to the list to send mail to it. *** To SUBSCRIBE to the kelp list: Send to: majordomo@stl.nps.navy.mil Subject: subscribe Message: subscribe kelp *** To SUBSCRIBE to the kelp-digest list: Send to: majordomo@stl.nps.navy.mil Subject: subscribe Message: subscribe kelp-digest Subscription to the kelp list is approved by list manager Don Brutzman. Don McGregor (mcgredo@stl.nps.navy.mil) is the alternate list manager. Majordomo will allow you to unsubscribe without requiring permission. Initial list membership is being restricted to people working on kelp and potential sponsors. *** To UNSUBSCRIBE from the kelp list: Send to: majordomo@stl.nps.navy.mil Subject: unsubscribe Message: unsubscribe kelp *** To UNSUBSCRIBE from the kelp-digest list: Send to: majordomo@stl.nps.navy.mil Subject: unsubscribe Message: unsubscribe kelp-digest ARCHIVES: All digest messages are also archived by file. Archive files are available via email using the commands shown below. Individual messages may also be retrieved via the Web (as discussed above). *** To return an index of files you can "get" for kelp: Send to: majordomo@stl.nps.navy.mil Subject: index Message: index kelp-digest *** To retrieve a file related to kelp: Send to: majordomo@stl.nps.navy.mil Subject: get Message: get [insert the actual name of the file you want] *** To get HELP on using this automated mail system (called majordomo): Send to: majordomo@stl.nps.navy.mil Subject: help Message: help *** To ask the human moderators a QUESTION: Send to: kelp-owner@stl.nps.navy.mil *** To return a list of all the subscribers to kelp: Send to: majordomo@stl.nps.navy.mil Subject: who Message: who kelp Comments, questions and suggestions are always welcome. We hope that you find the kelp list useful. This file is available at http://www.stl.nps.navy.mil/~brutzman/kelp/kelp.info DISCLAIMERS AND BURDENSOME LEGALESE: You can safely skip what follows, unless you do something stupid later, in which case it will be assumed that you read everything. The disclaimers and burdensome legalese will be pitilessly enforced when it suits our purposes. The kelp list is run in a Department of Defense (DoD) school environment for an academic exchange of information and ideas for advancement of modeling-related issues. Views expressed in messages posted are those of the authors and do not reflect the official policy or position of the Naval Postgraduate School, the Department of the Navy, or the Department of Defense. No animals were harmed during the creation of this mailing list. Void where prohibited by law. Military personnel may stand at ease. WARNING: UNCLASSIFIED, NON-SENSITIVE, NON-PRIVACY ACT USE ONLY SPONSORSHIP: kelp is sponsored by the MOVES curriculum of the US Naval Postgraduate School (NPS), the NPSNet Research Group of NPS, the Information Infrastructure Research Group (IIRG) and the Systems Technology Lab (STL) of NPS, all in Monterey California. The Naval Postgraduate School is the U.S. Navy's graduate university. URLs for these sponsors are MOVES Curriculum: http://moves.nps.navy.mil NPSNet Research Group: http://www-npsnet.cs.nps.navy.mil/npsnet/ IIRG: http://www.stl.nps.navy.mil/~iirg Systems Technology Lab: http://www.stl.nps.navy.mil/ Naval Postgraduate School: http://www.nps.navy.mil/ NAVY POLICY: As a mailing list run on a Department of the Navy server, kelp is subject to Navy policy. Following is an excerpt about the use of mailing lists from an N6 message (DTG 212001Z JUL 95) outlining "Guidelines for Naval Use of the Internet." "PUBLICLY ACCESSIBLE NEWSGROUPS, BULLETIN BOARDS, AND EMAIL MAILING LISTS THAT ARE OPERATED BY A COMMAND SHOULD ALSO REFLECT A HIGH LEVEL OF PROFESSIONALISM. INDIVIDUAL USERS WHO SUBMIT EMAIL POSTINGS TO THESE NAVY AND MARINE CORPS OPERATED AND MAINTAINED PUBLICLY ACCESSIBLE NEWSGROUPS AND BULLETIN BOARDS, ARE NOT AUTHORIZED TO SUBMIT CLASSIFIED, UNCLASSIFIED SENSITIVE, OR PRIVACY INFORMATION. COMMANDERS/COMMANDING OFFICERS SHOULD ESTABLISH PROCEDURES FOR PERIODIC REVIEW OF THE CONTENT OF POSTINGS THAT HAVE BEEN MADE TO THESE NEWSGROUPS AND BULLETIN BOARDS OPERATED BY THEIR COMMAND TO ENSURE THE POSTINGS DO NOT BRING DISCREDIT TO THE COMMAND AND THE DON. ALL NAVY AND MARINE CORPS EMAIL USERS SHOULD STRIVE TO ENSURE THAT THE CONTENT OF EMAIL MESSAGES REFLECT A HIGH LEVEL OF PROFESSIONALISM AND PERSONAL INTEGRITY." SPECIFIC kelp POLICIES: To implement the policy shown above, a microscopic number of rules and guidelines are used for the operation of kelp. The kelp mailing list is routinely monitored by the list administrator and list managers to ensure a reasonable degree of professionalism and conformance to Department of the Navy policies. Please read these rules carefully and direct any questions to kelp-owner@stl.nps.navy.mil Membership - Entry to the kelp list is controlled. Even so, remember that there are numerous ways to conceal one's identity over computer networks, and thus the precise membership composition of the mailing list is unknown. Posting - There is no enforced moderator message screening before posting. You may post messages directly to the list and you are responsible for whatever you post to the list. kelp members are warned that criminal, foreign intelligence, and certain other organizations actively monitor military and technical discussions on the Internet and commercial online service providers. Therefore you should post no classified, Privacy Act, For Official Use Only (FOUO), Scientific and Technical Information (STINFO), sensitive unclassified, contract sensitive information or information not appropriate for public release. Postings by individuals who are not members of the list are not forwarded. This reduces the likelihood that list members receive nonlist traffic (such as unrelated commercial advertisements or other 'spam' abuses). Professional Conduct - Personal attacks on individuals -- often called "flaming" -- are not productive on kelp. Members are encouraged to respectfully disagree with one another's opinions and ideas. There is a clear difference between "flaming" an individual personally (which is prohibited) and disagreeing with their ideas (which is of course welcome). Commercials - Unsolicited postings by companies about their commercial products are discouraged. However, making mention of a product in the context of an ongoing discussion about a particular kelp problem or issue is acceptable (and hopefully useful to list members). Quoting - When quoting text from previous messages, _please_ delete the portions which do not pertain to your reply. This helps cut down on email size and server traffic. If you intend to forward or quote a message originally posted on kelp to someone outside of the list, it is polite to get permission from the original message author. Finally, members must ensure they comply with relevant copyright laws when quoting or posting copyrighted material. See the U.S. Copyright Homepage at http://lcweb.loc.gov/copyright/ for more information. Adverse Actions - Violations of kelp and Department of the Navy policies may result in adverse action by the kelp administrators. Possible actions include warning messages, removal from the list and referral of violations to other agencies for appropriate actions. Extra-legal actions may include being drenched with buckets of cold seawater and being forced to buy a round of brewskis for everyone on the list. Pathological violators will be subject to NACK implosion. Miscellaneous - Please do not regularly redistribute the kelp list via a local redistribution list or a gateway to a local newsgroup. If email to you starts bouncing, you may be dropped from the list. In that case you'll have to resubscribe when you get the problem fixed and retrieve the archives to find out what you missed. (updated 20 April 98)