MILITARY Assistant
CDR Harrison Schramm reported as Military Faculty at Naval
Postgraduate School in the Operations Research Department in April of
2010. His Operations Research experience includes time as
an analyst on the Navy Staff in Campaign Analysis and Future Trends
branches. He was selected in 2011 for Command in the Operations
Analysis Specialty Career path.
He recently completed his Department Head tour at Helicopter
Sea Combat Squadron TWO SIX in Norfolk Virginia. During this tour he
served as Deployed Officer-in-Charge of Detachment ONE "Desert Hawks"
forward deployed in Bahrain. At the squadron, he served as Executive
Officer and Maintenance Officer as well as Officer-in-Charge of Detachment
FIVE onboard USS Eisenhower. His prior flying assignments were at
HC-6, Norfolk Virginia in the H-46D and two years with HC-5, forward
deployed to Andersen, AFB, Guam in the MH-60S, deploying on ships based in
Apra Harbor, as well as logistics within the Marianas Island Chain. In
addition to his OIC deployment, he has made three shipboard helicopter
deployments onboard USNS SATURN, USS ARCTIC, and USNS CONCORD, along with
numerous other underway periods on various other ships.
CDR Schramm holds a Bachelor of Science in Electrical
Engineering (with Merit) from the US Naval Academy and a Master of Science
in Operations Research from the Naval Postgraduate School. He was awarded
the Steinmetz Prize for excellence by the Electrical Engineering department
of the US Naval Academy in 1996. His personal awards include the Air
Medal, Navy Commendation Medal, Naval Helicopter Association Aircrew of the
Year (Embarked) 2003, CNO SAR Model Manager Aircrew of the Year
(2003). CDR Schramm was a finalist for the Military Operations
Research Society (MORS) Tisdale award (2006) and Barchi Prize (2007).
He is active in INFORMS and serves on the Board of Directors
of MORS.
· Differential
Equation Models of Sharp Threshold Dynamics
· A
Game Theoretic Model of Strategic Conflict in Cyberspace
· Bury
These Things with Bin Laden
· Understanding Helicopter Navigation
· Airships in Naval Aviation
· Translating
the Effects of Cyber-Attacks into the Tactical Environment (TRAC - MRTY
Technical Report, Restricted Distribution)
Appearing in INFORMS/Analytics as The Five Minute Analyst:
· Christmas
Tree Analytics
· Trains
· Baggage
· Optimum
Bicycle Route Selection
· Wikipedia
· Doctor’s Office Waiting times
· Picking
airline seats
· Budgets and brinksmanship
· Police
vs. Smartphone DUI apps
· Analytics for Deterrence (MORS
Special Meeting)
· Operations
Research Approaches to Cyber Conflict (CCW Short Course)
· Fifty
Minutes with the Five Minute Analyst (INFORMS / Analytics Conference)
· A
Game Theoretic Model of Strategic Conflict in Cyberspace (80th MORS)
· Lanchester
Models with Discontinuous Shocks: an application to Networked forces (80th MORS)
· Deterministic Models
in Excel (N81 Brown Bag Series)
· Cyber Queues (Malware Technical
Exchange Meeting)
(Limited distribution)
· Spreadsheet Optimization (N81
Brown Bag Series)
· Improving
Aircraft Refueling Procedures at Naval Air Station Oceana
· Assessing Resiliency of the JP-8
Distribution System on Guam (MORS-TISDALE
(Restricted Distribution)
· Cost Estimating Relationships for the
Creation of an Automated Hardening Cost Estimating Tool
(Restricted Distribution)
· Analytically
quantifying gains in the test and evaluation process through
capabilities-based analysis
· Modeling
of Helicopter Pilot Misperception during Overland Navigation
· Expertise
on Cognitive Workloads and Performance During Navigation and Target
· RQ-8 Integration "Unmanning
the Rails" MSA Final report
· Statistical Analysis of the
SKAION Network Security Dataset