Sewall, Arthur

(source: The National Cyclopaedia of American Biography)


Shipbuilder and politician, was born at Bath, ME, Nov. 25, 1835, third son of William Dunning and Rachel (Trufant) Sewall. He was a lineal descendant of Henry Sewall, mayor of Coventry, England, one of whose grandsons was married to Jane Dummer, and emigrated to Newbury, MA, in 1634. Samuel Sewall, who settled at York, ME, in 1708, had two sons: David, first U.S. judge for the district of Maine, appointed by Washington, and Dummer Sewall, a distinguished soldier and the great grandfather of Arthur Sewall. The latter obtained a lieutenancy under Amherst in the Canada campaign, and in 1775 joined the revolutionary army as a lieutenant colonel. After the adoption of the constitution of Massachusetts, he was elected a senator from the state; he was also a memebr of the state convention which ratified the Constitution of the United States. The father of Arthur Sewall was one of the earliest and most prominent shipbuilder of Bath. He built his first ship, the Diana, a vessel of 199 tons burden, in 1823, and in 1841 launched the ship Rappahannock, which though of little over 1,000 tons burden, was at that time the largest ship afloat. He also held large interest in railroad and other important corporations. As his sons completed their education they joined their father in business, and Arthur on leaving shchool was sent in the interests of the firm to Prince Edward Island to buy timber for the shipyard at Bath. Returning, he entered the employs of his father's firm in 1853, and in 1854 formed, with his elder brother, the firm of E. & A. Sewall, which took over the business of the old firm of William D. Sewall and Clark & Sewall. On the death of the elder brother, in 1879, the name of the firm was changed to Arthur Sewall & Co., being made up of the senior partner, with his nephew, Samuel S. Sewall, and his second son, William D. Sewall. Since January, 1855, when the brothers launched their first ship, the Holyhead, a vessel of over 1,100 tons, one ship a year, on an average, has been built in the sewall shipyard. The largest and the best built wooden ships in the world are the product of this yad. With the giant Roanoke this era of ship-building was closed, and the firm turned its attention to building steel vessels, the ship Dirigo, launched in 1894, being the first of its class followed in quick succession by others of the largest size. Mr. Sewall had supreme faith in the ultimate maritime supremacy of the United States, and lost no opportunity, by public and private effort, to forward this end. He was prominent in other fields of commercial and industrial enterprise; was a director in the Maine Central railroad, and its president for nine years, 1884-93; was also president of the Eastern railroad, and the Boston and Maine, and director in the Mexican Central and other roads. He was president of the Bath National Bank, holding the office for 29 years, to the time of his death. He was the leader of the Democratic party in Maine, but held only minor political offices; was a delegate to the national Democratic convention at Baltimore in 1872; to that at Cincinnati in 1880, and delegate-at-large to that which nominated Cleveland in 1884. In 1888 he attended the convention at St. Louis, where he was elected a member of the Democratic national committee, and was a member of its executive committee for the campaign of that year. At the Chicago convention of 1892 he was elected to the same office. In 1896 he was nominated for the vice-presidency on the ticket with William J. Bryan. He was also a delegate to the national convention of 1900, and there elected again a member of the national committee. He was married in 1859, to Emma Duncan, daughter of Charles Crooker, a ship-builder and merchant, of Bath, ME, and, like her husband, a descendant of Samuel Sewall, of York. They had three sons, two of whom are living: Harold, consul-general at Samoa under Cleveland and Harrison; attached to the Berlin commission for the settlement of the Samoan affairs, and minister to Hawaii, under McKinley, to the time of its annexation, and William D. Sewall, a member of the firm. Arthur Sewall sied at Smallpoint, ME, Sept. 5, 1900.