DIS Data Dictionary - PDU Data

Created by JDBE at Ft. Huachuca, Arizona

Current standard: IEEE 1278.1

Create Entity PDU

Size: 224
Description: The creation of a new entity shall be communicati\ed using a Create Entity PDU. The Create Entity PDU shall conatin following fields:

a) Simulation Management PDU Header - These fields shall identify the PDU header information, the originating entity, and the intended receiving entity.The Simulation Management PDU Header shall be represented by the Simulation Management PDU Header Record described in 5.3.29. Reference for the content of the receiving entity ID.
b) Request ID - This field shall identify the entity creation request being made by the simulation manager. This field shall be represented by a 32-bit unsigned integer (see 5.3.27).

The Create Entity PDU is represented in Table 43.

PDU Components:

Item Name Bit Length Opt Opt Ctl Rpt Rpt Ctl
PDU Header Record 96
Originating Entity ID Record 48
Receiving Entity ID Record 48
Request ID Field 32

For questions regarding the content of the DIS Data Dictionary,
please contact Jeff Wicks, jwicks@ist.ucf.edu

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Generated by the DIS Data Dictionary