Cranfill, James Britton

(source: Who's Who in America Vol. II, 1943-1950)


Physician, editor; born Parker County, TX, Sept. 12, 1858; son of Eaton and Martha Jane (Galloway)C.; ed. common schools of Gonzales County, TX; M.D., Texas Medical Board, 1879; LL.D., Simmons College, 1900, Baylor University, Waco, TX, 1920; married Ollie Allen, Sept. 1, 1878. Practiced medicine, 1879-82; editor of the Turnersville Effort, 1881-82; editor of Gatesville Advance, 1882-86, Waco Advance, 1886-88; financial sec. Baylor U., 1888-89; supt. Bapt. mission work of TX, 1889-92; ordained Baptist minister, 1890; founder, and editor Texas Baptist Standard, 1892-1904; editor Baptist Tribune, 1905-07; editorial writer Asso. Prohibition Press; editor Baptist Bookman, 1917-18; joint editor The Pilot 1925; editor The Advance, 1928. Vice President B.Y.P.U., 1891-93. Prohibition candidate for vice president of U. S., 1892; stated lecturer S. W. Baptist Theological Seminar, 1921. Member executive board Ministers' Relief Bd. of Southern Baptist Convention; v.p. Baptist Gen. Conv. TX, 1928-29 and 1936-37; trustee S. W. Bapt. Theol. Sem., Bishop Coll. Hon. mem. Philomathesian Soc. (Baylor U.); mem. Am. Sociol. Assn., Old Trail Drivers' Assn. Author: Courage and Comfort, 1899; Cranfill's Heart Talks, 1906; R. C. Buckner's Life of Faith and Works (joint author), 1914; Dr. J. B. Cranfill's Chronicle, 1916; Dr. J. B. Cranfill's Joke Book, 1917; From Nature to Grace, 1925; From Memory, 1937. Also pub. Riley's History of Texas Baptists, 1907. Editor and compiler: Carroll's Sermons, 1895; Interpretation of the English Bible (13 vols.), Baptists and Their Doctrines, Evangelistic Sermons, The River of Life, Inspiration of the Bible, The Day of the Lord, Jesus the Chris, Revival Messages, The Holy Spirit, Ambitious Dreams of Youth, The Faith That Saves, Christ and His Church, The Providence of God, The Way of the Cross, Messages on Prayer, Saved to Serve; We Would See Jesus, A Quest for Souls, God's Call to America, by George W. Truett. Editor: Golden Years (an autobiography by Mrs. W. L. Williams), 1921: Carroll's History of Texas Baptists, 1923. Died Dec. 28, 1942; buried in Grove Hill Cemetery, Dallas, TX.