Anderson, Thomas Jefferson

(source: Who's Who in America 2000)


Publisher, rancher, public speaker, syndicated columnist; born Nashville, Nov. 7, 1910; s. William J. and Nancy Lucas (Joseph) A.; married Carolyn Montague Jennings, Dec. 24, 1936; one child, Carolyn A. Porter. BA Vanderbilt Univ., 1934; LLB (hon.), Bob Jones University, 1967. Securities salesman Gray-Shillinglaw & Co., Nashville, 1934-36. Salesman Nunn-Schwab Securities Co., 1936-39; manager unlisted securities dept. J. C. Bradford Co., 1939-43; So. sales manager So. Agriculturist, Nashville, 1943-47; owner, pub. So. Farm Publs., 1947-71. Farm and Ranch magazine, 1953-63, Am. Way Features (nat. newspaper syndicate), Straight Talk (weekly newsletter Anderson Enterprises); radio commentator, world traveler. Author: Straight Talk, 1967. Silence Is Not Golden, It's Yellow, 1973. Vice presidential candidate American Party, 1972, national chairman We-the-People, 1966-72. Lt. USN, 1943-46. Recipient Liberty awards Congress of Freedom, 1964-, Pub. Address award Freedoms Found. Valley Forge, 1959-60; named Man of the Year, God and Country Rally, 1966. Mem. Am. Agrl. Editors Assn. (president, 1939), Omicron Delta Kappa. Baptist.